Not Used To Cute

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Not Used To Cute Page 12

by Becca Seymour

  His cries had my balls tightening. I reached out and cupped his sac, tugging and rolling lightly. In response, one of his hands clamped down on my head and fisted the short strands of my hair. A loud gasp was followed by him calling out my name, and then he went rigid, spilling into my mouth. I swallowed quickly, not wanting to lose a drop, then licked and bobbed a few more times just as his limbs relaxed and he released his tight grip.

  I pulled away, my one hand still gently on the base of his cock. I held him as I lapped a couple of times on the end. His groan and shudder followed, then he lifted his head. His pupils were blown, cheeks red, and lips puffy from biting down on them. He’d never looked hotter or so damn fucking cute.

  “I can’t feel my toes,” he said breathlessly, a small smile following.

  As I carefully released him from my grip, I eased up to reach his mouth, rubbing my hard cock along his legs on the way, stopping when my length pressed between his thighs.

  “That was incredible.” His words were earnest, almost awed, and hell if happiness didn’t flush through me and make me feel awesome.

  Instead of answering, I pressed my mouth to his, loving the way he groaned again and wrapped his arms tightly around me, holding me close. The kiss was languid, tender, and despite me being rock-hard, I was more than happy to slow things down.

  I pulled away and was greeted with Seb’s relaxed gaze. Contentment drifted through me knowing I’d put that expression on his face. He reached up and threaded his fingers through my hair, the touch tender and unexpectedly familiar.

  “Can we shower?” he asked, his voice quiet, sounding blissed out.

  I grinned, searching his face. “Do you now have feeling in your feet? Can you manage the walk?”

  He chuckled. “I think so. Though you carrying me….” His dick twitched against my stomach, and his breathing changed.

  “You like that, huh?”

  I nodded. “Didn’t think I would, but you doing it was hot as hell.”

  My cock throbbed in response to his breathy answer. “There are so many things I’d like to do with you in my arms,” I admitted, the possibilities flashing in my mind.

  Wide eyes burst open at my words. “Yeah?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Seb grinned at that, looking thoroughly on board with the possibility.

  “But shower first,” I said.

  We stood, my cock sticking out long and proud, enjoying Seb’s eyes as his gaze lowered, widened, and even more when he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip. My hard-on jerked in response, earning a new sort of smile from Seb.

  He remained quiet as we headed to the shower, the silence far from awkward. Once under the heat of the water, we soaped up, and I exhaled in relief when his soap-sudded hands closed around my erection.

  “Lean against the wall,” Seb said.

  I did so quickly, up for whatever he offered. He rose onto the balls of his feet, his mouth moving to reaching distance once I dipped lower for him. Hungrily, he slid his lips against mine. I accepted the kiss eagerly, wrapping my arms around him so we were flush—or as flush as possible with his hand working me over. Seb teased my mouth, my tongue, owning the kiss… owning my cock. Satisfaction thrummed through me at the possession.

  The gasp tore from me when he eased back. I had a moment to grumble, trying to seek out his mouth, but then I tilted my head back against the wall when his lips met my chest. He licked his way down, nipping my skin on his way, or I desperately hoped, to putting his mouth on my cock.

  A small movement alerted me to him washing off the suds, and my stomach tightened in anticipation. And then I was engulfed in perfect heat. Unable and unwilling to keep my hands to myself, I reached down, my gaze following the movement so I could watch him.

  With his eyes on me, intensity in their depth, I throbbed, swelling in his mouth, causing the both of us to moan. Receiving head was generally fantastic, but Seb worked me over and unravelled me, taking sucking cock to a whole new level of phenomenal.

  By the time I groaned my release, spilling and jerking while Seb didn’t relent on sucking and licking, my legs threatened to give out.

  “Holy fuck.” My lids were heavy, my knees genuinely shaking. “I need to sit before I collapse,” I admitted with a chuckle.

