Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series)

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Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series) Page 1

by J. S. Badham

  Boss Undercover

  Part 3

  J.S. Badham

  Boss Undercover: Part 3

  Copyright © 2019 by J.S. Badham.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: November 2019

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-793-9

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  There are several people I would like to dedicate this book to.

  First off, I would like to dedicate this book to my loving family. Thank you for always believing in me. Your support means more than anything. I really appreciate what’ve you done and what you continue to do to support me.

  To Daniella. Thank you. I can’t express how much your friendship means to be. I would be here for days. It would be longer than a dissertation.

  Robbie, thank you. Honestly, I’m so glad I’ve met you. You’re just awesome! Thank you for just being there and again supporting me constantly!

  I would then like to dedicate this book to the reader. I want you to know that you should never give up on your dreams. Go for them! Let your story be known. Let your voice shine.

  I hope you enjoy!

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter One


  Two weeks. She was dumbfounded, miserable, and worried. Her suspension at work had come as a total surprise. A surprise that was completely the opposite of pleasant. If Jonas’s passing and Darren’s shattered soul hadn’t already dampened her spirits, then being placed under scrutiny from work had just about crushed it.

  But there was Zack. At least with his efforts he’d managed to keep her sane and could muster a smile or two. He had been more than supportive; his constant reassurance had settled her incessant apprehension for most of the days. She didn’t know what she would have done without him. Being stuck at the apartment all day or sluggishly moving around shop floors in an attempt for a fulfilling purpose meant her morality was low until Zack came back into the picture. Their evenings spent together had become like a ritual. He would walk in from work, embrace her within his arms, and they’d sit on the couch sharing old anecdotes. She’d ask him about his day, and he would respond by comforting her on her speculation of work. She couldn’t have asked for more. But it couldn’t completely banish the fear of her losing her job. The mystery of why she faced disciplinary action was a heckling thought she couldn’t seem to escape from. What had she done? Why? How? Or even, who? There had to be a good explanation for all of this. Possibly they had gotten her mixed up with someone else. Maybe it was a mistake. Or someone had it out for her. Either way, her fate would be settled Tuesday, the nineteenth of October. And that was tomorrow.

  Zack had his arms wrapped around her shoulders as she sat between his legs, her head resting into the crevice of his neck. They had been watching some film on the television, and the adverts had just sprung up at this point. It was some car advertisement trying to entice viewers into the reality of purchasing its latest edition. The sound was just background noise compared to the clatter of fear ringing in Claire’s head.

  She sighed, squeezing Zack’s hand that was entwined with her own.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Just nervous about tomorrow,” she replied truthfully, turning her face into his shirt collar and inhaling the intense, delicious scent of his cologne. It was just enough to soothe some of her nerves temporarily.

  “Don’t be,” he encouraged. “I’m sure they’ve got it all wrong. They’ve got to. Besides, we’ve been over this. What could you have done? Nothing. You know it. I know it. Heck, even Darren told you he knows it. It’s just some cock-up on their end. I’m sure of it, baby.”

  Claire’s lips turned upwards a little. “God, you always know what to say. I’m sorry I’ve been moping about these last two weeks. I should have been trying to keep on my toes, keep positive. And besides, my brother’s wedding is just around the corner. I should be looking forward to that.”

  “Don’t apologise. You have nothing to apologise for.” His tone was earnest and completely empathetic towards her situation.

  Claire couldn’t express how much she had fallen for this guy. These past two weeks had been more than enough to hint at a possible future in the long-term between them both. She couldn’t imagine anyone else she would rather spend her evenings and days with. It was possible that she had fallen more than what could be perceived. Was that possible? To fall more in love?

  She sat a little up more and turned her body towards him so her bottom rested on his left thigh. Her projection of fear had diminished little by little as lust replaced it. Her fingers swept across his jaw. “Kiss me, Zack,” she muttered, demanding his attention. They hadn’t had sex since last week. Something else, she felt, had been snatched from the misery of her predicament.

  He complied, leaning in as he slowly pressed his lips softly to hers. The contact sparked a fervent hunger within the tips of Claire’s toes that her lips became demandingly needy. Her tongue slid beneath his whilst his hands ran around to tighten their grip across her back as he brought her closer in.

  Claire swiveled her hips within his lap, clawing her fingers through his thick, black hair, and felt herself drifting on cloud nine as his lips teased behind her ear and then trailed towards her neck. She was desirably hungry, as was he, his hands sliding up her shirt before cupping her breasts. A gasp left her lips as she felt overwhelmed, longing for him to be inside of her. Hastily, her hands unbuckled his belt, the zipper on his trousers wanting to free him. Zack took charge as he lifted her up; her legs hooked around his as he carried her towards her bedroom.

