The Gilweean Gateway

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The Gilweean Gateway Page 9

by R A Lindo

  “So, gravity doesn’t exist, here?” queried Conrad as he continued to hold on to Jacob for dear life.

  “Almost anything can be bent to the will of magic,” replied Jacob, “so get ready to be amazed.”

  “Are we getting off soon?”

  “Yes, now,” replied Guppy as she reached to open the doors.

  “What!?” blurted Conrad in mild panic.

  Realising that Jacob needed a break from Conrad’s increasing distress, Kaira took his arm and said, “Follow me and don’t look down.”

  After a mild deliberation, Conrad did as he was told, looking straight ahead at the door marked only with the letter ‘Z’.

  “Zucklewick’s,” explained Kaira, pre-empting the question. “One of the places the lift takes you to go above ground.”

  “We need to make a quick stop here to speak to the owner, Ivo Zucklewick,” added Jacob. “He’s a friend of mine and a helping hand when needed.”

  Remembering the Blindman’s Watch Jacob had collected from Ivo Zucklewick, Kaira wondered what he was planning this time.

  “Zucklewick’s then the full tour?” asked Guppy as she stepped into a passageway formed of the faintest illumination - one which led to another door, providing access to the Society bookshop.

  “Yep,” replied Jacob. “The full tour, including the church roof: the best way of explaining Society Square. Let’s go.”

  Kaira remembered Aunt Phee saying that they would meet up in Merrymopes at 11 a.m. so they had just over an hour to recalibrate Conrad’s understanding of the most popular part of the small market town - Market Square - known to the initiated as Founders’ Quad.

  Founders’ Quad was the name given to the original quadrangle created in Bibsley Corbett, the small market town chosen as the original, above-ground location of the S.P.M.A. After centuries of existing underground when witch trials were all the rage and magic treated with fear and suspicion, the decision was made to align with a world which no longer believed or feared magic.

  Science and technology became the new wonders as the above-ground world became immersed in various forms of screens - all of which made them less in tune with the world around them, and the magic that had always surrounded them.

  As Jacob and Guppy had told Kaira on their first tour above ground, if you could see beneath the streets of Founders’ Quad, you would view something spectacular: all the faculties moving and interconnecting with one another, despite the fact that they were miles apart.

  It wasn’t a stretch to say that the secret, magical universe they were now all a part of could compress into the smallest space whilst having the ability to destroy the largest - a force beyond the comprehension of most above-ground people, making the Society’s ability to hide in plain sight that much easier.

  Of course, there were problematic people, as there were in all societies, and the Melackin - Society members ‘gone wrong’ - could invariably be found hovering above ground. Generally up to no good with emaciated figures, giving them a certain air of menace, they existed off their black market enterprises, trading Society artefacts and remedies for Society money: Kyalls kept in Keepeasies out of sight.

  Although not being strictly allowed, black market trading was a fact of life in any organisation, so the most senior members of the S.P.M.A., The Orium Circle, turned a blind eye until certain artefacts got into the wrong hands, like a fragment of a potentially lethal artefact which had led Kaira, Guppy and Jacob on a chase to Dyil’s Ditch, including a near-fatal meeting with the vampiric Ameedis. There was the odd Melackin in sight this morning, but no sign of Prium Koll who had chased them on their first day above ground together - something they had yet to understand.

  Thankfully, they were all better equipped to use magic to defend themselves and, if necessary, get themselves out of danger via a Cympgus. For now, though, all was calm as the quartet strolled through the burgeoning crowds with Jacob pointing out key buildings and their link to Society.

  Mention of the S.P.M.A. was frowned upon above ground although, when necessary, a simple Worble charm protected conversation, muting words to indecipherable sounds: ideal cover for a young band of wizards about to enter into new mysteries with familiar shadows on every corner.

  Leaning Lane was already teeming with delighted shoppers, its unique architecture and offerings drawing crowds seeking wonder as an antidote to their mundane lives. If anything could lift a dull mood, Wimples sweet shop and Merrymopes ice cream and milkshake parlour could.

