Pendragon's Princess

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Pendragon's Princess Page 5

by Kara Griffin

  Raen bowed and took the sword from him. “We give you thanks, My Lord. My father has sent six fine steeds and two oxen, along with a pouch of gold, in faith you will serve his daughter well.”

  With the bride price paid and accepted, rounds of cheers arose from his followers. Several of his soldiers shouted well wishes and raised their cups with glee. The revelry began, and the meal was at last served. Servants scattered the hall placing large trenchers of meat, vegetables, and other dishes before the guests and one for him and Katriona to share. With all focused on the meal, his wife eased and didn’t seem as tense, although she had yet to look at him.

  Rhyder wasn’t hungry and only ate a small amount. He kept watching his wife and suspected she might be coy for she hadn’t said a word since they took their chairs. It was another insight into his wife’s complex nature. The last thing he was skilled at, was wooing a shy woman. He hadn’t had to woo in many a year and most women he interacted with had experience in dealing with men.

  “You are not hungry?” he asked, noticing she ate as much as he.

  “Not very.”

  “Our lives changed forever this day because of the treaty. I take our vows without reservation as I hope you do. I promised to honor you, protect you, and do everything to make you happy.”

  She turned and faced him. Her small hand settled over his. “I am pleased to hear that, Rhyder. I vowed the same all those years ago.”

  At that moment, a large beast ran into the hall and caused a ruckus. Several women screamed as the dog ran between them, almost knocking a few people over in his dash. The dog stopped at the table and whined when Katriona reached out.

  “Oh, Wynn, you bad dog. How did you get loose?” She took a hunk of meat from her trencher and tossed it on the floor. “Down. Be a good dog.”

  “Your pet?” Rhyder almost laughed for his wife was embarrassed by her dog’s intrusive entrance.

  Her face brightened, and she appeared apologetic with stoic eyes. “Aye, but not for long if he doesn’t behave. I am sorry he’s disturbed our wedding feast. I will find a place where he’ll be kept.”

  Rhyder leaned to glance at the beast. The animal wasn’t stout but lanky with long legs and a long tail. The dog’s hair lay wavy and scraggly, but he was a handsome fellow. “He’s rather large. Is he harmless?”

  “He is when all is well, but if someone threatens me or tries to harm me… He’s been known to growl and once he did attack. Wynn seems to like you for he hasn’t bothered to judge you.”

  “You have my permission to keep him inside.”

  She raised her dainty brow. “Thank you, My Lord, for your consent.”

  Her words didn’t portray her gratitude but sounded more sarcastic. Rhyder wouldn’t address his displeasure at the tone of her remark. He wanted to leave the celebration. All he desired at that moment was to be alone with her. He needed to kiss her again without restraint and to make her as desirous as she’d made him. “We should retire.”

  She turned to face him and her pretty blue eyes stared. Her cheeks brightened with an endearing blush. “The celebration hasn’t ended.”

  “It has for us.”

  Chapter FOUR

  Katriona thought she misheard him and almost choked on the sip of wine she’d taken. “You want to leave now? But the dancing just started.”

  “You wish to dance?”

  “Nay, not really for I’m not skilled at such. I shall join you soon. Where is your chamber?” She tossed Wynn another hunk of meat and tried not to be affected by his request, but her neck flushed with trepidation.

  “My solar is the last door in the hall, across from your chamber.” He rounded the table and stood before it. His beautiful brown eyes implored her when he leaned close. “Don’t keep me waiting long, Katy.”

  “Aye, My Lord.” As soon as he left, she found it difficult to breathe. The drink hadn’t woven its effects yet, and she snatched the goblet of wine from the table and gulped it down.

  Mali joined her. “What has you distraught? Oh, you’re fearful.”

  “Why would you say that? Of course, I am. He wants me to come to his chamber. Come, I must make ready to join my husband.” She rose but didn’t make a move to leave. Her courage seemed to have fled. “I hoped he wouldn’t want to consummate…that is, his sister alluded…”

  Mali giggled. “You’re rambling. Are ye certain another goblet of wine wouldn’t help?”