  He laid her down on the bed, stripping her top from her torso and then unhooking her bra. Claire shivered in delight at the sensation of his lips sucking on her hardened nipples. Her body felt re-animated.

  “You’re…so beautiful,” he spoke huskily in between kissing her breasts. She couldn’t help but blush. And she couldn’t help how much she needed him. Claire tore open his shirt, breaking buttons as they flew off in odd directions. Zack chuckled darkly before he kissed her lips possessively and then proceeded to strip off her jeans and then her knickers. Then his jeans and boxers came off, and before she knew it, he entered her. Their bodies rocked together, their breathless voices draining from the exhilaration of their spirits connecting intimately. Zack picked up the pace, moving his hip bones ha
rder into her, feeling her inside walls throb at the build-up.

  “Fuck,” she heard him grunt, quickening more as she begged him on, her pleas not silencing until it happened. She felt it rush from her. And then he released inside, collapsing only a little upon her before he rolled on to the left side of her bed. Claire was breathless but hungry for more. She didn’t need to ask as she climbed on top of him and worked her hips in motion as his fingers kneaded into her ass.



  “Well, this is killing two birds with one stone. Both my least favourite people here sharing a classic pint of beer and bowl of peanuts. Charming,” Zack remarked. Kyle sat on the one side of the booth and Jared adjacent to Zack. It was half ten. It’d been an hour since his hot rendezvous with Claire. Adrenaline was still pumping through his veins. Claire had fallen asleep shortly after, then he snuck out quietly and headed into town.

  Kyle thrust up his bottle of beer. “Anytime, my man.” Then he exhaled with a bizarre sound exiting his mouth as he added, “Ah, God. Life, ay? Your company is in jeopardy, you’re actually dating, and so far, you’re winning the lousy bet.”

  He licked his bottom lip as he grinned.

  “Thanks for the reminder. And we both know that this deal was just not practical,” Zack replied as he rolled his eyes.

  Kyle nodded with agreement then punched his index finger on the table as he asserted, “Yeah, I know. It didn’t really have the foundations. But it would be fucking gold if you’d just lead on Trevor for a joke.”

  Jared chuckled, clasping hands with Kyle as a means of a handshake. “Damn, Kyle. That would be gold.”

  Zack tapped the bottom of his bottle persistently as he requested their silence. “Will you guys knock it down a peg? I came to drink my misery, not listen to you idiots badger on.”

  Kyle held up in his hands in surrender as he chuckled. “Okay. Okay.”

  “Anyway,” Jared interjected, leaning over the table a little as he directed his question towards his brother. “So, what is the sex like?”

  “Jared,” Zack scolded as he punched his brother in the right arm due to the appearance of a waitress passing by the table doing her rounds. “God, you’re fucking annoying,” Zack added with distaste, ignoring his brother’s slight wincing.

  Kyle smirked. “Well. Our Zacky also said he loved her. Isn’t that right?” Zack disregarded the comment and rolled his eyes, once again pushing the bottle towards his lip to swallow another mouthful of sweet alcohol instead. “What is that like, anyway?” Kyle prodded him.

  Zack scoffed. “You’re making it seem like it’s a fucking science experiment.”

  “Took you long enough, though,” Kyle argued with a smug expression still painted on his lips.

  Zack had to give him one, considering that it did take almost a gazillion years to figure out that he had feelings. “Yeah, well.” He exhaled as he leant further back in the plush back of the booth.

  “You know it’s changed you,” Kyle began, his eyes narrowing into tiny slits as he debated over his initial comment. “I think it has. You’re softer. Like a…teddy bear! You used to not give a fuck but now…well, it’s a good change, I suppose. Won’t be the same now going out to nightclubs with you. The VIP section will look dry as fuck in your corner while me and your brother are having lovely ladies scooting up further onto our laps.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that, but yeah,” Jared agreed, tuning in to the conversation. “Also, what about Mother? You know she had her heart set on her friend’s daughter? Nicola, wasn’t it? Although I suspect you won’t get much there cause she’s lesbian. I heard she hooked up with some girl at an engagement party. So, you gonna tell Mother when this all goes over?”

  “Yeah, Nicola. We’re both aware of our mothers sniffling their noses into setting something up between us. And you know I’ve told Mother countless times that she can’t get involved with that part of my life, so it’s nothing to even be concerned about. But then, that’s my second problem. I still haven’t told Claire who I really am. I mean…of course I’m not pretending not to be myself. I’m still me. I just don’t wear a name tag addressing me as CEO of the company.” Zack finished with a train of sighs as he twirled the bottle of beer between his fingers casually.

  “Yeah, you’re fucked.” Kyle inhaled.

  “Yeah, sorry, man,” Jared agreed.

