The Gilweean Gateway

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The Gilweean Gateway Page 6

by R A Lindo

  “Which they could have discussed using a Scribberal,” countered Jacob, “assuming they use them here.”

  “So, what’s your point, big brother?” prompted Guppy with a touch of sarcasm, suggesting a little more concision wouldn’t go amiss.

  “That meeting each other and interacting as a group on an equal footing was a central part of the journey.”


  “Because the S.P.M.A. is much bigger than The Cendryll, and if a dark army is searching for fragments of a Terrecet, allegiances will need to be formed and bonds made.”

  “So, we’ve come here to raise an army,” added Kaira, following Jacob’s train of thought. “‘Weapons of flight and water’, my dad said, and how we’ll need Gilweean’s help.”

  “Flight means the Williynx,” added Guppy, “and maybe even sky urchins…”

  “Remember how Farraday and Lore Follygrin explained how you can’t fall off a Williynx: how you ‘become one’? And the way we were welcomed and treated like equals? The whole trip was about unity, I think, even down to us joining in the children’s game … how we were automatically made to feel at home in a place alien to us only a few moments earlier.

  The Society stretches far and wide, across countries and continents, and part of bringing us along was to help us realise the scale of the S.P.M.A. and what we’re helping to protect. Also, that our actions can have far-reaching consequences.”

  As the remaining children were called in to their small houses, and the Williynx began to retire to the cliffs, they sat together, awash in the glow of Gilweean and collective sense of belonging, wondering what a return to The Cendryll would bring.

  The return journey was enacted the following morning, the adults and children waving their goodbyes as a sky full of Williynx flew over the small wooden boats until they reached the waterfall: the Perium to take them home.

  Philomeena Renn rode in the boat with her brother, Kaira and Guppy this time, leaving Farraday to guide the way back on the second boat with Jacob. Although having four people in a boat wasn’t ideal, Kaira’s aunt wanted to share their immediate plans on returning to 12 Spyndall Street: plans for Kaira’s birthday.

  Having always prepared her niece’s parties, Philomeena Renn wanted to make this one a little more special by having Guppy and Jacob present. Meyen Grayling had no fixed timescale for their return - nor was likely to feel any particular loss at their extended absence.

  The birthday plans were simple but, hopefully a nice surprise for more than one traveller on the Renn boat: Kaira and Guppy would have a shared party since Guppy’s birthday was fourteen days after her friends. The party wouldn’t precisely tie in with their birthdays, but it would give them a little more time to enjoy the freedoms of childhood, temporarily unburdened by Society matters.

  It would also act as a nice precursor to the Christmas season which would soon be upon them, Kaira’s birthday falling on November 16th followed by Guppy’s on November 30th.

  Casper Renn placed the oars in the boat as they passed through the Perium, leading toward the Guards of Gilweean - trees which remained static this time, having already carried out their investigative duties on their entry. Kaira’s dad felt a tinge of guilt for not mentioning his daughter’s birthday sooner, the pace of the last few days occupying his time and energy; however, he had made a promise to himself on accepting that Kaira’s time to enter the S.P.M.A. had arrived: to put her needs before a Society that was ever dependent on him.

  He had failed to do this on her entry but had, hopefully, atoned for this in some way by offering her the space and adventure the journey to Gilweean had provided. The surprise birthday party - his sister’s idea - was another way to make up for his recent absence, and a way for Guppy and Jacob to feel part of a family.

  Farraday would head back to The Cendryll on their return, re-joining Smyck to keep an eye on things: the unity of thieves in their midst gaining temporary reprieve.

  Once safely past The Guards of Gilweean, Guppy placed her hand in the cool water, watching as her fingers skimmed the surface. In some ways, she wished they could have stayed longer, already replaying the memory of flying high on her Williynx yesterday, the feeling of freedom and exhilaration rushing over her.

  There would be new adventures on their return to The Cendryll, she knew, and she was always excited to discover new charms, artefacts and places she didn’t know existed. Almost fourteen, she wondered what her old friends were doing: deep in the school term, sitting in rows in lessons, wishing they could be somewhere else. Guppy, on the other hand, had just touched the heavens on the back of Williynx!

