Happy Place

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Happy Place Page 8

by L. P. Maxa

  “I’m sorry. I…” She let her words trail off.

  “Don’t apologize. Do you have any idea how perfect you feel, how tight you’re wrapped around me? It’s so good, Cassie. I just don’t want to hurt you.” I brushed a strand of hair off her face. “Take a deep breath.” I waited until she did. “Now let it out and let go of the tension. Trust me.”

  The second she let out her breath I pushed fully inside her. “Good girl.” I pulled out and pushed back in, over and over. With each thrust she relaxed more and more. She opened wider for me, met me each time. Her whimpers turned into moans, on the verge of full-out screams. I knew she needed to be quiet, but hearing what I was doing to her, the effect I had on her body? My God, it turned me on beyond reason.

  I rolled us over, settling her on top of me. “Take what you need, baby. I’m so close.” She rode my dick, tilting her hips and rubbing her clit against me. “That’s it, Cassie.” I needed her to finish, and soon. I let my hands run up her body, I pinched both nipples. She screamed. I took one hand off her breast and put it over her mouth. She moaned against my hand, over and over. I felt her body tighten like a fist around me. It took everything I had not to cry out as I came.


  We were lying in bed, limbs entwined, and I was tracing lazy circles along Cassie’s back. “Tell me about when you found out you were pregnant. Please?” When I asked her to share these precious memories, I always said please as an afterthought. Part of me felt like it was my right to know. Wyllie was my son too and every experience where he was involved felt like mine. But these were Cassie’s memories, and sometimes I worried that they were hard for her to share. Like she’d kept them locked away as only hers for so long that it hurt to let them go.

  “I was having dinner with Brice. I was talking to him about Steven and the wedding—”

  “But you never told him that Steven hit you?” Every time she said his name that was all I could picture. Him hitting her. And every damn time I wanted to go find him and beat the shit out of him until he landed on his own operating table.

  “No, I told you, Steven wasn’t worth it. I told Brice that just thinking about the wedding was making me sick. I told him I was constantly dizzy and queasy. He laughed and said maybe you’re pregnant. I kind of laughed about it too. But then, through the rest of dinner, I kept getting these little flashbacks of the night we were together. How everything seemed to happen so fast, how much I wanted you inside me. Then I remembered that we didn’t use protection, and I counted back the days. I realized I could be pregnant. So I went to the store and I bought a test, took it, and it was positive.

  “And I cried.

  “I cried because I knew the drama that was going to ensue when I told everyone. I cried because I was happy.

  “I cried because I missed you so fiercely in that moment, it hurt.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Momma.” I woke up to the sweet sound of my son’s voice, about two seconds before he jumped on top of me. “Up, Momma. Up.”

  I cuddled him to my chest and kissed the top of his head, “Hey, wild man, did Daddy steal you from Gigi?”

  I could hear the air leaving Declan’s lungs from across the room where he stood. “That’s the first time, uh, I didn’t realize…” He walked over to the bed and sat down. Wyllie left me and crawled in Declan’s lap. “That’s the first time you’ve called me his daddy like that, in front of him.”

  I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, taking a picture of them. Both in jammies with their hair all a mess, almost identical expressions on their faces. There were so many times over the last sixteen months that I’d look at Wylder and think, damn, he looks like his dad. “Well, you are his daddy. It’s high time he knows it, right?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, it is.” Dec lay down next to me and picked Wyllie up, buzzing him around in the air making airplane noises.

  I laughed. Wyllie’s delighted giggles were infectious. “What’s my mom doing?”

  “She was downstairs drinking her coffee and feeding Wyllie doughnut holes.”

  I tickled Wyllie’s tummy when “the plane” landed next to me. “Was Gigi feeding you doughnut holes again? Incorrigible.”

  Declan smirked. “I take it he gets to eat whatever he wants when he’s with Gigi and Papa?”

  “You know it.” I sat up and stretched. “I’m going to shower and get dressed. You got him?”

  The grin he flashed me was full of amazement and joy. “Yeah, I got him.”

