Elesian Dragon Mates: Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Complete Series

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Elesian Dragon Mates: Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Complete Series Page 20

by Sammie Joyce

  Maybe telling Annabelle would be a good thing. Rose would be able to talk to someone without risking Gavin’s place in the clan.

  “I’m worried about Gavin. He’s keeping something from us. There’s a part of his mind that’s completely closed off.”

  Annabelle shrugged. “The guy deserves his privacy—you all do. Personally, I think the mind reading would drive me mad.”

  “No, you don’t understand. Their whole lives, the dragons have been completely open with each other, even with things that are difficult or embarrassing. For Gavin to shut himself off like this—it’s not just strange, it’s alarming. Something is going on with him.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, but he’s been acting oddly. For the most part, he’s his usual self, but sometimes I’ll catch him looking at me or his brothers. I don’t know what it is about those looks, but they make me uncomfortable.”

  “What kind of looks?”

  “That’s just it, I can’t describe it—there’s something shifty about it, though. I wish he’d talk to me. If he doesn’t soon, I’m going to have to bring it up with him. This is not a time we can afford to have secrets.”

  Annabelle nodded. “It is odd. Maybe he’s just having trouble adjusting to being back?”

  “It’s more than that. I know something is going on, just not what it is.”

  Annabelle tried to console her. “Whatever else is going on, I know he loves you. When you love someone, you always find your way back to them.”

  Rose hoped that was true, but she also knew that just loving someone wasn’t always enough. Sometimes, things still went wrong. Sometimes people did terrible things in the name of love.

  For a while, they were quiet, flicking through online catalogues. Annabelle already had a number of dresses saved, but Rose was struggling.

  “I don’t know how to choose! I want to get something that all of my guys love, but they’re all so different. How can I find one thing they all like?”

  Annabelle laughed. “Oh, what a tough life, having four hot guys adore you and worship the ground you walk on.”

  “Shut up, Annabelle, it’s not funny! A dress Mace would love is one Asher would find boring. The style Gavin prefers would be too over-the-top for Jagger. There isn’t a way to please all of them, but I don’t want to favor one over the other in my choice.”

  “You’re overthinking this. You please them just by being yourself.”

  That much was true, but Rose still worried. The dragons were all really excited about the festival. Rose wanted to show them all just how much this meant to her, that they were willing to take the security risk just to make her happy. She wanted her dress to be perfect for all of them.

  “Ugh, maybe we should try again later.”

  “Help me choose between these two.”

  Rose had an easier time helping Annabelle pick her dress. She was beginning to reconsider the tailor option for herself. Flying someone in from Paris was too much, but there had to be plenty of local tailors. She could use some expert advice on how to coordinate the different styles she wanted.

  Annabelle was just placing her order when Rose heard Gavin in her head.

  Rose, I need to speak to you.

  It was a private connection, but that wasn’t unusual. Rose was just glad he was talking to her in this way. Gavin had been using their mental connection to speak to her much less often recently, preferring to whisper in her ear if he wanted to speak privately.

  It worried Rose, but she hadn’t brought it up yet. Relieved by the contact, Rose replied at once.

  Of course. What’s up?

  Not here. I need to see you alone.

  Gavin, you know that can’t happen. It’s not safe.

  It’s safe for us. Trust me.

  I don’t understand. Hellith wants me, and one dragon alone isn’t going to stop her.

  Please, Rose, just trust me? You do trust me, don’t you?

  That wasn’t a hard question to answer. Despite his recent strange behavior, Rose did trust Gavin. Of course I do.

  Then come with me. It’ll only take a few minutes.

  How do you propose I get away from Asher?

  Climb out of the window. I’ll tell Asher I’m going to relieve myself, then I’ll come around and catch you.

  We’re on the third story!

  Don’t worry, I won’t let you get hurt.

  Alright, Gavin, but when Asher wants someone’s blood for this, I’m offering you up as a sacrifice.

  Rose was joking, but Gavin didn’t seem amused.

  Just get away from him. I’ll call you when I’m ready.

  Rose checked that the silencing spell was still working, then turned to Annabelle. “So… how do you feel about a little subterfuge?”

  “You kidding? Count me in!”

  “I need you to cover for me. Gavin needs a private chat. I don’t know what he wants, but it seems important. I’m going to jump out of the window, and he’ll catch me. If Asher or one of the others tries to come in, stop them. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Stop them? How do you propose I do that? They’re, like, a million times stronger than I am. They could bash the door in without even trying.”

  “Just—tell them I don’t want them to see the dress I choose before the day of the festival.”

  “Okay.” Annabelle looked doubtful. “Are you sure this is a good idea, though?”

  “I trust Gavin. It’ll be fine. He’ll have me back soon enough.”

  I’m ready.

  “I’ve got to go. See you soon.”

  Rose went over to the window, gulping as she opened it. It was a long way down. She worked to suppress her thoughts and her fear. If one of the other dragons picked them up, they would come bursting into the room regardless of what Annabelle said.


  Gavin was there, waiting for her. Rose knew they may not have a lot of time. She closed her eyes and jumped.