  “So, Kaira,” Philomeena Renn began as she handed a blanket to her niece and friend as the temperature suddenly dropped. “We’re going back to 12 Spyndall Street before heading to The Cendryll in the morning.”

  “Okay,” replied Kaira, happy to spend a night in her own bed whilst worrying about her beloved cat, Churchill, holed up in Aunt Phee’s quarters in The Cendryll. She knew Smyck was looking after him but it wasn’t the same.

  “We’ll have a little celebration for someone’s big birthday soon. It won’t be on the day, but it will be magical.”

  Kaira looked up at Aunt Phee, thinking of the mother she had barely known and how pivotal her aunt had been in her life. “Really?”

  “Of course,” her aunt added, sharing a smile with Kaira’s dad who uttered ‘Canvia’ before writing HAPPY BIRTHDAY in the air with his fingers.

  “It’s not my birthday for ten days,” Kaira said with a smile, having almost accepted that this moment was going to pass. With a nod from her dad, she turned to Guppy who had enacted the Spintz charm, forming four fountains of light above the boat. Kaira laughed when Farraday did the same on the accompanying boat, the showers of light illuminating their journey along The Gilweean Ghenant.

  “What do you think about having a joint party with Guppy?” Aunt Phee asked as Jacob attempted to stand and sing, almost falling into the water.

  Kaira watched Jacob in amusement as he rocked in the boat, arms waving in an attempt to regain his balance before Farraday caught hold of him. “A joint party!? Brilliant!”

  The shock of the offer was apparent in Guppy’s expression, a surprising swell of emotion threatening to overcome her. Her birthday was almost a month away and rarely a consideration for her mother beyond a passing ‘Congratulations’. Noticing the tears forming in her eyes, Casper Renn uttered ‘Magneia’, holding his hand out as a single fountain of light moved towards his outstretched hand.

  With the light shower hovering over his palm, he placed his hand into the water, watching as the light stretched out into two lines on either side of the boat, illuminating a path home: a path Guppy studied closely as a way of hiding her tears of gratitude.


  Birthday Celebrations

  The joint birthday celebrations at 12 Spyndall Street were the perfect tonic to an intense introduction to the S.P.M.A. Aunt Phee prepared the food while Kaira’s dad and Jacob took care of the decorations - all created with magical charms, of course.

  The Spintz charm was the obvious choice for festivities, fountains of light floating throughout the house while a curtain hung at the top of the stairs: not a normal curtain but a Cympgus … a light-based Perium created by releasing a ball of light from your penchant.

  This particular Cympgus had been set up by Farraday for a mild adventure later - to find the presents he had bought for Kaira and Guppy, hidden somewhere in the ramshackle home he lived in when not carrying out Society duties.

  Kaira had visited many times before so it was entirely safe and a fun addition to the birthday plans. For now, though, it was time to prepare for the festivities, including Jacob’s insistence on singing Happy Birthday - his first attempt on their return from Gilweean ending rather comically as he lost his balance in the boat.

  A Mirriul charm had been used, as was standard in such situations, to create an illusion on the windows of 12 Spyndall Street,
ensuring any passersby glancing in would see a typical scene of family life. Magic was never on show to the uninitiated - one of the strictest rules in the Society - ensuring its existence remained a secret.

  “Jacob,” came Philomeena Renn’s voice from the kitchen. “We need candles on the cakes.”

  “I’ll finish the decorations in the house,” stated Kaira’s dad as he waved his right forearm towards the kitchen ceiling, creating intricate hanging string lights and interweaving rings with the Canvia charm.

  “I’ll do the balloons,” said Farraday as the Parasil filled up with purple liquid.

  Jacob recognised the purple liquid as Fillywiss - the remedy taken to remove the dizziness felt when first travelling through Periums.

  “Why Fillywiss?” queried Jacob, now used to seeing Jysyn Juice when a Parasil was in use.

