The Gilweean Gateway

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The Gilweean Gateway Page 3

by R A Lindo

  As if in tandem with her remark, a chorus of children’s voices was followed by a clattering of feet on the steps, leading up to the small house before a red-faced boy with short, dark hair burst into the room.

  “Mum. Dad. Come on!”

  Off he went again, spinning and exiting the room in the full expectation of being followed by his parents which, it turned out, were Lore and Seyena Follygrin: one filling the room and the other almost lost within it.

  “Okay, but I’m going to need help,” joked Lore Follygrin as he held his back in mock pain.

  “Who!?” the dark-haired boy queried excitedly.

  “My three new comrades,” he replied, turning to Kaira, Guppy and Jacob with a humorous glint in his eye.

  “Okay, then!” the boy shouted in delight and charged back out of the house, whispering ‘Bildin’ as he did so - a creative charm Kaira remembered that allowed you to build anything you could imagine.

  “Well, come on, you three,” ordered Lore Follygrin as the other adults looked on in amusement, the boy’s timely interruption putting pause to the more serious purpose of their visit. “We’ve got an army outside waiting to outmanoeuvre us.”

  “With what?” Kaira asked.

  “With magic, of course.”

  Although they’d all outgrown children’s games, it was a nice way to explore a little of Gilweean. Running around the stunning landscape under the colourful guard of the Williynx whilst creating magic sounded like fun, so they followed Lore Follygrin out of the small, wooden house and onto the sand where a collection of excitable children waited for the games to begin.

  “So,” said Lore Follygrin as he rubbed his hands, “they choose the first charm and we react.”

  “With the same charm or a different one?” asked Jacob who looked on in amusement as the excited children formed various protective defences with the Bildin charm.

  “Up to you,” replied the tall, broad figure. “Creative charms only, though. A rule brought in by the wife after I got a boy in a Fixilia charm and he sort of passed out. Fine now, of course. Got a bit carried away…”

  “So, what do we do now?” asked Guppy, clearly delighted to be away from the miniature lady who seemed a lot less friendly than her burly husband who was explaining the rules of the game.

  “We prepare our counter charm to break through their defences …”

  “And then?” queried Kaira as Guppy and Jacob formed a line, ready to begin the game.

  “Then it’s game on!” concluded Lore Follygrin as the gaggle of children crouched in first position, their protective barriers glimmering around them, waiting with barely contained excitement for the game to begin … which it did with Lore Follygrin’s next utterance.


  This charm was well known to the young trio as each had used it recently - not least in Dyil’s Ditch in an event involving The Lady in White. The scale of this Spintz charm, however, was something else entirely. Small, connected fountains of light spun and rose above them, expanding and floating towards the children whose expressions had turned from playful combat to wonder.

  The protective barriers they had formed around themselves, representing the first stage of the game, had almost been forgotten as the spinning fountains of light - each a different colour - began to float higher into the sky, multiplying as they did, rising higher until they caught the attention of the Williynx who glided towards them.

  As the squeals from the children heightened, reminding Kaira of the howls of joy outside Wimples sweet shop, Guppy nudged her and pointed towards the sky.

  “They’re going to swoop,” her friend whispered, ensuring Jacob was in earshot. “The Williynx are going to swoop down when the Spintz charm stops, as the fountains of light starting falling from the sky.”

  “They’re going to swoop down on the children?” queried Jacob in mild concern.

  “Part of the game, I think,” suggested Kaira. “When the Williynx swoop, the game starts properly.”

  “Right,” added Guppy in agreement. “Then the kids run for cover, using charms to hide behind, and we chase after them.”

  “Like hide and seek with fireworks?” suggested Jacob with a brief smile, brushing his long, dark fringe away from his face.

  “It’s all harmless fun,” Lore Follygrin interjected as he clapped his hands to start to the game, causing the fountains of light to explode and fall elegantly from the sky, closely followed by an array of Williynx who descended at speed.

