Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3) Page 2

by S. Lawrence

  Once inside, I strip and head to the natural pool that is filled by a hot spring. The steam rises over the water and I ease into the heat, letting it cover me. The heat relieves the tension from my body. My wings are hidden on my skin. When they are tucked away, they form a tattoo from my shoulders to the bottom of my ass. Delicate, intricate black feathers that only a few have seen. I close my eyes and imagine a pair of tongues sliding over them.

  Chapter 2


  My head is like a war zone; the pounding wakes me. Rolling to my side, I slit my eyes and throw my arm over them to block the blazing sunlight. Fuck, I drank too much. Gritting my teeth, I open my eyes again and try to figure out exactly where I am. It only takes a moment to realize I passed out on Aislin's couch after the celebration. Two suckers got married last night. I'm happy for them, but no thanks, nothing like that for me. Lying still, I take a few deep breaths, trying to convince my body not to throw up.

  The sound of skin peeling off leather forces me to turn my head to my right. Michael took off his shirt in the night and is now sweating puddles in this crazy humid weather. I swallow a few times at the sight of the six Hurricane glasses sitting empty on the table between us. Now I understand why those two wicked women were laughing at us last night. Emma had warned us to go easy, but Aislin kept handing us more.

  A groan draws my eyes back to Michael; he is pushing his dark hair out of his blue eyes and glaring at me. I begin to push up, gulping in more air. He shakes his head slowly, holding it gingerly in his hands. Patrick better be glad he left right after the wedding, although we wished he could have stayed longer.

  "Me head is going to split right open, ye bastard." His voice is filled with humor and pain. A dainty giggle causes us to whip our heads to the kitchen. "Oh, Jayzus."

  I narrow my eyes on the one standing there sipping some of Aislin's beloved coffee. I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to remember her name. She is a friend of the girls, one they met in Emma's old neighborhood and who works in the French Quarter. She looks like a pixie, every color of the rainbow in her clothes and hair. Piercings in her nose, ears, and no telling where else, and tattoos cover her exposed skin. If I remember correctly, she handed us more than one of the drinks that put us here.

  "How ya feelin' this morning...well, day? Bless your hearts, we warned ye." She mimics our accent, mixing it with her thick southern drawl.

  "Hauld ye tongue, woman." I grimace as my own voice makes my head pound harder.

  "I made you my special, secret hangover cure. If you can manage to get over here." Her grin makes me nervous, and I stay where I'm at, but Michael crawls to his feet, moaning the whole time.

  She hands him a cup when he reaches her side; he sniffs it and gags. She nods her head and pushes it toward his mouth. He glances at me and gulps it down, heaving the whole time.

  "I knew you would be first to drink it." She smiles up at him.

  "Did you read it in your cards?" My tone comes out harsher than I mean.

  She shrugs at me before looking back at Michael, her eyes narrow on him. He is watching her just as closely. I don't like the feel of this. We are Druids and we believe in magic. Hell, we would be crazy not to, given everything we've seen in our lives, but this is different.

  I stand and cross to them, drawing her gaze. She picks up and hands me another cup. I look at it.

  "Drink it, Sean. My head is better already." Michael's eyes refuse to leave her. "So, Cora… What do you see?"

  "A white raven, brother killing brother, and the beginning of the end." Sadness fills her eyes as she looks back and forth between us. I look at her and I show her my anger, letting it rise to my eyes. I don't try to hide it.

  "Don't look to us to fulfill your vision. I would die before I would harm him," I growl out at her. I might not be able to change into some fucking animal, but there is a beast in me. Michael nods in agreement.

  "I only tell you what I see. I will say some of those who were here yesterday could've affected my powers. Especially the one with gray eyes. He is one to keep an eye on." Her voice is filled with confusion and a hint of lust.

  Michael chuckles before speaking, "Yes, one should always keep an eye on The Trickster."

  Cora gasps, understanding dawning in her eyes, "The Trickster, Loki?" She whispers, glancing around. I nod my head yes as Michael grins. We both figure one more person knowing the Old Gods walk among us isn't going to hurt anything. Besides, Cora could be helpful.

