Talon (Uncompromising #1)

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Talon (Uncompromising #1) Page 20

by Sybil Bartel


  We stared at each other for a moment. I broke first. “Get some sleep.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked quietly.

  Good fucking question. I hit the light then pulled a white lounge chair next to the bed and sunk into it. “Make sure you don’t decide to go for a run,” I said dryly.

  She didn’t respond.

  I laced my fingers over my stomach and put my feet up on the bed. My head hit the back of the chair and I closed my eyes.

  “I watched him take his last breath,” she whispered.

  I turned to look at her. Even in the dark, her face was haunted. I had nothing for her except the truth. “That’s the way he wanted it.”

  She rolled over and quietly cried herself to sleep.

  I WAITED A HALF AN hour after she fell asleep before I quietly left the bedroom. I found Kendall in the family room with the TV on low and a plate on her lap.

  “You hungry? I made pasta.”

  “No, thanks.” I went for Layna’s tequila stash then joined Kendall on the couch. “Couldn’t sleep?”


  “What’re we watchin’?”

  “Cooking show.”

  I uncapped the tequila. “Sounds like a special kinda torture.”

  “Yep. It makes you hungry for everything you see then you stuff pasta in your face that doesn’t taste a thing like the shit they’re making.” She smiled like she loved it. “Denied gratification, it’s a beautiful thing.”

  “You fuckin’ scare me.” I took a swig of the tequila then offered the bottle to her.

  “I’ve never been scared of you.” She took a swig like a pro and handed it back. “Until tonight.”

  “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?” I swallowed two large mouthfuls and settled into the burn as it traveled down my gut and spread to my legs.

  “You’re the fucking rock star of crises.”

  I looked at her like she was out of her mind, because she was.

  She took the bottle from me. “I mean, I know you’re all about being the hero. You live to rescue people. I’ve just never seen it firsthand.” She put the bottle to her lips and drank. “I think I creamed my panties seeing you in action tonight.”

  “I dunno if I’m more turned off by that visual or shocked by the admission.”

  Her eyes serious, she nodded. “I know, right? Toss-up.” She drank again and handed the bottle back.

  “Are there any men not afraid to get their dicks near you?”

  She breathed out through her mouth with her teeth closed. “You’d be surprised.”

  I drank again. “I bet I would.” Fuck, I was rode hard. “I gotta take care of somethin’.” I pushed to my feet and stripped my shirt off.

  “You’re not my type.” She snorted.

  “No shit, dar—” I caught myself mid word.

  Kendall glared at me. “I’ll let that one slide but you’re losing your edge.”

  “I need sleep.”

  “While I appreciate the ripped abs and bulging biceps, is there a point to this little display of muscle, Mr. Blond-Haired Surf God?”

  “Yeah.” I reached for my kit and set it on the coffee table. The bandage had soaked through. “I don’t wanna wear out my welcome by bleedin’ all over Layna’s couch.” I pulled some supplies out.

  Kendall pushed my hands away and took over. “Let me.”

  “You know what you’re doin’?”

  “Shut up and sit down.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I humored her because I was too tired to argue.

  She smirked. “Now you’re getting it.” She cleaned the wound and put on a fresh bandage as good as if I’d done it myself.

  I lifted my arm and inspected her work. “You’ve done this before.”

  “Yep.” She didn’t elaborate.

  “Thanks.” I leaned back and sighed.

  “Where are you sleeping?”

  “I haven’t figured that out yet.” Fuck, I wanted to be holding Siren right now.

  “I only saw one other bedroom when I gave myself the grand tour. Bitchin’ house by the way.”

  I rubbed my hand over my eyes, perfectly aware how many beds there were. “I prefer being on the ocean, but yeah.”

  “Why aren’t you sleeping with her?”

  How could I sleep next to her when I’d been a part of Randy’s death? “She told me she watched him take his last breath.”

  “Even more reason to be in there instead of out here.”

  “I’m not taking advice from you. That’s a surefire way to get my ass kicked.”