  As the children rushed to their favourite hiding places, Lore Follygrin said, “Right, you three; time to show off the magic you’ve learnt. The longer the game lasts, the less time you’ve got to sit in the house listening to boring adult conversation.”

  Each agreed a bit of fun was the required tonic after their manic introduction to The Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts: fun that might even extend to a ride on a Williynx, if they were lucky.

  The children scattered at the sight of the Williynx descending, initial pacts splintering as Kaira, Guppy and Jacob gave chase, emitting harmless creative charms as they did so. Adults looked on in amusement as the youngsters spun light and energy with impressive dexterity, some using the Bildin charm to create protective barriers whilst others activated the Spintz charm in harmless attack, throwing balls of sparkling light in the direction of the new visitors who uttered ‘Undilum’ to make them dissipate.

  The Williynx continued to descend in a volley of sound, their spectacular ability to morph adding to the majesty of Gilweean - some reducing to the size of small birds whilst others spun into larger, more fearsome-looking creatures, their proud cries echoing through the cliffs.

  As the young children began to use the small, thatched-roofed houses as part of their resistance, the next phase of the game began as another thunderous clap stopped the frenzied action. The clap caused the Williynx to rise in the sky in unison, their glorious, colourful forms creating a blanket of colour as they glided in perfect synchronicity.

  Guppy saw it first … a single, red feather floating down as it had done from Mivrilyn to allow them entry to the secret world below the faceless wall, eventually leading to where they stood now.

  “Look!” said Guppy, pointing at the sky in an attempt to guide Kaira and Jacob to the lone feather floating towards them.

  “There’s more,” added Jacob as others appeared … red, yellow, purple, green, blue, topaz, white … an array of feathers spinning as they fell from the sky, causing the children’s screams of excitement to return.

  “It’s part of the game,” suggested Kaira as she studied the children running towards the feathers as they fell.

  “That’s right,” added Lore Follygrin as he tried to catch his breath. “Anyone who catches a feather before it touches the ground gets to ride their favourite Williynx in the morning.”

  With the game reaching its conclusion, Kaira’s dad, aunt and Farraday appeared out of the house with the small figure of Seyena Follygrin. Casper Renn laughed as he watched the children run towards the feathers, remembering, perhaps, a time when this was his game and wanting his daughter to experience its wonder.

  Realising that the falling feathers were for the younger children to chase, Kaira and Guppy contained their desire to try and claim the wondrous prize, until encouragement was offered by Farraday.

  “Hurry up, you two!” Casper Renn’s closest friend and ally called out. “If you want to ride a Williynx, get a move on!”

  Jacob took a step back, signalling that he was fine to sit out this part of the game, his fear of heights mitigating any desire to ride a Williynx. “Well, go on then,” encouraged Jacob - the prompt Kaira and Guppy needed to turn and sprint towards the array of colour falling from the sky.

  “Yes!” they each yelled in joy … young children for a splinter of time, bursting in the knowledge that a chance to ride a Williynx was within their grasp ... temporarily free of the shadows hanging over the Society, and the dangers that lay ahead.

  Flight & Forebodings

  As the morning sun hovered above the cliffs of Gilweean, Kaira and Guppy stood on the shore, awaiting their first experience of flight. The vision of children lining the shore (parents spectating in a separate line behind them) surrounded by the many-morphing forms of the Williynx was at once spectacular and sublime.

  As the waves ran delicately over Kaira and Guppy’s bare feet - a condition of riding a Williynx - the contrasting figures of Seyena Follygrin and her significantly taller partner, Lore Follygrin, raised their hands for silence.

  A hush fell over the excitable line of expectant passengers, realising that impudent interruptions would bring an end to the privilege awaiting them. Jacob stood with Kaira’s dad and aunt, happy to be a safe distance away from the stunning scale and beauty waiting to offer passage into the skies. Each child stood by their chosen Williynx, the first lesson for Kaira and Guppy - for they were soon to learn that choosing a Williynx was more of a request than a command.