  The fall was terrifying, but it only lasted a few seconds. Gavin caught her securely in his arms, bending almost to the ground to help absorb the force of her fall.

  Here, put this on.

  He took her wrist, putting a leather band around it. It was a bit plain to be a bracelet, and once it was on, Rose couldn’t seem to find a seam, though it had undoubtedly been open at either end a moment ago.

  What’s this?

  I’ll explain later. Come on.

  Gavin took her hand and set off at a jog, heading for the forest. It was a good private place to talk, but it would take them longer to get back than if they just had their chat where they were. Still, Rose followed his lead.

  They hurried along the path until the mansion was blocked from sight by the trees.

  Finally, Gavin turned to her. He was paler than usual, and appeared to be sweating. “Rose, I want you to come away with me.”

  “What do you think we’re doing here, Gavin? We are away from the others. Now what’s up?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, I want you to be with me only. We can leave here, go somewhere they’ll never find us. It can just be the two of us, together forever.”

  Rose didn’t know whether to be angry or sad. “Gavin, we’ve talked about this. I love your brothers too, just as much as you. I could never leave them, any more than I could leave you.”

  “Please, Rose! You know I’m right for you. I love you more than any of them do. I can take you away and keep you safe from Hellith; they can’t. You won’t have to deal with Jagger making jokes of everything, or try to include Mace, or face Asher’s protectiveness. Please, come with me.”

  It broke Rose’s heart to say what she had to say, but what Gavin was asking was impossible. “I love you, Gavin. So much. I would give you anything you asked of me, anything within my power to give. But I can’t give you this.”

  Gavin’s face hardened. “I am right for you, Rose. You will see that in time.”

  “I already know you’re right for me, G
avin. That doesn’t change the fact that I love your brothers too.”

  “You will forget about them, eventually. You’re coming with me, now.”

  To Rose’s horror, Gavin grabbed her arm and started pulling her along, further away from the mansion with every step. “Gavin, let go of me!”


  For a few moments, Rose was shocked into silence. She’d never thought that Gavin would drag her away against her will. If someone had told her that, she would have laughed at them. The idea was ludicrous. None of her dragons would touch her without her permission.

  Except he was.

  Rose’s brain finally kicked in. She started to struggle. “Let me go, Gavin!”

  “You’re coming with me, and we’re going to be together.”

  “Like hell we are! You think I’ll take you back after this?”

  That gave Gavin pause, but only for a moment. Evidently, he decided that Rose would forgive him. She didn’t yet know if she would.

  She’d had quite enough of this. Asher! Mace, Jagger! I’m in the forest, Gavin is trying to kidnap me. Please come quickly.

  “Don’t bother.” The expression on Gavin’s face was ugly as Rose tried to call for his brothers. “The bracelet you’re wearing? It blocks all mental communication. They can’t hear you.”

  Rose at once tried to tear the bracelet off, but it wouldn’t budge. She tried to burn it off with magic, but her magic wasn’t working on it.

  Giving up on the magic, she reluctantly turned her attentions to Gavin. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she had to get away. She couldn’t let him kidnap her. He was serious about this. If he got her away, she would probably never see her other mates again.


  The pain spell should have dropped Gavin to his knees, but he just kept dragging her along.

  “No magic for you, Rose, not until you realize that it’s meant to be just the two of us. Only then will I take the bracelet off.”

  So the thing blocked her magic too. Where on earth did Gavin get hold of it? Rose had never even heard of magic like this.

  She wasn’t going to be able to stop him. Without her magic, she was no match for him, and words clearly weren’t doing any good.

  Rose’s only chance was that Asher, Mace, and Jagger rescued her.

  She threw herself to the forest floor.

  The move surprised Gavin, and he momentarily lost his grip on her. Rose didn’t use the opening to try to escape—she knew he’d just run her down. She frantically searched the ground, her fingers alighting on a sharp rock.

  Without hesitation, she drove it into her arm. The pain made her cry out, but it was worth it. Her blood spilled onto the forest floor.

  By the time Asher and the others came looking for her, they would be long gone, but they would find the blood. They would know Rose was taken against her will. She didn’t put it past Gavin to have faked a note or something from her telling them that she wanted to be with him alone, and had left.

  Rose doubted they would believe that, but if there was any doubt, her blood would tell the true story.

  Before Gavin could wrest the rock out of her hand, she stabbed him too, also in the arm.

  “Fuck!” He had the rock out of her hand in moments, but it was too late. Her purpose was already accomplished. Gavin’s blood, too, was on the ground.

  She had no way of telling her dragons that it was in fact Gavin who had kidnapped her; they would probably assume someone had taken both of them. That was still better than nothing, though. They would know Rose and Gavin were in trouble, and they would come.

  Gavin examined both of their wounds briefly, but they were minor. Then he grabbed Rose around the waist and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “You’re coming with me, Rose, whether you like it or not. Soon enough, you’ll see that this is for the best.”

  Rose didn’t answer the insanity. There was no point. Gavin carried her away, each step taking her further from hope of rescue.

  Chapter Ten

  Rose blinked blearily, trying to clear her foggy head. It was so dark that for a moment she worried she’d gone blind. She’d struggled so hard that Gavin had knocked her out. What if the blow to her head had done more damage than he’d intended?