  Run by equally eccentric duos, each shop offered something entirely unique and awe-inspiring to adults and children alike although, thankfully for the young, most adults couldn’t fit into Wimples because it was the smallest shop on Leaning Lane - a lane which houses a row of Tudor buildings - each one smaller than its predecessor.

  The screams and yelps of delight rang along Leaning Lane, the location of Wimples, as the magic of the sweets offered endless wonder to the young. The young quartet manoeuvred their way through the crowds, each deciding to wrap up with coats and scarves as the winter morning decorated the rooftops and windows with frost.

  Before long, Christmas madness would descend on the small market town, but not before a chaos of a different kind enveloped The Society for the Preservation of Magical Artefacts.

  “Come on,” instructed Jacob as the hordes of excited children outside Wimples resentfully gave way to them, keen to get their hands on a bagful of legendary sweets which formed moving impressions on the tongue - impressions of the figure on the packet representing the name of the sweets: Well I Nevers, Up Yours!, Core Blimeys and many more.

  With the blizzard of scents and colours overloading their senses, Kaira remembered Aunt Phee’s principle that it was time to be children for a little while longer, and what better place to enjoy the fading remnants of youth than Wimples?

  Guppy was quieter than normal, allowing the others to answer Conrad’s questions about the magical tradition of each shop. Kaira wondered if it was the sense of a new person encroaching on their group - one which had given Guppy a renewed sense of belonging.

  It wasn’t long before the true reason was evident: a tension between duty to the Society and parental allegiance. Despite Guppy and Jacob’s dislike for their mother, suspecting their mother of potential betrayal rested uneasily.

  Guppy had whispered her plan to vanish through The Floating Floor the previous evening, amidst their collective birthday celebrations - plans which would have permanent ramifications should they be seen or their suspicions be proven accurate.

  If Meyen Grayling had, indeed, secretly stored a Terrecet fragment without permission or agreement with the relevant authorities, there was only one path awaiting her: banishment from the Society, joining the vilified Melackin whose rehabilitation had stopped further criminal activity.

  For now, though, it’s time to enjoy the delights of Wimples sweet shop before meeting the adults in Merrymopes for reasons, as yet, unknown.

  With a bagful of sweets in tow and Conrad gradually gaining his bearings within the group, they made the short trip to Merrymopes ice cream and milkshake parlour, standing adjacent to Wimples on Pimion Place. The tinkle of the bell above the door brought back memories of Kaira’s first visit … when Jacob had suggested they take a break from Guppy’s whirlwind tour.

  This, along with the fact the Merrymopes stood on the same street as Cribbe & Corrow where Kaira had collected her penchant, allowing her entry through Periums.

  The memories helped her to empathise with Conrad’s current position, watching as he followed behind the group, increasingly at ease yet still maintaining a subtle distance, understandably suspicious of the people who belonged to a magical world kept from him until now: a world which had temporarily robbed him of his father.

  The Quij had been the first to penetrate Conrad’s armour, Kaira recalled, and Wimples had made another sizeable dent in his defences. She was certain the Merrymope twins, operating in perfect synchronicity, would do the rest
- helped by their legendary Belly Blitz milkshake. Henkle and Boven Merrymope were identical twins, touching sixty.

  Pristine in appearance and measured in mannerisms, they were the inspiration behind the incredible ice creams and milkshakes which rivalled Wimples array of spectacular sweets.

  Dressed in red trousers, white shirts and red bow ties - matching the red-and-white decorative theme which ran throughout the shop - the twins nodded in welcome as a hissing sound came from somewhere within the colourful establishment, followed by the sweetest smell of chocolate and cinnamon which caused Kaira’s belly to rumble in anticipation of her favourite milkshake: Mud Never Tasted so Good.

  Merrymopes was surprisingly quiet this morning, although Kaira, Guppy and Jacob knew better than to question anything regarding the twins’ beloved shop. Questions invariably got you thrown out and banned for an indeterminate time - the eccentric twins’ brilliance only matched by their volatile temper.

