Pendragon's Princess

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Pendragon's Princess Page 20

by Kara Griffin

  “Are you certain Sawyer is he, your missing brother?”

  “He must be. I have no doubt for my father and him are remarkably alike in appearance. I favor my mother’s coloring, but my father had the same dark hair, eyes, and face as your commander.”

  Baldach agreed. “No doubt at all. He is he.”

  Sawyer snatched his cup and drank the remainder of his ale. “What was I called?”

  “Samuel. You were named after our grandfather.”

  Rhyder couldn’t fathom why Wulfar’s brother was taken and how he ended up at the bog. Obviously, Wulfar and Baldach agreed that his commander was the long-lost babe. “We’re leaving on the morrow. If—”

  Wulfar appeared stunned, but he continued to shake his head.

  Sawyer set the cup down and cleared his throat. “My place is with Rhyder, especially now. I will ensure his safety and will help find his enemy. Mayhap I will return one day and we can get to the bottom of this.”

  Rhyder dipped his chin in appreciation. “I do need my commander.”

  Wulfar cursed again. “Aye, but you must return. There is much I would say to you. This is as much your kingdom as it is mine. We were born on the same day, but you came several minutes before me.”

  Sawyer frowned and his gaze shot to each of them. “Why would you tell me this? I do not want your kingdom and nor do I long to be lord here.”

  Wulfar laughed. “And I’m not saying you should have it. But there is a place here for you. As my brother, you have a right to the wealth that was put aside should you be found.”

  “Well now, wealth you say?” Sawyer grinned. “I might be persuaded to accept such. But alas, Rhyder needs me and until he is no longer in danger, I will stay by his side.”

  “This discussion is finished. I commend Sawyer for his devotion to my kingdom. We need to prepare for our leave, and he is here to visit Katriona.” Rhyder led his commander to her chamber. He opened the door and found her sitting in a chair.

  Sawyer waited by the door for the announcement of his arrival.

  “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be out of the bed.” He knelt beside Katy and set a hand on her knee. “I will help you back into bed.”

  “Nay, I am well enough. My leg hurts a wee bit, but otherwise…be not irksome, my lord. Sawyer, come in. I am pleased you are here.”

  His commander knelt in front of her. “I have much to apologize for.”

  “Nonsense, what have you to apologize for? You’ve done nothing to warrant such and I’m sure if you had, you only had Rhyder’s best interest at heart. I’m gladdened that you traveled with him and kept him safe.”

  Sawyer took her hand.

  Rhyder watched the be-between and was relieved that his commander made amends with his wife. He suspected his commander’s guilt for speaking rashly about Katy, but it appeared it wasn’t because Sawyer was against him.

  Then a remarkable smile came to Katy’s lips as she held Sawyer’s hand. She scrunched her eyes and continued to hold his hand, almost too tenderly.

  “All is forgiven. How could I ever hold your deep devotion to Rhyder against you? Just as long as you know that I am nothing to fear. He’ll always be your good friend.”

  Sawyer bowed and smiled. “Milady, and yours as well.”

  “That’s enough of that,” Rhyder said when he didn’t like the fact that she continued to hold his commander’s hand. “Prepare for our departure. We’ll meet you in the morn.”

  After his commander left, Rhyder settled her upon the bed and lay next to her. Katy gently set her injured leg atop his. “What was that about?”

  She smoothed a hand over his chest. “I know not of what you speak. Let us get rest. I cannot wait to go home.”

  “I never saw you smile so and to have you do so at Sawyer…” He didn’t like the lovelorn look in his commander’s eyes.

  Katy set her cheek on his chest and sighed. “I smiled at him because I sensed his emotions. My awen seems to have returned. Since I met Sawyer, I feared what his sentiment would be.”

  “And what did his sentiment tell you?” He smoothed his hand on her arm and tensed in wait of her answer.

  “You have no reason to doubt his devotion, which is a great relief to me. He is true in his commitment to you and your kingdom.”