  Luckily for Kaira, Aunt Phee had risen early and was standing on the shore with Mivrilyn - Kaira’s companion for the morning’s lesson in flight. Whether the feather she had caught was truly coincidence was something to ponder at another time because, for now, the familiar sight of Aunt Phee’s feathered companion was a welcome relief. Philomeena Renn explained how you could not fall from a Williynx once attached; therefore, being in the air posed no risk.

  “It’s pure joy,” she explained to a nervous Kaira as the tide washed over their feet. “Just listen to the instructions and trust your companion.”

  The army of Williynx lining the shoreline towered over the children, their brightly coloured feathers fluttering in the morning breeze. With Mivrilyn waiting patiently in the shallow water, her dad offered further guidance when Kaira failed to entice her companion to the shore.

  “Put the feather in the palm of your hand and wait,” Kaira’s dad instructed, gesturing for his daughter to study the other children lining the shoreline. “Mivrilyn will come to you once you relax.”

  As Kaira fought her nerves, Guppy jigged in excitement alongside her, flinching a little as each majestic creature descended towards their companion for the morning flight - none appearing by Guppy’s side.

  “Stand as still as you can, Guppy,” Aunt Phee reiterated. “Williynx are very sensitive creatures; the calmer you are, the safer they feel.”

  Nodding earnestly, her excitement hard to contain, Guppy adopted a static, military posture, gazing straight ahead to avoid being distracted by the blaze of colour and noise surrounding her. Still with no sign of company moments later, Jacob stepped towards his sister, placing his bare feet in the water before taking the feather out of her hand.

  “Imagine you’re calling the Williynx to you,” Jacob said. “Block out everything else … like this.”

  Guppy watched as Jacob closed his eyes and lowered his head, exactly as he had done on Kaira’s first day in The Cendryll, and also when orchestrating the Quij attack on The Sinister Four. Jacob’s affinity with Society creatures was, once again, on display as a vision of powder blue moved out of the shallow water towards Guppy, taking its place alongside her.

  “Have fun,” said Jacob as he handed his sister the feather and returned to the safe proximity of spectatorship with Casper and Philomeena Renn.

  A Spintz charm created by Seyena Follygrin signalled the beginning of impending flight. As the fountains of light rose above the tallest Williynx, each child sat in the sand with outstretched arms.

  “Kaira, Guppy…” came the voice of Farraday from behind them. “Copy the other children.”

  Sharing a nervous glance, Kaira and Guppy did as instructed, sitting on the sand with arms raised. Casper and Philomeena Renn looked on, reminiscing on their first moments before they took the skies. They remembered the combined feelings of fear and awe as they sat together, staring up at the enormous creatures as they lowered their heads close to their faces: the sign to attach and climb on board.

  At the sight of the imposing creatures moving ever closer, Kaira wriggled away from Mivrilyn’s approaching yellow-feathers before Lore Follygrin offered further instruction.

  “Sit perfectly still. The Williynx will touch your face as a sign of their acceptance. Once they do, grab on and let them do the rest.”

  “Grab on?” queried Guppy in mild alarm as her power-blue companion closed in. “What if they bite?”

  Lore Follygrin let out a loud laugh before approaching.

  “Williynx don’t bite, Guppy, but they do breath ice.” Before either had time to process this alarming information, their burly guide shouted “Heed!”.

  At the command, Kaira and Guppy’s Williynx rested their head on the sand.

  “As it’s your first time, we’ll make it easier for you,” explained Lore Follygrin. “Now, grab onto their neck before they get impatient.”

  The combined fear of being blasted with ice and missing their chance to soar into the sky was enough for Kaira and Guppy to reach out for contact with their feathered companions, closing their eyes as they did so.

  The sound of elated yells and screams rang in their ears as they felt a sudden lunge: a sign that they were being flipped up and onto the back of their Williynx. Holding on for dear life, Kaira glanced at her dad and aunt for reassurance who merely waved encouragement - no trace of concern evident.

  “How do you hold on?” she asked over the noise of the rising army of majestic creatures, carrying their excited passengers high into the sky.

  “You’re connected to the Williynx now,” Farraday shouted over the chorus of noise.

