Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series)

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Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series) Page 6

by J. S. Badham


  Claire hugged one of the pillows as she replied with excitement, “Zack. My boyfriend, you know?”

  Andy gasped playfully, holding his free hand clasped over his mouth. “You brought a boy home, Claire? Oh no, no, no. We can’t be having that, can we?” He tutted with pretence. “And where is this boy? In your bed? Did you sneak him in last night?”

  Claire nodded, playing along. “Oh, yes! And he climbed up into the window!” Gasping, she broke out of character as she chuckled at her father holding his hands against his cheeks in disgrace and evading his eyes from her own.

  “I’m so disappointed, Claire. And where is this vile boy now?”

  “Mom,” Claire sneered.


  Just then, her mother and Zack appeared, entering the room as lively as ever. “Andy, put that away, will you?” Frowning, she flicked her finger towards her husband. “We have a guest. Or rather…Claire’s boyfriend.”

  “Hello, you must be the boy she snuck into her room last night. Correct, Claire?” her father teased, ignoring his wife’s imperative to put away the car part he continued to clean with a rag.

  “Oh, yes, Dad. That’s him, all right,” Claire replied, her eyes solely locked onto Zack’s with a radiant, cheeky grin expressed on her lips. His lips reflected back like a mirror image, confirming he was very well aware of what was going on. “What will you ever do to him?” She held her hand against her forehead to play as if she were a flustered damsel in distress.

  “Hung, drawn, and quartered, of course,” her father said before he placed the part on the side and stood up then shifted back into normal mode as he introduced himself to Zack. “All right, I’m Andy. I’d shake your hand, but I’m afraid it would make yours dirty. Zack, is it?”

  “Yes, Zack is the name.”

  Andy smiled genuinely as he stated before passing by, “Well, any boyfriend of Claire’s is a boyfriend of mine. I’m just gonna wash my hands.”

  “Andy, clean your mess up after you,” her mother barked after as she hurriedly followed him into the kitchen.

  Claire shook her head with amusement as she slapped the area next to her. “Come and sit your ass down, Romeo.”

  Zack slid down comfortably beside her, hugging his arm around her shoulders and pecking her cheek. “I like your folks,” he said. “They’re…casual. Not so uptight.”

  “Indeed, they are. How about my mom? What did she want? Was she pestering you?” Claire asked, intrigued to know any good things her mother may have said about her, if the past was mentioned, but more importantly what the man sitting beside her had said. Zack shrugged his shoulders deliberately, knowing he’d gain a response.

  “Oi.” Claire nudged him in the side of the torso with her elbow. “Tell me. Otherwise, you aren’t sleeping in my old bed with me tonight.”

  Zack smirked. “I bet it’s real squeaky, too, isn’t it?”

  “Fuck off, Zack.”

  Zack surrendered as he licked his bottom lip. “It was nothing much. Just your common meeting-the-parents type of questions. Not that I would really know, considering this is a first.”


  “Yes, really,” Zack said earnestly. “I’ve never really met a girl’s parents, and if I have, they wouldn’t have known it was me messing about with their daughter. I swear to you, this is a first.”

  Claire’s eyes lit up with humour. “Well done, Zack. You lost your I met-your-parents-virginity.”

  “Fuck you.” He laughed as he snuggled her closer into his embrace and kissed the top of her forehead. She squirmed as she felt his hot breath tease across the skin. He licked her cheekbone. “Ass.” She squealed as she tried to detangle herself.


  They stopped, and like lightning on a rod, Claire stood up and raced into another’s man arms. “Matty,” she said, full of affection. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here, and you?” He stopped as they pulled back from embrace. “How are you doing? That—”

  “Don’t worry. We can talk about that some other time. This is your weekend, not mine. You’re getting fucking married!” she blurted out and then ruffled her brother’s hair with the struggle to attempt to reach his staggering height.

  “Oi, oi,” he joked. “Not the hair. She’ll kill me if a single strand is out of place.”