  Katriona grabbed the wine jug and considered it might be best to be inebriated but then reset it. Her mind changed, she wanted to be clearheaded this night.

  Father Matthew stood at the end of the hall and raised a hand seemingly wanting to have a word with her. But Katriona didn’t want to be reproached by the clergyman. His face and manner foretold his aversion at the binding words she’d asked him to use. She hastened away before he caught up to her. With her mettle renewed, she left the main hall with Mali and Wynn following, and she didn’t bother to speak to Raen. Her brother and her father’s soldiers were having a fine time carousing with Rhyder’s men.

  In no time, they reached stairs and the chamber they shared.

  Mali pulled at Wynn’s collar. “I shall keep him with me this night.”

  “Aye, that’s a good idea. I will wear the bed robe Mama made for me. Will you unbind my hair?” She fidgeted with the ties of her gown and her hands shook.

  Once she was unclothed, she slid into the silky white robe. She hesitated and stared at the door. Fear rendered her motionless. She didn’t know Rhyder well enough, but then he was her husband…and she’d been told in great detail what was expected of her.

  “Cease your woolgathering.” Mali pushed her back with a poke of her finger. “Go on, you’ll be fine. Lovemaking won’t kill you; at least, that’s what I’ve heard.”

  “Oh, Sweet Goddess Fridge, protect me,” she said as she closed the door behind her. In the hall, she stood transfixed at his door. She knocked gently, and he called ‘enter.’

  Rhyder sat at a long table overflowing with parchments and scrolls. Several jars of inks and quills sat in the center. He finished reading a parchment and set it upon the table before he glanced at her.

  “If you’re busy, I can—”

  “Nay, Katy, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  She apprehensively stepped forward, and he placed his hands on her shoulders. “Where is the priest? Is it not proper for him to be here to bless the marriage bed?”

  Rhyder raised one of his manly brows. “I don’t always do what’s proper.”

  Katriona appreciated the sentiment. She didn’t either but now was not the time to tell him. At least that was one thing she need not worry about, being watched by others while doing her duty.

  “I meant what I said…”

  She raised her eyes and released her breath. “What did you say?”

  “I vowed to make you happy.”

  “That pleases me.” She didn’t know what else to say. He continued to hold her shoulders, and she kept her hands at her sides. Her senses forced her to close her eyes and focus on the swarm of emotions. Not only hers but his as well. Katriona hadn’t been as restless in a long time, but given what was expected of her, it was natural. His emotions confused her for she sensed the happiness of his mind, but the deep grief of his heart. Something dark and foreboding lurked in his soul.

  “I am fortunate in my wife. You are beautiful, Katy.”

  “As are you, Rhyder.” Those words did him no justice for he was handsome. His hair curled slightly and its color a rich sable. His face, manly with a sharp jaw and squared chin, beardless. Katriona hadn’t taken time to study him before now. She gazed at him overlong and took in his features. He stood taller than she, at least a foot higher. She felt delicate standing near him, womanly and utterly feminine. His body was muscular, but not burly and his limbs long and fit. It was then she noticed he wore no tunic and the dark symbol of a dragon etched on the left side of his chest above his heart. He wore a pair of worn brown breeches
which hugged his narrowed hips.

  Katriona had seen many men’s bared chests before for her father’s soldiers liked to practice arms clad only in their breeches when the weather warm. Mama often remarked at the indecency of their attire. Rhyder’s chest appeared strong and naked with very little hair. But what held her enthrall was the dragon image. She wanted to touch the etching and ask about it, but wouldn’t dare.

  He lifted her chin and said, “You’re quiet. It’s best to feel and not get caught in your thoughts. I also meant what I said when I told you I didn’t want you to fear me.”

  “I’m not afraid.” She stood rigid.

  “You can release my arms then.” He kissed her forehead and released her shoulders. “You may leave. Goodnight.”

  Katriona hadn’t realized she’d gripped his arms. She scowled at the realization and pulled away. Before she reached the door, she turned and considered her duty. Not one to back down, she returned to him. “I don’t understand why you’re sending me away.”

