Infinite: A Novelette (Harmony #3.5)

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Infinite: A Novelette (Harmony #3.5) Page 1

by Angela Graham


  Logan & Cassandra Novelette


  Logan & Cassandra Novelette

  Angela Graham

  Copyright 2015, Angela Graham

  Editor—Jen Juneau

  Cover Design—Sommer Stein

  Formatter—Joni Wilson

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book may not be reproduced in any form,

  in whole or in part,

  without written permission from the author.


  This book is dedicated to the one person who made it happen: my best friend, who’s the most supportive writing partner a girl could ask for.

  No matter how many hurdles we face,

  they’ll never break us.

  Love you to pieces, S.E. Hall!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  The End

  About the Author

  Connect with the Author

  While You’re Waiting

  Chapter 1

  “Did you seriously just take a picture?” I shouted over the raucous music and lewd hollering.

  “All about the memories!” Hilary squeaked, snapping another memento of my humiliation with her phone before shifting her attention to the coordinator of the night’s event, Julia.

  “We’re screwed,” I grumbled, sipping my beer, unable to look away from the scene she’d captured.

  Julia was leaning over our table, giddy and high on nothing but life and half-naked men—particularly the one pouring a shot down her chest for his waiting mouth, his tongue swirling at her navel. She had not a care in the world, and was living up every second with this too-sexy-for-his-own-good stripper.

  “Now that’s hot!” Hilary yelled over the music.

  Julia leapt forward, lowering the tiny tee Logan would kill her for wearing back over her stomach. “And that never leaves here!”

  My head couldn’t nod in agreement fast enough.

  “Think he likes you,” I said, watching the stud saunter back with another shot. “He knows you’re not legal to drink, right?”

  “Did it look like I was doing the drinking?” Julia threw back before moving to meet him halfway.

  Hilary and I exchanged a look. Was it my business? No. Was I ready to drag Julia out of there and send her home to Luke? You bet your ass.

  “She’s young and having some harmless fun,” Hilary cut through my transparent thought. “Leave it alone. Besides, for all we know Luke is face deep in tits right now himself.”

  My eyes rolled back, despite my brewing internal debate. I applauded whoever thought bachelorette parties were a good idea, but bachelor parties? Not so much. Men running in packs rarely ends well, with moral codes and sensitivity being tossed out the window the second an ass swings in their face or twirls around a pole. Luke swore it was “just a poker game” in the city—the same city that was Logan’s stomping ground a little over a year ago.

  I needed another drink.

  “Come on, relax!” Hilary smacked my arm. “You’re insulting your man right now.”

  “I didn’t even say anything!” I burst out, playing coy.

  “Best-friend intuition,” she replied, making a “duh” face. “I know what you’re thinking, and Logan would spank your ass for it. Besides, he’s not the one coming home to a whale of a fiancée.” Hilary’s hand settled over her stomach, and I smiled. “Now stop with the prudish bullshit and admit it, these guys are hot, and you want another drink!”

  “Fine. But you look gorgeous, and Caleb loves you knocked up. If anything, he’s sitting back laughing at the other guys making asses of themselves tonight.”

  “You’re probably right. But being unable to see my own panties at the end of the day is depressing, so show me some love by helping me up. I’m gonna test fate and attempt to dance. You gonna spot me?”

  I stood up and held out my arms. “Another water first?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I hit the hydration quota Caleb gave me. But I’m tired of walking to the bathroom, so come on.”

  We’d barely moved before Hilary muttered “Uh oh” and stepped back, sliding down into her chair.

  “You okay?” My voice couldn’t hide the panic instantly surging up within me, but the second my eyes found hers, any worry on my face was replaced with a goofy grin.

  “You the bachelorette?” a half-naked man, donned in only a silky red tie and black G-string, asked as he dipped low and gyrated his ass against my front.

  “N-no,” I stammered while attempting to retreat. But this only forced me back into my seat, my face then front and center on his package.

  “You sure about that?” he asked, staring down with one brow cocked.