  “Ugh. Oh! And Matt, meet my…boyfriend.” She timidly looked back over towards Zack, who casually waved. “Zack.”

  “Hey, nice to meet you. Although I’d be careful with this one; she’s bats crazy.” Matt snickered, returning the friendly wave.

  “Hey,” Claire gasped as she shoved her brother’s shoulder. “He already knows that. Now go find the parents. Mom will kill you if you don’t show your face. Go.” She pointed her finger out the door and received a cheesy salute from Matt, who then staggered back into the hallway.


  You know what Claire loved about weddings? Nothing. Suppose the food buffet was all right or the three-course meal give or take, but she was always put off by the ceremony. Funny considering she was the one who loved to curl in a ball and read for hours on end about starry-eyed, passionate plots where the rich boy, the high school jock, or the shy, unpopular nerd would get the girl. Perhaps those were the reasons why she was put off from weddings or it could be the fact the three-phrase saying was recycled to the point it had become meaningless. She wasn’t against it, but she wouldn’t jump straight into bed with the next man who popped down on one knee. No, just give her a committed partner and she’d be quite content. As for today, it didn’t matter what she thought because her older, charming, and equally hideous brother was getting married to the love of his life.

  “You know you look stunning,” Zack uttered behind her, his grinning smile broadening as he ran his hands up and down either side of her arms, spawning goose bumps along the trail. Claire blushed a little as she felt his frame cuddle like a missing piece of the puzzle into the mould of her body; the reflection in the mirror projected their recognised lust.

  “I like your ass in that suit,” Claire chirped as she played with their entwined fingers. “Totally accentuates what you’ve already got, babe. I’d kill to get a squeeze of that.”

  “Speak for yourself,” he countered before his hands greedily pinched her plump, round bum. “Feels to me there is an ass-planation needed.” He chortled as Claire swiped his hands away with glee at his intended terrible pun.

  “Come on, you,” she nagged, pulling on his loose right hand. “We better get downstairs before I have my mother banging on the door and before I allow you to unzip this dress and we get back in that bed.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Zack joked with a salute and a swift slap on her ass. “I’ll follow your orders.”

  Downstairs, the groom and the star of the afternoon and evening were being peppered with kisses by the one and only Mrs. Winter, who cradled Matt’s face in the palms of her hands. Andy eventually had to step in, tackling his wife’s fingers off the frame of his cheeks and gently led her back into place beside him.

  “Come on, darling. He’s doesn’t want to be explaining himself for the mysterious appearance of red lipstick on his face,” he teased, the usual humourous side the family was used to.

  Mrs. Winter’s bottom lip trembled for a few seconds before she turned and wailed with excitement at the emergence of Claire and Zack heading down the stairs. “Oh, you look beautiful! And you!” She shifted her attention towards Zack. “You handsome devil, you!” She was possibly near to fainting in Zack’s arms if it weren’t for Claire engaging in the commotion and ushering her quietly back towards their father’s side.

  Matt began to head for the door, lifting the latch when Mrs. Winter proclaimed, “Wait! We need photos. All of us together. Especially Claire and Zack together.”

  “Mom,” Claire groaned. “We have a professional photographer who will take plenty throughout the day. Let’s just go.”

  She dragged Zack
along until her mother announced aloud again, “No, no. Just a picture of you two then. I just need a photo, darling. Andy, go get the camera off the side and you two stand there at the bottom of the stairs.” Obliging, Claire and Zack headed into place, Claire whining a little before she composed herself and stood in position. Ideally, she would rather have the eyes of a stranger snapping photos than the sound of her mother cooing in the background as she rested her left hand against Zack’s chest and smiled dead ahead. Nor did it help with Zack’s hand caressing her hip, making her very aware that he knew where the lace of her knickers started and where they ended.

  “Okay, okay, we can go!” Mrs. Winter spurred on, directing the entire family out of the household and straight on towards the classic car that Mr. Winter had done up especially for Matt’s big day. The vivid blue car was decorated with banners announcing that it was their son’s big day.