  I took my time in the shower, giving Declan and Wyllie the chance to bond.

  And it gave me time to have my much-needed mini panic attack.

  I hadn’t wanted things to get complicated, yet I’d had sex with Declan. All night long. Smooth move. I was sore from last night. It’d been a long time since I’d used my body like that. Oooo, speaking of hot unprotected sex, I needed to take my pill when I got out of the shower. Another baby with Declan was not what needed to happen right now.




  “Have you seen my birth control pills?” I’d turned the bathroom upside down looking for them the past five minutes. Every drawer had been opened, every cabinet. I’d unpacked and repacked my bathroom bag twice.

  “Uh, no. Should I have?”

  “They were in my toiletry bag yesterday and now they aren’t.”

  “That’s weird, maybe they are with my box of condoms.” He chuckled.

  But I suddenly didn’t find anything about this amusing. “Those crazy old hags. This has gone far enough. Meddling is one thing, sabotage is another.” I stormed out of the room, wrapped in a towel. Dec grabbed Wyllie off the bed and followed close behind. I yelled for my mother, my voice echoing off the walls and reverberating through the massive house. I finally came to a stop in the kitchen.

  “Good lord, Cassandra, what are you yelling about?”

  “Did you steal my birth control pills?”


  “Did you take my pills?”

  “Oh, darling, don’t be silly. Why on earth would I do that? And why are you wearing a towel? Get back upstairs and put some clothes on your person, right this instant.” She waved her hand in the air, dismissing me. “It’s thirty degrees outside, you’ll catch pneumonia.”

  “I’ll go change when I’m good and ready, and you have heated floors. Now, just because you are crazy and you want—”

  “Hellllooooo.” A high-pitched, singsong voice called out from the back door and Mrs. Preston breezed into the room, floating on a subtle cloud of Chanel Number Five.

  Declan narrowed his eyes. “Mom? What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see my sweet boy.”

  “Aw, Mom, that’s so—” Declan’s words cut off when Mrs. Preston plucked Wyllie from his arms and showered him with kisses. Not even bothering to hug her son.

  I turned back to my mom, hands on my hips. “Mother? Are you going to answer me?”

  She rolled her eyes and mirrored my stance, hands on her hips. “Oh I hardly think that ridiculous question needs an answer.”

  Declan turned a wary eye on his mom. “Speaking of missing contraceptives, Mom, did you take a box of condoms out of my bag?”

  Mrs. Preston put a hand over one of Wyllie’s ears, semi ear-muffing him. “Declan Wylder, don’t talk about condoms in mixed company. It’s tacky.”

  “Why not? I already knocked Cassie up once, so you know she and I aren’t shy.” Declan winked. He said all that just to rile up his mother.

  And it worked. “Declan. Don’t say ‘knocked up.’ You two are just being so silly.”

  My mom walked over and stood next to Mrs. Preston, making a united front. “Wait a minute. How do you know your prophylactics are missing? Were you looking for them last night? I thought you said you two weren’t together?”

  Declan turned a slight shade of red. “Uh, well, I just noticed they weren’t in my bag this morning when I was get
ting dressed.”

  My mom cocked her head to the side, looking between us. No doubt trying to break us with her mom glare. “Hmmmm…sounds suspicious to me. But we don’t have time for this. You two run upstairs and get dressed. We have to leave for brunch in thirty minutes.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Y’all are going to brunch with us?”

  “Yes, of course we are. Brice called first thing this morning and said we simply must. Your fathers are playing an early round of golf at the club, so they’ll meet us there. Now go change. I detest being late.”

  Mrs. Preston nodded. “Oh me too, it’s so rude.”

  I pointed at my mom, and then for good measure Mrs. Preston. “This is not over, you two.” Then Declan and I dutifully headed upstairs.

  I could feel him staring at my ass. “You like what you see?”

  All of a sudden I was swept off my feet; Declan was sprinting with me in his arms. “I like what I can feel even better. And if we hurry, we won’t get in trouble for being late.” Declan dumped me on my bed for the second time in only a few hours and ripped my towel off.