  “Jeez, thanks. I know I can trust on you two morons to have my back,” Zack sneered as he rolled his eyes for the third time. “I also don’t think you realise the predicament I’m facing with Claire mysteriously being suspended at work. I know it’s got something to do with those emails. That traitor within my company. And if it is, it’s all my fault. Somehow, I’ve got her involved. I can’t be sure until tomorrow. The board hadn’t even announced to me about her suspension until today.”

  “To answer both, I think you should just come forward. Tell Claire who you really are and fire that employee now. And then job done. Just get it off your chest now,” Kyle suggested before picking up a peanut from the bowl and plopping it on his tongue.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a piece of cake. But then I’ll never find out who’s ordering my employee to sniff out the company. I need to know who is playing puppeteer. And…there’s another predicament. I’m going to a wedding ceremony—”

  “Wait, are you getting married?” Jared exclaimed, his brows in competition as to which one could get to the centre of his forehead the quickest.

  “No!” Zack hissed, smacking the back of his brother’s head lightly. “How am I related to you sometimes? Sheesh,” he groaned. “Her brother’s getting married this month, and if I remember, in literally one and half weeks.”

  Jared was still wincing.

  “Well, tell her now,” Kyle said, shrugging his shoulders. “I mean, it’ll save you all the hassle, and it will look better than after all that, because, my friend, that’s a big commitment. You’re literally making yourself known to the family. Like you’re literally fucking your big toe in and out with the possibility of future commitment with your girl. And I mean fucking—”

  “Kyle, I get the picture,” Zack cut in, silencing Kyle. “But I can’t. I have to focus on the company. That’s a priority—” Then he grabbed a couple of peanuts and shoved them in his mouth.

  “And she isn’t?” Jared inputted after nursing the sore area across the back of his head.

  “Of course, she is. I just can’t. Not right yet. I have a couple of weeks before the publication of the magazine. And that means time to find out who’s behind those emails and hopefully get my projects back on track. Then…I’ll tell her,” Zack replied.

  Jared shrugged his shoulders. “Well, you better get cracking. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen when you do tell her?”

  “Death.” Zack froze.



  Claire had seen the note on her bedside table. Zack had gone out for an hour. She found herself now unable to sleep. It was half eleven. She had approximately eleven hours till judgment day. And now the nagging thoughts of fear and angst were taking residence again in the pits of her mind. There was no point trying to force herself to sleep. It would be useless. All night she would have temporary insomnia.

  Instead, she decided to give Darren a call, wondering how he was doing. As much as she was allowed to be scared for the security of her job, Darren’s actual loss was more derailing than her own. She swiped open her phone as she pinpointed his number and sat up, covers draping across her naked body, listening to the echo of rings. She wasn’t sure he was going to pick up until seventh ring. “Hey, I’m just ringing to check up on you. And…selfishly, I need a friend right now,” she announced, anxiously squeezing her mobile tightly as she anticipated his response. They hadn’t spoken since the first week she’d gotten the email. He had told her how he felt before asking politely if he could spend a week or so without a phone call. It seemed more than overdue, and Claire missed him terribly.

>   Darren coughed a little before he spoke, his usual energetic voice dead, replaced with a guttural whisper that only made Claire’s heart ache with pain. “I’m okay, Claire. Just—well, tired and…how are you? It’s your meeting tomorrow, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I’m okay. I’m more concerned about you. Have you been eating? Drinking? Have you…gone out of the apartment yet?”

  There was a pause on the line. “I’m getting there. Let’s not dwell on me—how are you really feeling, Claire?” he asked.

  “Truthfully, I’m scared. I have no idea what they’re going to pitch forward to me tomorrow. I’ve barely slept these past two weeks, and I feel like I won’t get a blink tonight. I just don’t understand why this is happening, but…Darren, you don’t want to hear this. I’m being selfish coming to you with this when—”

  “Nonsense, Claire. I’m actually glad you rang up. It helps hearing normality. I want to apologise for being distant the last week. I just really needed some space to—”

  “I know. Don’t apologise, Darren,” Claire interjected. “I don’t blame you for wanting space. How…did…” She paused intentionally, fearing the mention of Jonas’s name would break him down.

  Darren sighed a little. “I actually went through some of Jonas’s old things that he left at my apartment. I found a list.”

  “What did it say?”

  “Just about us, really. About our plans. London, stuff like that,” Darren said quietly. “It just proved even more…how Jonas…really loved me. God.” He stopped as he exhaled. “Hearing it said in past tense just doesn’t feel right. He should be here, Claire, and I know I can’t do anything to turn back time, but…god, would I do anything just to have him back.” His tone was getting quieter by the second, and Claire blinked back tears. Darren sounded so dead. It just wasn’t right hearing him sound so defeated, lifeless, and like a stranger. Even before she could get a word in, Darren pushed with another question directed towards her. “So, what about you and Zack?”


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