  It was planned that Matt would head on along with their mother and their father would take Claire and Zack in their mother’s car. Ahead, the engine of an old Austin Mini howled to life, engaging Zack’s interest. He sat eagerly forward in the middle of the backseat to get a proper look.

  “Like what you see?” Andy asked, noticing his daughter’s boyfriend’s engrossment.

  “Very,” Zack nodded. “How much work have you done on that?”

  Claire could only roll her eyes as she detached herself from the conversation and focused on the passing scenery as both cars headed to the venue where the ceremony would take place. From what she was told, the venue was chosen by Mrs. Winter rather than Matt’s soon-to-be-wife. It was located in the rural parts of Worcestershire, a country hall with idyllic views from outside, allowing guests to hop around the freshly mown lawn and stand under the blossoming cherry trees for a lovely photo or two. The ceremony and reception would all take place under one roof. It sounded nice, and when they arrived, the typical country hall was accentuated by the green, spiralling ivy crawling up against the walls and a large banner commending the couple’s marriage. The weather also complimented nicely, blue skies and fairly still summer temperatures considering the year was progressing into autumn.

  Matt was intercepted by gathering guests once they were in the hall, which began to fill up. It was there that Claire was greeted with other family, her grandparents and uncles and aunts, who all had the delight of meeting Zack. She was filled with pride to know this was the man who had taken her heart.

  Soon the event was in full swing; guests were seated, hushed a little as they blabbered with excitement over the arrival of the bride. Up ahead, Claire’s brother looked anxious, rubbing his palms together as he exhaled, knowing that any second she would be walking around that corner. It was such a proud moment for Claire, knowing that her older sibling was making the biggest commitment in his life. Good god, looking at him now made her realise just how time had changed, from his adorable, small dinosaur pyjamas he used to wear, to his black tuxedo with the polished leather Oxford shoes; no more Power Rangers slippers. Was she going to cry? Perhaps.

  Then that well-known piece began. Guests stood up and smiles radiated as the blushing bride headed down the aisle beside her father. And indeed, she was beautiful. Claire wanted to cry seeing that admiration upon her brother’s face as his fiancée made her final step to his side.

  The marriage vows continued, as did Claire’s strain of holding onto Zack’s arm as she tried not to whimper and mimic the same emotion the ceremony was evoking upon her mother. But dear me, she thought, it was so beguiling to witness.

  And just like that, the commitment was sealed. Not rocket science.

  “Congratulations,” Claire said, hugging her brother then her sister-in-law. “I’m so happy for you both.” They thanked her before they were engulfed by yet another wave of people congratulating their marriage.

  Zack held Claire close as they headed outside, where several guests were having their photos taken with the picturesque scenery.

  “So, your brother is a married man,” Zack declared as they sat on a bench underneath a cherry tree. “No getting out of that one now.” He cuddled Claire as she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Yes.” She giggled, looking down towards her open-toe heels and appreciating the dash of black nail paint across each toenail. “God, my brother is actually married. Fuck me.” Lifting her head up, she shook her head with glee.

  Zack laughed. “You make it seem as if he never was going to be.”

  “Well, he wasn’t going to—although that was a pact he made when he was a kid, so—”

  “So, yeah,” Zack interjected as he shook his head, smiling. “I think that wasn’t to be taken seriously, Miss Winter.”

  “Claire! Zack! Over here!” They turned their heads to see Claire’s mother bellowing on the patio, ushering them to come over. “We’re having photos taken, pronto!”

  Two hours later after a mad session of photography and the digestion of food, the after-party was in full swing with a few dads on the floor embarrassing their teenagers with their awful dance moves. Some older women kicked off their heels as they hooted to the classics being played by the DJ. Claire’s brother and sister-in-law were greeting and briefly discussing with guests the progression of the night. As for Claire, she had her feet kicked up on vacant chair, her head resting against Zack’s shoulder as she quietly giggled from their intimate conversation. The flickering of the white candle reflected fiery orange shades upon their cheeks with the wax melting further down into the dish.