  Rhyder pressed her face upward and before he settled his mouth on hers, he wanted to reassure her. “Our kingdom. The only commitment we need worry about is ours. Never doubt, sweet lass, my devotion to you.”

  “Nor mine to you,” she said and pressed her lips on his.

  Having Katy in his arms, kissing her, made all right again. Rhyder at that moment was as content as he could possibly be. But that contentment wouldn’t last long.

  Chapter TWENTY-TWO

  Farewells were never easy. Katriona hugged her papa and didn’t want to let go.

  “My lass, you are always welcome to come home, but only for a visit. Your place is with your husband as it should be.” He returned her embrace.

  “I shouldn’t have fled, but I was mistaken. I shan’t leave him again. We are contented now. Tell Mali I love her and Mama, too. Oh, and Eric and Raen. Tell them I miss them.”

  “Your husband will bring ye for a visit for he’s promised to. Now go, lass, for the men look impatient to be on their way.” Her papa forced her to release him and stood with a stern look on his face. She almost laughed for it appeared he sent an unspoken message to her husband.

  Wynn barked and was overzealous in leaving as well. He ran around the horses and appeared quite recovered from his ordeal. She was relieved that he wasn’t hurt worst for the vision of Wynn being kicked kept replaying in her mind.

  Katriona squeezed her papa’s hand before she walked to where Rhyder waited. Papa’s lighthearted aura filled her will happiness. It had been a long time since she’d been able to tune into his emotions. She overheard her papa’s discussion with her mama when she was quite young that his greatest wish was that all his children be settled into good marriages. It appeared his wish came true, except for Mali. But she had no doubt her sister would be settled one day.

  Rhyder helped her onto the horse and mounted his own. She waved to Heloise and Wulfar and their children. On the trail home, Katriona focused on her awen. It was strange that it returned to her abruptly. At the rests along the way, she clasped the hands of Rhyder’s men and sensed their auras. She needed to assure herself they could be trusted. The men’s devotion to Rhyder evident and she relaxed in their presence. She almost laughed aloud for Rhyder knew what she was up to.

  As they ate their supper, he took her bowl and set it next to him. Wynn mooched forward and sloshed his tongue until the remainder of the stew disappeared. Rhyder’s grin widened. “Have you gotten the senses you wished for?” He chuckled but kept his gaze serious.

  “I did. I’m assured of their devotion to you. There is not one against you amongst them.”

  “Aye? And you deem I would travel with those I don’t trust?”

  Her shoulders sagged. “Nay, but it is best to test their loyalty. Besides you know not who your foe is. I worry.”

  Rhyder bumped her shoulder with his. “These men are the most loyal and trusted within our kingdom. I wouldn’t put you in peril. But I thank you for your concern. Don’t worry, sweet lass, you are well protected.” He set his arm around her and yanked her closer. “I am not sure I like the fact that you can easily sense what I am thinking. When we make love—”

  She laughed loudly and drew the men’s regard. “I cannot tune into your aura then. It’s strange for when we’re…”

  “Having sex.”

  “Shhh…quiet for others can hear you. Aye, I cannot sense your emotions. I must attest that happened when I was attacked in the woods for I didn’t feel Lloyd’s pain. Of course, I was wounded so my awen must have focused on my own pain. Olor told me that when I am overwrought or if my own emotions abound, my awen will weaken.”

  “Then I will keep you naked when we’re together
in our chamber.” He laughed when she scoffed and shoved his arm.

  Katriona rejoiced when her senses returned. The moment she touched Sawyer’s hand her mind flooded with his emotions. He was sincere in his friendship with Rhyder and his devotion to her. Yet there was an underlying emotion, one of love that came through as well. She wasn’t sure what it meant, but he wasn’t their foe of that she was certain.

  She settled her head against Rhyder’s chest, content to be near him. “About your followers… What if they don’t accept me—”

  “They will accept you and if they don’t they can leave.”

  “You cannot allow them to leave. I would never forgive myself if you lose your followers. Mayhap they will accept me one day. I shall hold hope they do.”

