The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1) Page 2

by Marie Higgins

  “How badly are you hurt?” His voice held a hint of concern.

  “I can’t put pressure on my foot. I don’t know... it might be broken.”

  Mr. Remington’s large hand slid down her leg until it hooked over the heel of her sore foot. His touch was so tender. So warm. Tremors of unexpected delight danced across her skin. She quickly silenced a traitorous sigh before it exited her mouth.

  “Let me take a look.” He bent, inspecting it closer.

  His hot breath caressed her skin. Goosebumps rose over her body from her neck, clear down to her toes.

  She froze. It wasn’t just the pain from her bruise torturing her now, but the way his gentle fingers brushed over it.

  He straightened. “It’s going to be a nasty bruise, but I don’t think it’s broken.”

  Nicole forced a smile. “Thanks, but I should be leaving—” She moved to stand again, but his arms tightened around her waist.

  “Sweetheart, you shouldn’t step on your foot now. It’s starting to swell.”

  Her heart flipped from the nickname he’d given her. And why was his voice so stimulating when he said it? The pain must be affecting her hearing, too.

  “But, I can’t stay on your lap all night.” From the mere idea, her face grew hotter. “I don’t even know you.”

  “How about we change that right now?” His eyebrows lifted. “I’m Mick Remington. And you are...”

  The woman that’s going to destroy you!

  As much as she wanted to say those words, the sound of his deep, yet soothing voice brought odd sensations trickling over her. Her throat turned dry, as did her mouth.

  She refocused on her mission and licked her parched lips. “I’m Nicole.” She couldn’t tell him her last name. He’d know exactly who she was related to. Quickly, she used her mother’s maiden name. “I’m Nicole Stanley.”

  His gaze did a quick sweep around the room before landing back on her. “Are you here alone?”

  “I’m not supposed to be.” She swallowed hard and began her lie. “But my date stood me up. I was on my way out the door when I was pushed onto your lap.”

  He ran his hand softly over her knee, stirring the heat inside her up another level. They were way too close for her comfort.

  “I really feel awkward sitting on you like this.” She motioned her head toward the empty space next to him on the booth’s seat. “Would you mind if I scooted over there?”

  He gave her another devastating grin that lifted the right side of his mouth higher than the left. Dimples creased in both cheeks. Why did he have to have such an adorable feature about him? Regardless, she must stay focused on her goal.

  “I would mind because I think this is very cozy, but I wouldn’t want to make you uneasy in any way,” he said.

  Shifting her on his lap, he slid his hands underneath her legs and eased her onto the empty space beside him as if she was as light as a feather. He kept her injured foot propped on his thigh.

  Nicole sucked in a breath and heat rushed over every inch of her body. Silently, she cursed her reaction to this gorgeous man. She prayed she wouldn’t be fighting him and her traitorous body all night long. There was no way she could endure that much torture.


  Being this close to him made Nicole’s body go berserk, but it was more than that. She didn’t know why he acted so considerate. Tycoons like Mick Remington didn’t have a thoughtful bone in their bodies. Unless... maybe he had too much to drink tonight already. She hadn’t detected the strong odor of alcohol on his breath, so she dismissed that thought.

  From her new vantage point in the booth, she could see him a little better – at least his body. He wasn’t wearing the Armani suit she’d expected. Instead, he wore a loose long-sleeve buttoned blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. As she slid her gaze down farther, black Wranglers hugged his lean waist and muscular legs. She couldn’t see his feet, but she bet he wore boots, too.

  Strange, but he didn’t resemble the jerk she’d believed from the rumors she’d heard.

  Mick motioned to the waitress who hustled to their table, wearing a come-get-me look in her eyes that were surrounded by long, thick – fake – eyelashes. Inwardly, Nicole seethed. Apparently, he could snap his fingers and any woman would come running. She vowed not to ever be controlled by him like that.

  “Could you bring me some ice,” he asked the waitress.

