A Very Mystic Christmas

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A Very Mystic Christmas Page 9

by Belinda Boring

  “I’m sorry about this,” I mumbled.

  Santa placed his hand on my knee lightly and squeezed, reassuringly.

  “So, what can I bring you for Christmas, sweetheart?”

  That voice. Those startling blue eyes. Suddenly, everything made sense and I felt silly for worrying. Behind the full, white beard, hid Mason.

  “Surprise!” He chuckled low, enjoying the way he’d rendered me completely speechless. I should’ve suspected something like this when he was gone for so long. I don’t know why I hadn’t, especially with Daniel as the sidekick. But, looking into his loving eyes, all my worry evaporated. For me, this one moment made the entire party and event just perfect.

  “Don’t tell me you’re shy,” he teased.

  “No,” I stammered.

  “Then what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

  “How much I wish I could kiss you right now. I love you,” I confessed.

  “You know Santa has to ask: Have you been good this year?”

  “Most definitely. I don’t think you’ll find a more well-behaved girl than me.” I joked back.

  “Then, why wait for Christmas morning?” And with that, he cupped the side of my face, drew me in, and kissed me. It was all sweetness and softness, his whiskers tickling my lips when he gradually pulled away. Despite how short it was, it didn’t lack in ability to make my stomach flip flop and my heart race. Any kind of kiss from Mason heated my insides and made me smile like a goofy girl in love—which I was.

  “Merry Christmas, Darcy.”

  “Merry Christmas, Santa.”

  “Okay, you two. Time to hand out toys.” Daniel interrupted. It was only then that I realized everyone was still watching us—parents with knowing smiles on their faces and horrified children commenting, “ewww,”, ”she kissed Santa,” and “yuck.”

  “I’ll see you later,” I whispered, lifting off Mason’s lap.

  “I look forward to it.”

  The second I moved away, kids took their positions around Mason again, their excitement renewed. I received a lot of congratulations as I headed over to Jasmine, who looked like she was ready to explode.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. He made me swear to keep it a secret. He wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well, he definitely did that,” I admitted.

  “So, did you tell him?”

  “Tell him what?”

  Jasmine blew out a frustrated breath. “That you wanted him to be your husband, of course.

  “No way!” I slapped her arm softly. “I’d rather die than be that forward.”

  “Then what made him kiss you?”

  “I told him that’s what I wished for.”

  “So romantic.” Jasmine placed her hands over her heart, wearing a sappy grin. “It’s okay, there’s still plenty of time to make it the perfect Christmas.”

  Staring back over at Mason, as he handed out gifts, I knew right then and there that I didn’t need more time to make it perfect.

  My Christmas already was.

  Mint Moon Pies

  Time: 1 hour

  Yield: 30 Oreos

  Cookie Dough Ingredients

  2 boxes devils food cake mix

  2 sticks melted butter

  2 eggs

  Cinnamon Oatmeal Bars

  Frosting Ingredients

  5 cups powdered sugar

  1/2 stick butter, softened

  1/4 cup milk

  Dash of salt (just a sprinkle)

  1/2 tsp. peppermint flavoring

  1/2 tsp. red food coloring


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine cookie dough ingredients. Mix for about 1 minute, or until all ingredients are blended.

  2. Roll dough into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. Flatten the dough balls down a little.

  Bake the cookies at 350 for about 8 minutes. Place the cookies on a wire rack to finish cooling.

  3. To make the frosting, whip the butter until smooth. Mix in the powdered sugar and add the milk a little at a time.

  4. Add the food coloring, peppermint and the salt and mix.

  5. Frost the underside of a cookie and place another cookie on top.

  Easy Holiday Cheesecake

  Submitted by Angel Downey


  1 1/4 cups vanilla wafers crumbs

  1/3 cup butter, melted

  2 8oz packages cream cheese (softened to room temp)

  1 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk

  3 eggs

  1/3 cup orange juice concentrate

  2 tsp. grated orange rind

  1 can of whole berry cranberry sauce OR fruit pie filling of your choice


  1. Preheat oven to 300.

  2. Combine crumbs and butter-press firmly on the bottom of a 9 inch foil pie pan.

  3. In a stand mixer, beat cheese till fluff. Gradually beat in condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs, orange juice concentrate & rind, mix well.