  She shrugged like she wasn’t insulted. “Your loss.”

  No fucking kidding. “Go to bed so I can crash here.”

  “You’re an idiot.”


  “Whatever.” She got up, dumped her plate in the sink and thankfully, disappeared into her bedroom.

  I kicked my boots off, lay back on the couch and closed my eyes, wondering how big of a mistake I was making.

  An hour later, I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming the quiet keening sound but when it happened again, I sat up. The sound came again from Siren’s room. My heart rate surged into overdrive and I was on my feet. I burst through the door and found her thrashing around in a twisted sheet.

  I lay down and pulled her into my arms. “Shh, shh, c’mon, darlin’, wake up for me.”

  She jerked once, arched her back then went deadly still.

  “You’re okay. I gotcha,” I whispered, stoking her hair. “You just had a bad dream.”

  She burst into tears.

  “Fuck.” I gathered her into my arms, sat up and settled against the headboard. “Let it out, darlin’. Let it all out.”

  Kendall appeared in the doorway and raised her eyebrows. I shook my head and she stepped back, closing the door behind her.

  “You’re okay,” I tried to soothe Siren. “You’re safe.”

  “No one’s safe,” she cried.

  I pulled back and grabbed her face. “I am not going to let anything happen to you. You. Are safe.”

  Tears dripping down her cheeks, her eyes silently pleaded.

  I shook her once. “You hear me? You’re safe. Nothing is going to happen to you,” I emphasized, fighting to hold back my accent. “Not on my watch,” I promised.

  Her face contorted into anguish. “He almost killed you.”

  I froze.

  “He shot at you.” Her lip trembled. “He was shooting at you. He was trying to die but he was supposed to live. I needed him to live.”

  I pulled her to my chest.

  “Talon,” she cried.

  I didn’t know which fucking end was up. “I’m right here.” Was she crying for me? For him? “I’m right here, darlin’.” I cupped her cheek out of desperation and our eyes met.

  Time stopped.

  Then all of a sudden, she straddled my lap, her hands snaked into my hair and she pulled.

  I couldn’t help it. A growl ripped from my chest and desire shot through my veins. “Siren,” I warned, emotions ricocheting around my brain rapid-fire.

  “Please,” she begged. Pushing up against me, there was no mistaking what she was asking for.

  Jesus fuck. I grasped the sides of her face. I wanted to give her what she wanted, but I wasn’t going to be used. Not by her. “I want my mouth on you so bad, I can taste it.” She made a sound low in her throat. “But I’m not gonna let what we’ve got between us be about your grief for another man.”

  “It’s not.”

  I studied the gorgeous, tortured face in the predawn light that had become my world. “I’m not playin’ games. There’s nothin’ casual about what I’m feelin’.”

  With a touch so delicate it made me shudder, her fingers traced my lips. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  My mouth crashed over hers and I couldn’t stop the images—her being taken from me, her body tucked under his arm, her escaping fr
om the apartment, her face when she kneeled over his body—all of it twisted in my head and I devoured her. I needed to erase his memory from her. I needed to make her mine. I needed her, period.

  Groaning, one hand buried in her hair, I kissed her hard as I pushed her to her back. My body looming over hers, I yanked her underwear aside and dragged my fingers through her already soaking wet heat. Her back arched and I drove two fingers inside her.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  This. This was where I belonged, inside of her, on top of her, touching her. I realized it didn’t matter why I was her life raft, only that I was. And I didn’t give a fuck why this blonde-haired, blue-eyed siren had erased my past, it only mattered that it was her. She was my escape and I was hers.

  Stroking in and out of her, my thumb on her clit, I dragged my mouth over her breast and pulled her nipple between my teeth.

  “Talon!” she cried out.

  “Right here, baby.” I moved to her other nipple and she gripped the back of my head.

  Her response to my touch only drove my need. I pulled her underwear over her thigh, and slid them down her legs. Dragging my mouth across her neck, biting the soft flesh below her ear, my thumb circled her clit as I pushed her legs wide with my knees. She whimpered and started to pulse around my fingers.