  “Connected?” Guppy asked in need of clarification as her powder-blue companion lifted its headed, squawking in readiness for take off.

  “Yes,” Farraday replied, signalling them off with a smile. “You’re one with your companion: locked in with no ability to fall.”

  “I want to get off!” shouted Kaira suddenly. “Dad! I want to get off!”

  Casper Renn appeared by his daughter’s side quickly, stroking Mivrilyn’s yellow feathers as he spoke reassuring words to his daughter, sitting high above. “You can get off if you want to, Kaira, but I think you’ll regret it. It’s perfectly safe.”

  As Guppy called impatiently for Kaira to hurry up, her dad continued. “Mivrilyn has been in our family for years and will protect you with her life. Try to imagine you’re on a fairground ride and are strapped in, unable to fall. It’s exactly the same, only much more fun.”



  “You’ve ridden a Williynx before?”

  “Of course. Many times, and now it’s your turn.”

  “Kaira,” called Guppy as her companion let out an ear-piercing squawk and flapped its wings. “Come on.”

  “Okay,” said Kaira, wishing she could get a quick hug from her high vantage point. “They’re not going to breathe ice, are they?” came the final question which released a laugh from all the adults, including Seyena Follygrin who had come over to see what all the fuss was about.

  “No,” replied her dad. “They’re not going to breathe ice, Kaira. Now, go on. Guppy’s waiting.”

  With a pat of Mivrilyn’s bright, yellow feathers, the creature rose slowly, conscious of its nervous passenger. Guppy was up ahead, turning to check on Kaira’s progress. Before long there was no need as Kaira came into view, flying above the surface of the water as Mivrilyn picked up speed. With Guppy’s powder-blue companion keeping pace with Mivrilyn, the wondrous creatures lifted into the sky effortlessly, causing Kaira and Guppy to scream in unison, fearing they would fall but, of course, they didn’t: they were now one with their Williynx.

  Their screams of fear became yelps of awe as they rose higher into the sky, flying close to the shimmering waterfall which acted as a Perium into Gilweean - water which seemed to fall from the sky … a sky now a blizzard of colour as the army of Williynx soared and spun, providing the thrill of a lifetime
to the young passengers.

  They each let out of scream again as their hosts propelled them towards the sparkling waterfall, spinning as they did so, seemingly about to enter the Perium before they rose directly upwards - their feathers skimming the waterfall.

  “Yeeessssss!!” yelled Guppy as they climbed ever higher above the cliffs of Gilweean until they began to glide high, provided with the most spectacular view of a place rich with wonder.

  Kaira had adapted to the fact that she couldn’t fall, feeling herself attached to the Williynx each time they spun and rose suddenly. How this was possible was another puzzle of The Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts. The fact it was thrilled her as her equilibrium was thrown one way then the other as Mivrilyn swooped downwards suddenly, banking right towards the cliffs lined with more of the majestic, many-coloured creatures.

  As the wind rushed past, and the squawks echoed in the air, Guppy’s host tailed Mivrilyn, enacting a race to the cliff face which picked up a rapid velocity, each Williynx arcing as it closed in on the cliff, turning Kaira and Guppy to the side as the cliff face rushed past. On the approach to an empty bank of the cliff face, their hosts slowed, aiming for the flat area of rock before coming to a rest on it temporarily.

  “Brilliant!!” cried Guppy as they sat atop their companions, overlooking the carousel of colour in the sky and the dots of adults on the shoreline.

  “I thought we were going through the waterfall!” added Kaira, her heart racing from the dramatic experience of flight.

  “Me too,” replied Guppy as she surveyed the bank they were currently stationed on. It was one of many along the cliff face lining either side of the water; however, this one had a much deeper recess - cut deep into the cliff as if it led somewhere else. More confident in her ability to navigate her powder-blue companion, Guppy attempted to turn the Williynx, receiving a sudden squawk of anger when she did.

  “What is it?” asked Kaira, sitting proudly atop Mivrilyn who tensed at the sound.


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