The Playful Prince

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The Playful Prince Page 19

by Playful Prince(lit)

Hearing a knock on the door, she looked over from the fireplace and grinned. “Come in!”

  Ulyssa opened the door, smiling. In her arms, she carried a bundle of clothing. “I thought you might need these. I see that I was right.”

  Tori chuckled, nodding. “Thanks.”

  Ulyssa tossed the clothes on the low couch next to Tori and sat down across from her on a big floor pillow. The queen politely averted her eyes as Tori got dressed. Tori sighed, pulling the shirt over her head and the pants over her hips. It fit snug against her breasts, but she didn’t care. She knew Quinn got much enjoyment from seeing the tight material binding her down. He liked freeing her from it even more--kind of like rescuing them. She hid her chuckle.

  “Not that I care if you borrow my clothes,” Ulyssa said, “but I’m starting to run low. Can’t Quinn tie you to the bed or something if he’s so worried about you leaving while he sleeps?”

  Tori and Ulyssa had become really good friends, as well as sisters, over the past weeks. It was nice to have another human woman to talk to about things. For the most part life was perfect, but their husbands were still Var and caused their wives moments of pure frustration.

  “He has,” Tori blushed, thinking about how carefree and inventive her husband had been since they finally proclaimed their love for each other. In no time at all, all traces of the moody prince were gone, leaving her the playful man she’d fallen in love with. And, oh, was he playful. The things that man could come up with in the bedroom left her blushing and breathless. Knowing he’d shared his life with her, and she was going to live for several hundred years had been a shock at first, but she knew she’d never get bored with him.

  “I see,” Ulyssa said, glancing around the hall and pausing as she studied the front door. A small smile graced her pretty features. “Have you told him? I haven’t heard any announcements.”

  “Oh,” Tori blushed. Ulyssa had seen her at the medics the day before. “I wanted to be sure first.”

  “Sure of what?” Quinn asked, his voice directly behind her, his lips close to her neck. Tori yelped in surprise and jumped slightly as she spun around in her seat. His eyes roamed over her body and he frowned. Looking at Ulyssa, he grumbled, “Why’d you bring more clothes for her? I liked what she had on.”

  “She’s going to have to leave this room today and I don’t need a naked woman roaming the palace halls. You Var men are sexually charged as it is. We’d have a riot amongst the guards. Oh, and Quinn, your brother commands you--as your king--to stop burning all your wife’s clothing.”

  “He does?” Quinn asked, looking perplexed. “Why would he care? I am paying for them and can burn them if I wish.”

  “He’ll care as soon as I tell him to care.” Ulyssa giggled and winked at Tori. “I’m the only other women in this place who doesn’t live in the harem and I’ll be damned if you’re going to keep her locked in here all the time. Tori don’t let this man distract you. I have merchants coming and I want to ... you know, shop for stuff together. If you don’t show up in the banquet hall in twenty minutes, I’m sending in the guards and having Quinn arrested for disobeying a royal order--at least for the afternoon.”

  Tori nodded, giggling even as she blushed slightly. When Ulyssa was gone, Quinn jumped over the back of the couch and pulled her into her arms. Kissing her thoroughly, he said, “Shopping? What is it I’m not being told?”

  “Ulyssa and I are going to spend all of your and Kirill’s money,” Tori teased. Her hands ran lovingly over his shoulders and chest, patting down his tunic shirt. “And I’m buying a whole new wardrobe--two in fact.”

  “Ah, come on, I like the one you’ve got.” Quinn tugged at her shirt laces, working the top out just enough so he could look down her shirt at her cleavage. His hand came up over the material and cupped a soft globe, watching as the motion pushed the cleavage up toward his face. “Mm, I love your breasts. They’re so soft.”

  “I don’t have a wardrobe,” Tori reminded him, swallowing as a wave of pleasure came over her. “I don’t have clothes.”

  “I know,” he groaned, moving his lips down to kiss a top curve of a breast as his hand pushed it up. His thumb rolled over the clothed nipple. “That’s what I like about it.”

  “But, I didn’t mean just for me,” Tori said carefully. “The second wardrobe is for someone else.”