  4. Pour into pan and bake 50-55 minutes or until center is set.

  5. Cool before placing in the refrigerator to chill for two hours.

  6. Top with cranberry sauce (Or pie filling) and garnish as desired.

  Holiday Cheese Ball

  Submitted by Connie Boring Weatherford


  8 oz. cream cheese

  8 oz. Velveeta cheese

  1 Tbs. liquid smoke

  ½ cup well drained crushed pineapple (optional)

  2 cups finely chopped walnuts or pecans

  Assorted crackers


  1. Mix cheeses, pineapple, and liquid smoke until smooth and lump free.

  2. Roll in a ball with a spatula and put into chopped nuts.

  3. Coat well and place on a platter. Surround with your favorite crackers.

  Operation Perfect Gift

  Darcy and Jasmine

  “Here’s your receipt. Merry Christmas.” The sales clerk smiled as she placed the small strip of paper into my hand. Grabbing the plastic bag that contained my purchases, I replied the same and left the store to find Jasmine waiting outside.

  “Did you get it?”

  “Yep, Devlin’s going to love it.” It was a smart decision to come to the mall instead of trying our luck down Main Street in Woodside Hollow. As much as I loved the cute and quirky boutiques, it was easier to find gifts here at East Gardens, because there was a larger variety.

  The moment I’d passed the art supply shop, I knew what I wanted to get my dearest friend. Devlin had such an amazing talent when it came to drawing. Whether it was the rough doodles he liked fiddling with when he was on the phone and needed something to do with his hands, or the projects where he took his time and created a masterpiece, he was definitely gifted. The last time I’d visited his home, I noticed his pencil set was getting a little rough for wear, so a quick purchase from Picasso’s Art Needs allowed me to cross Devlin off my present list.

  “I think so, too,” Jasmine agreed, pointing over to a neighboring bench. “Wait until you see what I got for Daniel. It’s perfect.” Reaching the seat, she rested her bags on top of it and began rifling through the assortment of packages. “I can’t wait to see his face when he opens the box I have for it.” She pulled out the item and I almost choked as I burst into loud laughter.

  “Oh my gosh. That is priceless!” I covered my mouth in a futile attempt to hide my amusement. Holding it up for me to get a better look, Jasmine had bought Daniel one of the funniest Christmas sweaters I’d ever seen. She must’ve custom ordered it because there was Daniel’s grinning face across the front, with a smaller elf body and hat. He was apparently dancing in the snow, because there were stitched flakes all over it. It was cheesy and perfect for the Pack jokester.

  “I know, right?” She beamed proudly, brushing her hand over the design. “I couldn’t resist when I saw the advertisement.”

  “Do you think he’ll wear it?” I asked,
studying the sweater and grimacing. As much as I wanted to see him in it, it was pretty dorky; and I couldn’t see Daniel accepting the ridicule that would accompany him wearing it.

  “Of course he will. It’s a tradition. He teases me all year long and for Christmas I get payback. Besides, I’m the Alpha’s beloved sister. He wouldn’t dare insult me by snubbing my gift.” She carefully refolded it and slipped it back into the store’s bag, grinning. “Maybe I’ll take a bunch of photos and make up a calendar for next year and send it out to all his lady friends as a surprise.”

  “He’ll kill you!” I exclaimed.

  “Again, Alpha’s sister.”

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulder and squeezing, I chuckled. “Have I told you how much I love having you as my friend? You’re such a bad influence.”

  “Pfft, like you’re not as bad as me? I saw what you bought Daniel.” She rolled her eyes, picking up her shopping bags.

