by Jim Grimsley
We were quiet, wandering. Nothing to say, only a feeling of peace and completion that we could think of as something we had earned. By then we had been together a long time, and his thoughts were as comfortable to me as mine were to him.
“I can begin to think it was worth it,” he said. “To feel how peaceful this night is.” He meant more, of course; he meant that the crops were growing, and the Vermish changes were being wiped slowly out of people, and sunlight was falling over grass as it used to, and there were only the usual problems to deal with, like the Charnos Guild and the troublesome new navy. He meant he was happy to see a sense of the ordinary restored to Aeryn, and now that he knew the work was well begun, he could feel a sense of normalcy himself.
For me, standing there, I could agree with him, but I had nothing to add. To my family, for whom the beginning of my adventure marked the end of their lives, was our peace worth their suffering, their violent ends? One can’t weigh that kind of imbalance in a scale.
We began in those years and after to celebrate Chanii, in memory of the Long War and all that we lost in it. Kirith Kirin began the ceremony quietly when he dedicated the site of Genfynnel as a perpetual park; and after that, each year, the remembrance continued there and spread to other places. People of a certain age make a pilgrimage to the Laeredon acropolis and sleep the night in the park. Kirith Kirin said we should never forget that war, and we never have, while he was with us or after. We celebrate on the darkest day of winter, knowing that the suns that shine on us will renew the year again, as we ourselves renewed our world after its longest winter.
We have left the scar of Aerfax exactly as it was when Drudaen brought the fortress down. Of all the rooms in all the buildings in all the named places of Aeryn, I have never been back to that room, nameless, where I slept. Sometimes, even now, I dream I am still there, listening to the sea, and I am trying in the dream to wake myself, because the Wizard is still outside and I have to get rid of him, before he does any more harm. Finally I do wake up, into the real night, and if I’m in Inniscaudra I go to Ellebren Tower and sit on the High Place, and if I’m in Chalianthrothe I go to the room of the three circles. I listen to the music that is all there is, and I find peace again.
1: Glossary
Acht: (AHKT) A ritual poison used by the Svyssn in the ceremonial death of the Husband.
Ae: (EYE) High; also, mountain; in some contexts, a people or nation
Aediamysaar: (Eye-dee-AM-i-sar) Mt. Diamysaar, the Mount of God's Sisters, site of a device used in magic, in Arthen
Aegul: (EYE-gul) The High Stair, linking Domren with the North Wall and the Deeps of Thenduril at Inniscaudra
Aelaren: (Eye-LAR-en) The High Walk, a stone bridge linking Evaedren with Idren at Inniscaudra
Aerfax: (AIR-fax) The fortress on the southern spur of the Black Spur Mountains; the High Place there is a Tower called Senecaur, but the name Aerfax is also often used for the Tower
Aeryn: (AIR-in) The kingdom outside Arthen
Ajnur, Battle of: (AJH-nur) The Battle fought between the Woodland Army and the Verm Army for control of and passage through Ajnur Gap; the story is told in Kirithmar
Amataxa: (Am-a-TAX-a) A region near Cordyssa
Amri: (AM-ree) The Venladrii girl who serves as kyyvi
An: (An) The sea
Aneseveroth: (An-e-SEH-ve-roth) The name given to Kinth's Farm after the long war
Angoroe: (An-GOR-oh) The passage between Arthen and the western mountains
Aniwetok: (An-i-we-TOK) The mayor of Charnos, one of the city burghers.
Anrex Valley: (AN-rex)A valley in the central Fenax where Kiril Karsten led troops who, with the aid of an army from Drii, encircled the Southern forces and massacred them.
Antelek River: (AN-te-lek)The river flowing between Lake Mur and Lake Dyvis, flowing beyond under the northern arm of Black Spur Mountains to become the Naug
Anykos: (An-EE-kos) The last month of the year
Anyn: (AN-in) The great bay in south Aeryn enclosed by the Black Spur Mountains and the Arossan Peninsula
Arossan Peninsula: (Ah-ROS-ahn) The southern peninsula which forms the eastern shore of the Bay of Anyn; the name has fallen out of use in Jessex's day since Arossa is then largely occupied by New Ivyssa and the Isar delta
Arroth: (AIR-oth) The City on Lake Mur, principal home of Kentha Nurysem; afterward, the City of the Verm, Vermhyloc
Arsk: (Arsk) A village where the southern road forks, running south to Ivyssa and east to Fort Pemuntnir
Artefax: (AR-te-fax)A daughter of the King Horse belonging to Kiril Karsten
Arth Hills: (Arth) A region in Arthen south of Nevyssan. This is the oldest country in the Woodland, the home of the Eldest Tree.
