The Gilweean Gateway

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by R A Lindo

  The Gilweean Gateway

  A Fantasy Adventure: Book 2

  R.A. Lindo

  Copyright © 2019 by R.A. Lindo

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For Kija


  Welcome to a Magical Universe

  1. Journey to Gilweean

  2. A Chorus of Welcome

  3. Flight & Forebodings

  4. Suspicions in the Sand

  5. Birthday Celebrations

  6. The Lost Boy

  7. A Quiet Allegiance

  8. The Revolving Room

  9. Familiar Enemies

  10. A Flicker of Faith

  11. Guppy’s Plan

  12. The Phiadal

  13. Family Secrets

  14. Tallis & Crake

  15. Majesty & Mayhem

  16. A Map of Menace

  17. Mastering Charms

  18. A Room of Clues

  19. An Uneasy Host

  20. Dark Bargains

  21. Fire & Ice

  22. Necessary Remedy

  23. Home Comforts

  Also by R.A. Lindo

  About the Author

  Welcome to a Magical Universe

  Welcome to the secret, magical universe of The S.P.M.A. (The Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts.) Few know of its existence whilst those lucky enough to be allowed entry - like our young heroine Kaira Renn - find themselves swept away by its infinite wonders.

  Spectacular creatures, magical charms and artefacts (along with a dose of danger) are all intertwined within a universe rich in magical history.

  If you want to delve deeper into the magical universe of the S.P.M.A., sign up to become eligible for free books, private giveaways and early notification of new releases.


  Journey to Gilweean

  As Casper Renn pushed against the wooden pillar to usher them towards the Gilweean Gateway, Kaira sat alongside Guppy, watching her dad ease into position in the central bay of the boat, stroking each wooden oar through the water as if he had enacted this passage many times before.

  The lone light in the tower behind them illuminated their way as the boats moved towards another magical realm. Farraday eased the oars through the water a few metres ahead, gesturing for Jacob to take the blanket on the bench in the middle of the small, wooden boat.

  “Wrap up,” Kaira heard Farraday say. “The temperature drops once we enter the gateway.”

  Kaira looked over as Jacob reached for the blanket, throwing it over his legs before offering to share it with Aunt Phee, who politely declined. Like Farraday and her dad, it seemed that Aunt Phee was conditioned to this journey, appearing calm and serene alongside an evidently nervous Jacob who was bracing himself for the impending cold.

  As the small, wooden boats glided through the water, Kaira looked back at the tower they had occupied a few minutes ago. She reflected on the incredible journey she had been on from the moment she’d stepped into Cribbe & Corrow, acquired a penchant and walked through a door into a world of magic and mayhem.

  It had been a fantastical adventure which had brought her friendship, tested her bravery and tried the patience of the adults she was accompanying now - and she knew the journey had only just begun.

  Guppy shuffled alongside Kaira, trying to get comfortable on the single plank of wood, acting as a seating area for the two of them.

  “Is it a long journey?” Guppy asked Casper Renn who steadied the right oar in the water, manoeuvring them towards the entrance of The Gilweean Gateway.

  “It can seem so, particularly passing between The Gilweean Gateway and The Gilweean Ghenant.”

  “What’s The Gilweean Ghenant?” asked Kaira, reaching for an extra layer of clothing from her rucksack.

  “It’s the passage of water immediately after The Gilweean Gateway: the slowest part of the journey.”

  “Why?” asked Guppy.

  “Because the Ghenant acts as the first layer of security to The Gilweean Gateway; our boats will be inspected there to ensure our journey is one of education and not disruption.”

  “How long will that take?” continued Guppy to Casper Renn’s evident annoyance.

  “I suggest you wrap up and get some rest; there will be little time for sleep once we arrive and much to do afterwards.”

  Guppy attempted to continue her line of questioning before Kaira nudged her, symbolising a need for pause in enquiries. Kaira was lessoned in her dad’s expressions - a man who emitted subtlety in all things, including his mannerisms and temperament.

  As the two boats eased their way towards the large arch which seemed to shimmer with light, Kaira studied her dad more closely, conscious that, although his air of natural authority and outward calm remained, there was something else preoccupying him - concern, perhaps, regarding the uncertainties surrounding the Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts.

  After all, Kaira had discovered the location of The Phiadal after returning from her journey to Dyil’s Ditch where she had met the sky urchins - her dad’s army of protection - as he approached a mystery figure near The Spitting Tree.

  Not to mention the fact that it was Meyen Grayling, Guppy and Jacob’s mum, who Kaira had seen vanish through The Floating Floor and down into the secretive room which held all bovies: artefacts with complex magical properties. The lucky discovery of The Phiadal would have been incredible enough; however, Kaira knew there was much more to Meyen Grayling’s covert, night-time movements in The Cendryll.

  It was what lay beneath The Floating Floor that created a combination of alarm and awe within Kaira - a dark fragment which seemed to hypnotise Meyen Grayling… a legendary artefact which people had recently been killed for … an artefact which gave the owner the power to defeat death, beckon the creatures of the underworld and bend the will of men: the Terrecet.

