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Sin Page 22

by Torrie Robles

  “I don’t like simple.” Lick says. “Simple always comes with problems.”

  “Problems you won’t have to worry about because you’ll be educating a certain oil heir the old-fashioned way.” I tell him.

  “Sin’s right.” Cut states. “You’re going to be sitting this one out and doing what needs to be done to keep Redding from making any more problems for this club. Bubba’s going.”

  Bubba's engrossed in his phone, not paying attention to the conversation going on around him. This is the second meeting that I’ve noticed he’s not participating in. “Dude, Bubba?” I question.

  “What?” He doesn’t lift his eyes from his phone.

  “Are you paying attention to what’s going down?”

  “Yeah.” He finally looks up. “Lick’s standing back while I’m going in. It’s not hard,” he snaps.

  I go to tell him a thing or two, but I’m cut off by my brother. “Enough.”

  “Hey, Jenni.” I greet her as I enter the shop. I had her sit at the register while Bianca and I attended the meeting. I’m not sure why they needed us there. I didn’t even say or do anything.

  “How is everything?” She questions.

  “Fine, I guess.” I let out a yawn.

  “What’s with you? Did you not get any sleep last night?” She winks.

  “I did.”

  “Did you now?”

  “Any customers?” I try to change the subject.

  “None. How does this place even stay open?”

  “Sin is good at what he does, I guess. When people order custom bikes they pay a pretty penny for them.” I pull out a binder from under the counter. “Look.” I open the pages and show her some of Sin’s designs. “These are his. Not all of these are sold, but these are all designed by him.”

  Jenni turns page by page and marvels in all of Sin’s creations. I was impressed the first time I came across this book myself. I had been snooping, but I didn’t have anything better to do and he wouldn’t talk to me so I kept myself busy. The bodies of the bikes always have smooth lines and clean edges. I know these aren’t his passion, but he has such a talent that you’d never know it. “These are crazy good.” She continues to flip through the pages.

  “Aren’t they.” I pull out the laptop that I’ve been using while I’ve been at the shop. “See here.” I browse through multiple websites of companies who either use custom parts or make custom bikes. I’ve been looking into spreading the Fury brand. I believe in Sin’s abilities and the guy’s work ethics enough to want to get them noticed. Not everyone in the club gets involved in the customs builds. Cut doesn’t have any interest in working on anything that’s not his. Dyke says his tinkering days are over. Brass is too busy with the other end of the business to play with this side. Bubba, he doesn’t care to do much more that what’s necessary. Lenny, the prospect, he does most of the grunt work around here. That’s where his roles end. But Sin, he creates such beautiful objects. Lick, he’s a whiz at engine building and Hawk, he’s good with his hands. He can bend and form metal like nobody’s business. They each have their passion in the builds and I think they’re good enough to get some attention.

  “What are you doing, Savannah?” She asks.

  “I’m researching.”

  “You’re shopping Sin out aren’t you?”

  “So what if I am? He deserves to be noticed. You said it yourself, his designs are crazy good and I know he can be more than some guy that’s a grease monkey. They just need the right direction and I’m going to be that guidance.”

  “Does he know?”

  “Of course he knows.”

  “But he’s a biker.”

  “So, who better to build your bike than a guy who grew up on them? What? You think some dude from southern California is better than a guy who was riding on the back of one before he took his first step?”

  “You think this is a good business move?”

  “Yes I do. I think it’s perfect and with their knowledge of what they do, it’s easy. I just need to get them noticed. I need to reach out to the right person to make it all happen. I’ve already sent out feelers and I’m waiting to hear back. I’ve gone through every facet of the industry. I’ve even reached out to some network types who might be interested in a TV presence or something. Reality TV is such the rage right now.” She’s wearing a clear face of skepticism. “Do you not agree?”

  “No, it’s not that. I’m not the business major, you are. So, if you think it’s a great plan that's cool, but look at them. They aren’t exactly overly friendly and people pleasing.”