  “Yes, yes she is!” Hilary exclaimed, clapping her hands.

  “What?” My eyes grew wide. “No, that’s her!” I pointed at Hilary, then leaned over to ask her, “What the hell are you doing? It’s your bachelorette party. As the maid of honor, my duties were clear, support you. So hand me your phone and I’ll snap some pictures while I do just that. After all, it’s all about the memories, isn’t it?” I lifted a challenging brow, daring her to argue her own words.

  “You did hear the word ‘maid’ in there, right? ’Cause supporting me tonight is gonna be all about workin’ it!”

  “No way. I can’t have a lap dance. I mean…I wouldn’t even know what to do.”

  Julia exploded in a fit of giggles as she approached, overhearing my desperation.

  “So who’s it gonna be, sugar?” The stripper was still waiting but I could hardly lift my head, embarrassment weighing it down.

  “Oh, come on, do this for me!” Hilary pleaded, biting back her poorly concealed laughter. “It’s not like they can dance in my lap with this huge bump in between us. I’m living vicariously through you. That’s support!”

  “Yeah, Cassandra!” Julia stood at my back now. “What my brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him. And rule number one, what happens at the bachelorette party stays at the bachelorette party!”

  Of course it does.

  Why a thirty-six-week-pregnant woman was even out at a place like this should raise some serious red flags; definitely not your typical strip-club attendee. And since Julia had already made enough memories tonight to last for a lifetime of sexually awkward dreams, that left me the best option as the lap-dance recipient.

  “Just relax and enjoy, doll face,” the stripper guy, now astride my lap, crooned.

  Here goes nothing.

  My hands locked tightly around the arms of the chair, eyes snapping shut. They remained that way until his body heat began to subside. Only then did I dare to crack them open a sliver, which was still too soon—just in time to catch his ass in front of me, performing of its own volition.

  No man should have control over his muscles like that!

  Slowly, I let my head fall toward Hilary, who was watching in appreciation and amazement. Thankfully, the song ended a few seconds later and I was able to find a deep inhale of relief.

  Fresh out of singles, I held out a trembling hand awkwardly and thanked the stud. Our small group erupted in laughter at my expense just as the flash of Hilary’s camera captured the moment.

  “You know, maybe we should’ve done something different tonight. I doubt the guys have strippers.” I tried for nonchalance as I stared down at my empty glass,
hoping to instill some guilt in them.

  Julia scoffed. “Of course they don’t!” She snatched my glass and snagged the passing waiter for a refill. “Luke planned it, so don’t worry. It’s just a poker game.”

  Hilary clucked her tongue. “Ah, I wouldn’t be so sure, ladies.” She sipped her apple juice, staring down thoughtfully for a fleeting second.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Julia rushed back.

  “All I’m saying is I’ve been to a few of the card games Caleb has frequented in the city. They weren’t exactly tame.”

  “Really?” My curiosity was piqued. “We’re going to need specifics here.”

  “And quick,” Julia added.

  But before Hilary could answer, a new muscleman dressed as whom I could only assume was Tarzan appeared onstage and grabbed the mic. “Just because we can’t dance on her doesn’t mean we can’t dance for her! Let’s get the bride-to-be up here!”

  For the first time all night, Hilary’s cheeks burst into a deep red flush as a spotlight was cast over her. But with one mischievous glance my way, my suspicion was confirmed, deep down, she was loving it.

  “Come on!” Tarzan called out, his hand resting casually on the awaiting chair center stage. “Get her up here!”

  The crowd went wild as Tarzan beckoned Hilary on stage with a string of sexy endearments most women would’ve crawled to him to hear more of.

  I helped her up, then smacked her ass. “Go get ’em!”

  Julia stood beside me, shrieking and cheering until Hilary stopped just shy of the stage, her entire body stiffening and head turning slowly back to me. It was then I noticed her wide, terrified eyes and that the pink tint to her cheeks had turned ashen. Something was wrong.