  My mind was racing. I wanted him, but I didn’t want him. I was so damn confused. “Dec. This is really irresponsible. I mean, we don’t have condoms and I can’t find my pills.” He grabbed my legs and pulled me down to the edge of the bed, flipping me onto my stomach and dropping his pants.

  “I know. This is ridiculous.” He angled my hips up and leaned down to take me in his mouth. My head dropped down to the bed and I turned to putty in his hands. “You like that, baby?” I couldn’t even form the words to tell him yes, I just pushed back against him so he’d get the message. After a few minutes he stood. “Cassie?”

  This time I managed a soft yessss, giving him permission to drive into me. He stilled and rested his head on my back. Placing sweet kisses down my spine. “Nothing matters when I’m with you, Cassie. All I can think about is being inside you. It’s like I have tunnel vision and the only way to clear it is to hear you scream my name.”

  He stood back up and ran his hand over my ass cheek before slapping it lightly. I knew I should stop him. I knew what could come of unprotected sex between the two of us. Not to mention the emotional mess I was sure to end up in. He obviously had issues with what I’d done to him. He wasn’t asking for a lifelong commitment, which was what I needed. But his words, combined with the feel of him filling me so completely… I was helpless.

  “Dec…” My words sounded like a whisper, like a plea.

  “Shhh…Cassie, I’ll be careful, baby. Just relax.”

  He pulled out completely before slamming back into me. He steadied my hips with one hand while he trailed the other up my back, pushing me farther into the mattress. I was lost to him.

  “Oh God, Dec. Don’t stop.” His rhythm was relentless and I fucking loved it. “Oh God.”

  He buried himself to the hilt and then ground against me. “That’s it, baby. Scream for me, Cassie.”

  “Declan. Fuck. Don’t stop.”

  He put both hands on my hips, holding me still while he went to work. “Come for me, baby.”

  I screamed his name one more time, not caring who heard me. I felt him pull out seconds before I felt his release on my lower back.

  “God, Cassie. I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Once again my son wasn’t sitting next to me during a meal. His highchair had been placed between both of his grandmas. At the beginning of brunch my parents had stood up and announced, quite regally I might add, that they would now be going by Grammy and Gramps.

  At least Cass was sitting next to me. Our little morning quickie did nothing to quench my newly realized never-ending thirst for her. I wasn’t completely sure how my brain and dick could be on such different wavelengths. My heart, you ask? Bipolar. And it didn’t help that she was wearing tight jeans and a loose v-neck sweater. Every time she leaned over me to check on Wyllie I could see down her sweater. And I was almost positive she was doing it on purpose. It was freezing outside; she should be wearing a scarf.

  All of a sudden Brice kicked the shit out of my shin from across the table. “Ah. What the—” He made a slicing motion across his throat, signaling me to be quiet. He motioned down with his eyes and kicked me again, thankfully lighter this time.

  Cassie looked up and glared at us over her mimosa. “What are y’all eye talking about?”

  Brice threw a grape at her. “Nothing, mind your own business. Gah.”

  Mrs. Huntington cleared her throat. “Children, that’s enough. Do I need to separate you two?”

  Both Cassie and Brice answered with a quiet “No ma’am.”

  A few seconds later I felt a hand on my knee. I winked at Cass and whispered, “A little under-the-table action? I’m game.” She looked at me like I’d lost my mind. Then I noticed both her hands were resting on the table. Damn, guess it was the other Huntington. I looked back across the table at Brice; he rolled his eyes, then I felt something hit my leg and bounce onto my foot. I pretended to drop my napkin so I could pick it up. It was a black velvet jewelry box. I opened the lid and my jaw dropped. It was a giant oval diamond set in a glittering diamond band. I glared over at Brice and shook my head.

  He leaned forward and whispered, “That’s payback for nailing my baby sister.” Then he winked and inclined his head toward Cassie.

