Backing You Up

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Backing You Up Page 12

by Weston Parker

  She’d been fresh out of high school and had that youthful glow about her. She’d been perky, a little snobby, and ridiculously sexy. Her sex appeal only increased with time. She was still young, but she was all woman. Her womanly curves begged to be caressed. They demanded to be kissed and massaged, and I was a weak man. I gave into the need.

  “And now you are going to pay for it, asshole,” I mumbled.

  I had no one to blame but myself. I had taken her out for a drink. Truthfully, I really didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did. I went out for drinks with other people from work and I never ended up having sex with them.

  Cora was different. She incited something in me that was a cross between desire and rage. Those two feelings merged and created a fiery passion that refused to be ignored or tamed. Sex was the only possible outcome. Hot, explosive, amazing sex.

  “Not again,” I told myself. “I will not touch that woman again.”

  I had a feeling I had just given her ammunition. Technically, I was the subordinate, but giving myself to her in that way made me feel like I acquiesced. I needed to quit thinking of her as a princess. Then I wouldn’t feel like such a lowly pawn. In some ways, I felt used.

  Before I could go too far down that road of shame, my phone rang. I glanced over at the screen and saw it was Granger. I quickly answered.

  “What are you doing today?” he asked.

  I looked around my house and mentally ticked off the million things I needed to do. “Nothing much,” I answered. I closed my eyes to block out the painting that needed done and the kitchen cabinets I was planning on refinishing.

  “Good. Let’s go fishing.”

  Fishing was not my favorite thing to do. It was a little boring for my tastes.

  “Sure, when?” Clearly, my brain was playing no part in controlling the words that were coming out of my mouth.

  “Let’s roll now,” he answered enthusiastically. “I’ve got all the gear. Meet me at my place.”

  “See you in an hour.”

  “An hour?” he groaned. “Dude, I don’t need you to get gussied up for me. Just get your ass over here. The fish won’t be biting in an hour.”

  I doubted that. “I need to shower. Then I’ll be over.”

  “I don’t plan on getting close enough to smell you.”

  “I’m going,” I said and ended the call. I needed to shower. It wasn’t an option. I could smell her on me. I didn’t want to be thinking about her and sex all day.

  I quickly showered and dressed in a pair of comfortable shorts and another T-shirt before heading for Granger’s. I stopped and picked up a six pack. Fishing and beer just kind of went together like cake and ice cream.

  Twenty minutes later, we settled in our folding chairs by the lake, our poles in the water and cold beers in our hands.

  “How’s it going with the new guy?” I asked him.

  “Good. It’s weird to work for someone who doesn’t call you a dipshit every five minutes.”

  I smirked, knowing that was Derek’s go-to word. “Is everyone cool with a new guy coming in?”

  “Yep. He works hard. I think things are actually running a lot smoother with him. It’s amazing how much time you save when you aren’t getting your ass chewed for fifteen minutes a day. The new guy is more of a lead-by-example type. He busts his ass and doesn’t have that hoity-toity air about him.”

  “And Derek certainly had that,” I said.

  “Derek was cool one minute, and the next, he wanted to eat you alive,” Granger said. “I didn’t mind the guy, but damn if he wasn’t a pain in the ass some days.”

  “Yes, he was. Everyone is cool with the way shit went down?” I was asking because it would be my job to head off any disgruntled employees intent on causing problems for Cora. I would make sure they understood she was the law and she did what she thought was right. I had my own reservations, but I got on board pretty quick. The others could as well, or they could find another job.

  He was quiet for a second. “They are now,” he said.

  “But initially?”

  “There was some rumbling about a walkout. It didn’t happen as you know, and now things are looking up. As long as the new guy keeps up the good work and doesn’t get too uppity, I think things will be cool.”

  That was a relief. Cora had taken a huge risk doing what she did. I was glad it seemed to be paying off for her. I didn’t want her to fail.

  “And what does Vida think of him?” I asked. Truthfully, her opinion was what truly mattered.

  “She’s in love with him. Too bad she’s old enough to be his grandma.”

  “She’s old enough to be everyone’s grandma.”

  “True. What your boss lady did took balls. Serious, brass balls.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, wanting to get his opinion.

  “Because everyone knows Derek has a temper.”

  I thought about it for a second. “Derek wouldn’t have touched her. He knows all of us would have jumped his ass.”

  “But she didn’t know that,” he pointed out. “Not bad for a chick born with a silver spoon in her mouth.”

  “She isn’t like that,” I said. “She works hard. She can’t help that she was born into a wealthy family.”

  “Uh oh, I hit a sore spot,” he teased. “You are her official knight in shining armor. Rogan to the rescue.”

  “No, you didn’t, and I’m not rescuing her. She can handle herself just fine. You saw that. She doesn’t take her privilege for granted. She loved her father and is grieving while doing her best to keep the company afloat. She wasn’t expecting to take over this early. Life has other plans. She is wealthy. She is spoiled but she doesn’t act like a spoiled princess.”