  But it was Julia’s swearing and nails digging into my arm as she pointed to a wet spot spreading across the back of Hilary’s white dress that sent my heart rate spiking to alarming levels.

  “Cassandra!” Hilary’s voice cracked just as her knees gave out.

  Chapter 2

  In what seemed like hours but couldn’t have been more than one, Caleb and Logan rushed through the maternity ward’s security doors. The look of distress on Caleb’s face was one I’d never forget.

  His haunted green eyes, sunken into his pale face, quickly met mine. “Where is she? Where’s Hilary?”

  I started toward him. “In the back. We don’t—”

  “Why the fuck aren’t you back there with her?” he cut me off, his fear immediately switching to anger as he raced toward me.

  “Whoa.” Logan shot around him, stopping him with a white-knuckled grip on his shoulder. “Easy, Caleb. I know you’re worried, but this isn’t Cassandra’s fault.”

  That was my man, always protecting me. But Caleb wasn’t a real threat, and we both knew it.

  My voice softened with calming sympathy. “They wouldn’t let me go with her. I tried.” I glanced wearily at Tarzan, who was standing in the corner, completely out of place. It was sweet that he stuck around, despite me telling him he didn’t need to. But I still wasn’t sure if it was chivalrous or creepy. “She, um…passed out, and he carried her in, and then—”

  In a move so fast we all practically missed it, Caleb had Tarzan pinned against the wall by his throat. “Who the hell are you, and why the fuck were you carrying my pregnant wife?”

  So much for good deeds. The entire situation was already out of control, and Caleb’s misdirected worry taking a destructive turn wasn’t helping. And wife? The wedding was still a week away—not that it was the time for a reminder.

  Logan stood beside Tarzan with a stern expression. “Go find your woman,” he said to Caleb, redirecting his attention. “I got this.”

  Caleb’s grip on the poor guy tightened noticeably. “Don’t carry a pregnant woman again unless she’s yours. Yeah?”

  Tarzan nodded his head wildly. “Y-yeah.”

  Caleb released him and stormed toward the nurses’ station without another word. I wondered if Logan noticed the unsteady legs leading his best friend. Caleb was terrified, and so was I. Premature babies survive and live healthy, happy lives all the time, I reminded myself for what had to be the umpteenth time that hour. Hilary and the baby had to be all right.

  Once Caleb was ushered down the hall by a nurse, Logan turned his focus back to Tarzan, whose hand was rubbing his throat.

  “Thanks for the help,” Logan gritted through a clenched jaw, though the tone of his words was grateful. “You can go now.”

  Tarzan looked to me, but all I had to offer was a slight wave and weak, albeit thankful, smile. It seemed to be enough, though, because for such a beefy guy he sure could run fast.

  Tension clouded the air, thickening impossibly when Logan’s body turned from me to Julia. A fierce scowl covered his face.

  “Strip club, with a pregnant woman?” he asked his sister pointedly. “That seemed like a good idea?”

  “Would’ve happened anywhere we were,” she bit back, dismissing his scrutiny with a slight wave of her hand. “Besides, that hardly seems relevant now. Where’s Luke?”

  “Down speaking with the cops. They followed us the whole way—presumably because we were doing a hundred miles an hour—but Caleb wasn’t about to pull over.”

  “And you left him to handle that alone?” Julia threw her arms out to the sides. “What if they haul him to jail?”

  “Hardly seems relevant,” he quipped back in the most condescendingly placid tone possible before catching me in his gaze and holding out his hand. “Come here.”

  “Seriously? No, don’t bother worrying about it or anything, I’ll go check on him!” I barely registered Julia griping before she stomped off, my focus on the solace Logan was offering.

  I fell into his arms, needing the strength only he could give me.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he whispered into the crook of my neck, wrapping me in his arms.

  “No,” I said, tears beginning to fall. “Just hold me.”

  “You never have to ask.”

  The morning sun was shining through the windows when I heard a commotion in the hall.