  The younger woman’s forehead crinkled. “Do you want that in a glass?”

  Mick only hesitated briefly. “A small sandwich size bag will work better since I’ll be putting it on the lady’s bruised foot.”

  He grinned at the waitress and her face flamed bright red. Nicole rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, Mr. Remington, I’ll get that for you right away.”

  When his attention moved back to Nicole, she gave him her best smile, under the strained circumstances, anyway. “I appreciate your kindness.” Which she still didn’t quite understand, since she’d heard he was merciless.

  “It’s the least I can do for a pretty lady.”

  She wanted to groan with distaste, but her heart fluttered instead. She reminded herself he was as charming as a rattlesnake. He would only cause pain as he injected poison into her system just like the serpent. Over the years, she’d seen the people Mick and his father had put out of business just to make themselves wealthier.

  Nicole forced a laugh. “You’re too kind. However, I think this low lighting has affected your sight.” She waved her hand in front of his face.

  “Oh, you’d be surprised what I can see.” His brows lifted suggestively.

  She held her breath as panic grew inside of her. Did he know her real purpose? Could he possibly know that James Adkins was her grandfather?

  No, she wouldn’t believe that. There was no way Mick knew her grandfather that well.

  As she expelled a slow breath, she toyed with the coaster on the table. “So, Mr. Remington—”

  “Call me Mick.”

  She nodded. “Mick, are you new to Maple Springs? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

  “I’m here on business.”

  Nicole tried to maintain a pleasant expression, even if she was tempted to plow her fist into his nose for even thinking of trying to take over her grandfather’s company. Mick Remington’s only kind of business was ruining people.

  “Business?” she asked sweetly. “You’ve been conducting business here at the country club’s lounge?”

  “I met with some colleagues earlier, and I was just finishing my drink when you fell into my life.” He winked.

  “Am I keeping you from anything?”

  He shook his head. “After I’m finished with my lemon water, I was going to return to my hotel room.” His smile widened. “In fact, why don’t you join me?”

  Fear leaped inside her as a lump lodged in her throat, making it impossible to swallow. Although her heart beat wildly, his offer was what she’d hoped for. Could she really go through with this? Yet, she didn’t want to back down now.

  “You can’t be serious.” She chuckled. “We just met and already you’re inviting me to your hotel room?” Her voice shook even as she tried to remain strong.

  One broad shoulder lifted in a shrug. “It’s not a proposition, Nicole. I just think you’d be more comfortable sitting on something soft while we ice your foot and bring down the swelling.”

  “I... I...” She swallowed hard, trying not to feel embarrassed again. “Well, you see —”

  The waitress returned with a bag of ice and handed it to Mick. “Is there anything else you’d like?” Her voice dripped with honey.

  Nicole resisted the unlady-like snort she wanted to release. Instead, she bit her bottom lip to keep from making a rude comment toward the obviously infatuated girl.

  “What do you say?” he asked Nicole. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Why in the world would she want a drink right now, especially with all the adrenaline currently pumping throug
h her body? Was he purposely trying to get her drunk? He probably figured that liquor would loosen her up, so she could act like all the sleazy women he’d dated. However, she wasn’t a drinker.

  “Actually, I’d love a soda. Do you have Sprite?”

  The waitress nodded.

  “That’s what I’ll have, then.” Nicole met Mick’s gaze again. “No alcohol for me tonight. After all, I’m driving home.”

  He glanced back at the waitress and nodded. “One Sprite for the lady.”

  “Would you like another drink?” the waitress asked in a husky tone as she batted her fake lashes again.

  “No. I’m still working on this one.” He pointed to his half-empty glass of water.

  Nicole sat forward and touched his arm. “Oh, please have a drink with me. I hate to drink alone.”

  The longer he stared, the more his smile relaxed. His eyes darkened, making her heart hammer quicker.

  He looked back at the waitress. “Get me a Colorado Bulldog, then.”