  “You’re such a dick,” Claire chuckled as Zack nibbled her earlobe, enticing a ticklish sensation across her skin. “Such a—”

  “Are you two not dancing?” Her mother’s interruption halted their show of affection.

  Claire shook her head, dazed a little as she pulled Zack’s arm across her body with a grin. “We’re fine, Mom.”

  “Well, actually,” Mrs. Winter paused, flicking her locks to the side of her shoulder, “I’d like your young man to take me around the dance floor then. Zack?” Her look was similar to when she would give Claire the I-know-so when Claire was asked what she had done wrong. It was both patronising and highlighted a flicker of amusement.

  “Sure,” Zack replied, lifting himself up as Claire sat up.

  “You better bring him back, Mom,” Claire teased before she received a quick peck on the cheek by Zack. Her mother laughed as she pretended to swoon. “Oh, I’ll be a good girl, darling.” Claire playfully rolled her eyes.

  Claire sat back, pressing her lips subconsciously together as she tried to suppress the broadening smile as she watched Zack helplessly carry the lead of the dance; it was not debatable. Her mother was a bad dancer. Her father joined her, taking Zack’s vacant seat.

  “Hey kiddo,” he said, slapping his knee and briefly sipping from his bottle of beer. “That’s not your mother, is it? With your fella?”

  “Yes, Dad,” Claire replied, cringing as her mother circled the wrong way on the dance floor. “God.” She laughed along with her father. “Mom really can’t dance. Should we tell her that?”

  “Honey, that was one secret I kept from your mother for thirty years.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “But it’s one thing I’ll never change about her.” His confession of endearment touched Claire’s heart.

  Eventually they returned, Claire’s mother breathlessly blabbering on. “Oh, I’m a dancer all right. I was wonderful, wasn’t I?” Zack smiled. He exhaled with exhaustion as he flopped onto the chair located on the other side of Claire and reached for his drink.

  “Honey, you were spectacular. Always are, my dear.” Mr. Winter cheered, grasping her hand and squeezing it with affection. Mrs. Winter blushed. “Oh, Andy. You should—oh my God!” she suddenly yelped as the announcement of the bride and groom’s dance in the background invited everyone to stop and watch the couple take centre stage.

  And then there was Matt, her older brother, taking his bride into his arms as they danced a slow waltz. It was very romantic to see two peo
ple very much in love holding one another, trapped in their own little bubble. God, Claire couldn’t help but glance towards Zack, wondering if perhaps this—what her brother shared—was possible, because dear god, she was falling more in love with this guy every day.

  Only when the music reached halfway were guests invited to also join the dance. Without hesitation, Zack got up, grasped Claire’s hand, and tugged her along, passing the central activity on the floor and headed outside, where he swung Claire quickly into his arms. It was there Claire held her breath, honouring how he was able to make her feel like rocketing over the moon.

  “Are we that different that we have to dance outside away from all the other guests?” Claire muttered, sliding her hands around his neck as they moved slowly, her heels struggling across the grass.

  “Course we are, babe,” Zack whispered, his hands moving to follow the contour of her hips. “You know we are.”

  “I love you, you know that?” Claire told him as they rested their foreheads against one another’s.

  “I do. And I love you more,” Zack replied in a hushed tone, leading them further in the dance as they silently stirred in beat to the music.

  Love did things to people. Crazy things. It’s special when it’s authentic. When it did not hesitate ever to stop loving that person.

  “Come with me,” Claire whispered, breaking the silence between them.



  “Are you asking me to take my clothes off, Miss Winter?” A cheeky grin formed across his lips.


  “I don’t object.”

  Claire smirked, grabbing his hand as she led them back into the hall where guests were still dancing wildly, others still ordering at the bar, and the bride and groom dispersing in their own direction greeting old friends and family. Before they wriggled their way through, she stopped at her mother.

  “We’re just popping upstairs. The rooms are still booked, right?” she inquired, her implicit meaning also not fooling anyone, especially her mother.


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