  Guppy continued to shuffle on the narrow, wooden bench before taking the grey blanket forced upon her by Philomeena Renn, her legs jigging up-and-down in nervous anticipation of the wonders awaiting beyond The Gilweean Gateway. The temperature noticeably cooled as they reached the large archway, the boat containing Jacob, Farraday and Philomeena Renn entering the mouth of the gateway first.

  Kaira studied the oars cutting through the translucent water as they entered the large arch, preparing herself for the sudden drop in temperature. As yet, there was no familiar sense of dizziness nor the magical appearance of a new world; the only suggestion of magic at work was the lifting of the oars into each boat as the narrow stretch of water began to guide the boats under the shimmering arch.

  Guppy’s legs continued to jig up-and-down in expectation of a wondrous revelation until, realising there was none forthcoming, she pushed her legs under her chin. “Is this it?” she whispered to Kaira in typically impatient tones.

  Kaira sensed there was far more to come, gesturing for Guppy to share the blanket as her breath became visible in the darkening archway. With Aunt Phee, Jacob and Farraday beginning to fade into the darkness, Kaira pulled the blanket over her, shaking off a sudden bout of drowsiness which rested more heavily on Guppy whose eyes were beginning to close. As the light continued to fade within the archway, the only illumination now the shimmering inner walls, Kaira shifted on the wooden seat as Guppy fell asleep, allowing her friend’s head to rest on her shoulder.

  The drowsiness increased its hold, seemingly caused by the hypnotic effect of the shimmering inner walls of The Gilweean Gateway. Kaira watched as her dad buttoned his jacket befor
e turning towards her, smiling at the sight of Guppy’s sleeping figure.

  “Are you warm enough?” her dad asked before uttering ‘Spintz’, creating the familiar shower of light to illuminate their way. Kaira smiled at the use of the charm - a reminder of the wonders of the magical world she had recently discovered. With Guppy fast asleep, she lowered her hand into the cold water, fascinated by the way it magically transported them towards Gilweean without any guidance from the wooden oars.

  “The water of Gilweean is attuned to all things,” her father began in way of explanation. “In fact, every aspect of Gilweean is alive to activity, from the shimmering interior walls to what lies beneath the water.”

  Kaira quickly took her hand out of the water, imagining monsters which lurked beneath, although her dad’s smile suggested this not to be the case.

  “The Nivrium - the water reader that judges the temperature of the Society - was created in Gilweean,” her dad added before placing his hand into the clear water.

  Not quite ready to return her hand to the water, Kaira brought up something Jacob had said before they began their journey. “Jacob mentioned the Renns being water people.”

  Her dad nodded. “Some families in the Society have a notable tradition; our family are known as ‘water people’ because of our ability to interpret many things through the study of water.”

  “Doesn’t a Nivrium do that?”

  “To a degree, although the Nivrium tells us if the mood of the Society is stable or unstable; it doesn’t specify or locate the source of peace or disruption.”

  Kaira overcame her nerves and returned her hand to the water, concluding that if she came from a family of water people, she should be able to sense danger.

  With Guppy still asleep, and the accompanying boat cutting a silhouette ahead, Kaira judged this to be an opportune moment to discuss recent events with her dad. She wanted to ask about the purpose of the journey to Gilweean, how it was linked to the Society and why they couldn’t just use a Perium to get there.

  There were other questions, including her grandfather, Isiah Renn, and what had actually happened to make him go bad, along with the fact that Kaira had Koll blood. She had yet to hear of a good Koll, continuing to wrestle with the thought of turning bad herself and ending up a Melackin. There was also the mystery surrounding Theodore Kusp and the reasons behind his illegal selling of Laudlum.

  Within the sanctuary of The Gilweean Gateway, leading to another magical sphere, Kaira prepared herself to question her dad on the dizzying events of the last few days. She was also conscious that too many questions would suggest she had made certain discoveries - discoveries she would have to explain. Yet, of all the questions Kaira wanted to ask, there was only one which would help link recent events.

  “Do you think the Terrecet is real?”

  She watched her dad turn slowly, a familiar frown and penetrating gaze returning; he was a combination of Caribbean sternness and English reserve, making it difficult to read his mood.

  “What do you know about the Terrecet?” he asked, removing his hand from the water.

  Judging the question to be laced with suspicion, Kaira chose her words carefully. “Just what I’ve read in Menphelin’s Fables. Guppy and Jacob have been working out ways for me to learn Society history, so we’ve been going to The Pancithon a lot.”

  Not entirely untrue, Kaira mused, holding her nerve under the scrutiny of her dad’s gaze.

  “As the fable suggests,” her dad replied in a measured tone, “the Terrecet is a famous legend which many have studied and others continue to hunt.”

  “So, it doesn’t exist?”

  “Dark artefacts have always existed, Kaira, whether it’s the potential existence of the Terrecet or some other threat. The principles of the Society remain the same: to learn, preserve and protect our magical history, ensuring the wonders of our world exist for generations to come.”