  “A change for the tastebuds, probably,” replied Farraday as he created numerous balloons with the help of a Canvia charm. His standard attire of black trousers, black shirt and brown waistcoat had been disbanded for the festivities. Instead, he’d squeezed into one of Casper Renn’s suits - a slick, silver-grey item accompanied by a red shirt.

  Jacob thought Farraday was going over the top with the suit but decided to say nothing. After all, it was the first time in years that his sister had had a proper birthday party, and he knew Guppy would appreciate all of their efforts.

  “Candles, Jacob,” repeated Philomeena Renn’s voice with greater insistence this time, and with Jacob taking care of the final decorations, it was a matter of waiting for Kaira and Guppy to appear from upstairs.

  With the house aglow with fizzing decorations, a self-filling Parasil and magical curtain waiting to whisk the children away on new adventures, the adults waited at the table whilst Jacob went upstairs to call Kaira and Guppy, sensing they wanted a few moments to themselves - time used to discuss their trip to Gilweean within a thin veil of secrecy which remained.

  Farraday closed the kitchen door to ensure a level of privacy - each adult present conscious of the precious few moments available to them before Kaira and Guppy burst in to begin the birthday celebrations.

  Philomeena Renn uttered ‘Worble’, ensuring that any spying would be met with indecipherable sounds. For a few moments at least, the knowledge to be discussed would remain in the company of those present at the kitchen table.

  “They’ve been doing plenty of detective work,” Farraday commented as he eyed the two birthday cakes nearby.

  “Adventures that are likely to become more dangerous on our return,” replied Casper Renn, a solemn expression appearing on his face as the familiar frown formed - mannerisms and habits of the Caribbean father he had disowned.

  “We need to ensure safe passage for them once we’re back in The Cendryll,” added Philomeena Renn. “Merrymopes and my rooms in The Cendryll can provide this.”

  Both men nodded at this suggestion, understanding what secret, safe passages lay within both places.

  “I’m a little concerned about the girls being exposed to so much, so young,” continued Kaira’s dad as the candles burnt softly on the cakes. “Jacob’s a little older but the idea of bringing Kaira in so young was to protect her. Guppy’s impulsivity worries me, as well.”

  “She was going to be exposed to danger either way,” suggested Farraday. “Now, she can be fully prepared to defend against it. Being above ground would have posed a greater threat to her safety. Melackin hovering, your father…”

  The usual silence fell over proceedings at the mention of Isiah Renn, Farraday deciding to continue the conversation to remove the mild unease.

  “Is there any chance Kaira could have made a connection between what you collected at Follygrin’s - the day she was with you and Phee - and your trip to The Wenlands?”

  Casper Renn looked at his closest friend and ally, an additional thought occurring to him. “Possibly. I asked Francis to risk an appearance in the shop, using the obvious protective measures to avoid being seen. I wanted Kaira to have a Follygrin but not to think it was from me. If I’d given her one as a welcome present, she wouldn’t have viewed it with the same awe.

  Getting Francis to appear and suggest Kaira keep it hidden was a more subtle offering; the Follygrin, after all, provides guidance when the owner has lost their way. What hasn’t occurred to me, until now, is the possibility that Kaira used the Follygrin to check on my whereabouts while she was waiting downstairs with Francis.

  I don’t know, is the answer. It’s possible, but all she would have seen was me collecting a small, velvet bag from Francis’ brother, Felix.”

  Philomeena Renn glanced at the purple liquid bubbling in the Parasil - a drop of Fillywiss for a special occasion. “They’ve already connected a lot of things happening in the Society,” she commented, “working out that The Sign of the Symean symbolises people who believe in and hunt for the Terrecet; Meyen Grayling’s suspicious behaviour, The Sinister Four’s questionable activity…”

  “Also, let’s not forget that Kaira was present in Tauvin Hall when The Orium Circle arrived to quell fears,” added Farraday. “She was with me and Smyck when Melina Guest used a Panorilum to remind the crowd of the bravery and loyalty of a select few, pointing you out, Casper as you made your trip to The Wenlands …”

  Kaira’s dad looked up the ceiling as sounds of excited giggles echoed from Kaira’s bedroom. “So, you think Kaira may jump to conclusions?”