  I wasn’t going to tell him I regularly called her princess. The nickname was more a term of endearment than an insult anymore. At least that was what I was telling myself. I was sure she probably found it insulting, and maybe that gave me a little bit of satisfaction.

  I didn’t mind teasing her. She didn’t mind me teasing her last night.

  He took a long drink from his beer. “I see,” he said, snapping me out of what could have ended up being an embarrassing daydream.

  “What do you see?” I asked defensively.

  “You’re sweet on her.”

  “I am not. I am just saying she’s been through a lot and needs a little patience.”

  He slowly nodded, that shit-eating grin on his face. “So did you fuck her?”

  “Fuck you.”

  He laughed, not bothered by my words. “Damn. She’s pretty. I’ll give you that. I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing.”

  “What kind of thing would that be?”

  “The sleeping your way to the top thing,” he said.

  I refused to take the bait. I drank my beer and reeled in my line just to cast it out again. I wasn’t the kind to kiss and tell. I would prefer no one ever found out about what happened between Cora and me. It was a mistake. I didn’t want people to think I took advantage of a grieving woman. And I sure as hell didn’t want anyone thinking I was trying to sleep my way to the top. Just like Granger was obviously thinking.


  “I’ve been thinking about what you said,” he started.

  “What would that be? I’ve said a lot to you.”

  “The part about promoting me.”

  I turned to look at him. “Really?”

  He nodded without looking at me. “Yeah, but I’m not sure if I have to blow you or the new guy. I don’t think I know him well enough to go down on him. Not yet anyway. I guess I’ll have to hold off on getting promoted.”

  I reached for his pole and pushed it out of the holder and into the water. He burst into laughter. I finished my beer and grabbed another one from the little cooler I brought along. He was still laughing as he picked up the pole.

  “Sensitive, sensitive,” he teased.

  “Shut the fuck up. This is why I never go fishing with yo

  “You never go fishing with me because you are always working on that damn house. You need to learn to just chill.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That seems to be working well for you. I like to use my hands.”

  He grinned and I knew I had just walked into another zinger. “Is that all you used?”

  “Shut up.”

  “You know I’m not going to let this go for a long time. I have a lot of jokes just festering.”

  “Keep them to yourself. You don’t know shit about shit.”

  “I know you got dirty with the boss,” he teased.

  I groaned, knowing he was going to give me shit about it for a long time to come, even if I never admitted it. Thankfully, I also knew he was a trustworthy guy. He wouldn’t run his mouth. It would stay between us but he was going to tease the hell out of me for months to come.

  “Maybe you could give me some pointers,” he said.

  “You can fuck off.”

  “That’s kind of what I was getting at,” he said with a laugh. “Too bad we didn’t have a female foreman. If we did, I might be thinking about that promotion a little harder. Like really hard. Do you get it?”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  He made a crude gesture that involved thrusting hips. I ignored him and focused on the fishing. It was unfortunate he was my closest friend. It meant I was stuck with his childish shenanigans.

  I looked over when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. He was making yet another obscene gesture that involved him bobbing his mouth up and down the neck of the beer bottle. I couldn’t help but laugh. Granger was always going to be a fifteen-year-old boy trapped in a man’s body. It made him him.

  Chapter 20


  I could barely look at myself in the mirror. I was ashamed of my behavior last night. Not ashamed, embarrassed. I knew better.

  I couldn’t say I regretted it. It had been amazing. I got to see a side of Rogan that I never expected to see. My fantasies about the man didn’t come close to reality. He was so good. So, so damn good and that was dangerous.

  Despite me telling myself he was off limits, I wanted him again. I craved him. I couldn’t blame it on the alcohol. Well, maybe a little on the alcohol. The scotch had certainly loosened my inhibitions. It eroded away my usual good sense.

  I was going with very casual for the day. I was meeting Leslie for lunch at an outdoor café. It had been too long since we’d talked. The last year of college had been crazy. When I finally graduated, it was right into work. Then the dad thing and then the company thing.

  I drove my Porsche to the restaurant that catered to high-end clientele. It was one of my favorite places. They had the best BLTs on the planet as far as I was concerned. The woman guarding the door and acting as the hostess led me to a table out on the patio. I ordered Diet Cokes for both me and Leslie, knowing that was what she would want.

  I had only waited a few minutes when she showed up.

  “There you are!” she exclaimed.

  I got to my feet and hugged her. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve been right here the whole time,” she said, taking a seat.

  I sat down. “I know. I’m a horrible friend.”

  “You are not a horrible friend. I was giving you space. Is Oakley still in town?”

  “He left yesterday,” I told her. “He was going to stay a couple more days, but I told him to go back. There was no reason to keep him here. I know he’s itching to get back. He needs to be on the water or he is going to spontaneously combust. His way of coping is surfing. I didn’t want him to suffer.”

  “You are a good sister,” she said with a smile. “But how about you? How are you doing?”

  I shrugged. “I’m getting better. I have my moments but I’m coping.”

  “How about the job?”

  I groaned, rubbing my temple. “It’s been a little stressful.”

  “A little? Girl, you just took over a company. An entire company. That’s a big deal.”