Arthen: (AR-then) The oldest of created places, a forest in the north of Aeryn.
Asfer: (ASS-fer) A type of leaf dried and used as a painkiller
Asfodel: (ASS-foh-del) A flowering grass whose purple blossoms sometimes grow so close together they form a lush carpet in hill country; the grass does not do well in hotter climates.
Athryn Ardfalla: (ATH-rin Ard-FA-la)Queen of Aeryn
Authralaren: (OUTH-ra-LA-ren)The processional walk to the Authra at Inniscaudra
Bald Hills: (Bald) The hills at the northern end of Charnosdilimur
Bremn: (BREM-neh) The fortress on Mount Bremn in Cordyssa, in which Queen Nauthren housed her garrison during the days of the Queen's Ban.
Briidoc: (BREE-dok) A region of Turis, in the North
Brisnumen: (Bris-NOO-menA fortress on the Fenax, close to Drii
Bruinysk: (BROO-in-isk) A village at North Bridge, where the Queen kept many bridges and where much merchandise was shipped south from the Fenax
Brun: (Broon) Lady of Ivyssa
Calgiri: (Cal-GEE-ree)One of the two mountains within the walls of Cordyssa, on which many noble folk had estates. At the top of Calgiri is the house of Ren Villex, lord of the city.
Casun: (Cass-OON) Cloak, robe without sleeves
Chaenhalii: (Khayn-ha-LEE) Literally, “long march”, the name given to the march of Kirith Kirin's army from Genfynnel to Aerfax-upon-Kleeiom. The term's inclusion in the Kirithmar codifies the name. Called here An Chaenhalii, the Long March to the Sea.
Chalianthrothe: (Cha-lee-an-THROW-th) A house and lands in the Onge forest, later, part of the holdings of Jessex Yron; a gift to Jurel Durassa from the Orloc, who built it; means, 'little jewel', in the language of the Orloc.
Chanii: (Cha-NEE) Remembrance day for the Long War
Charnos: (CHAR-nos) The military harbor and city between Karns and Cuthunre Shore on the Bay of Anyn
Chasens, chasyns: (CHAY-sens) Tervan-devised columns which support tall buildings, especially well known in Inniscaudra; also used in the construction of magical structures like the Shenesoeniisae, the chasyns were reinforced with runes
Chevondraen: (CHEH-von-drain) A Venladrii settlement on the shores of Lake Dyvys
Chorval: (Chor-VAL) Lord Nivra, Nivri follower of Daerdruen, the husband of Lady Brun
Choveniiz: (Choh-ve-NEEZ) The lifetime of God, eternity; also shoveniiz, choveniis, shoveniis
Chulion: (CHOOL-yon)The stronghold of the YY-Sisters, the fortress and palace of the Diamysaar in the distant mountains
Chunombrae: (Choo-nom-BRAY)One of the Naming Fields in Arthen; a variant, Jhunombrae, was taken by the Tervan as the name for their chief city under the mountains; later, the Anynae named the citadel of Charnos the same name.
Chuvadrion: (Choo-VA-dree-on) Palace, citadel
Cilidur: (Si-li-dur) A yellow flower growing on a stalk, the blossoms close and bunched together like a fringe
Commiseth: (CO-mi-seth) Son of Dor, the neighboring farmer to Kinth's farm/
Commyna: (Coe-mi-na) One of the Diamysaar
Corduban: (Cor-doo-BAN) a figure in a drinking lay
Cormes: (COR-mess) Follower of Daerdruen, acolyte in the study of Ildaruen, daughter of Dilithate
Cothryn: (CO-thrin) Son of Duris, Lord in Cordyssa
Cumbre: (COOM-bray) A Jisraegen traveling cordial that can substitute for food at need
Cunavastar: (Coo-na-VASS-tar) The first priest of YY, the first male in Arthen; a fortress on the Fenax is named for him; also the name of the House of Falamar and Drudaen
Cundruen: (Cun-DROO-en) A pass leading from Montajhena to Drii
Cunevadrim: (Coo-ne-VAH-drim) The southern palace of Daerdruen, originally built by Cunavastar, one of the oldest structures in Aeryn
Cunuduerum: (Cun-oo-DWER-oom) The Jisraegen city in Arthen, abandoned and under interdict since the fall of Falamar
Cunue: (Cuh-noo) Lake or river
Cunue Illyn: (ILL-in) The lake of the Diamysaar
Curaeth: (Coo-RAY-eth) Kiril Karsten's fief on the Fenax, taken from her by the Blue Queen at the time of the Ban on Arthen
Curaeth Curaesyn: (Coo-RAY-eth Coo-RAY-ee-sin) A prophet who wrote a book concerning the signs of the days before the Breaking of Worlds, though other events are mentioned in it as well. One of the twice-named.