  Farraday nodded as Aunt Phee stood from the kitchen table and moved towards the door, ensuring no-one could suddenly burst in. The Worble charm was protecting their secret conversation; however, the use of it may draw suspicion if Jacob had returned from upstairs and was listening in. Creaking the door open, Philomeena Renn looked into an empty hallway, nodding for her brother and Farraday to continue.

  “At some point,” suggested Farraday. “Kaira will consider the purpose of your trip to The Wenlands. It’s also likely that she will wonder what you collected upstairs in Follygrin’s. If she stumbles across the idea that the two events are connected, she will inevitably jump to conclusions.

  Either way, without Kaira being informed as to why, it looks suspiciously similar to Meyen’s behaviour … the secret trips to The Phiadal via The Floating Floor to check on a dark fragment being hidden from others. She might end up suspecting her own father: suspecting us.”

  “So, we need to tell her what we know before she finds out which, let’s face it, she has a habit of doing.”

  “You want me to tell Kaira that I moved a potential Terrecet fragment to The Wenlands with only The Orium Circle’s knowledge?”

  “Unless you want her to find out first and think you’ve ‘gone bad’ like her grandfather. What other choice have we got?”

  The birthday festivities sparked and fizzed into life with the entrance of Kaira and Guppy a few minutes later, Jacob having returned to the kitchen soon after the adults had concluded their conversation. Casper Renn noticed the touch of make up and decorative plaits added to Kaira’s hair, while Jacob allowed himself a smile as Guppy beamed at the sight of the presents and birthday cakes on the table. Both girls were dressed in similar fashion - blue jeans and plain T-shirts - the penchant bracelets on their wrists making them seem more like sisters.

  “So, presents or cake first?” asked Aunt Phee.

  The friends shared a quick glance before saying, “Presents” in unison.

  As the presents were ripped open, Farraday placed a teacup under the Parasil and served himself some Fillywiss. Not having children of his own, he enjoyed the unique thrill only the young could truly experience, birthdays and Christmas being the two events holding a particular magic even for those within The Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts.

  Interestingly, the presents were not magical artefacts but everyday items: jackets, scarves along with intricate jewellery from Aunt Phee. Birthdays were meant to be special and presents unexpected; therefore, magical artefacts didn’t fit the bill because they could be
acquired at any point, if you knew where to go.

  Instead, Kaira’s dad and aunt had followed traditions in earlier years, reinforcing to Kaira that people make places, and experiences make memories. Material objects were rarely held dear for long, their charm wearing off as familiarity set in.

  How Guppy would react to the normality of the presents was unknown although, judging from her reaction, she had expected such things, the birthday party itself and sense of affection in the room far more important than artefacts she could acquire from Tallis & Crake.

  With the presents unwrapped and jackets, scarves and jewellery tried on, Farraday signalled for the girls’ attention with a humours cough.

  “I’m not the best at choosing presents, as you well know, Kaira, but I thought I should get you both something.”

  “I’ve got something…?” queried Guppy

  “Well, I was thinking of leaving you out…” joked Farraday as Kaira’s dad and aunt looked on in amusement.

  Jacob studied Kaira and Guppy’s sense of anticipation as Farraday continued sipping Fillywiss out of the teacup - a rather bizarre image when added to the ill-fitting suit.

  “Are we getting them later…?” asked Kaira with no sign of them in sight.

  “You could say that,” teased Farraday as he glanced towards the open kitchen door and the stairs.

  “I think Farraday might have hidden them,” Aunt Phee suggested as she cut the cakes: one chocolate, a strawberry and vanilla cake designed as a tower and covered in an assortment of sweets from the best sweetshop in the land: Wimples.

  As Kaira and Guppy eyed the stairs, Farraday offered another comical cough. “Of course, this isn’t your typical game of hide and seek…”

  “We need to use the Cympgus to find them.”


  Jacob put his teacup on the kitchen table, next to the Parasil. “Is that a good idea?”


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