  Seb, looking thoroughly pleased with himself and ridiculously sexy with his plump lips, stood, kissed me quickly, and left the walk-in shower, passing me a towel a few seconds later. “You need help?” Humour and self-satisfaction lifted his words.

  I quirked my brow high at him, loving how assured he was. “Just get your arse dry and into my damn bed.”

  A snort preceded his “But it’s only, what, three or something?”

  I shrugged as I towelled myself dry. “Don’t give a shit. Thought we could spend the rest of the day and night there. You up for that?”

  The smile on his face remained in place as he nodded. “Definitely.”



  The following week sped by—hardly surprising as I was on a high of sweet kisses, hot mouth- and-hand action, and evenings spent getting to know Elijah.

  Work was work, which meant I was happy going through the motions and trying to be creative when it came to advertising. Carla had decided that since my focus was off the fire audit, I could take over and step up with the social media portion of the bar.

  I was all up for it, though I had a lot to learn.

  I had a phone and all the usual accounts, but I wasn’t really into uploading the details about my own life. While my years on the move had resulted in meeting plenty of new people, there were few I could genuinely call good friends. There was Sid, though, who I really needed to touch base with soon, as I was being slack and hadn’t been in contact. And quite possibly there could be Tom.

  He’d returned to work on Tuesday, looking surprisingly together and not distraught, which I’d feared. I’d chatted to him about random stuff that day, and the same again on Thursday when I’d been at work, which led me to Friday.

  I’d promised a quick drink with him after I’d finished work, aware I had to deliver those leaflets if I wanted to have enough cash to cover a few extras next week.

  Elijah had said he’d drop me at my place, and he may have grumbled a time or two when I told him how busy my weekend would be, so sleepovers were unlikely. I’d stayed there every night since last Sunday. While we hadn’t had full-on sex yet, there’d been plenty of heated moments, and admittedly, it was Elijah who was slowing us down.

  He was being all sweet and considerate, which left me a little confused. It came down to my own insecurities about people, men especially, believing I needed looking after, coddling even, which was so far from the truth.

  It wasn’t like I was against being cared for; far from it. The concept was awesome, as long as the balance was there. And with Elijah, I thought we could have that. But, between him being my boss, being a helluva lot more financially stable than I was, having an actual two-bedroom house he owned, plus that he was a much bigger guy than I was, well, my insecurities flared to life.

  There was also the fact that I was horny. Mouths and hands had their place. Our time together had been spectacular, in fact, but my eagerness to take it to the next step was an understatement.

  “You sure you’re good to take a break?” I asked Tom as he refilled the fridge, beginning to prepare for the Friday night crowd.

  He stood and stretched his back. “I really am. I’ve been hauling crates all afternoon. Give me a sec.”

  I nodded and turned on my stool to take in the bar.

  It was only mid-afternoon, so the place was quiet. When I’d popped out front earlier, trying my hand at taking a few images for Instagram, there’d been a decent crowd of people having lunch. All that was left now was a few stragglers, clearly tourists, and a few faces I knew as locals. It’s one of the things I loved about Bar QK—the local, friendly vibe.

  There was a pleasant hum in the room. Quiet conversations, the
odd laugh and snicker, and even with the twelve or so people, the atmosphere remained relaxed and friendly. The large concertina doors were wide open, letting in the ocean breeze and the spring sunshine.

  Honestly, I had no idea what my future held long-term—even at my age I’d yet to work out my passion—but for right now, I was perfectly content.

  “Got you an iced tea,” Tom said as he sat beside me, drawing my attention away from the bright sky and to his hazel eyes.

  “Thanks,” I said, relieved he hadn’t bought me booze. “How’s your day gone so far?”

  He shrugged, taking a drink of what looked to be Coke. “Yeah, good. Busy preparing for tonight.” I didn’t know Tom well at all, but I knew a look of uncertainty when I saw one.

  “You worried about working tonight?”

  He shrugged again, this one smaller and not so carefree.