  “Hmm,” Quinn sighed, paying more attention to the angle of her nipple to his tongue. Tori shivered under his mouth as he tried his best to reach it by dipping beneath the shirt. Then, as if he lost his train of thought, said absently, “I don’t care. Spend as much money as you wish. You can have anything your heart desires.”

  “Good. Because the other wardrobe is for the baby,” she whispered.

  “Mm, all right,” he murmured, his tongue finally reaching the aching bud. Suddenly, he stopped, his tongue froze on her nipple before slowly being drawn back into his mouth. His words muffled by her chest, he said very carefully, “Baby? Kirill’s baby?”

  “Um, it better not be his baby,” Tori teased, running her hand over his arms. “I’m sure I’d remember--”

  Quinn’s mouth crushing into hers cut off her words. When he’d kissed her long and hard, he pulled back grinning. His hand strayed to her stomach. Merriment lit his bright blue gaze, as he teased, “So, this means you’re breasts are going to get even bigger, right? And more tender? I like that.”

  “Ah!” Tori feigned outrage as she hit his arms. “Quinn!”

  “What?” He grinned, kissing her again, this time tender and soft. “I love you, wife.”

  “I love you,” Tori mumbled, still eyeing him ruefully.

  In one artful pull, he had her on her back on the couch and her shirt pulled up over her stomach. He sprinkled light feathery kisses over her. “And I love you, too, my son.”

  “Son?” Tori asked. “It could be a girl.”

  “Possibly,” Quinn chuckled, humoring her. “But, girl children are rare here. You know that.”

  “Don’t remind me that I’ll always be outnumbered by Var men.” Tori chuckled.

  Quinn looked up, concerned. “Do you mind having sons?”

  “If they are yours, how can I not love having them?” Tori stroked back his hair. “Now, get off me so I can go baby shopping with the queen. Though, I have to admit, seeing you tied down in chains does hold some appeal.”

  To Tori’s surprise, Quinn kissed her quickly and jumped to his feet. She sat up, stunned. He rushed to the door. “I’m going to go tell everyone.”

  Her mouth fell open as he left her. Just as she was standing to right her clothes, his head popped in around the corner. A big, silly grin was spread over his excited features. He’d never looked more handsome, or more proud. “I love you, wife.”

  “I love you, too. Go, tell the world. I’ll see you later tonight so we can finish this.” Tori shook her head as he went to do just that. Sighing she moved after him, hearing his shouts of joy coming from the end of the hall. Whispering, she said with a laugh, “I love you, too, husband.”

  * * * *

  Tori looked around her home in amazement. One day. It had only taken Quinn only one day to buy enough stuff for ten children and she was barely a month along. Working her way through the boxes she chuckled and set down her small shopping bag of baby clothes. It looked pitifully small compared to the furniture and mounds of clothing set before her.

  “There you are!” Quinn beamed proudly at her, walking in the front door. “I was looking for you. Ulyssa said you came back here, so I must have just missed you in the hall.”

  “I’ve see you’ve been busy,” Tori laughed. She watched her husband wade through the boxes and bags to reach her. It took awhile, but he’d finally made it to her side. Stopping, he kissed her soundly then leaned over to her belly to do the same. “Do you really think we need all this stuff? It’s just one baby.”

  “Only one now. I plan on keeping you with my children for many years to come.” Quinn grinned, nuzzling her now bar
e stomach with light kisses. His voice became hoarse, rasping, as he admitted, “I shall enjoy watching your body grow round with my sons.”

  Quinn made a low growling sound as if the mere thought of her pregnant body aroused him. Tori wasn’t so sure that it sounded like a good plan to her, but merely said, “Let’s get through number one first and then we’ll talk about the others.”

  “We’ll build onto this wing. I think at least twelve sons,” Quinn continued, as if he hadn’t heard her. “Maybe more. Sixteen has a nice ring to it.”

  “Sixteen?” Tori squeaked. She was still trying to get used to the idea of one.

  Before he could answer a knock sounded on the door. Quinn pulled back up, covering her stomach from view. His hand lingering on her possessively, before yelling, “Come in!”