  I realize my head is pounding less as I look around. Cora is studying Michael's chest with interest; I'm not sure if it is his muscles or the tattoos. I have my answer as her finger flits out and traces an intricate Celtic knot on his right pec below his collarbone. Her eyes glaze over as he watches her silently. Suddenly her head flies back, her eyes open wide, and a blood-curdling scream is forced from her throat. Footsteps pound toward us. The doors to the bedrooms are thrown open as Jason and Kai come running, their beasts shining in their eyes. Emma and Aislin are right behind them, both barely wrapped in sheets.

  "Clothes! Jayzus, get some clothes on, will you? We've got her!" I shout at them as Michael picks Cora up and carries her to the couch.

  The scream dies, and she is staring vacantly at nothing, her nails digging into Michael's chest. His eyes fly to mine, worry filling them. Footsteps alert us of the others return. Aislin and Emma shove us aside and grab their friend's hands, concern creasing their foreheads. Seconds tick by, and Cora gasps and chokes, her eyes focusing on everyone surrounding her. She nods to Aislin and Emma, smiling before her gaze locks on Michael and me, terror filling it.

  "I need to speak to you both -- alone." Her voice is rough from the scream, and her eyes never leave our faces.

  Michael looks at the others and nods. They reluctantly move from the room with Aislin and Emma, pausing to keep looking back at us. Finally, their men basically drag them out, closing the door behind them. I am positive there are two delicate ears smashed against the other side of the door. We move to sit, Michael easing down beside her on the couch, and me sitting on the table my knees bumping into hers.

  "It is coming. A battle far worse than you've ever seen." I want to scoff at her, as we were in the middle of some awful shit in the desert, but I can't, not after seeing the terror on her face. "You must find her. Raven… She needs you both."

  "Find her? She's here. She was at the wedding." I can hear my confusion.

  "She left in the night. Went to her home to speak to the one she serves." Her eyes are far away as she replays her vision again. "She is in grave danger. She is about to discover that which he has hidden for thousands of years."

  Michael's voice is angry when he speaks, "Who is he?"

  "That I don't know. He is powerful though. Powerful enough to hide from everyone that seeks to find him." Her voice quivers in fear.

  I look to Michael before standing, and he nods. We won't let anything happen to Raven and will kill anyone who tries to harm her. I walk to my bag near the wall, grabbing some clothes; I turn to head to shower, leaving him to talk to the others. I look back at her once before nodding and make my way quickly to the bathroom. When I step out, Michael is waiting to go next.

  "I told them we were going to head out once we pack. Jason is calling Nestor. He thinks he might be able to take us into the Norse realm. I called Patrick and told him we were going. He, of course, wants to come, but I convinced him to stay and do research for us. Aislin and Kai think Morrigan can help, but I want as few people in the loop as possible." He is still talking as he steps under the water, having thrown his pants out at me. I finish drying off and grab my jeans, pulling them on, and then put on my shirt. I pad out barefooted, and they are all waiting.

  "I made some calls. Everything you might need will be here in a few hours." Jason's voice is somber.

  Aislin crosses to me, pulling me into her arms. I can do nothing but hug her back. This woman won our hearts that first night in that Scottish pub, her broken heart calling out t
o us. I kiss her head and squeeze her before stepping back. Michael is walking out, pulling a shirt over his head, water dripping from his hair and beard. He is the picture of ancient Druid. She moves to him, and he hugs her. Whispering to her, he melts in a way I can't any longer. It is why I try to protect him still, after all these years, the same way I shielded him since we were lads at the orphanage -- to save that part of his heart that hasn't hardened. I am, and always have been, my brother's keeper. He holds her for a few moments more until Kai crosses and pulls her away. I can tell they are talking to each other through the link they share; her eyes are misty, but she nods in agreement to whatever he says.