  Rhyder caressed her hair. “I wish we were alone.” He tilted her face and set a light kiss on her lips. But then his mouth swarmed her with torrid kisses. His desire event in the overwhelming way his mouth moved over hers.

  She sighed when he ended it sooner than she’d hoped.

  “Let us get rest. We’ll get an early start on the morrow.” He settled next to her on the bedroll and covered them with a soft covering. The night was warm, but not hot enough to forgo a cover.

  She lay silent in Rhyder’s arms and gazed about the camp. On the far side, beyond the fire, Sawyer sat against a tree. He stared and met her eyes.

  She quickly closed her eyes and tried to abate the coyness that overcame her. Sawyer’s regard unsettled her and even though she understood he meant no offense, his adoration shown. Was that the love she’d sensed in his aura? Katriona decided it might be best if she kept her distance from him.

  She was glad they would arrive home by early afternoon. The procession set out and once they reached Rhyder’s land, he relaxed his pace. He called a stop and bid two of his soldiers to find the sentry and get the latest report.

  Katriona was happy to be home, but the closer she got the more forlorn she became. Facing Luella would be difficult. How could she tell the dear woman she was culpable for her son’s death? Her heart tensed at the notion of having to say the words.

  At the gate, they waited for several minutes before it opened.

  Merrion met them. “I’m sorry I took overlong. I forbade the gates to be open without my approval. All is well within the hamlet.”

  Rhyder dismounted and hugged her. “You did well, Merrion, in seeing to the kingdom. My thanks.”

  Katriona was helped down from Sawyer whose hands lingered longer than they should have. She turned and hastened away. Soon she needed to have a discussion with him about his displaced intentions whatever they were.

  She regarded Merrion who gazed about the men. It was at that moment Katriona realized where Merrion’s heart lay. Lloyd. Merion loved Lloyd. Her heart broke at the realization for her friend’s distress imminent.

  “I’m happy you are returned. Don’t ever leave me again for I swear you had me quite worried.” Merrion took her hand and led her to the newly built home.

  “I cannot tell you how sorry I am to cause your distress.”

  During the short walk, Merrion took on a grievous appearance. Katriona wouldn’t ask what she most wanted to know. How had she not realized her friend’s feeling toward Lloyd?

  Rhyder entered the house first. He ambled through and they followed. She stood next to him and assessed their new abode.

  Inside the entrance, a large one-room boasted a high ceiling. The hearth flanked the wall to the left and a large rug situated in the center. Chairs faced the hearth, four in all, and must’ve cost great expense. Farther along the wall stood a small kitchen. A cauldron hung in the stone pit. Besides the cooking area, a basket full of logs overflowed. The roof above cut out where smoke would escape. It looked homey and comforting.

  Merion folded her hands and grinned at them as they looked around the room. “There are four sleeping chambers. All your possessions were moved. Your chamber is the last on the right side. My chamber is the first there,” she said and pointed toward the left. “The others are empty for now but I trust you will fill them soon enough.”

  “You’ve done very well, sister. I’m pleased.”

  “You may want to go to your chamber for I’ve placed all the missives you received there during your absence.”

  “I should see to them.” He turned to her. “Will you be well enough whilst I see to the news?”

  “I shall be fine. Return soon though for we’ll get a light supper started.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Don’t let her overdo, Merrion. She needs rest and is still recovering.” He marched off and disappeared through the last door.

  “Recovering?” Merrion asked. “Recovering from what?”

  “I was injured but am well-mended now. Only my leg hurts a little.” Katriona took Merrion’s hand. “I have disheartening news.”

  “Where is Lloyd? I expected to see him for he’s never far from your side.”

  “I’m afraid to tell you…”

  Merrion’s eyes filled with tears, but she made no sound. Katriona’s supposition was true. How had she not suspected Merrion’s regard for Lloyd? It was more than regard. Her friend loved Lloyd.

  She continued to hold her hand. “Lloyd died protecting me. I hold tremendous guilt.”

  Merrion dipped her head and said nothing.

  “I never should have allowed him to go with me. I’m sorry, Merrion, for your heart must ache. He was a good man and certainly worthy of your heart.”