  “You’re not ready. I will give you time to adjust.”

  She gripped the tie of her robe and hoped courage came. “That is kind of you, but I insist on doing my duty. It is better to get it over with.” He chuckled and the sound lightened her. Katriona wasn’t a shrew, but she’d never had to be seductive. Ready or not, she would not shirk her duty. The thought of touching him calmed her.

  “We can wait, Katy. I won’t force you.”

  “You’re not forcing me. I am not afraid…it’s just…I’ve never been with a man and…this is new to me.” Katriona slid the fabric of her robe from her shoulders. She let the fabric flutter to the floor. Never in her life had she been so brazen or exposed. She stood naked before him and held her breath.

  Rhyder’s chuckle died in his throat and his eyes fastened on hers. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. I will not rush this for I’m not of the same mind. I don’t want it to be over. Are you certain you’re ready?” He stepped closer to her but kept a few feet distance.

  “Aye, I am. It’s your turn to undress. Is that not how this works?”

  He flashed a grin. “It is. Very well, sweet lass.” Once his breeches were removed, they stood face to face. Neither was willing to make the first move.

  Katriona’s voice shook when she asked, “Should we…kiss?”

  Rhyder took her in his arms. His body was warm against hers and oddly pleasing. Katriona closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her and tried to disregard the emotions he was emitting. After a moment, she opened her eyes and searched his face for rejection, certain he wanted nothing to do with her.

  “I want you to enjoy being with me.” He pressed a light kiss on her lips, then another, and another.

  Katriona pulled him close and settled her hands on his hips. She responded to the passionate way his mouth moved over hers. He groaned when she met his tongue. The kiss turned breathless, and she took a gasp of air before settling her mouth back on his. He wouldn’t let her back away and kept her pressed against him. Her breasts strained against his chest and ached to be touched. His mouth ravished hers with hard and soft kisses and each twirl of his tongue sent her further into chaos. She found kissing him enjoyable and recalled him asking if she felt it after the ceremony. The ‘it’ he mentioned was definitely desire.

  But there was more than desire and the feelings swarming him earlier needed great reflection. When her hand joined his, the touch brought forth a rush of emotions—many of his sentiments which she had yet to understand or consider.

  His hands roamed over her skin, warming her. Rhyder forced her backward until they fell upon the bedding. Katriona kept hold of him and closed her eyes when his mouth moved to her neck, shoulder, and finally her chest. His hot breath heated her breast.

  She gasped at his mouth on her nipple … the sensations teeming her body in pleasurable twinges of need. She didn’t know kissing would be so affecting. Not only was she affected by his tenderness, but she was able to refute her gift for she couldn’t sense his emotions now.

  “Katy, relax.” He settled his hand on her stomach.

  She hadn’t realized how stiff she was until he mentioned it. “I’m sorry I’ve never done anything like this—”

  “I should hope not. Sweet lass, I promise to go slow.”

  “I would rather you not.”

  He groaned and placed his lips on her navel. “If you insist…” Rhyder set his fingers on her womanhood and caressed her.

  The sensations of his caresses sent strange pulses to her insides. As if her heart beat with each of his caresses, a frenzied mien overtook her. It was peculiar to have someone touch her in her most intimate place, but the strangeness lent to a longing. Katriona huffed at the ardent way he touched her and wanted more.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She tossed her head back and moaned. “Oh, nay. It feels…good…so good.”

  He continued to stroke her and ply her lips with torrent kisses. Katriona concentrated on the sensations of his touch and the marvelous way his mouth moved over hers.

  Rhyder entered her and stilled. “If you want me to stop, say so now for if I continue I won’t be able to stop.”

  She shook her head. “Nay, don’t stop. Please just…don’t…kill me.” Her plea died on her lips.

  He groaned and whispered by her ear, “Only with pleasure, sweet lass.”

  “With pleasure,” she grated out and wished she hadn’t spoken about killing, for the sensations so far had been pleasurable.