  Emma wandered into the kitchen and is cooking breakfast, still dressed in Jason's shirt, and his eyes keep straying to her legs. I'm envious of the love she has for him; it shines from her like a lighthouse in a storm, drawing him in. I don't remember ever having something like that directed at me. Lust, most certainly. I grin, remembering a few times Michael and I saw that look coming at us from a woman we'd chosen.

  Emma is joined by Aislin, and Cora mumbles about southern women and their cooking. Soon a feast is piled on the counters. We eat in silence, no one wanting to speak their fears. When we are done, Michael rises from the table and goes down the stairs to the horses.

  Chapter 3


  Aislin's grandfather owns a giant Friesian stallion named Concubar, who is black as night. Aislin had been floored when the beast immediately took to Michael, saying he tried to kill almost everyone who got near him. The giant sensed something in Michael, and I'm certain that is where my brother is now.

  Years ago, soon after Michael had arrived at the orphanage, an old white pony had wandered onto the grounds. Michael was just old enough to walk, but that pony stayed close to him for many years until it left the same way it had shown up. He's got a strange affinity for animals. Good thing, considering who we run with now -- a dragon, a hellhound, and no telling what else. Every fucking time I think we've seen everything, something else pops up.

  Like when Raven landed in our laps. A Valkyrie that makes our Viking blood sing for her. I witness that craving in his eyes and I'm aware the same is in mine. Hell, even Aislin and Emma recognize the need. They think I don't notice their looks and smiles, but oh, I do. I would tell them my plan, but I don't want to shock them.

  Yes, I will find and protect Raven. I have many plans for the three of us. She has her own interest in us both and confusion because of it shines out of her eyes. I lose myself in the images that are playing through my mind. I must have made a noise because when I refocus on those around me, their eyes are all on me and smirks cover their face.

  "Fuck off with ye," I grumble before heading down after Michael, their laughter following me. I find him standing by the beast's head, rubbing the nose gently. I stand back, knowing the great animal will try to take some of my flesh if I move any closer.

  "Brother killing brother," he swears like it is profanity, and to us, the words are.

  "Not going to happen, ye fucking believe that." His green eyes turn to mine as he looks over his shoulder. I see something I've never seen ever before -- resignation. That makes me fucking pissed. "Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare. We've seen enough in the last six months for ye to ken that anything can happen. Haven't I always had your back?" I'm growling at him, my fists clenched in denial.

  "Of course, brother. But we have no idea what we are going up against. We've both heard the tales of the old Gods. Kai told us the story of Asger and Ylva. We both know that the Norse Gods can be vengeful, even Loki, who currently is on our side. We also know that some of the gods are working with the Order. Emma told us that she overheard Aphrodite say she only cared about 'Him' winning. We've no idea who 'Him' is."

  I watch him as he leans his face against the black velvet nose of Concubar. I want to rage and shout, but I understand it will do no good.

  "You care for her, don't you?" I ask, knowing the answer.

  "Yes, same as you." His eyes cut to look at me without raising his head. I know what he is waiting for.

  "No, you care for her. I want her, need her," I grumble. He knows I never wanted someone for more than a short while -- get my pleasure, give her hers, and then move on. I lost my ability to love at the hands of the mother who dumped me at that orphanage. I love my brothers. I love those girls upstairs. But never will a woman hold my heart.

  Footsteps on the stairs cause us both to turn. Jason stops at the bottom and stands looking down at us for a second before coming over to where we stand. He doesn't speak for a few moments, locking eyes with the huge horse as they stare at each other, beast to beast. We wait, knowing he wants to say something.

  "I called in some favors. Everything you will need will be waiting for you. Nestor will take you to the portal in Scotland." His voice is laced with worry.

  "Just spit it out," Michael grumbles.

  We whirl when Kai's voice comes at us from behind. "Morrigan will take you to the Tree of Life. I contacted her, and she told me that our tree is the same tree in Norse myths, Yggdrasill. You must ask its permission to climb its roots."

  "Ask its permission?" I ask scowling.

