The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Damn it, Tristan, talk to me! What the fuck is going on?”

  Tristan wanted to trust his longtime friend, but something in Alex’s demeanor told him to hold off. He wasn’t so sure that Alex would understand. Oh, how he wished he would, but Tristan refused to leave anything to chance. If he was one hundred percent sure, then he kept his cards close to his chest. The time would come when all would be revealed. Until then, he was going to have to stay the course. Even if that meant lying to his best friend. “If you must know, I like the area.”

  “Why Montana?”

  “Because I can,” he replied, getting frustrated with the damn conversation. He already hated lying to Alexander. It damn near killed him to lie to his childhood friend Peter Castillo, but he couldn’t tell them, not yet. He almost fucked everything up already when he purchased Peter’s girlfriend's little shop. Thankfully, he was able to rectify that situation, but a rift had already formed. Tristan just prayed that eventually he could mend it. There wasn’t a single childhood memory he had that didn’t have Peter in it. Hell, he was Colby’s godfather.

  “Treasure Cove won’t allow you to drill here, Tristan. Neither will Celestial.”

  “They have no say. I own the mineral rights to both towns and soon I’ll have my hand in each town. Both towns can use a boost in the economy, and I plan on being the one to do that. They can’t stop forward progress, Alex. I am here for the long haul, just get used to it.”

  “Damn it, Tristan, you can’t do this!” Alexander shouted.

  Tristan sighed. This conversation was becoming monotonous. He had to hand it to his friend, Alex could talk a horse to death when the mood suited him. That was probably why he was so damn good at being an attorney. Though Tristan was never able to acquire Alexander’s services permanently, that didn’t stop his friend from interfering and telling him what he thought. “You can’t just come here with your money and drilling equipment and take over. These towns, these people, are not your corporation. We don’t work for you. The towns were created so the people who live here can do so freely. We’re not like everyone else. You can’t just come in here and change everything. The towns won’t allow it.”

  “I can and I did, Alex,” Tristan said as he watched a large man exit a vehicle and lean against it. It seemed as if he was the man of the hour. Tristan didn’t know who the man was, but he looked like a man on a mission. Tristan would bet a full quarterly statement that the man wanted a piece of him, too.

  “What is the town going to think? They have a charter in place to stop shit like this. You won’t win, Tristan. The town will sue you for every dime you have.”

  “They can try, but they won’t win. The town doesn’t own the mineral rights. I did some digging and found out that a former shareholder in the charter swindled everyone out of their share. One person owned the mineral rights, and he is dead. When he failed to sign over ownership, the mineral rights became public property and now they belong to me.”

  “This is bullshit.”

  “No, it’s business. I own all the land between Treasure Cove and Celestial, and soon I will own Celestial. I have a man coming in to ensure that. Those idiots over there won’t know what hit them before it’s too late.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I like it here. It’s quiet and serene.”

  “You’ll be bored in a week, and you know it. Nothing goes on here. It's cattle country.”

  “For now, but I have plans to boost the economy. Soon this place will be a mecca for the rich and famous.”

  “Nobody cares about that shit here. These people are simple folks and just want to live their lives in peace. Tristan, please stop this before it gets out of hand.”

  “I can’t, Alex. I made a promise and I plan to keep it.”

  “You’ve never kept a damn promise in your life.”

  “You’re right, but I do repay my debts.”

  “I’m going to see Matthew Jenkins about this. You won’t win, Tristan, not this time,” Alex said, angrily walking away.

  “You’ll understand everything soon. Just be patient,” Tristan shouted back as Alexander flipped him the bird. Tristan knew if he didn’t get moving along, he was going to lose what friends he had left. As it was, it was going to be hard-pressed for him to get them to talk to him again after the truth came out. Part of him wanted to let them in on what he was doing, but the fewer that knew, the better. As it was, only he and his business partner in this venture, Sasha Merrick, knew what was going on. If the towns already thought he was a bastard, then Sasha Merrick was the devil incarnate. If things didn’t change soon, Tristan was going to have to call in Sasha, and that was something he didn’t relish doing.

  He’d known Sasha Christopher Merrick for as long as he could remember. Best friends since infancy, there wasn’t a single memory he had that didn’t have Sasha in it. Though their lives took them in different directions, one thing remained constant…Sasha was his best friend and nothing, no one, would come between that.

  “Mr. Summerfield?”

  “Yes,” Tristan said, turning to the man who was heading his way.

  “I’m Miguel Sanchez. I heard you were hiring.”

  “Depends on what you can offer?”

  “I am a former Army soldier with fifteen years’ experience in demolition and explosives. I’m new to the area and wanted to know if my credentials would interest you.”

  “A soldier, huh,” Tristan said, looking him up and down. “Ever done a protection detail?”

  “Yes, sir, my brothers and I did that for two of our deployments.”

  “Brothers? There are more of you?”

  “Yes, sir. I have two brothers.”

  “Good, I’ll hire all three of you.”

  This could work out. Since things weren’t going as planned and he was starting to get the feeling he wasn’t welcome in the area, Tristan was not above being overly cautious. He was worth quite a bit of money, and with the incidents at his New York offices, he knew the time had come for some protection.