  “I get it if you are. It’s only been a week, but Cole said he was here, right?”

  A slow release of breath escaped when he nodded. “Yeah. Said he’d drop me off home too.”

  Relief unfurled inside me. I understood the hurt and worry linked to family being homophobic arseholes, could commiserate with the nerves of trying to carry on as normal while fearing something could happen. It was a crappy way to live. “I’m pleased he has your back.”

  “I’m grateful,” he said, “don’t get me wrong, but knowing I have to be babysat….” His lip curled in distaste. “My family already thinks I’m soft. Always stuck out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else.” A mirthless laugh followed.

  I sighed in understanding. “I get it, I do, but perhaps don’t overthink it. Are you close with your family?” I assumed he wasn’t, but I could easily have been wrong.

  Tom shook his head. “Not really. I’ve distanced myself, have my own place. I moved out of home as soon as I was able to. I just never fully closed the door, you know?”

  I nodded, but not quite knowing since my family had been very vocal about me no longer being part of them. “And now?” I asked, wondering if his brother had outed him or not.

  “Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  “What are you going to do?” I asked, feeling truly sorry for the guy.

  He shrugged. “Think I’m at the point where I just need to tell them and deal with the fallout.” Tom took a sip of his drink. “But enough about that,” he said, shifting a little and clearly over the conversation. “I heard that the hot firey chatted you up on Sunday and the boss man went all caveman and kicked him out.”

  I snorted, hard, shaking my head, and wondering how on earth he’d heard that since it had only been me and Elijah here. I swore these walls had ears. “That’s not what happened. No one was kicked out, and Elijah certainly didn’t go all caveman.” The memory of his claiming me was pretty damn hot, but there was no way I’d be admitting that.

  Disappointment slithered over Tom’s features, making me laugh. “Why do you look so disappointed?” Amusement carried my words.

  A smile slipped onto Tom’s face, the first I’d seen from him over the last few times I’d seen him. “Just thought it would be extra hot.”

  “Hey, no saying Elijah’s hot.” I quirked my brow at him. “Even though he so is.”

  This time a laugh flowed out of Tom. “Ha! Looks like he’s not the only one with caveman tendencies.” He wiggled his brows, leaving me shaking my head at him.

  “What are you being a caveman about?”

  Startled, my eyes widened, and I almost hurt my neck looking over at Elijah so fast. “Uhm, nothing,” I said quickly, much to Tom’s glee.

  “And that’s my cue to leave you to it, caveman.” Tom picked up his glass, grinned at a confused-looking Elijah, and walked away to get back to work.

  “Do I want to know?” Elijah scooted next to me, his thigh pressing against mine. I sighed into the touch, wishing we could do more, but I’d been the ridiculous one to insist there was no unnecessary PDA while at work. Elijah had argued that there was no such thing as unnecessary PDA, and I kinda wished I’d listened to him.

  “Nope.” I smiled as I spoke, loving the look he gave me.

  “You ready to get out of here?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  “And you sure I can’t convince you to let me come over later?”

  There was no show tonight, which meant it wouldn’t be a late one for him, plus I thought he planned to leave in a couple of hours or so. But if he came over, it would mean a late night fooling around, and I really needed to be out by six in the morning so I could get on with my deliveries.

  “Maybe tomorrow?” I offered, not liking that I wouldn’t get the chance to see him tonight either. “If I make a really good go of it tomorrow, it means there’ll be less for me to do on Sunday, so I can afford the morning distraction I know you’ll give me.”

  Elijah’s eyes flickered to my mouth, and my breath hitched, really wanting his lips on mine.

  “Car, so I can kiss you.” My words came out quickly, breathlessly.

  Elijah didn’t hesitate to stand, reach out to me, and lead me to his car.

  He didn’t wait until I was in the passenger seat. Instead, he turned me at the door, pressed me against the metal and glass, and his lips fused with mine.

  Was it even possible for kisses to just keep on getting better?