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with my gift. A t-shirt is perfectly respectable.”

  “True, but you’re merely encouraging him to continue being obnoxious.”

  Passing by the novelty store earlier, the shirt had immediately caught my eye. For months, Daniel had walked around the house humming “Sexy and I Know It” under his breath, sometimes breaking out into full-fledged lyrics with dance moves. He’d only stopped because Mason had threatened bodily harm if he didn’t. Mason later confided in me that there were only so many times you could see your best friend and second-in-charge gyrate his hips before you needed eye bleach.

  “Mason’s going to kill you; you know that, right?”

  “Love of his life, besides don’t remind me. I’ve pretty much got everyone crossed off my list except for him. Why is your brother so hard to buy for?” I groaned heavily, lugging my packages as we began walking. “I want to get him something amazing, completely unique and special. Everything I’ve found he’s either already got or I talked myself out of it. It’s impossible.”

  “Why do you think I start looking months before? Trust me, though, anything you get him, he’ll love.”

  I couldn’t help but cast sidelong glances at the stores we passed, hoping something would jump out—a neon sign saying, “Here you go! Here’s the perfect gift!”

  “I know, but still. It makes my chest hurt, that’s how anxious it’s making me,” I confessed.

  “Oh, honey. Don’t worry yourself over it. You’ll find something. I wasn’t lying about him, though. Whatever you decide, he’ll appreciate just because it’s from you. I’ve never seen him so in love. The way he looks at you, how his eyes light up when you enter the room. To him, you walk on water.”

  “Stop, you’re embarrassing me.” I nudged her with my elbow as my cheeks heated from her words. I felt the exact same way about Mason, but it didn’t stop me from blushing every time I heard someone describe his feelings toward me. With my stomach doing a quick flip-flop, the praise didn’t comfort me, it simply amped up my anxiety another notch. “That’s why I need to find the perfect gift.”

  Jasmine laughed, the faintest hint of a dimple emerging. “You crack me up, Darcy. How about we head over to the food court for something to eat? Then we can spend the rest of the afternoon scouring each store until you’re satisfied.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “You know me, I love a good challenge.”

  Linking my arm with hers, I nodded, once again grateful for our friendship. “Then lunch it is. I’m starving!” Following the overheard signs, shopping was temporarily postponed. I ignored the pressure in my chest and focused on the menus full of yummy foods to choose from.

  Somewhere, in this large mall, was the answer to my dilemma and I was determined to find it.


  I was losing hope fast. A delicious plate of Chinese for lunch and fifteen stores later, I was ready to admit defeat. Even Jasmine’s enthusiasm was starting to fade, revealing how totally screwed I was. Either I settled for something I’d already seen, or Mason’s gift wouldn’t be as special as I wanted it to be. Disappointment sat like a rock, heavy in the pit of my stomach.

  “Hey, don’t give up. We still have a few more places to check.” Jasmine reassured me, glancing over with a worried frown on her face.

  “Maybe you were right about me over thinking this. I just …” The moisture began welling in my eyes, matching the emotion lodged in my throat.

  “Wanted something perfect, I know.” She finished my sentence

  A fat tear rolled down my cheek, followed by another and then another.

  “You know what we need?” Jasmine asked, a flash of excitement in her voice. I knew she was trying to cheer me up; but at this point, I didn’t think anything would help. I knew it was silly to be this upset—my expectations unrealistic—but there was no denying my heart had been set on finding the perfect gift.

  “To go home and try the Internet?” I replied, dejectedly.

  “No, we need to do something fun to lift our spirits. And I know just the thing.” When she didn’t continue, I looked up from the ground and saw she was looking up at a sign with an adventurous smile. “We need to go in there.”

  Pointing at a photography studio, I failed to see the excitement. “You want us to get our portraits done? Sorry, but I’d much rather drown my sorrows at the ice cream counter back at the food court. My mouth watered at the thought of a waffle cone with scooped caramel and vanilla.