  Tori watched in awe as Kirill, Reid, and Falke struggled to bring in the most hideous stuffed creature she’d ever seen. Quinn kissed her temple and went to go help. The strange beast was twice as tall as the men and had the spine of an earth porcupine along its thick back, looking as sharp as razor blades. His head was just as vicious with long deadly fangs and eyes that looked eerie even in its taxidermy state.

  It was a struggle getting it through the door and when they finally managed, they set it up in the living room. The horrible beast stared down at her, looking altogether the thing nightmares were made of. The four brothers watched her proudly, as she looked at the awful thing. Vaguely, she was aware of her jaw hanging open in stunned silence.

  “Ah,” Kirill said to Quinn, slapping him in the chest with a big grin. “Look at her face, she loves it!”

  “How can she not?” Quinn answered and got instant nods of agreement from his brothers. “I told you earth women liked stuffed creatures.”

  “Quinn?” Tori asked, weak. “What is this thing?”

  “A Yorkin,” Falke supplied. He still moved stiffly from being tortured by Lord Myrddin, but he was too proud to let it show. Tori felt bad for him. He’d really been hurt the worst out of all of them. She couldn’t begin to imagine the horror he’d been through. “We took it down ourselves last year in a hunt--it only took the four of us to defeat it.”

  “Yes,” Tori said. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”

  “Well,” Reid explained as if it should’ve been perfectly clear. “Quinn told us of the baby and for a gift, he said you’d like either flowers--which he’s already picked all of them and given to you--or hunted offerings. None of us know of this fearsome teddy bear you speak of, but we are sure this creature has to be at least twice as deadly as one.”

  Tori’s jaw dropped further. She wanted to laugh, but their faces were so earnest, so proud of what they’d given her, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.

  “What in the...?” Ulyssa said from the door.

  “They’ve brought me a beast more fearsome than a teddy bear,” Tori said. She’d confessed the misunderstanding to Ulyssa one night who hadn’t breathed a word of it.

  “Oh,” Ulyssa said, and Tori saw her struggling not to smile. Turning to her husband, she winked and said, “It’s almost as good as the weapons you all gave me for the baby.”

  The four Vars’ grins deepened.

  “Good God!” Vitto exclaimed coming in. Grant was next to him. “What is that thing?”

  “A Yorkin,” Quinn supplied, waving to encompass the beast.

  Vitto smiled at Tori. He gave an amused glance around at all the boxes.

  “Are you giving birth to an army?” Grant asked, laughing as he too looked around.

  “Not yet,” Quinn supplied. “But, soon.”

  Ulyssa shot her a pointed look. Tori just shrugged weakly and helplessly shook her head.

  “Um, Lyssa...?” Kirill began.

  “Ah, no. No army for you, my king,” Ulyssa automatically answered. “Maybe three.”

  “But...” the king said, looking as if his wife took away his favorite toy. He glanced meaningfully at Tori and Quinn. “Quinn--”

  “We’ll discuss it later,” Ulyssa said, smiling lovingly at him.

  “Fine.” The king actually looked like he pouted.

  Reid frowned slightly in discomfort and looked to the floor. He always seemed to stiffen up whenever any of his brothers acted affectionate toward their wives. She knew that being raised by Attor had scarred each of them more than they’d ever admit. She only hoped that someday Reid and Falke would both find the happiness they had. Oh, and Jarek, she mustn’t forget her other new brother--the space explorer.

  Vitto made his way through the boxes to hand her a small stuffed bear he carried. Grinning at her, he said, “I hate leaving. I promise to come back after my next assignment and see you.”

  “Me, too,” Grant said. Tori knew they were both signed up with the HIA for another mission. It seemed they both enjoyed the danger that working for human intelligence brought. She worried about them, but knew they were smart, capable men. She had finished her work, sending her reports in to ESC and HIA over a week ago. Dr. Simon’s belongings went with it. HIA mission director, Franklin, said he’d make sure it got to Dr. Simon’s family.

  Handing her the bear, Vitto said, “I know it’s just a teddy bear, but I wanted the baby to have something from his uncle before I left.”

  At Vitto’s words, Tori heard a round of gasps. All four Var warriors made their way through the boxes to see the small bear. Quinn took it from Tori’s hands and examined it. Reid grabbed it from him and did the same, passing it on to Falke and Kirill.