  Nicole sucked in a quick breath. Why had he ordered that? Did he know that was her grandfather’s favorite drink? Nah, Mick couldn’t possibly know.

  Just like earlier, confusion crossed the waitress’s already dopey features. Her brown, penciled-on eyebrows drew together. “What’s that?”

  Nicole didn’t hesitate to roll her eyes this time. How did this girl get a job in a place that served alcohol if she didn’t know anything about mixing drinks?

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Nicole mumbled. “It’s Kahlua, milk, vodka, and a splash of Coke.”

  Mick’s wide eyes met Nicole’s as his grin widened. “Very good.”

  The waitress scribbled the ingredients down and nodded. “Got it. I’ll be back.”

  He shifted the bag of ice in his hands and placed it gently on to Nicole’s bruised foot. Pain shot through her, making her hold her breath. The bruise hurt worse than she’d expected, and the ice shocked her already overheated body. As his large hands cradled her foot and calf, the coldness disappeared and warmth spread through her. Why did she have to react this way from his touch?

  “You surprise me, Nicole.”

  She peered into his dark eyes, wishing she could see their true color. The tabloid magazines said they were gray, but the dim lighting didn’t allow her to see. “Why do I surprise you?”

  “Because you know how to make a Colorado Bulldog.”

  She shrugged. “It’s my grandfather’s favorite drink.” Just as the words flew from her mouth, she quickly snapped her lips together. She couldn’t say anything that would connect her to James Adkins. In fact, she needed to get Mick talking about his business and the real reason he was here.

  “It’s not a popular drink.” He withdrew one hand from her leg and rested it on the table. “I don’t order it very often, but I thought tonight called for an out-of-the-ordinary creation.”

  She swallowed the cotton forming in her throat again. He wanted to make something out of tonight, just as she did. She prayed she could pull it off without him suspecting her true purpose.

  “I agree. Tonight is certainly very different.” She laughed lightly. “So, Mick, what kind of business are you in?”

  Mick lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t want to talk about business anymore tonight. I’ve been doing that for most of the day with my associates. Instead, I’d like to get to know you better.”

  He ran a long, extremely tanned finger around the rim of his half-empty glass of water. Good grief! Even his fingers appeared muscular. Was that even possible?

  She struggled for something to say to keep the conversation flowing, but she wasn’t used to going out with such good-looking guys. Mary should have been the one to play the loose woman part, not the shy and awkward Nicole who had never been in a lasting relationship with a guy.

  No topic of conversation came to her mind, and it upset her that he didn’t want to talk about his business in Maple Springs. Unfortunately, the only thoughts running through her head were those she didn’t want to think about. His wavy dark brown hair appeared as if he’d just pushed his fingers through his shortened locks. She couldn’t stop thinking how comfortable it felt sitting with her foot in his lap, or what it would be like to wrap her arms around his wide shoulders. His lean frame tempted her to press against him just to see how well she would fit next to him.

  Why was she thinking this way? Apparently, her disguise and the plan she had for him were ruining her in more ways than one. Oh, Lord... forgive me for my immoral thoughts.

  The waitress placed their drinks in front of them, lingering a little longer in front of Mick. He smiled at the other woman, but once she left, he focused back on Nicole.

  “Tell me something, sweetheart,” he said.

  His deep voice shook Nicole out of her disturbing thoughts. “What?”

  “I’m trying to figure out why any man in his right mind would stand up a luscious babe like you on a date?”

  She stopped breathing, yet her heart hammered madly. He thought she was luscious? He must be drunk in some way. Then again, Mick Remington was a womanizer who had a different model girlfriend every other month. And from what Nicole had read about him, he liked them wild and easy.

  A smile tugged her lips, and she quickly remembered the lie she’d started earlier. “Thanks for the compliment, even though I think your vision is still impaired.” She shrugged. “I don’t know why my date ditched me. I met the guy a week ago. I guess he wasn’t as interested in me as I’d thought.”