  "Yes, remember the story of Asger? The tree must choose you, must deem you worthy. The tree knows Raven. It will judge if you can help her, or even if you should. The Tree knows Loki, and it will know if he can be trusted. It knows much more but will not tell you more than what you must know. She will not chance changing destiny."

  Michael spoke, and his voice is filled with a reverence I don't possess. "The Tree - she is connected to all things. She will find us worthy. She will look deep into our hearts."

  Jason is silent, looking at me strangely. That look leaves me unsettled. I fear what this being might find in me. I wonder what Jason glimpsed. Kai is looking at him, and something passes between them. I rein in my rage, simmering below the surface always, quick to flare.

  "Do ye have something to share?" I growl at them, daring them to voice their fears out loud.

  "We have nothing but faith in you both," Kai murmurs before pausing. "The Tree will show you your worth, Sean. You think things about yourself, your very soul, that aren't true." His eyes glance at Jason. I suddenly feel sick.

  "You both should be told something. I should have told you before, but I worried about your reactions. Aislin and Kai assure me that it is a gift..." He clears his throat before continuing. "Part of my power lets me ease memories, make them more distant. Some time ago, I started trying to ease your nightmares, to help you recover from the scars of war. When I do this, I live them, the memories. I see deep into both of you."

  "Are ye saying ye meddled with my mind, messed with private things?" I step toward him, ready to smash my fist in his face. There are too many things he could have witnessed. My nightmares aren't only about the war. I glare at him for a moment longer before stalking off. I glance back to where Michael is standing and looking back and forth between us, torn. I'm glad that Michael would find relief, but he doesn't hide the secrets I hide. Things kept buried deep.

  Chapter 4


  I watch Sean stomp away. I want to follow him, but I'm frozen here in front of my friends. Sean thinks we are so different, but we aren't. I just hide behind my smile and charm. He built a wall, turning to sex to make him feel. I’ve seen the way he loses himself in a woman, taking her places she never dreamed.

  I am often the bait for his escapades, not that I mind. In fact, it led to some extremely interesting nights. It is the women that are drawn to his darkness that tempt him the most. Those who don't mind his needs and hungers, who let him lose himself in the act. Raven is a mix of both, she calls to both of us, is drawn by what she feels in us.

  Every moment since she arrived, she tempts us. Dark desires play on us, night and day. I've lost count of the times he's been caught contemplating her. Every night, I fall asleep with my needs beating at me. My dreams are filled with blood and lust, w
ar and sex. Now I wonder if it is a foretelling of what is to come.

  My eyes turn to Sean, standing beneath the huge oak tree. His shoulders are stiff with what he thinks is rage, but I see into him, no part of him is hidden from me. It is fear and shame that drives him. He has long held the burden of things that were not his fault, things that were out of his control.

  The first day I was left at the orphanage, he became my protector, and I his. So many secrets we both hold, buried within us. I wonder what Jason saw in my dreams. I was so young but I remember. I dream of the pain. Through the years, it was Sean and I that protected Patrick and Chris, taking the brunt of the punishments and degradations. Sean thought they only came for him, but he was so wrong. I would never let him shoulder those horrors alone.

  Patrick had been older when he arrived. He had come from a loving family, one that he lost in a tragic accident. Chris had been left as an infant and never even knew his parents. I had been taken from my mother, the scars on my body the proof of her abuse. Sean had escaped from those that hurt him in unimaginable ways, only to be brought to a place where others would do the same.

  Little Chris had been the one to save us all. He had found the first book on Druidry and started showing us the old ways, and together, we had tapped into our rightful powers. Together, we had used the Druid and Berserker blood flowing through our veins to escape and make sure no child was hurt in that place again.

  It was a thing of beauty, or as the papers called it, an unexplainable accident. No one could explain how those three men became trapped in an outbuilding, as it burst into flames -- killing them and burning so hotly that their bones turned to ash. I shake my head, smiling at the memories of their screams, and look back out at Sean. Rubbing the stallion's nose one last time, I start walking to the tree and toward my brother. He stiffens when he hears my footsteps.


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