  Fortunately, her wits caught up with her soon. This was simply a dark room. Rose expected to be bound, but she found that she was quite free to move around. The hated bracelet was still on her wrist. Rose tugged hopefully at it, but it didn’t budge.

  She climbed to her feet, making her way carefully forward, holding both hands in front of her. Her fingers brushed against stone. The moment they did, there was a grating sound, and light flooded the room.

  She was in a cave. The wall in front her had been converted to some kind of sliding door, no doubt with magic. Rose squinted as her eyes adjusted.

  The adjoining cave seemed bigger, and there was a fire lit, which was the only source of light.

  The fire wasn’t what drew her attention. Rose’s eyes locked on the figure standing behind the fire.

  She’d only seen it once before, over nine months ago.

  Hellith seemed to have grown bigger and more horrifying since then. The huge serpent was covered in black and red scales and spikes. She glowed slightly, almost like an ember, but no ember could ever have been so sinister.

  Her glowing red eyes met Rose’s gaze. It took all of Rose’s willpower not to back away. Without her powers, she could do nothing to Hellith, but she wasn’t going to let herself be intimidated.

  “Rose, it’s okay.”

  Gavin had been standing in the shadows, but he now stepped forward.

  “Gavin!” Rose was caught between the desire to hug him and hit him. “What the hell?”

  His face was remorseful, but his voice was hard with determination. “I’m sorry it had to be this way. I did try to get you to come willingly.”

  Rose had thought that she knew the sting of betrayal. She’d felt it sharply when Gavin had taken her against her will.

  That was nothing compared to finding that he was aligned with Hellith. How could he do this? He knew what Hellith was, what she planned.

  Rose bit back the words she wanted to scream at him. Screaming wouldn’t help. She still hadn’t given up on trying to talk some sense into Gavin, but that would have to wait until they were alone.

  If he had a change of heart now, Hellith would just kill them both. She’d have to convince him when they were out of Hellith’s sight.

  Rose knew that her chances of convincing him were slim at this point, but she had to try.

  Even if she did, though, and even if they managed to escape, what then? Asher would never accept Gavin back into the clan, not after this.

  “It’s not what it looks like, Rose. I’m not helping her—she’s helping me. Just give up your necklace to Hellith, and she will let us go. She’ll send us somewhere no one will ever find us. We can be together, like we were supposed to be.”

  “If you want the necklace so badly, why don’t you just rip it off me?” Rose spat.

  “It won’t come off. Trust me, I tried. I didn’t want to have to bring you here. Hellith tried too, but it seems you have to remove it willingly.”

  Rose tried to switch to mental communication, but found she was completely blocked out of Gavin’s mind. The small part of his mind that she couldn’t access had taken over. She couldn’t access him at all.

  “Gavin, are you insane? She’ll destroy everything and everyone!”

  “No, she won’t. She just wants to be left alone, the same as us.”

  He was insane. What had Hellith done to him?

  Clearly, she had him under the grip of some spell. Gavin wanted her to be his alone, but he’d never believe that Hellith’s intentions were anything but deadly. She had to have enchanted him somehow.

  “I’m not giving it up.”

  “Yes, you will.” Though Hellith’s mouth didn’t move, her voice echoed aro
und the cave. It wasn’t like mental communication—Rose couldn’t hear Hellith in her mind—but it clearly used some kind of magic to talk.

  “I will not.”

  “You think so now, child. I have lived and suffered more than you can even imagine. Let’s see how you feel when I have your intestines wrapped around your throat, strangling the life out of you.”

  “No!” Gavin put himself between Rose and Hellith. “You said you wouldn’t hurt her.”

  At least something of Gavin remained underneath Hellith’s enchantment.

  “I have only so much patience, dragon. You get it from her yourself, then. I will give you a day. If she hasn’t handed it over by then, I will use my power to rip it from her. Unleashing that much power will probably kill her, but that’s not my concern.”

  Gavin hurried over to Rose, trying to usher her into the smaller cave.

  She jerked her arm away. “Don’t touch me!”

  Hurt flashed across his face. “Then get in there. We need to talk—privately.”

  Rose stormed back into the smaller cave, trying her best not to cry. She was terrified of Hellith, and the man she loved had just betrayed her. Rose wasn’t sure how far back the spell went, but she suspected Gavin didn’t have it as an excuse for all of his actions.

  Gavin had a small lamp, which he lit and placed on the cave floor so that they weren’t in total darkness once the door automatically closed behind them. That little lamp had Rose’s hopes sinking further. How many times had he been in here before? Exactly how well did Gavin know Hellith’s lair?

  “You have to be insane if you think I’m giving up my necklace,” Rose hissed. She didn’t know how good Hellith’s hearing was, but even if Hellith couldn’t hear past the stone door, she probably had listening devices in here. She’d already proven she was proficient in using magic—it had to be her who had made the bracelet Gavin had used to trap Rose’s powers.

  “It’s the only way, Rose. I’ve told Hellith that you won’t attack her, but she wants some assurances. The necklace is a sign of good will, nothing more.”


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