  “I’ve got a couple of people that are helping with the transition. Not everyone was thrilled to have a little princess like me as their boss.”

  “You’re not a princess.”

  “I’ve been called a princess all my life by my dad and it meant something special. Now, they call me princess in a derogatory way.” I didn’t clarify it was just one person, Rogan.

  “You’ve been teased about your wealth before,” she reminded me. “It’s never bothered you.”

  “It was different. I need these people to listen to me. I need them to respect me.”

  “It’s going to take some time, but they will.”

  “Thanks. I hope so. What about you? How is your work?”

  She smiled and I could tell she had good news. “I’ve just been asked to join one of the elite spas in town.”

  My eyes widened. “No way! Really?”

  She was obviously thrilled. “Yep. I start next week. I get to wear one of those cute little pink jackets and massage all the rich people. I’ve heard the tips are more than I make in a week.”

  “Congratulations,” I told her. “You deserve it.”

  “Thank you. I was cool with the small place I was working at, but now I won’t have to have as many side jobs. I can finally work a normal week.”

  I was happy for her. Leslie and I met our senior year of high school. Her family wasn’t wealthy. They were barely middle class. She didn’t get to go to college. She scrimped and saved and paid her way through massage-therapy school. “We’ll have to go out and celebrate soon.”

  “I would love to. Although I have a feeling that’s going to be hard to schedule. We’ve barely made time for lunch.”

  “I know,” I told her. “I’m sorry. What else is new with you? Are you seeing anyone?”

  She slowly shook her head. “No. I’ve had like three dates in three months. I think I’m bored with the whole dating scene. I’m sick of the guys that are looking for a casual thing. What about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

  I felt my cheeks blush. “No.”

  “Uh, you just turned like three shades of red. It isn’t that hot out here. What’s up with that?”

  “I’m not seeing anyone,” I told her.

  She sipped her soda, studying me with eyes that saw too much. “Maybe I should rephrase my question. Are you hooking up with anyone?”

  I was dying to tell someone. I couldn’t tell Oakley and I had no one else. A woman in my position had few friends. I’d learned to keep people at a safe distance. I’d learned the hard way that some people only wanted to be my friend because of who I was and who my father was. It seemed safer to keep everyone at arm’s length.

  “I have to tell you something, but you cannot tell another living soul.”

  She grinned, clapping her hands together. “Tell me. I need to hear this now.”

  “There is this guy,” I started. “I’ve known him for a while. He is friends with Oakley, or he used to be before Oakley moved away. Anyway, he works for the company.”

  “He works for you, you mean,” she said, her smile growing larger.

  “No—well, yes, I suppose technically he does.”


  “And last night we were having a drink—multiple drinks for me. I got a little tipsy and basically threw myself at him.”

  “I’m guessing he didn’t reject your offer?”

  “No,” I said with a laugh. “Not at all. He was more than happy to take me up on what I offered.”

  “Who is this guy?”

  “I told you,” I said.

  She shook her head. “You’ve never done this kind of thing before. You are one of those good girls. A careful girl.”

  “I am, but last night, I was just in need of a release. Everything has been so stressful. I wanted to step out of my life and just be wild.”

  She inhaled deeply. “You absolutely deserve to let off some steam. You have been through a lot and it makes sense you wou
ld want to do something you wouldn’t normally. I get that and I think it’s very healthy to be wild for a minute.”

  “But?” I asked. “I hear a large but coming.”

  “But I think it is dangerous to sleep with the help.”

  I laughed. “That’s so wrong.”

  “I figured a rich girl like you would understand what I was saying.”

  “Rich girl like me, huh?” I said with a laugh.

  “You don’t want to muddy the waters. Haven’t you heard that saying, not to shit where you eat? That term applies here. You can’t mix business with pleasure.”

  “Do you have any other cute little sayings?”

  “I’m sure I can come up with a few more, but you get the point.”

  “I do,” I said. “It was a mistake. I can admit that. He was safe. I am not brave enough to pick up a stranger at a bar for a one-night stand. He was there, and I can admit, I’ve been kind of fantasizing about him.”

  “Oh, he’s a hottie?”

  “Well, duh!” I exclaimed. “Yes, he’s hot.”

  “I wish I could say that changes things, but it doesn’t. Trust me. I’ve done the work-romance thing. It got ugly. Then you have to work with them and see them all the time. Then there’s the part when one of you starts seeing someone new. It just turns into an ugly mess.”

  “I get it. You’re right. I know better. It was more about him being there and me being horny. I have to be honest. I’ve been mad at him all week. He was acting like a total dick. Then he came into my office to apologize and asked me out to grab a drink.”

  “Oh,” she said with wide eyes. “I get it. It’s one of those situations. Those are hard to resist. There is so much overheated passion, it just has to explode. But now that it did, you have to move on.”

  “It was so good,” I told her.

  She giggled, covering her mouth when the waitress showed up at our table. We both ordered the BLT and waited until the waitress walked away before we both started to laugh again.

  “Did you guys talk afterward?”

  “No, I snuck out while he was asleep.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh great. Now you have to have that awkward conversation at work.”


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