  “Oh, honey.” Lick's voice startles us as he; Sin and Hawk make their way to the front. I feel Sin’s hand on my shoulders as he presses his lips to my ear. He whispers that he loves me and my belly does a flop. My bliss is cut short as Lick’s voice invades my daydreams. “I’ve never been accused of being unpleasing. Let me take you for a ride and I’ll prove to you that I’m all pleasing all the time.” He flicks out his tongue in Jenni’s direction. “Come on, hop up.” He rubs his cheeks with his hands. “It’s open." Hawk laughs.

  “See, disgusting pig.” She points to Lick.

  “Lick isn’t the face of Fury.” I defend him. “This is Sin’s deal.”

  “That animal is still involved; one glance from him and you’ll have people running for the hills. He’s like those people who grew up raised by wolves.” From what I’ve heard about Lick’s upbringing, she isn’t far off.

  “Fuck, baby, being raised by wolves is a step up from the bitch I had the pleasure of calling Mom. Although Ma doesn’t hear so good seeing as she’s six feet under in God’s green earth. And my Pop, he don’t really see me that often since he’s been locked up for over twenty years now.”

  “Well, shit,” she says quietly.

  “Exactly.” Lick replies as he heads back to the garage.

  “Don’t mind him.” Sin tells her.

  “Yeah I know; Lick is a rare breed. It takes some time getting used to him. I know that. I just feel awful saying that stuff. I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “You didn’t know.” Hawk says. “Simple mistake. Now, before you open your mouth and stick your foot in it when it comes to me, let me say this up front. My daddy’s dead, stabbed forty times the night they went for Sienna. To make matters worse, the sons of bitches dumped his body at the iron gates of this compound. Mommy dearest took off on me when I was just a wee lad. Biker life wasn’t for her. I guess motherhood ranked a close second since she took off without so much as a glance back.” He hit his hand on the counter making both Jenni and I jump then turns to leave the same way Lick left.

  “Jesus. Does everyone here have a story or something?”

  “Pretty much. Bubba’s mom left him too, leaving Dyke to raise him. I wouldn’t be surprised if she left with Rose, Hawk’s mom. We were both young when they took off. I don’t even remember either of them,” Sin says. “You know my story, which is the same as Cut’s. Brass, I’m not really sure about him. He was younger than my dad by a few years but he’s never really talked about his life.”

  “Man, my life is boring compared to everyone else’s.” she complains.

  “Not really.” I utter. “You have a pastor for a father who’s trying to marry you off to the highest bidder.”

  “All that stuff you said the other night was true?” Sin asks.

  “Yep, sometime you can’t make this shit up.”

  He laughs as he goes to catch up with the other guys.

  “Our target is two blocks south.” We listen to Brass as he points to the map of the area. The way he talks and gives orders makes me think he’s been military for some portion of his life. “The best way in is through the back. The parameter is surrounded by large bushes and there aren’t any neighbors to spy as to what we're doing. There's an empty lot adjacent to the property where we will enter. There's a large holding room with several cots. This is where the girls are being held. So far from today’s recon, I’ve seen seven men goi
ng in and out. Because they plan on moving at first light, I’m sure all seven are in the vicinity.”

  “This is like a normal extraction. No frills. All we have to remember is to be a little gentler. These are kids, young girls, and we don’t need to man handle them.” Cut instructs.

  I look around at my brothers. This is something they’re used to doing. Each one of them has been on a job we’ve contracted, as for me? It’s been a while. Ever since we opened the shop, I stopped getting involved on this side. I know I’m only here because were a little under the gun. If we don’t make our move, now then we can lose the chance to get the girls out before they’re in the bowels of Mexico, never to be seen again.

  The instructions, the commands, are bringing back memories of my time in the military. The faces of the men from my unit flash in my mind. Them laughing around the camp fire, in their shorts and boots. Guys cracking jokes and telling stories of their lives back home. Pictures hung in their bunks of their loved ones who were waiting for them to come back home. Explosions and screaming. The sound of my blood rushing through my ears as I grab whom I can to take cover. Seeing as there’s nothing to hide from the blast I do the only thing I can do and throw myself on top of my men.