  Mick slid his hand across the table and stroked her fingers. “Then that’s his loss and my gain.” He lightly squeezed her hand before withdrawing. “I’ve always believed things like this happen for a reason.”

  Desire lumped in her throat, so she quickly sipped her drink. “You do? Why do you think that?”

  “Well, I’m here. You’re here. We’re both without dates. If you’re anything like me, you’d rather not be alone on a Friday night.”

  He was definitely a sweet-talker and he knew what words to use to seduce women. She took another swallow of her drink. Things were heading in the right direction. He had his drink, and now it was time for her to slip him the sleeping pill without him noticing.

  Quickly, her mind settled on an action. Before she could change her mind, she shifted her leg enough that the icepack fell to the floor. “Oh, dear.” She frowned, acting like she was going to reach for it.

  “No, let me.”

  As he leaned his head under the table, she hastily withdrew the pill from the side-pocket of her clutch purse and plopped it in his drink. The herbal pill dissolved quickly, just as she knew it would.

  He straightened and placed the ice pack on her foot. “There. Is that better?”

  “Much better, thank you, again.”

  A few seconds passed before his fingers moved on her leg. “Nicole, are you going to answer my question? Do you want to spend the rest of the evening with me in my hotel room?”

  “Although I should say no because I don’t know you very well, I’m tempted to say yes.”

  He chuckled. The deep timbre of his voice rattled her senses – as if she wasn’t already rattled by the sudden attraction. But she must stay focused.

  His tender touch ran over her foot and up her calf in a mind-boggling caress. Desire laced his intense, hypnotic eyes, and she couldn’t stop her breath from accelerating. He was a tease, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. She’d be fighting him the whole evening, just as she’d fight her own urges, which of course, was why she’d given him the sleeping pill.

  “Then say yes.” He winked. “You might be surprised how entertaining I can be.”

  She hitched a ragged breath. Curse his entrancing voice, and the relaxing strokes of his fingers on her leg. Her mind had gone blank. All she could do was stare into his eyes – eyes that were melting her fast.

  “I think,” he continued in a husky voice, “that we should take this conversation back to my hotel room.”

  She tried
swallowing, but a lump of anticipation filled her throat. Her mouth had grown dry, so she licked her lips. His gaze dropped to her mouth mere seconds before he gave her a limb-quivering grin.

  Her heart sank in panic. She’d lived most of her life on the straight and narrow as she made decisions that would keep her on the pathway to becoming the president of Adkins Dev-Tech. But could she continue with her plans for Mr. Remington now?

  Tonight would be the hardest night of her life!


  Mick Remington lifted his drink to his mouth while keeping his gaze on the incredibly beautiful woman. He’d seen his share of pretty women, but there was something about Nicole that held his interest. He liked the way she looked at him as if he was her rescuer. It was refreshing to be someone’s hero for a change, instead of the ruthless villain.

  However, he couldn’t stop the doubts from sneaking into his mind. After all, this was James Adkins’ granddaughter. Mick had seen a picture of her on her grandfather’s desk a couple of years ago when Mick had visited James. Nicole’s enchanting green eyes had haunted his dreams for several months afterward.

  And now... her grandfather was ill and his company was in trouble. Although Mick wanted nothing to do with the Remington empire – especially their reputation – he forced himself to work beside his father just to learn the ropes. He hadn’t spent any time with his father while growing up, and as an adult Mick was determined to become as successful as his old man... but in a different way.

  Mick had never been proud of the Remington reputation. Most people saw him as the corrupt son of the elder Remington. If only they’d look past the name and see what was in Mick’s heart.

  It wasn’t until he realized his father was going after James Adkins’ company that Mick decided to change his ways of dealing with companies that were going under. Several years ago, James had been the first man who believed in Mick and had given him his first loan. Mick was the only person who could help James right now, and he prayed he wouldn’t fail.


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