Cuthru: (COO-threw) Son of None, a member of Lady Brun's entourage
Cuthunre: (Coo-THOON-ray) A valley in the South
Dagorfast: (DAG-or-fast) A village where the Fenax road crosses River before swinging west toward Angoroe; the gold barges were unloaded there for the overland journey to Bruinysk, where they were loaded onto barges again for the journey south down the Isar
Davii: (Da-VEE) King or Queen
Daviir: (DAH-veer) Successor
Deluna: (Day-LOO-na) The river that flows down from Montajhena in Vyddn country
Denaezor: (De-NAY-zor) The name of the House of Julassa Kyminax
Deniire: (De-NEAR) One of the three ritual lamps
Dernhang: (DURN-hang) The Palace on Kmur island
Diamysaar: (Dee-am-mee-SAR) Sisters to the YY
Dilimur: (DI-li-mur) Ridge, series of hills
Domren: (DOM-ren) The Tower of Guard, also called the White Tower, the citadel that guards the eastern approach to Inniscaudra
Drii: (Dree) The city of the Venladrii in the mountains; the name is interchangeably used as the name of the people.
Drusen: (DREW-sen) The Wife of the Svyssn, the ruler of that country, a religious as well as political post. The Svyssn Wife has many husbands all of whom accompany her everywhere, and one of whom is poisoned by acht each year at springtime.
Dumas: (DOO-mas) A village on the North Road where the road branches, going north to Cordyssa and east to Svyssn
Duraelaryn: (Doo-ray-LA-ren) One of the great trees or tree-complexes that grows only in Arthen
Durassavariin: (Doo-RASS-ah-var-een) Durassa's Park, a valley between Vath Invaths, Immorthraegul and the Kellesar.
Dure: (DOO-ray) Northern, north
Duris: (Doo-RISS) A nut-bearing tree, deciduous, growing throughout Arthen and Aeryn
Durme: (Durm) The coastal flatland between New Ivyssa and Novris on Keikilla Bay.
Durud, durun: (Doo-ROOD) Black
Duruth: (Doo-ROOTH) Blood feud, blood hatred.
Duterian: (Doo-the-ree-an) son of Maegoth, a picked warrior, sent to Jessex's farm
Duvettre: (Doo-VET-rah) Countess of Thynilex
Duvis: (Doo-viss) A small, hardy tree that grows in the upper elevations of Arthen and Aeryn.
Edenna Morthul: (E-DEN-a MOR-thul) Lady of Orelioth, Keeper of the Keys to Inniscaudra, who began Ellebren Tower and completed Laeredon, where she shut herself up and died at the end of the First War of the Sorcerers.
Elgerath: (ELL-ger-ath) A family of flowering vines. In higher altitudes, the flowers of this vine are wildly colored, while in lower altitudes only the blue varieties thrive. Also, a pale blue flower with a purple heart, prized for its sweet smell, for honey made from its pollen and for oil extracted from its abundant petals, used in soaps and cleansing oils
Ellebren: (ELL-e-bren) The High Place over Inniscaudra, the tower begun by Edenna Morthul and completed by Kentha Nurysem. One will stand on Ellebren, and only one, until the worlds are broken
Ellesotur: (El-ESS-oh-tur) The Eye-Rock of Ellebren
Erennor Vale: (Ehrr-EN-or)The walled plateau above Haldobran Gate where a wide meadow grows grass year round, where the horses of Inniscaudra graze in rotation
Estobren Arches: (ESS-toh-bren) Magical entry arches on the Falkri Stairway below Thrath Gate in the precinct of Ellebren Tower at Inniscaudra
Evaedren: (Ev-AY-dren) The Tower of Twelve in the Winter House
Evaenym: (Ev-AY-nim) The Twelve, those Twice-Named who did not die from the first generation of Forty Thousand Jisraegen which YY created.