  My brothers.

  “Sin.” I blink my eyes and see that everyone is gone, but Cut. “Are you okay?” I swallow and try to get my barring.

  “Yeah.” I feel the sweat roll down my back causing me to shiver.

  “If this is too much, tell me and I’ll send you home. We got it; we can do this without you.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m fine.”

  “I don’t want you to lose to that head of yours. If you think this is too much then please, just tell me.”

  “I got it, Devin. I’m good.” He nods.

  “Alright, then let’s catch up.”

  We make it to the lot where everyone else is waiting. I don’t make eye contact with anyone because I don’t want to see the doubt in their eyes. I know I’m not cut out for club life. Well, I know I can be cut out if I wanted to be. It’s in my blood, it’s the way of life here, but I’ve purposely always stayed away. But this isn’t only about the club. This is a mission of retrieval and this is something that I'm built for. I’m a warrior, a solider, and I’m right where I need to be.

  Brass gives us the signal and we make our way over the fence. The building is a small warehouse type structure. The windows in the back have been painted black, so seeing where people are is out of the question. We need to rely on our other senses to make sure we do what needs to be done. As we approach the building, I hear muffled voices inside. I can make out a television being on, some type of comedy since I hear laughing. I glance up to see the guys all with their guns drawn. Me, I opt for a knife, it’s quieter.

  Cut takes a lock pick from his pocket holstering his gun. With a quick shimmy of the metal between the door and its frame, the thing pops open. Cut quickly catches the door allowing it to open only a crack. I listen for any interruptions, but there’s nothing. They didn’t notice that we’ve breached their security.

  As we enter, I hear hushed conversation, mostly in Spanish. I can make out some; they’re mostly discussing the trip in the morning and the payoff for their delivery. I hear the word ‘gringo’ and wonder if they’re talking about Tyson. We navigate through the back of the structure, which is completely empty. We come across a room with the door slightly openly. I peer in, holding my knife up, ready when I see four sleeping girls on one queen bed. They are all holding on to each other, clinging. I turn to give my brother a heads up when I hear yelling from further into the building. I close the door to the room, hoping to shield them from the shit storm that may be brewing.

  I walk into the main room for the building. My brother, Hawk, and Brass are holding four men at gunpoint. None of the men are armed. They thought they were secure here, thinking they would be able to leave here with these girls. Bubba comes out from the corner with another guy in his grasp. He pushes him with the others as one of the men start to go off in Spanish. He’s speaking too fast that I’m not able to make it out. My mother might speak it, but that doesn’t mean I understand everything that comes out of her mouth.

  “Shut up.” Cut commands and the man quiets. So he understands. “We want no trouble, you got me.” They nod. One of them darts his eyes to my left and before I turn around, I hear a click of a trigger.

  “Seems like we have ourselves a little bit of a situation.” I half expected to see Tyson standing before me, but it’s not. It just another uppity guy in a high dollar suit. “It seems you boys are where you’re not wanted.” He continues to point the gun at me as he stalks forward. “Isn’t it The Devil’s Fury?” He laughs. “Well not all of you. Seems you’re missing a couple.” I look between him and my club seeing that they haven't dropped their guns and the men are still standing with their hands raised. “I need you to drop that knife, boy.”

  I slowly shake my head, keeping my eyes trained on the gun. “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “You don’t think?” He eyes me up and down. “What would that Savannah think if you didn’t come back? I bet she would be heartbroken. She wouldn’t know what to do. Maybe go home, back to Tyson, where she belongs.” He sneers. “She was always a handful that one. I don’t know how many times Tyson put his hands on her to try to tame that wild in her.”

  I step forward at his words. “Sin.” I hear the warning in my brother’s voice. I know this guy is goading me. Trying to fuck with my head and it’s working. I have no control when it comes to Savannah’s safety, none.