  The initial invasion forced her body forward. A sting brought forth her gasp, but he settled her with a gentle kiss. He kept a tumultuous pace, meeting her body with his. Heat coiled inside her and suddenly she came undone. A rush of wondrous sensations overtook her body, heart, and mind. She didn’t know if she screamed.

  He kissed her tenderly now and breathed laboriously until his groan vibrated her lips. His body stilled and his skin hot. She wasn’t as chilled as she was earlier when she’d disrobed. Katriona pressed a hand along his arm to his shoulder, hoping to tell him how much she enjoyed being with him. She couldn’t cease touching him and was gladdened her gift abated while they made love.

  Rhyder’s groan low in his throat rose to a guttural sound and he stilled and shouted. “Sweet fucking God.” He pulled away and rolled onto his back. He looked upward at the rafters and seemed irked. His breath labored and his scowl fierce.

  “Did I disappoint you? Next time, tell me what to do and I shall—”

  “Next time? So you’re admitting to liking it and agreeing to a next time?” He flashed a grin. “Nay, sweet lass, you pleased me well. If I was more pleasured I’d be…” Rhyder trailed off and kissed her neck. He’d die a tormented death, but oh so satisfyingly pleasured.

  “That is good to know. I wanted to be courageous.” She pulled a cover over her body. Being exposed brought forth her shyness.

  Rhyder took her hand and settled it on his chest. “A Pendragon is always courageous. I want you to keep your chamber.”

  Grief and pleasure trounced his heart and mind. She tried not to tune into his emotions, but there was no denying what he was feeling. “But you said I pleased you.”

  “Aye, you did, but I often tend to business here and sometimes hold meetings. You will be a distraction, one I cannot afford.”

  She grabbed the covering and wrapped it around herself. Her voice attested she’d been hurt by his request when she said goodnight.

  “Wait, Katy, I didn’t mean you should leave right now. Only that you will use the chamber when I am occupied during the day. Come here.”

  She sat back on the bedding and he pulled her back into his arms. His sigh resonated in the chamber. Katriona kept quiet for lack of anything to say. Her husband was a perplexing man and one which would take great thought to understand.

  He settled his hand over hers and peered at her. “Do you want to know what I’ve pondered since we met all those years ago?” His tone suggested he was teasing.

  She pressed her hand on his face and smiled. “What is it?”

  “Why you thought I would eat you when you were a wee lass?”

  The question shocked her for it was the last thing she expected to be asked at that moment. She smiled and was glad he couldn’t see her in the dimness of the chamber. “It is silly. My sister Mali would tell me scary stores of the dragon king and that his appetite was as ferocious as a dragon’s. She told me the dragon king turned into a dragon and breathed fire and that his son…”

  He scoffed but chuckled a moment later. “And so you thought my father and I—”

  Katriona giggled. “I told you it was silly. At the time, I didn’t know better and I believed her. We heard tales of dragons, but then I learned those tales were only myths and dragons don’t really exist.”

  He squeezed her.

  She sighed and a yawn came. Sleepiness overcame her and she closed her eyes.

  “Aye, sweet lass, they do.”

  Chapter FIVE

  The images whirled in her mind and jumbled, so much so she couldn’t make sense of what the revelation showed her. Nightmarish imaginings of piercing eyes, fire engulfing a field, people fleeing for their lives, all played throughout her visions in the night.

  Katriona awoke with a start from the daunting visions and the call of the mark on her wrist. As much as she wanted to revisit her visions and their meaning, she dismissed the lure. Patience would reveal the Gods’ messages.

  She stretched and peered at the empty spot next to her, groaned, and fell back upon the bedding. Her life began anew this day. She was now a wife and had trained for years for the duty. Though she was uncertain what Rhyder expected, her mother had gone over the tasks of a wife until it was ingrained within her.

  His sister certainly hadn’t welcomed her. Katriona hadn’t spoken much to Merrion, but given her attitude when she arrived, their relationship would be filled with strife. She pulled the cover around her and searched for her robe. As she knelt to retrieve it, she heard Rhyder clear his throat from the other side of the chamber.


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