  She wiped her eyes. “Why would my heart ache? I am saddened to hear this, but it affects me not.”

  “You cannot deny your feelings for him.”

  “I don’t wish to discuss this.” She rushed off and entered the first door along the hallway.

  Katriona opened the door to outside and whistled for Wynn. He came running at full speed and wagged his tail excitedly. She sat in the closest chair near the hearth and petted his head. Deeply saddened for her friend, she had to figure out how to help her mourn. Thinking of mourning reminded her of Luella. She left the house with Wynn and walked toward her home. As she passed their old dwelling, she saw various soldiers exiting. The men seemed pleased to be there.

  No aura came of anyone being hurt or having need of aid. At least none close by.

  When she got to Luella’s, she found Sawyer within. He approached and bowed. “I gave her the news to save you the distress, Milady,” he said and bowed before giving her an overlong look. When she didn’t reply, he took his leave.

  Once Sawyer left, she turned to Luella who sat sniffling. Katriona embraced the poor woman and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. Luella was overcome with grief and wept loudly. It was all she could do but offer comfort. The woman’s woe brought her emotions to the brink and the only sentiment she sensed was her own.

  “I’m sorry, Luella. It’s all my fault. He was a good man and tried to protect me. I should have listened to him and returned to the hamlet. If I had…he might still live.”

  Luella sniffled and wiped her face with her overdress sleeve. “Sawyer explained, Milady. It wasn’t your fault. He died doing his duty.” She sobbed and dabbed her face with the kitchen cloth. “I’m alone now and have no one. Who will I care for?”

  “You have us: Rhyder, Merrion and me. You’re not alone. Come, you will stay with us. I need you and we have plenty of room.”

  “But Malin will be upset. I cannot intrude in his kitchens. Men can be difficult in that way.”

  “Nay, he will have many to cook for, the soldiers and their families at the new garrison. He should be kept busy. I will have Rhyder tell him to stay at the main keep.”

  “Oh, Milady, you give me such honor to cook for our lord.”

  “It is us who are honored. Lloyd was a good friend. He would want me to look after you. You’ve accepted me from the moment I arrived and I consider our friendship the dearest.”

  Luella dabbed her eyes again. “I shall take great care of you.”

na set her arms around her shoulders and guided her from the cottage. “I know you will.”

  She spent the remainder of the day helping to get Luella settled and her belongings situated. By suppertime, the dear woman had their home smelling heavenly with a venison stew.

  Katriona hoped in time there would be mirth around their table but as Merrion and Luella grieved, it would take time.

  Rhyder joined them and remained oddly quiet. The missives he received must not have pleased him. He hardly glanced at her and seemed deep in thought.

  “What news have you received?” She wanted to sense his emotions, but because he sat too far from her she couldn’t reach him.

  “Cenwahl writes that he wants to meet again, but doesn’t say why. I must go eventually.”

  “I am glad you will put it off for there is much to see to here since we were away.”

  “At least our home is somewhat settled thanks to Merrion. Luella, the meal was delicious and I’m pleased you are here. Until our foes are caught none of you may leave the hamlet. I have given orders to the gate watch not to allow your leave.”

  Katriona scowled. “What if I wish to visit Olor?”

  “You must think of your safety. I forbid you to leave this hamlet. I want all of you to vow to obey this one demand.”

  Each of them nodded. Katriona wanted to dispute his order, but he was right in his demand and he only thought of their safety. Somehow she had to get Olor to come to her.

  Merrion helped Luella clean away the remnants of supper and they both took to their rooms. Katriona sighed at the sadness in their eyes.

  “What troubles you?” Rhyder took her hand and led her to their chamber.

  The chamber was much cozier than their old home. A large bed, stuffed with soft hay flanked the longest wall. A small hearth set against the outside wall. Two chests sat next to the bed and a chair. The wooden floor boasted a large rug which took up most of the floor space. A window covering matched the bed cover in a dark red hue.

  She pulled the bed coverings back and readied for bed. “I wish I could lighten their hearts.”


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