  “Miss Renn,” the men said in unison before offering a synchronised nod.

  “Hello,” replied Kaira. “Nice to see you again.”

  “A crisp morning,” Henkle Merrymope added as he passed a glance over Conrad Kusp - a boy he clearly recognised. “Winter has settled in which can mean only one thing.”

  “A new milkshake?” suggested Guppy as she unbuttoned her blue winter coat.

  The twins nodded with a smile, gesturing that their winter tradition had continued: a new milkshake for the Christmas season.

  “Can we try it?” pursued Guppy, temporarily forgetting that today was about Conrad.

  The twins nodded again, their pencil-thin moustaches seeming to twitch with excitement. “Indeed, Miss Grayling, although as the Christmas season isn’t quite yet upon us, you can act as our first critics. The milkshake must be spectacular, of course.”

  “Better than a Belly Blitz?” enquired Jacob as he ushered Conrad closer to the group.

  The twins offered a neutral expression. “That, of course, is for our young critics to decide. The Belly Blitz is also Theodore’s favourite so we have a perfect group of tasters to see if our invention will pass the test.”

  Mention of his father’s name brought an increased alertness from Conrad who, as yet, had said little on their journey above ground. Kaira couldn’t ascertain if it was a natural shyness or a combination of grief and disorientation. After all, she had only been told about the Society by her father after overhearing a strange conversation some weeks ago.

  Conrad, on the other hand, had found out about it at the same time as being told his father had disappeared. Perhaps, not even the wonders of a magical universe was an adequate antidote to the temporary loss of a loved one, after all.

  Kaira checked her watch, happy that they had less than twenty-five minutes to taste the new delights before her dad and aunt arrived - a thought which carried a sense of restriction. Freedom and adventure were new thrills and she wanted more of it so, whatever the reason for the meeting, Kaira hoped it would lean more towards adventure than caution.

  “Secret recipes require a certain degree of privacy,” stated the twins in unison before gesturing towards a wooden door to their left, decorated only with the sign ‘DARE TO ENTER’. As they had been dared, and realising that pause or protest would be met with an abrupt exit, they followed the twins through the door into a narrow, wood-lined corridor with four red-and-white leather booths.

  “Take your pick,” the twins added before nodding in departure.

  Kaira slid into the booth alongside Guppy, conscious of the oppressive nature of the narrow room which offered no natural light. There was a small bar to their right which, she presumed, would be the place where the twins re-appeared to offer their invention. Of course, they would all love it - even the sullen Conrad who, Kaira hoped, would not become a burden to them.

  She’d had her own quiet period on her first day above ground, but this was more due to shock. Sadness had its place, of course, thought Kaira, as she watched Jacob trying to coerce Conrad into conversation, but silence was harder to navigate.

  After watching Jacob gain some success with Conrad, managing to draw another laugh as he stuck out his tongue to show the moving impression of a short, fat man about to pop with anger (courtesy of Wimples sweet shop) Kaira thought it time to give Jacob a break.

  “So, what do you think so far?” She leaned forward and put her elbows on the table, ensuring her bag of sweets was safely stored away in her Keepeasy stitched into her jeans’ pocket. The rivalry between Wimples and Merrymopes was legendary, after all

  Conrad looked up at Kaira, holding her gaze. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “I know the feeling. Did you have any clues before today? About the Society’s existence?”

  Conrad shook his head as he unbuttoned his coat, displaying the bright orange jumper once more. “Not really. I knew my dad did something secretive but nothing he ever said made sense so I gave up trying to work it out.”

  “Have you got any brothers or sisters?” interjected Guppy, working hard to pitch her questions at the appropriate level of social etiquette.

  “No. Just me and my dad.”