  Kaira sensed the conclusive tone in her dad’s voice, recognising that he wasn’t going to elaborate. One impression remained however - the look of concern on her dad’s face when she raised the subject of the Terrecet. It did exist, Kaira concluded, and her dad knew more about it than he was letting on. For now, however, it seemed advisable to let the matter drop and enjoy the journey towards another magical sphere.

  A gentle nudge from her dad woke Kaira, bringing her back to the dark archway with shimmering walls and a fountain of light created by the Spintz charm. With Guppy still resting her head on Kaira’s arm, she shuffled a few inches away, causing Guppy to jolt awake, lifting the lids of her eyes rather comically in an attempt to shake off the veil of sleep.

  “We’re almost there,” Casper Renn explained as the two boats rested side-by-side on the stretch of water.

  Kaira didn’t know how long she had been asleep for and wasn’t entirely thankful that her dad had woken her - for they were now faced with something altogether less inviting: row-upon-row of illuminated trees, lining the stretch of water which seemed to end suddenly a few meters ahead, replaced by a curtain of darkness.

  What happened next rapidly removed any remnants of drowsiness as the luminous trees began to move, causing Jacob to reach for one of the wooden oars.

  “Put that down,” ordered Farraday who, like the other adults, sat calmly inside the wooden boats as if the sight of moving trees was the most normal thing in the world! Kaira and Guppy sat close together as the trunk of each tree began to bend, arching forwards whilst the branches formed into legs - a different type of moving monster coming to life, resting on the bank of the stream.

  “The Guards of Gilweean,” Aunt Phee explained, noticing that Kaira and Guppy had taken out their Vaspyls - magical morphing steel which could form into any object imagined. “Gilweean’s first line of defence.”

  “I’m sensing more attack than defence,” Jacob replied nervously, keeping a hand close to the wooden oar whilst using the other to brush the long fringe out of his eyes.

  Kaira, increasingly skilled at managing her fear, looked towards her dad to measure the level of threat they faced; his calm demeanour suggested there was none, although she and Guppy kept a tight hold of their Vaspyls as the strange, luminous creatures slipped into the water, heading towards the boats.

  Sensing that the adults’ explanation hadn’t appeased the children, Casper Renn turned towards the three, young travellers.

  “As we mentioned at the start of the journey, The Gilweean Ghenant is the passage of water acting as the first layer of security before entering The Gilweean Gateway. What’s happening now is perfectly normal, ensuring our journey is one of education and not disruption.”

  “I don’t think you mentioned The Guards of Gilweean are massive, weird spiders,” countered Guppy with as much courtesy as she could muster.

  “Take it easy,” interjected Farraday who sat adjacent to Kaira and Guppy in the accompanying boat. “The Guards of Gilweean are just another type of Nivrium; they’re water readers, checking the measure of us.” Farraday moved down the boat a little, keeping his feet on both oars whilst glancing at Jacob in mild warning.

  Keeping his attention on the three young passengers, he continued. “Remember the three lines in the Nivrium…? How they rise and fall, depending on what they read in the water?”

  Kaira, Guppy and Jacob nodded.

  “Well, The Guards of Gilweean are doing the same thing now.”

  “Why are they coming towards the boats?” asked Kaira, Vaspyl at the ready.

  “To check the measure of us, as explained,” replied Farraday matter-of-factly.

  Jacob gripped the top of the boat and closed his eyes as the strange creatures neared - visions of falling into the water and being dragged to the bottom swimming his mind.

  Guppy required further clarification. “So, how does it work? The Guards of Gilweean? How they check, I mean?”

  “They will attach themselves to the bottom of each boat,” replied Casper Renn before moving over to sit alongside Kaira. “
It’s perfectly safe, as our journey is expected and without questionable intentions.”

  “So, why is it necessary?”

  “Because words and intentions are two very different things, Guppy. The Guards of Gilweean will assess if our words match our intentions.”

  “Like The Web of Azryllis?” added Kaira.

  “That’s right,” replied her dad with a reassuring smile, moments before each boat began to rock slightly on the water.

  “It won’t take long,” Aunt Phee added, radiating her usual calm which always made Kaira feel better. When Aunt Phee didn’t smile, Kaira thought, that was the time to panic.

  Unable to help himself, Farraday added, “Just think of the creatures as Nivriums with a bite.”

  Guppy offered Farraday a disdainful look: “That’s not helping.”

  Yet, within minutes, the young travellers realised the purpose of Farraday’s joke: to highlight the need to distinguish between genuine danger and perceived threats. As the adults had assured them, The Guards of Gilweean were harmless to those who posed no threat, and with the oars returned to the water, each boat continued its journey towards the curtain of darkness which lay ahead - where The Gilweean Gateway ended and a new, magical sphere began.

  Once enveloped within the curtain of darkness, Kaira felt a familiar sensation of dizziness return, taking this to mean that they had entered a natural Perium - a portal transporting them to Gilweean. A glimmer of light was the first evidence of life beyond the darkness, followed by a sound of waves as if water were about to rush into the tunnel.


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