  “Come on, Grumpy Gus. There’s a sign in the window that says they also offer creative shots. See?” Sure enough, after dragging me over to the display, there were examples of the people dressed in fun costumes and props. “What do you think?”

  “That if we leave now, we can curl up under a blanket with hot chocolate and watch a romantic comedy—forgetting all about my shopping failure.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes in exasperation. “You will not. We need to do this. Come on.” There was no convincing her that I didn’t feel up to it. It was either go with her or lose an arm, as she tugged hard, refusing to take no for an answer.

  Picture Me Happy was a cute little boutique with framed photos hanging on the wall. There was no one sitting in the plush chairs provided, so I plopped myself down into one and dropped my bags on the floor. I watched Jasmine approach the friendly photographer at the counter. They talked back and forth, nodding as they listened to each other. I quietly wished for the worst. If Jasmine came back saying we needed an appointment, I could escape the mall and its cheery shopping music over the loudspeakers, grab an ice cream cone and still make it home to watch a movie.

  I was turning into the Grinch with a scrooge-type bah-humbug attitude. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a dark storm cloud hanging over my head.

  “We’re in luck. Lacey said she just had a cancellation, so we can take that spot. It’s fate, I tell you.” Jasmine gushed, returning to where I waited.

  “Yay!” I answered, sarcastically.

  “Darcy Matthews, stop!” I tried not to laugh when she placed her hands on her hips. I’d seen her take the same stance with Mason and Daniel when she was about to give them a lecture. “Do I need to kick your butt? Don’t think I won’t. I know you’re frustrated, but you’re forgetting … this is your favorite time of the year. If worse comes to worse, you can always ask for Santa’s help.” She winked at me, cracking my gloomy resolve.

  “Ugh, you had to go there, didn’t you? You know I can’t resist Santa.”

  “Yep, I know your weakness; so how about it? Have fun with me now; and afterward, we can go get your photo taken with the Santa downstairs. I promise I won’t embarrass you. Deal?” She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

  I stared at it, feeling my spirits lifting already. “I’m being silly again, huh?”

  “Yes, but that’s okay, because I love you and you’re pretty.” She offered me a lopsided smile and when I reached for her hand, she pulled me up instead. Hugging me quickly, she turned around and introduced me to the pretty brunette behind the co
unter. “We’ll take the appointment, Lacey. This is my reluctant friend, Darcy. We want to do something completely goofy and ridiculous.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” the photographer greeted. “You ready to be a little crazy?”

  I raised my eyebrow skeptically. “How crazy?”

  “Pfft, like that worries you!” Jasmine retorted. “Just be you.”

  Lacey led us into the back of the store, gesturing to the small dressing room area that was hidden behind a brown curtain. “You’ll find a bunch of costumes in there if you’d like to change into something. I also have a box full of props you can use if you want to stay in your own clothes.”

  “How about we do that?” I asked, eyeing the arrangement. There was a large backdrop for us to stand in front of, with an assortment of backgrounds hanging above that Lacey could pull down. She also had chairs and what looked like an adjustable platform.

  There was no need to wait for Jasmine. She was already digging through trunks and closets, picking out what she wanted. “Come look, Darcy. What do you think?” She lifted out a mustache on a stick and put it under her nose and wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Sexy, right?”

  “Absolutely,” I grinned. Kneeling beside her, I joined in, rummaging through the large container. “”How about a wig?” The bright, hot pink faux hair dazzled under the lighting because of the glittery strands of thread that ran through it.

  “I say whatever works, the sillier the better,” Lacey interrupted, positioned behind her camera tripod. “Grab whatever catches your eye and stand in front of the back drop. I also have scenery on my computer that I edit into the photo later, if you’d like.”

  Suddenly I was shy. It was one thing to ham it up in private, with friends and loved ones, but it was another thing to let loose in front of strangers and a camera. Lacey must have sensed it, because with a click of a button on her computer, the Christmas music was replaced with techno beat.


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