  Our mouths melded, tongues swiped, and the desire to say screw my commitments this afternoon was on the tip of my tongue. Each kiss we shared was heady and felt so deliciously right I had no desire to stop them, but….

  Reluctantly, I eased out of the kiss. Shallow breaths passed between us, my gaze hazy, his lids at half-mast.

  “You really need to go?” A sweet neediness lifted his question, making me smile and my heart do a happy flip.

  “Afraid so, but I promise to work my arse off tomorrow so we can spend the night together.”

  His gaze roamed mine. “I’d really like that. If I manage to get out of here early, I’ll see how you’re getting on and perhaps come and help you.”

  My heart constricted before building up speed at double the pace. “You’d do that for me?”

  His smile had my heart stuttering. “Of course.”

  “But it’s delivering leaflets.” I had zero shame in how I earned extra cash, but the thought of Elijah assisting created an image that didn’t quite sit right for me.

  Elijah gently kissed me before saying, “It could be mucking out stalls or washing cars, I don’t care. If I can lend a helping hand for the very selfish reason of spending some more time with you, then of course I’ll be there.”

  I grinned widely. “Okay. Sounds good.”

  By five o’clock the following day, I had completed the largest area of my delivery, amazed at my progress. I grinned, thinking back to Elijah chasing me down a couple of hours earlier, following my instructions about where he needed to go before he’d taken off like a man possessed, very clearly on a mission.

  The sound of an engine pulled my attention to the road, a smile lifting my mouth when Elijah headed towards me in his car. He pulled up a few metres away, then exited his vehicle.

  “All good?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Think I can stop for the day. I probably have just two or three hours tomorrow left.” Elijah opened the boot of his car for me to drop in my now empty bags. After closing it, he tugged me to him, dotting a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “That mean I get to take you home?”

  “I think you’ve earned some me time,” I sassed, earning me a squeeze on my arse. With a smile on my face, I settled in his car, content with my hand on his thigh as we headed to my small flat.

  When we arrived, I dumped the bags on the floor and made my way to the small kitchen area to flip on the kettle. My place was shabby, with well-worn furniture and only a few personal possessions dotted around the place. But it was clean and tidy-ish.

  I glanced over at Elijah, seeing him take in my space. It was the first time he’d been here.
br />   When his gaze connected with mine, he smiled. “Cosy,” he said, making me smile. It was almost the polar opposite of his home, and that was okay. Having previously house shared, and many times having camped out on sofas and sofa beds in the past, the fact that this place was my own space to kick back and relax in was something I was proud of.

  “It does me just fine,” I answered. He bobbed his head in response. “I plan to jump in the shower. Thought we could have Chinese takeout if that’s okay? You want to order while I get washed up?”

  His gaze sharpened. “I could always help you.” A salacious smile curved his lips high.

  I snorted in response. “I’m hungry, and if you get in my tiny shower with me, we’re likely to smash through the glass wall.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “What do you want, and I’ll call it through?”

  “Surprise me.” I always went for the same meal, so it was good to mix it up a little.

  I left Elijah to it and showered, paying extra attention to prepping myself—ready for our heated nights to be taken to the next level. It was my mission tonight. And getting myself ready so he could go to town on my arse was just stage one of said mission.

  Earlier in the week, we’d already shared how we were both vers, much to my relief. My preference was to bottom, which Elijah seemed very happy about, but switching it up and topping scratched that hard-on itch I sometimes had.

  That we’d already discussed sex was a good thing, but he’d still held back without telling me why. While he managed to get me off topic by the pair of us blowing our loads, which was all levels of incredible, I wanted him something fierce.

  Dressed in boardies and a tee, I headed out of my room after cramming the bedsheets I’d stripped off that morning into my hamper. Clean sheets were on my bed, tucked in and making the small room look tidy.

  “The food will be ready in ten,” he said when I exited.

  “Excellent. We can head out now and walk to get it.” I grabbed my keys and bank card, and we left, Elijah clasping my hand.


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