  I elbowed her and showed her the ring under the table. Her eyes filled with tears. I guess she liked it. She better, from the look of it, this fake engagement ring had probably cost me a small fortune.

  Brice cleared his throat. “Declan and Cassie have a little surprise announcement, I think.”

  All eyes swung to us. Ah, okay, well, looked like we were doing this now. I plucked the ring out of the box and slid it on Cassie’s finger. It looked perfect, and I couldn’t help but smile. In that moment, looking at her wearing that beautiful ring, all doubts left my mind. I wanted nothing more than to be fake married to this amazing girl. Even though she’d messed up, and lied, repeatedly…I’d still do everything in my power to help her.

  I stood, taking Cassie’s hand, bringing her with me. “The whole time I was in England, every day for two years, I missed Cassie. I have loved her, basically, my whole life. When I found out about Wyllie, well, that was just icing on the cake. I want us to be a family, I want to spend the rest of my life making sure that she and Wyllie are safe and happy and loved. Soooooo, I asked her to marry me.”

  She held up her hand to show off her blinding ring. “And I said yes.”

  When I looked over at her, she was wiping tears from her eyes. Maybe I’d overdone it with the sweet sentiments. Though I’d meant them, every word.

  The table erupted in cheers. Wyllie started clapping his hands; although he had no idea what just happened, it was adorable all the same. My mom shot out of her chair and raced around the table. Before I knew what was happening Cassie and I were covered in parents and kisses. I peeked over Mrs. Huntington’s shoulder and saw Brice leaning back, sipping his drink, looking pretty damn proud of himself.

  After everyone calmed down and dried the happy tears from their eyes, the questions started at a rapid-fire pace. “When’s the wedding?” “Next spring maybe?” “We could do the Plaza?” “Peonies?” “I love that pale pink blush color, don’t you?” “Wyllie in a tux?”

  Cassie looked over at me, silently asking for help. I took a page from Brice’s book and simply sipped my Bloody Mary instead. She rolled her eyes and spoke over the chaos. “Actually we were thinking about getting married at the house, and—”

  Her mother nodded slowly. “Oh darling, that would be wonderful. White tents with walls of flowers. We’ll have to do early spring so the weather will be nice.”

  Cassie grabbed my drink from my hand, took the straw from her water glass and jabbed it down though my ice. She took a long pull before returning it. “We were thinking Christmas Eve…this Christmas Eve actually. A surprise wedding

  Crickets. No one moved a muscle or said a word.

  Cassie laughed nervously. “I mean you already have the caterers, the bartenders, the band, the decorators…and all of our friends and family will be there. A spectacular fireworks show. What do you think?” I handed her back my drink.

  After a few more seconds of silence, her mother’s face softened, and she smiled. “I think it’s perfect, darling. And that we have a lot to do in the next five days.” Mrs. Huntington pulled out her phone and started typing way faster than I assumed a fifty-five-year-old woman could. “Dress shopping, tux fittings, cake tasting, florist, mixologist.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “A mixologist?”

  My mom waved her hand in the air, dismissing my question. “Of course, Declan. You simply have to have a signature cocktail. Everyone does it.”

  Cassie put her hand on her mom’s, making her put down the phone. “Mom, this is too much. We don’t need all those things. It’s more of a surprise ceremony, that’s all.”

  Mrs. Huntington laughed and cupped Cassie’s cheek. “Oh darling, this is our little girl’s wedding—”

  Brice raised his glass in the air. “It’s our little girl’s second wedding.”

  “Oh Brice, hush your smart mouth. Your sister is marrying your best friend. You of all people should be overjoyed.”

  I chuckled. “He is overjoyed. In fact, he was telling us just last night that he would love nothing more than to pay the extra cost of this little wedding as a gift to us.”

  Brice’s jaw dropped and Cassie choked on a strawberry.

  Mr. Huntington clapped a hand on Brice’s shoulder. “I am so proud of you, son. That’s a wonderful gesture.”

  Brice narrowed his eyes at me. I leaned forward and whispered, “That’s payback for the Hope Diamond sitting on your sister’s ring finger.”


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