  “Uh, for what, sir?”

  “I’m in need of someone to look after my back. I’m moving into this territory and I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of people who would like to see me go.”

  “Are you expecting trouble, sir?”

  “I have no idea, but if there is, that is what you and your brothers are for. And stop calling me sir. You’re in the civilian world now, soldier. The name is Tristan.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man grinned. “I guess old habits die hard.”

  Tristan replied dryly as he headed for his car, “Apparently so. I am staying at the Silver Springs Hotel. Here is my card. Call me tomorrow so I can meet your brothers. Oh, and Mr. Sanchez, as of right now you work for me. When I call, you show up, no questions, no excuses. Agreed?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tristan said, getting into his car and shutting the door. It was going to be a long drive to Silver Springs, and if he didn’t get going now, it was going to be dark before he arrived. His plan was moving along, but if he had his way, he’d almost be finished by now. He never was good with waiting, but he learned to deal with it. In the meantime, he wanted to drive through Celestial and get a feel for the town that was going to be his. Then he needed to call Sasha and give him an update.

  There was just something about this area that called to him on some elemental level. He couldn’t explain it. He knew just by looking at photos of the area that this was where he wanted his base of operations moved to. That, and he could secure it a lot better than his offices in downtown New York City.

  Everything changed that day some lunatic called in a bomb scare to his secretary. His whole building was evacuated and it took hours for the local fire and police departments to find absolutely nothing. That day cost him millions, along with several seasoned and qualified employees. He knew then that he had to do something. Someone was trying to bankrupt him, and though he didn’t have
enough evidence, he was sure it was the bitch from hell.

  Morgana Eveline Santos had been a thorn in his side ever since he met the bitch at a fundraiser seven years ago. Born into one of the wealthiest families in the world, with ties to the Colombian cartel, Morgana was supposed to be the future Mrs. Tristan Summerfield. That was until he found her fucking his personal driver while they were on vacation in the south of France. Yep, that was the trip where, only a few short hours before, he got down on one knee and proposed. Which reminded him, he still hadn’t gotten back that rock he gave her.

  Adding that to his ever-growing list of things to do, Tristan hit speed dial one on his car phone and listened as it began to ring. He knew that Sasha would be waiting for his call, and the sooner he let his partner know what was going on, the quicker he could get back to work.

  “Tristan,” a low, gravelly, monotone voice said, permeating the small confines of his Jaguar.

  “Hello, Sasha, is this a good time?”


  “Shall I call you later?”


  “Things aren’t going as planned. Though I’ve acquired the land surrounding the town of Celestial, the residents of Treasure Cove are stubborn. I’ve already purchased the Treasure Cove bank and some of the businesses in town, but I think it would be better if we concentrate on Celestial. I know it’s a smaller town, but I believe the residents will be more hospitable to a change in environment.”


  “But I’m not sure. I have a man who works for me, Aries Deveroux, from Celestial. I am going to send him home to seal the deal. In the meantime, I have some unfinished business to attend to before I head back to New York.”


  “Not that I can gather. How was the Mask last night?” After a few seconds of silence, Tristan asked, “Sasha, are you listening?”


  “Look, I asked if you were busy. We can talk later when you have more time.”


  “What’s wrong?”


  “Is Lisset okay?” Tristan asked cautiously. Lisset Benoit was the only sister and family Sasha had left. After a horrible accident that left her blind several years ago, Sasha whisked her away to his family’s home in northern Scotland. Though Lisset was only his half-sister on his mother’s side, Sasha loved her dearly. He vowed to make the asshole who caused his sister’s blindness pay for leaving her to die and damn near destitute. Tristan had been there during that horrible time, right alongside his best friend as they both worked tirelessly to make sure Lisset had everything she needed. Though she was alive, she never regained that sparkle she once had.

  “She’s fine.”

  “That’s good,” Tristan replied. “Well, I have to call my secretary and then Mr. Deveroux. I will keep you updated. Oh, and Sasha?”


  “Try not to strangle Gabriel.”

  “No promises.” With that, Tristan hit the end button and headed toward Silver Springs. He had a lot to do within the next week before he was due back in New York, and the quicker he got it done, the sooner he could head home.

  Chapter Five

  Sasha Merrick closed his phone and leaned back in his chair as he took out his wallet and looked at the lone picture. It was an old picture, one that meant the world to him. Honestly, it was nothing special, just a simple Polaroid of four young boys laughing as they held a trophy high in the air.

  That was a good day, one that he never forgot.

  Like all things in life, time changed everything and people grew apart. Change was inevitable. Nothing could stop it and change was nothing new for him. He was used to it. People came into his life and left. Homes were interchangeable like cars, but friendships were forever, or so he thought.

  At one point in his life, he thought he had everything he needed. Then, like the wind that blew in the ocean, everything was gone and he was forced to start over. He was good at that. Starting over was easy, but it was the remembering he had trouble with.

  He remembered everything.

  Unlike most people, Sasha couldn’t let go of the past. The past defined him, made him the man he was today. He wasn’t a kind man. He wasn’t an honorable man. Hell, he wasn’t even a pleasant man. He was who he was because of those boys standing next to him in that picture.

