Water Games (Watergirl Book 4)

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Water Games (Watergirl Book 4) Page 34

by Juliann Whicker

  “Quiet,” Sean said, glancing at me. “I’m going across the hall. Spyguy, maybe you can torture intel out of my wife.”

  I glared at his massive back until he closed the door, leaving me with Spyguy. He took a fruit of some kind out of his pocket and started munching it.

  “It’s nothing,” I said.

  He nodded, took an even bigger bite out of the fruit and began chomping loudly. He was still blond.

  “I had an Oliver lapse. Sean thinks it’s bothering me, but not as much as your hair.”

  He put his head back and closed his eyes. He looked exhausted. His half-eaten fruit balanced in his hand. The afrateau sparked and swirled in the fireplace. We stayed like that for a long time. Wasn’t Sean coming back? Was Spyguy asleep?

  “The thing is, I was approached by the Master of Deepness.”

  Spyguy’s eyes popped open and he dropped his fruit. He stared at me for a long time unblinking before he shook his head slightly. “You say the Master of Deepness approached you? I’m pretty certain that I was with the Master of Deepness over the past few weeks.”

  “It wasn’t him, of course not, but his agent.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “His agent. And you’re certain because he told you that he was an agent to the Master of Deepness?”

  I snapped my fingers. “As a matter-of-fact, no. Most spies are a little sneakier than that.”

  “Then how do you know he wasn’t some random pretend spy?”

  I shrugged. “It was back with the rainbow punk band that it all kind of got weird.”

  “Rainbow punk bands will do that to you. What are you talking about?”

  I frowned at him. “You really missed the punk thing? I didn’t think you missed anything.”

  “When you fell off the radar with the thief intern and came back on with a messed up face?”

  I shrugged and grinned at him. “It was fun.”

  “So you bonded with this Deepness Master over brawling.”

  “Basically. He’s an agent, not the real guy. Probably. Anyway, the thing is…” I frowned at him. I couldn’t tell him about the Oliver thing either. I sighed. “The thing is that he was telling me about Oliver’s sister, how she’s trying to steal Sean, and I was kind of idiotic. I went to see her, confront her about it, but somehow I got sucked into the Oliver obsession instead.” That was a stupid lie. I didn’t even try to make it sound like it wasn’t a lie.

  “So this Deepness Master’s agent gave you some worthless gossip that got you tangled up with Oliver? He’s clearly an imposter. No agent from the Deepness would want to see you in the grip of your obsession. It’s not pretty.”

  I frowned at him. “I was hideous. I was wearing my purple pastel coveralls and all the horrible pasty makeup.”

  He studied me for a long, long time. “You’re getting better at lying. Still have a ways to go, Princess. Tell me you have a good reason.”

  I frowned at him. “You’ll trust my good reason?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not reading blackmail but more determined loyalty. You’re too loyal. You don’t feel threatened or afraid, just tired. If you’d like to share your burden with me, I promise that I won’t tell another soul.”

  “You promise? I can’t trust you.”

  “And you can’t trust Takeo, either?”

  I shrugged.

  “Interesting.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he studied me, taking me apart bit by bit. “There’s guilt, loyalty, obsession, exhaustion and suspicion.” He closed his eyes and put his head back. “This is what I’m thinking. Someone told you that Takeo was in danger and the only way to save him was to go to Oliver. So, you went. Takeo is fine, so your sacrifice was acceptable, but you’re wondering if the danger was ever there or if you just wanted to touch the prince. I’m going to fall asleep now. I’m getting as bad as Takeo, paranoid that if I leave you for five seconds the sky will fall.”

  “Go ahead and sleep. Your conversation was really boring.” He was right. Kind of. Was I that easy to read, easy to manipulate? “Spyguy, why would someone want me to go to Oliver?”

  “Mmm. Might want another Terramore.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “How’s the Terramore rebuild coming? A lot of the Deepness was empty because of all the workers at Terramore. They’re being paid a very generous wage.”

  “It’s good. We’re going to go visit after the season is over.”