Evlaen: (Ev-LANE) daughter of Mrothe, the doctor in Genfynnel
Evynar Ydhiil: (EV-I-nar ID-hil) The King of Drii, father of Imral Ynuuvil
Falamar Inuygen: (FA-la-mar In-WIJ-en) King of Aeryn and Arthen, King of Cunuduerum, the Misborn
Falkri Stair: (Fall-KREE) The broad series of stairs and ramps leading from the Under House to the Tower March and the Domren underpass
Falthe: (FAL-theh) A ride, a trip involving a ride
Faris: (FAIR-iss) A tree like a pine
Faristae: (Fair-ISS-tay) A deciduous tree that grows in the upper altitudes of Aeryn
Felva: (FELL-vah) Bath coat
Fenax: (FE-nax) The northern plain between Arthen and the mountains
Fimbrel: (FIM-brel) The name of the Diamysaar Cloak
Finru: (FIN-roo) The Lords of the Anynae
Fornbren: (FORN-bren) The Royal Palace in Ivyssa, built by the City Burghers for the Queen Athryn I.
Fortuinen: (For-TOO-in-en) The making of a Lore Word; literally, naming and deriving
Fthuril: (Fe-THOO-ril)
Fysyyn: (Fi-SIN) daughter of Donneril, Jessex's grandmother
Gaelex: (GAY-lex) Marshal of the Ordinary to Kirith Kirin, daughter of Fioth
General Nemort: (Neh-MORT) Governor of Novris and Nauthren's military second-in command, son of Idhrak, of Novris
Genfynnel: (Gen-FIN-el) A city down-river from Arthen, the most northerly of the southern cities, built by the Jisraegen after Cunuduerum.
Gnemorra: (Gneh-MOR-ah) A fortress on the Fenax that guarded the northern end of the Angoroe
Goerast: (Ger-AST) One of the two High Places in Montajhena; the place were Kentha died. She had taken the High Place there from Drudaen; he used a gift she had given him to kill her. Goerast was built by Drudaen after YY brought the Law of Changes.
Gruesid: (GROO-sid) The language spoken by the Svyssn
Gul: (Gull) Stairway
Haldobran Gate: (HAL-doh-bran) The Lower Gate into Inniscaudra, where the road plunges from the Syystren Gate down into Haldobran Gap
Halobar: (HA-low-bar)The Hall of Meeting, the entry hall beyond the Syystren Gate
Histel: (HISS-tel) Daughter of Sybil, Jessex's sister
Hyvurgren Field: (High-VUR-gren) One of the Naming Fields, in Raelonyii
Ibraxa: (Ib-RAX-a) The village where the Kellyxa Road forks southeast toward Fort Pemuntnir and Ivyssa and southwest toward Novris through the Onge Forest
Ifnuelyn: (If-NEWEL-in)A powder used to start fire.
Iire: (Eer) The eye of God ; also a stone used for the point of a ritual lamp, the deniire.
Iitana: (Ee-TAH-na) Lineage, house, family, blood kin in the greater sense; similar to Clan, though Clan can be used more broadly.
Ildaruen: (Ill-DA-roo-en) A language of Power derived by Cunavastar, used by him and his descendants. Unlike Wyyvisar, Ildaruen can be taught without any limitation on the teacher.
Illaeryn: (Ill-AIR-in) The high country in Arthen around Inniscaudra
Imar: (EE-mar) The river that waters the North Onge Forest, joining the Deluna
Imhonyy: (Im-oh-NEE) Kirith Kirin, Jurel Durassa
Immorthraegul: (Im-or-THRAY-gul) One of the hills that borders Durassavariin, adjacent to Vath Invaths, lying southwest of that hill
Imral Ynuuvil: (IM-ral In-OO-vil) Princ
e of Drii and Chamberlain to Kirith Kirin
Inemarra: (In-ih-MAR-a), the House of Ruen Villex
Infith: (IN-fith) A sweet pitted fruit
Inniscaudra: (In-iss-COW-dra) The House that No Man Built, the house built by YY, the Diamysaar, and the Tervan in the Illaeryn region of Arthen