  I stilled my hand. “You’re not comin’ yet, Siren. You’re gonna wait till I’m buried deep inside you before you let go. You hear me?”

  She shivered and her pussy clenched.

  I grasped her chin. “Oh, no you don’t.” I slid my hand out. “I’m gonna taste you.” I sucked my fingers and groaned. “And kiss you.” I tongued her sweet mouth like I wanted to tongue her tight pussy. Hard and deep and commanding, I swirled my tongue around hers until she was breathless. Sucking her lip between my teeth, I kissed her to erase all her thoughts.

  My cock throbbing, I slipped my fingers out of her and unbuckled my belt. Shoving my pants below my hips, fisting myself, I surged forward and rubbed through her wetness. My mind so fucking far gone, I barely remembered to ask, “This what you want, Siren?”

  “Yes,” she panted, gripping my arms.

  I sunk inside her to the hilt. “Fuuuck.”

  A gasp, so loud, and so startling came from the back of her throat and every muscle in her body went rigid.

  Alarm shot through my veins and I froze. “Siren,” I barked, grasping her jaw. “This hurts?”

  Eyes wide, mouth open, she sucked in a breath as she stared at the ceiling. “No.” A tremor went up her back, her eyes fluttered shut and she moaned. “You’re inside me…with nothing between us.”

  My dick pulsed, her pussy clenched in response and I almost came. “Look at me,” I demanded.

  Her eyes slowly opened and her hooded gaze drifted to mine.

  I knew the risks I was taking. I’d told myself I wasn’t letting her change her mind by going to my bag for a condom but in truth, I wanted to own her. I knew I was going to bareback her. But I wouldn’t fuck her. “I’m not gonna come inside you.”

  “But I want to feel you,” she whispered, destroying all my self-control.

  I pulled out and surged back into her. My eyes closed and for three long, slow strokes, I simply let myself feel her.

  “Talon,” she moaned.

  I opened my eyes and stared at her for a moment before kissing her softly. Her mouth, her body, softened under my touch and I got even harder. Thrusting in and out torturously slow, I cradled her head between my arms and asked for something I didn’t deserve. “Trust me?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

  She was so fucking beautiful. “When was your last period?”

  Her face tensed in concentration. “Almost four weeks ago.”

  The risk was low. I rocked slowly inside her and her lips parted. “You know I never would’ve gone bareback if I wasn’t clean?”

  Her eyes fluttered shut but then came back to me. “I know.”

  “And how do you know that?” I drove my cock deep and stilled. Jesus. Her pussy tight around me, her taste in my mouth, the high I got the first time I saw her spread out in my bed, innocent but so fucking seductive—I wasn’t losing the battle of fighting my attraction toward her. I’d already lost it. She felt like nothing I’d ever experienced and I didn’t want to begin to rein that in. I pulled back then thrust hard.

  “Because,” she gasped. “Because you said you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “That’s right.” I ground my hips against hers, rubbing her clit. “I’m never gonna hurt you.” I wanted to protect her. Forever.

  She locked her arms around my neck and pulled my head down to hers.

  My lips a breath away from hers, I held firm. “I’m gonna come inside you, Siren.”

  She moaned and thrust up.

  I stilled her with a hand on her hip. “You’re gonna feel me fill you and when you come apart around me, you’re gonna know.” I was fucking claiming her.

  “Know what?” she asked, breathless.

  I stared at her. “What it means to be mine.”

  “Talon.” Anxiety laced her voice and she grasped the sides of my face.

  “Inside you, Siren.” My voice hoarse, the words strained, I warned her, “You’re going to be mine.”

  Blue eyes looked at me with something close to fear but I thrust hard and her face dissolved into need. I slipped my fingers between us and stroked her clit. She gasped and her legs started to shake.

  “Come. Now,” I rasped before taking her mouth and her body. I drove into her, pushed my tongue into her mouth, ground my hips and she fucking came.