  He nodded slightly then a few minutes later started snoring. I stared at him, frowning while his eyes twitched. What did Spyguy dream about? I put down my homework and quietly walked over to him. I got right in his face before I whispered, “Spyguy.”

  His hands were on my throat and I was on the floor while his face was transformed into this horrible, terrifying grimace of death and pain. He blinked and his pupils grew smaller as he released my throat and sat back on his heels.

  “I’m going to take a few hours off. Don’t get into trouble, Princess. Don’t contact any bottom-dwellers.”

  He stalked out while I stayed on the floor, staring at the ceiling. There was supposed to be someone on Sean’s team that I couldn’t trust. Spyguy told me I couldn’t trust him enough times. Still, I trusted him. He’d trusted me enough to fall asleep with me, and I’d blown that. I never should have startled him. He’d probably thought I was trying to kill him or something. I rolled up and sat back down on my chair. Spyguy would never intentionally hurt me or someone I loved. Why did I feel that so strongly?

  It was a week later when the trial was announced, the Examiner and Claristia were to face charges of treason. I was in my internship consumed with thoughts of the most beautiful presentation of pickled vegetables when the whole place buzzed and bubbled like an underwater bee’s nest.

  When I heard the news, my heart constricted and then ached terribly. I glanced at Madd and saw that smug smile before he nodded once and went back to his fascinating task, aligning threads.

  Spyguy was waiting for me when I came into the air hall that evening. “You stopped an assassination on the king? Why?”

  “They were going to frame Sean for it.”

  He tapped his fingers on his crossed arms and nodded. “You still can’t trust this source, not entirely.”

  “Don’t trust anyone. I know.”

  He frowned seriously. “You aren’t going to reveal him to me.”

  “You know it’s the boy from my internship. You’re not stupid.”

  His face tightened. “Thanks for that. It actually seems a little too obvious for such a sneaky character as the Master of Deepness. Apparently, he’s losing his grip on things.”

  “Is he? I thought he was an anarchist. Anarchists aren’t supposed to control, just cause chaos.”

  “That’s the trouble. He’s been more involved in peace than chaos lately. I have no idea why. We all know that peace is the dream of the slave.”

  “Um, are you okay, Spyguy?”

  He shook his head and came over, gripping my shoulder. “I have been a little conflicted lately. Don’t worry; it won’t last.”

  “It’s from being on the side of the law. It’s bound to confuse you.”

  Sean was working on a gutted machine that looked like a space vacuum when I came into the red chair room. “How is your composition coming?” He asked, not looking up from his work.

  I plopped onto the chair, putting my legs over the side. I felt so tired. It had been such a long time, waiting for something to happen with the Examiner and then about giving up when bam! “I don’t know. It’s a mess. What are you working on? Use small words.”

  “We’re having our marriage lecture next week, on the Monday after we get back from Siren’s Rock.”

  “I’ll be sure to take notes. I want to be the best fake Soremni wife you’ve ever had.”

  “It’s not fake.” His words were quiet.

  I looked over at him. “No, but I’m not Soremni.”

  He looked up at me and his eyes were
kind of scary. I hadn’t seen them that cold since I broke Terramore. “I got an early wedding present from Oliver.”

  I stopped breathing.

  “I got to watch him assault you. Right now I’m feeling like ripping out eyes. Instead, we’re going to dress very nicely and go to the king’s hall in a show of solidarity for the failed assassination of our dear ruler.”

  “Sean, I’m sorry.”

  His eyes got colder if possible. “I would prefer the king dead. I would much prefer the king dead. Try to remember that the next time someone asks you to trade your life for mine. I don’t want it. I will never want it. Go get dressed. Please look breathtaking. I want Oliver and every other Soremni male to see you, want you and know that I will rip them apart if they touch you.”

  I followed him into the volcano room. He used the car wash while I did my fabulous decal. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t think about anything while my heart pounded in my chest. I hadn’t believed him, not really. Why would Oliver give Sean a video? What had happened in the middle that I couldn’t remember, the part that had bruised my cheek like it had hit marble? I touched the back of my neck and started trembling. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t see Oliver, not now, not with my chest constricting, aching for the perfect song that would rip Oliver and his kingdom apart.