  “Where are its teeth?” Quinn asked, frowning, not at all impressed by the small furry animal.

  “It’s so small,” Reid said. “Is it poisonous? Does it shift?”

  “We could easily hunt this,” Falke added. “It has no claws. Were they perhaps removed?”

  “Does it have fangs? Is it spry?” Quinn asked. He pulled at the stuffed animal’s mouth, but couldn’t get it open to see.

  Kirill lifted the bear and sniffed it before turning to his wife. Holding it up, he said, “Lyssa, you are frightened by this thing?”

  The four humans began to laugh. The Var looked them over, confused.

  “Come on, guys,” Ulyssa said, ushering them out. “Let’s leave these two alone. Vitto, Grant, come help me explain.”

  Once alone, Tori eyed the Yorkin. No matter how misguided, it really was sweet of her new family. She turned to her husband. He held the bear, poking at its soft, fake fur in confusion. She leaned over and kissed him soundly.

  Pulling back, he again eyed the bear in severe concentration, and said, “I could have hunted this on my own, without my brothers. You know that, don’t you? I will get you one if you truly wish for me to find one.”

  “I know you could have, sweetheart, I know.” Tori grinned. It was so sweet that he was worried his Yorkin disappointed her compared to the bear Vitto gave her. She pushed him back through the boxes to their bedroom, her hands roaming beneath his clothes.

  “That Yorkin took five days to track and we fought for nearly three hours to bring it down. Usually it takes at least twenty men twice as long. It supplied meat for the whole palace for months.” Quinn didn’t seem to notice that he was already half naked, but as she pulled off her shirt and threw it on the bear in his hand, he glanced up. A grin instantly spread over his features.

  “Mm, yes, you’re my big bad hunter, aren’t you?” Tori said, playfully pushing him back. “Why don’t you come show me how you track your prey?”

  Quinn’s eyes flashed with the threat of a shift, sending hot arousal through her. He instantly dropped the bear but held onto the shirt. Lifting his wife over his shoulder, he rushed her to the bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed and undressed her completely. When they were both naked, he yelled, “Fire!”

  “Oh, no, Quinn!” Tori protested, watching her clothes fly toward the fireplace. “Not again!”

  “I disobeyed a royal decree, wife.” Quinn kissed her. “Now, wasn’t there some sort of punishment due m
e? Something to do with chains?”

  “Mm, you’re such an outlaw,” she moaned.

  Quinn grinned, chuckling as he covered her body with his, easing his thighs between her legs. Tori’s laughter joined his and her arms wrapped around his solid neck, not caring if she ever wore clothes again.


  A sneak peak at


  By Michelle M. Pillow


  Falke blinked. His vision was blurred by the effects of the dart. He knew what it was, because his father had done it to him before in training. He felt sleepy, dizzy, and a little nauseous on top of that. He recalled running in the forest, stopping as he heard a noise. Curious, he’d followed the sounds of laughter. Two naked men, one pale and one tan, were with a woman.

  Seeing naked men running about wasn’t an unusual sight for the commander. Being shifters, they lost their clothes whenever they changed form. There’d been many nights they’d chased the enemy, only to be left naked in the middle of the great forest. What was unusual was to see naked men who were not shifters. Falke had picked up their scent instantly and knew they were alien to his homeland. Their language confirmed that they were humans, or at least raised human.

  At first, he could only see the woman’s backside. She wore tight black pants that hugged firmly to her slender waist and hips. Her butt was lifted, tone from much exercise, even though she was small. She had blonde hair, cut to her shoulders as if hacked at with a knife to leave choppy waves. Then, at the men’s insistent whispering, the woman turned around to face him. Her scent was different--soft, sweet, almost sugary. She swayed on her feet and he wondered if it was fear that caused it.

  When Falke saw her face, his heart had nearly stopped beating. She was beautiful. The blonde hair had a streak of purple through the bangs. It fell forward over her face, partially hiding her round violet eyes. He was sure he’d never seen eyes quite that color before. He was captivated by them and couldn’t look away. She blinked, and he got the sense that she meant him no harm.


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