  Her head fell back, her eyes closed in ecstasy and she constricted around me, moaning my name like I was everything to her.

  White-hot pleasure-pain ripped through my muscles. The air left my lungs, my balls drew tight, and I fucking exploded inside her.

  I OPENED MY EYES TO an empty bed. The sun streaming in, my chest sore, my arm throbbing, I felt the sheets next to me. Cold.


  I rolled out of bed, threw on my pants and checked my cell. I had one text from André from a couple of hours ago.

  André: Cops handled. Bike’s in your garage. Stone showed up at morgue wanting Randy’s body. Need a day or two to find out if you’re in the clear. Lay low. Maldonado has eyes all over Miami. Candle’s a dick.

  The last part almost made me smile. I sent a quick text back.

  Me: Thx. Copy that. Will wait to hear

  I went looking for Siren. When I saw her sitting at the breakfast counter with her back to me, I let out a breath and slowed my pace. “Mornin’, beautiful.” I came up behind her and kissed the top of her head.

  She flinched and her hands went to her lap like she was hiding something. “Hi.”

  My instincts shot into high gear as I casually made my way around the counter. “Coffee?”

  She tipped her chin at a mug in front of her. “I, um, already made it. There’s still some left.”

  I poured myself a cup. Taking a sip, I studied her. “I didn’t hear you get up. Missed wakin’ up next to you.” I’d fallen asleep with her tangled in my arms. I would’ve woken up if she hadn’t been trying to sneak out. “Been up awhile?”

  “Sorry. I couldn’t sleep.”

  She was acting skittish as hell and I wasn’t in a mood to fuck around. “What’s wrong?”


  She was lying. “Whatcha got in your lap, darlin’?”

  “Oh. I…this.” She set the phone I’d given her on the counter.

  I silently cursed myself for forgetting to take out the SIM card. “Callin’ someone?”

  “No, I just…I didn’t know if there was going to be a service.” She lowered her voice. “For him.”

  Bullshit. “How’d you plan on findin’ out?”

  She frowned.

  I pushed. “You know Stone’s number?”

  She shrugged.

  “It’s a yes or no question, Siren.”

��I used to know it.”

  Christ. I hadn’t fucking considered this. If she wanted to pay her respects, I wasn’t going to deny her but fuck, being around any LCs right now wasn’t what either of us needed. “Do you want to go if there is?”

  She looked away. “I’m not sure it would be a good idea.”

  Thank fuck. “What was Stone talkin’ ’bout last night? Saying’ shit ’bout you and him?”

  She stared out the window. “I don’t know.”

  “Why’d he say it wasn’t your decision to walk away from Carter?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Look at me.” Goddamn it, I didn’t like where this was going.

  She set her mug down and met my gaze.

  I couldn’t read a fucking thing in her blank expression. “You married?” It was the only reason I could think of.

  She didn’t hesitate. “No.”

  “Then what the fuck is goin’ on?” I was walking a fine line between anger and not wanting to destroy the ground I’d made with her last night. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew I was only kidding myself. I hadn’t gotten anywhere with her last night. Everything we’d shared was in my own fucked-up head. I was trying to make something out of what was nothing more than a distraction for her grief. Her closed-off attitude and blank expression this morning were speaking loud and clear. I was a fucking idiot.

  “Nothing. I’m going to shower.” She got up and went back to the bedroom, leaving the phone on the counter.

  When I heard the water running, I picked the phone up and swept across it.

  A passcode screen popped up.

  She’d put in a passcode? What the fuck? I held my thumb on the home button, wondering if she’d overridden my fingerprint identity, but the phone unlocked. I quickly scrolled through the phone log but it was empty. So were the text messages and the contacts list.

  I went to my online account and pulled up the phone log. There was one twenty-eight minute call to a Miami area code this morning. I signed out and dialed the number.

  “Michael Avis Investigations,” a woman with a brisk voice answered.

  What. The fuck? “Mr. Avis, please, it’s urgent.” I held back my accent.

  “I’m sorry, sir. He’s on another call. May I take a message?”


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