  “Princess?” Spyguy knocked on the door before he came in. “Having trouble with the decal?”

  I stayed there, holding perfectly still while he adjusted it. He started working on my makeup, not saying anything about the slowly fading bruises on my arms and throat.

  “He went too far,” he finally murmured, meeting my eyes. “I’m sorry, princess. I should have hit him harder with that sculpture.”

  I half-sobbed before I pressed my lips together and forced a frosty smile. “Trading myself for my husband’s safety is my right, the same way it’s his to fight in the games for me.” I stood and lifted my head high. “Do I look breathtaking? Takeo specifically requested it.”

  He pressed his lips together before nodding his stupid blond head. “Very well. I’ll have the ship waiting to take you to Siren’s rock after the meeting.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed my fingers. “Genevieve, give him time, not space. He needs you. Vashni males need their females almost as much as Soremni males need them.”

  “What about half-breed mutts like you?”

  He stared at me while his eyes grew hard. “He’s not like me. I could sell you to the highest bidder without the slightest twitch of conscience as long as you accomplished your purposes. I’m a spy. I have no loyalty. He’s sick with betrayed loyalty. You couldn’t betray me because I wouldn’t trust you with access to my heart.”

  I half-laughed. “As though you have a heart. So, I’m like you, selling myself to accomplish my purposes?”

  He blinked and looked away. “No. That’s not what I meant. I mean that I think you did the right thing. He can’t think that, so he’s angry and feels betrayed. He’s upset because you didn’t trust him to save you and take care of everything. This wasn’t a deal between you and your monsters, but you and his safety. He’s the one who is supposed to sacrifice himself for your happiness.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “You just said that you disagree with him.”

  “But I’m not him. For him, it’s who he is. You love him because he’s that person, loyal, strong, determined, a fighter who will serve the world to you on a platter.”

  “It’s not the world that I want, just him happy.”

  He fiddled with my hair. “Well, you trading yourself for the king’s life did not make him happy. You probably shouldn’t do that again.”

  I shuddered and clenched up. I put my face down on the counter while I just tried to hang on, breathing. Oliver’s mouth on the back of my neck. Why couldn’t I remember that? Not that I wanted to. I could ask Sean if I wanted details. I shuddered again.

  “Princess? You need to get it together if you’re going with Takeo. I can call Sorsha. She won’t have your presence, but she’ll do.”

  I muttered the love, peace, duty lines and sat up. I gripped Spyguy’s hand until it turned white. “I hate him so much. He didn’t have to send a video.”

  He squeezed my hand back but didn’t say anything.

  The political gathering was at the palace. It was my first time there. It was absolutely packed with anyone who was anyone, and the gossip was spectacular. Sean didn’t do much political maneuvering, just spoke in hushed tones about the unexpected fall from grace of the Examiner. He didn’t mention Claristia’s recent political support. The palace was enormous, full of light fountains and glowing veined floors and walls. It was magical and beautiful. So. Freaking. Magical.

  Oliver came halfway through the appetizers and floated on the balcony above us. He spread his arms and smiled sadly. He spoke while he signed, but the water was crystal clear and pitched so his words were crisp like at Madame Claria’s house.

  I glared at him like I could shoot fiery lasers through his head.

  “My friends, my family, I have to share with you my deepest sorrow. My sister, whom you all know has struggled for some time, succumbed to her dreams and fantasies, allowing her to be led away by a master of subtle influence. The Examiner twisted my sister into a tool, a weapon that he wielded against his own king.” Oliver dropped his head and his shoulders shook as though he were weeping.

  I wanted to spit on him, but Sean pulled me close to his chest and tucked my head beneath his chin. I held him, hopefully looking to the world as though we were suffering together, not that he was keeping me from ripping off the Prince’s face. Sean trembled as he held me tight. I blinked against Sean’s chest, noticed the bulging muscles beneath the papery fabric over his goo base. I smoothed my hand over his muscles, maybe not the right moment, but I wanted Oliver to see me adore my husband publicly. I slid against Sean sending a rush of awareness over my skin.