  “I’m sure he would welcome her with open arms. Don’t you worry about that.”

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Who am I?” He points to himself. “Well, I should be offended that the sweet little flower never mentioned me. I’m Douglas, Tyson’s best friend and business partner.”

  “Can’t say that she’s ever uttered a mention of your name. But from where I’m standing, there isn’t much to talk about.”

  His nostrils flare and he swallows slowly. “Maybe once she gets back home, you know once Tyson’s done riding her, punishing her for her disobedience, and he’ll let me have a crack at her. I mean, hey, she’s already knocked up. There shouldn’t be any harm. I hear pregnant chicks are freaky with their hormones. Maybe she’ll want to take us both on at the same time. Fuck it, I’m sure she won’t get a say in what–”

  I lunge at him, taking my knife, driving it through his abdomen. He grunts as the steel of my blade punctures his flesh. I look into his eyes as I push the blade further in. I want him to drown his is blood. I want him to lie on the floor and gasp for breaths that will never come. I need it to be long and painful. His nails scratch down my arms, drawing blood in their wake. I welcome the sting. I bend over; spit flying from my mouth as I speak. “You’ll never touch a hair on her pretty head, motherfucker. You won’t live to see her or my daughter.”

  “She’ll never be yours,” he gurgles.

  “She already is.” I pull my knife from his stomach and run it across his neck, slicing his throat. I drop his almost lifeless body to the floor.

  “We got the girls.” My head jerks to see my brother standing there. Huffing in ragged breaths. His eyes fall to the now dead body at my feet. “You good?” He asks.

  “I’m good.”

  “Oh, my God.” I get up from the bed when I see Sin walk in. He’s covered in blood and immediately I begin to cry. “What happened?” I run my hand down his arms. I can see scratches, deep bloody scratches.

  “We got Louie’s daughter back.”

  “You’re hurt.” I say

  “Oh, sugar, I’ve had worse.”

  “Now is not the time for making jokes, Matthew Sinclair.”

  “Whoa, my full name, you must mean business.” He smiles, trying to make light of the situation.

  I tug him by the hands and pull him into the bathroom. Once I turn the faucet on and let the water heat up, I turn bac
k around. “Why didn’t you tell me how dangerous it was going to be?”

  “Why did you think it wasn’t going to be? We were going in and taking a group of girls back from people who shouldn’t have had them in the first place.” I pull the hem of his shirt over his head. He bends over a little to help me get it over his head. “Come on, Savannah, did you think we would just go over there and knock on the door and they would be like, ‘Oh hey, here you go. Sorry about that.’ No. That’s not the way it works. There’s always danger in stuff like that.”

  “I don’t want you doing that again.” Tears begin to well in my eyes and I blink them away only to have them roll down my cheeks. I start to unbuckle his belt when he stops me.

  “Hey now, sugar.” He pulls me by the nape of my neck so I’m looking at him straight in the eyes. “You know I don’t do that stuff anymore. I try to stay out of it, but I had to tonight. It's for a greater purpose and I need you to understand that.”

  “I can’t lose you, Matty.” I sniffle a little. “We can’t lose you.” I correct myself.

  He pulls me to him and I can feel his heart beating against my face. I love the smell of him, the scent that’s all man. “Aint gonna happen. You’re stuck with me. I have plans for you and they don’t include me leaving. So you can get that out of your pretty little head of yours. Now, help me get undressed or leave me be. Either way, I got to get this bastard’s blood off my body.”

  “Whose blood is it?”

  “Your buddy, Doug’s. He sends his regards.”

  “Oh, Tyson’s friend, Doug?” He nods. I don’t ask any other questions as I help him with his boots then pull his pants off. I can’t even imagine what happened tonight and what it means for Sin. Seeing that, or being involved in the spilling of blood. I worry that this is going to set him back, that I’m going to lose the ground that I’ve covered with him and he’s going to pull way. His fingers find the edge of my nightgown, pulling it up. “What are you doing?”


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