  I sat up, my hand still entwined with my man’s. “Is that—”

  “I believe it is.” Logan let out a relieved sigh. “Let’s go.”

  He helped pull me up. My muscles were stiff from sitting in the unforgiving metal chair for hours, but that didn’t stop me from hurrying.

  Caleb looked exhausted, following a nurse pushing a rolling bassinet with what appeared to be a beautiful, but tiny, baby inside in the opposite direction of us. As anxious as I was to see the new addition to our extended family, it’d been far too long with no news about my best friend.

  “Caleb!” I yelled at his back as we made our way down the hall. He turned. “How’s everyone? Hilary?”

  He ran a hand over his face and released a long-held breath. “Good. She’s good. All healthy.” He smiled tightly. “Little early, but we’re gonna be okay. I’m sticking with my lil’ boy here. Why don’t you go back and say hi to Hil?”

  Little boy. Tears of joy stung my eyes despite my being caught completely off guard.

  “Thought they saw a girl on the ultrasound?” I asked, even though it didn’t matter. I was truly happy for them.

  He shrugged a shoulder. “Obviously, they were wrong. Never mattered to me anyway. Just wanted a healthy baby, and here he is.”

  I wanted more than anything to catch up to them and see the little bundle, but Caleb was walking faster and farther away. The nurse was insistent that they get going, and I wasn’t about to stand in the way.

  I nodded, pivoting on my heel to check on the new mom when Caleb’s voice stopped me.

  “And Cassandra?” I turned back to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry about before. Thank you for being with her—taking care of her.”

  “No need to apologize. It’s a given.” I tilted my head, offering him a warm smile of understanding.

  Caleb nodded once before running after his new baby boy,
who was being rolled into another room.

  “Are you coming?” I asked Logan.

  He curled his arm around my waist, placing a gentle kiss to my temple as he tucked me against his side. “I think I’ll stay by Caleb for now. Go see your girl, sweetheart.”

  “Love you,” I whispered, and with a swift kiss over my words, he replied, “Always.”

  I watched him disappear into the same room as Caleb before taking a deep breath and heading toward Hilary.

  “Come in,” she called out in a scratchy voice when I knocked.

  Any apprehension I had was washed away when I entered and saw her lying there, looking tired but healthy. “Hey, Mama, how’re you feeling?” I dropped my bag on the counter.

  “Great,” she lied, her watery eyes darting away from mine. “Did you see him?”

  “Only briefly as they rolled him by, but long enough to know he’s beautiful, Hil. Did you guys decide on a name now that Lily’s obviously not an option?” I moved closer to her bedside.

  “Quinn. Quinn Alexander Townsend.”

  “I love it.”

  “Yeah? Me too.” Her teeth caught her shaky bottom lip as the first tear fell. “They’ll probably want to keep him here awhile to monitor him. Too early.” Her voice broke, head shaking. “He’s so tiny. I’m so sorry. This…this is all my fault.”

  “Hey, don’t say that.” I quickly pulled up a chair and sat as close to her as possible, taking her clammy hand in both of mine. “Babies come early all the time, it happens. I only saw him for a brief second, but he seemed new baby tiny not anything wrong tiny. Everything will be fine.”

  “I’ll never forgive myself if I hurt him...if he’s not okay.”

  “Hilary.” I hardened my voice, alarmed by the increased beeping sounds coming from her monitor. “Stop this. He’s fine. Caleb said so in the hall.”

  “But he doesn’t know. He’s so confident, but I know better. Nothing ever turns out the way I dream. It’s going to fall apart, I know it. What if I already screwed up my little boy?”

  “Listen to me right now!” When her reddened eyes connected with mine, I didn’t hold back. “You’ve made some bad calls, but that’s in the past. And who hasn’t? You always dreamed of a life with Caleb, right? Well, now it’s happening. Doesn’t matter how hard the road was to get here. You made it. You have a strong, healthy boy together, and you’ll be married soon. Please enjoy it, because you sure as hell deserve it.”


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