  Oliver’s voice was piercing and unpleasant. “The Examiner is being held in our most secure facilities. My sister is receiving the help she needs. The king is safe from the attempted poisoning. I present to you, our king.”

  The hall filled with applause and chants of, ‘Long live the king! Long live the king!’

  It definitely wasn’t the moment. Sean let go of me and turned me so that I could see the king. He was beautiful like Oliver, only with a silver eye patch over one eye, bringing out the silver at his temples in his otherwise ebony hair.

  “We aren’t going to go through exhaustive details this day, nor are we going to celebrate what can only be considered a great tragedy. We will go home and consider our own vulnerability in the face of the evil which constantly threatens us all.”

  He smoothed down his black suit as though he weren’t accustomed to wearing it then turned, clapped a hand on Oliver’s shoulder creating bubbles and swam with him, back into the rest of the palace, leaving us to gossip or go home and think about evil.

  We left, swimming to Goldie and slipping inside.

  He dropped his hand the moment we were away from public so I was standing alone in Goldie’s happy interior.

  “Well done. You played your part perfectly. You do look breathtaking.”

  I looked down at the red dress with the high slit. The back was low so I could feel Sean’s hands when he’d held me.

  If he hadn’t held me, I might have ripped Oliver’s eyes out. I gasped as it hit me. Through that entire thing I’d felt nothing but disgust towards the prince. It was like the night at the lake when Cole let the football players grab me. The obsession couldn’t last through ultimate betrayal.

  I looked over at Sean in his captain’s chair. He was so beautiful. Was it possible? Would I actually punch Oliver’s face if I ever got close enough to kiss him? My heart pounded and my throat closed up from anxiety or hope, I couldn’t tell. There were too many things to feel and this whole thing, the whole not aching for Oliver needed a song, an entire album.

nbsp; “Sean, I think I’m cured.”

  He looked over at me, his icy eyes magnificent. “I know.”

  I blinked at him. “You know? How?”

  “The obsession makes you act in certain ways. Wanting to rip out a heart isn’t part of it. Oliver cured your obsession the only way he knew how.”

  I inhaled sharply. “So, he didn’t actually send you a video? It was all just a set-up?”

  He smiled. “No. That wouldn’t have been enough just to hurt you, he had to destroy me. He knows your heart, your loyalty. And now he has two enemies who will never allow him to keep his kingdom. It’s all precisely how he wants things.” He shook his head. “He’s getting far too good at manipulating me.” His eyes turned to blue flames instead of ice. “I only wish he also hadn’t wanted me to genuinely suffer my own guilt. I never protected you and I never cured you. I hate him.”

  I hesitated before I took his hand. “Do you hate me?”

  His mouth tightened. “Don’t ask me that. If I hated you, I would not be with you. I love you so passionately I can barely restrain myself from taking you every time you look at me with those trusting eyes. I love you so perfectly that I will restrain myself as long as it’s in your best interest. I will love you well, Genevieve. If you should choose to marry me for real someday, I will love you every moment every way until my last breath.”

  He kissed the back of my hand then turned, focusing out the window at the passing world. I dropped into the seat beside him and curled up, holding my hand where he’d kissed it.

  Chapter 39

  The news that the Examiner disappeared from lockup didn’t bother me as much as the fact that Sean hadn’t adjusted back into his normal adorably egotistical jerk persona. If it weren’t for that, I may have felt slightly grateful to Oliver for betraying me and breaking the curse. Things weren’t all that bad. Claristia was locked away from my man, it looked like I’d pass all of my college classes, I almost had my final composition ready for my internship, and Sean was winning the games. Barely. It was actually really close with the king’s team. When Sean lost, it was to Oliver who I didn’t ever gaze at anymore, otherwise, I’d glare and that would hardly be appropriate during this time of his difficulty.


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