  He was ten years old when his mother brought Lisset home from the hospital. From the first moment he laid eyes on her, she had him wrapped around his finger. She was perfect in a world of imperfections. Beautiful, funny, and full of hope and happiness, Lisset was everything he wasn’t. But he didn’t care. She loved him and that was all that mattered. He still remembered the day when he got a call from his sister’s landlord, saying that Lisset was behind on the rent. It was so unlike her to forget things like that, so Sasha dropped everything and flew to London to check up on her. That’s when he found her living in squalor. Her once beautiful home was destroyed. A pig wouldn’t even live where she was staying. To add to his horror, when he walked in, he saw that his sister was lying motionless on the bed. From the looks of her, she hadn’t bathed in weeks. Her once shiny, lustrous hair was matted and reeked of sweat. When he moved closer to her, he had to cover his nose. She smelled like death and he feared the worse until he saw her breathing.

  “Lissie?” he cautiously said, stepping closer to her. Her only response was a moan. Sasha rushed to her side. Reaching for her hand, he tried to stifle his revulsion as he felt every single bone in her dainty little hand. That was when he noticed that his sister was skin and bones. There wasn’t an ounce of muscle or fat on her body. She was dying. “Dear God, Lissie, what happened here?”

  “Go away, Sasha. Leave me to die in peace.”

  “You know I can’t, sweetheart. What’s happened? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “There’s nothing you can do. They’ve tried everything.”

  “Who has?”

  “The doctors. Just let me die, please.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’m blind.”

  Sasha closed his eyes and cringed. He felt like screaming. His beautiful sister, so full of life, who had her whole life ahead of her, was hurt and he didn’t know. For the longest time, Sasha watched and admired his sister as her love and grace touched those around her. Her compassion and gentility were what drew her to teaching. Her love of kids only solidified when she graduated college and became a school teacher. She was good at her job and she loved it.

  “Lissie, let me take you away from here. Let me find you another doctor. Maybe there is something that can be done.”

  “No. What’s done is done. There is no fixing this,” she whispered softly. He knew she was tired. She needed help and he was going to make sure she had only the best. He just needed her to stay awake. He feared if she closed her eyes, he would lose her forever.

  “How did it happen?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Gathering his sister in his arms, he carried her out of that horrible place and took her home, to the only home he knew. He would see to it that she had the best care his money could buy, and if it wasn’t good enough, he’d use Tristan’s. Tristan wouldn’t mind. He loved Lissie like a sister, too. And when the time came, Sasha would find out what happened to her and he was going to make who did this to his sister pay.

  Sasha made that vow many years ago, and never forgot. It was that vow that kept him going. Though his sister was well and healing, she was never the vibrant woman she was before. For that alone, Sasha could kill the fucker who hurt her. Lissie refused to talk about her accident or who was involved, but none of that mattered. Blood was thicker than water, and Lissie was blood. Sasha would lay down his life for his sister gladly, if it came to it. He would kill for her just to see her smile once more.

  Sasha never believed in love at first sight, happily ever after, and all the crap that went along with it. But ever since he sta
rted taking care of his sister, he figured that if anyone deserved something like that it was her. That was one of the main reasons he went into business with his best friend, Tristan. Not only was Tristan there for him when he needed the most, Tristan was his only way to start over.

  The two men had always gotten along, more so than Gabriel and Alexander. Growing up in England, one thing was for sure, the rich didn’t mix with poor, and Sasha was as poor as they came. That was, until his father inherited everything, but that didn’t happen until later. The only reason he was able to go to that fancy school and meet Tristan, Gabriel, and Alex was because some benefactor made it possible. A debt he was never able to repay, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to look. He had a lot on his plate. Finding the man who tortured and left his sister for dead, searching for the man who kept throwing money at him even though he didn’t need it, and helping Tristan so he could fulfill his promise. His life was becoming rather complicated, and the quicker he could get rid of the excess baggage the sooner his life could go back to normal.

  “Master?” A soft voice interrupted his thoughts. Sasha sighed and looked over his shoulder at the beautiful woman standing on the cross against the wall. She was stunning, as were all his conquests. But they all lacked substance. Oh, they were perfectly trained, he should know, he trained most of them, but they were never enough. They all lacked that special spark, that something special that made them stand out. For once in his life, he would like to find a woman who just lived. Someone with a lust for life and all that entailed. He was tired of the little mice that cowered and submitted easily to him. He wanted something different. He wanted a woman who knew her own mind and wasn’t afraid to say what she wanted.

  He wanted a flower.

  His flower. His Violet. She was perfect in every way. His little flower. Now, all he had to do was wait for her to come to him. He had done some digging last night after he retired to his room, and what he found out made his blood boil. Someone tried to pluck his little flower before she was ever able to bloom and for that alone, he was going to kill the bastard. He had gotten up early to make his presence known at the club, waiting for her arrival. He knew she was the club’s receptionist, and soon she would make her way down for her morning shift. Until then, he was helping a couple of the in-house Doms with their training.


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