  The simple statement signified two things: the bond and the recent loss of Conrad’s mother - something Kaira and Guppy immediately picked up on … both remembering how they had listened in on the adults’ secret meeting on Kaira’s first day, and how her dad had admonished Guppy’s mum for being too hard on Theodore who had just lost his wife. Loss was something Kaira knew, the fading memory of her mother brought to life by the photographs her dad kept around the house.

  “If you like,” said Jacob in way of avoiding an extended silence, “you can help me out in Creative Charms later. I’ll show you Spiral Way and I can teach you some creative charms.”

  Conrad turned his attention to Jacob and nodded, smiling as his attention drifted once more.

  “What’s Spiral Way?” asked Kaira, mildly annoyed that she hadn’t been told about something that sounded like another adventure.

  “A huge, spiralling structure that connects Creative Charms and Restrictive Charms.” Sensing Kaira’s annoyance, Jacob added, “Don’t worry, Kaira. We’ll have plenty of opportunity to use it. I only found about it because I blew too many things up when I first arrived, ending up being stuck in the basement of Creative Charms.”

  “It was freezing down there,” commented Guppy who remembered being taken to see Jacob in the place he’d been banished to, shocked at how cold it was and how lonely he seemed - further evidence of their mother’s lack of concern.

  “Spiral Way sounds ace,” uttered Conrad. “It’s hard to get your head around … the idea that magic actually exists.”

  “Wait until you start using it,” added Guppy with a mischievous smile. She wanted to talk about Gilweean and the incredible experience of flying on the back of Williynx - or the stunning waterfall which acted as a Perium and flowed from no apparent source. Wimples and Merrymopes were just the beginning for Conrad, Guppy knew. The best was yet to come.

  The brass bell rang on the wooden counter to their right, seemingly of its own accord, signalling the imminent arrival of the new milkshake made for the Christmas season. Conversation stopped in anticipation of the Merrymope twins appearing with their fantastical offerings, but they made no appearance, leaving the gang of four to exchange a puzzled glance.

  “It probably means it’s on the way,” suggested Jacob just as the brass bell rang of its own accord again, causing the entire room to shudder and the red-and-white leather booth to descend slowly through a gap which had appeared beneath their feet. Kaira and Jacob gripped onto the table while Guppy and Conrad lifted their feet onto the leather seat, looking down into what appeared to be a revolving room.


  The Revolving Room

  As the red-and-white leather booth descended into the space below, Kaira caught a glimpse of her dad and aunt standing together below, seemingly on the perimeter of a room which spun and teetered in the cen
tre. The circular structure revolved at speed, the only other structural elements occupying the space below an iron barrier which separated the revolving room from the ‘dock’ the adults were standing on.

  The ‘dock’ represented the perimeter used by awaiting passengers who entered the spinning structure via the four open doorways, accessible by timing your jump. A short pathway made of the same iron structure took you closer, after which timing and balance were everything. Mistiming your entry sent you crashing into the interior walls or, even worse, thrust back out towards an uncomfortable meeting with the iron railings.

  Outside of the ever-spinning structure, seeming to be permanently on the verge of teetering and crashing into the railings, were the booths which rested into the iron bays some feet above. From here, steps took you down to the ‘dock’ where you prepared to access the room for purposes yet to be explained to Kaira, Guppy, Jacob and Conrad who stepped out of the booth and down the iron steps towards another wonder of the S.P.M.A.

  As they reached Casper and Philomeena Renn, another booth appeared, slowly descending through the ceiling and transporting Farraday and Smyck into the secret space. The young quartet were about to learn that the revolving room was one of the alternative pathways Aunt Phee mentioned: a way to move unseen within the Society. With the spinning wonder rattling and cracking on its unseen axis, Farraday and Smyck joined them for an initiation in covert movements.

  “You found your way, then,” Philomeena Renn said as Kaira attempted to identify the brass contraption in the centre of the revolving room. Watching it for too long made her dizzy, so she diverted her attention temporarily to regain her sense of equilibrium, something always improved with Jysyn Juice which, unfortunately, was not on offer.

  “You dial yourself in,” her dad explained with a smile, his wine-red suit as immaculate as ever.


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