Backing You Up

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Backing You Up Page 23

by Weston Parker

  “Cora!” I exclaimed, stepping back with my surprise.

  “Hi,” she said with a small smile.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked. I stepped forward, looking for Oakley. He wasn’t around.

  She raised her eyebrows. “That’s a nice greeting.”

  “Sorry, I am just shocked to see you here. Like really shocked.”

  She grinned. “Surprise.”

  “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “Because I wanted to talk to you. You won’t take my calls, so here I am. I’m a determined woman.”

  It didn’t make sense to my poor brain that was struggling with a lack of sleep and excessive stress. “How did you find me?”

  She smiled, her eyes dancing with mischief. “I cannot reveal my sources.”

  I shook my head, looking down at my bare chest. I was dressed very casually, wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. The AC in the apartment was on the fritz, which meant I was wallowing in my own sweat. I put my hand to my chest as if that would hide the semi-nakedness. “But why?” I asked.

  She screamed, her eyes going wide as she jumped back. “Mouse!”

  I groaned and turned to find the mouse—or maybe its brother—strolling across the kitchen floor. “Fuck.”

  “Rogan! Why is there a mouse?”

  “It’s not my pet,” I retorted. “I can’t exactly order it into a cage.”

  “It’s a mouse!” she said again. “You have a mouse.”

  It scurried into the hole where I had just stuffed the Brillo pad, proving my theory that it didn’t work. A bomb was about the only thing that would get rid of the damn thing. “It’s gone. Can we get back to why you are here and how you found me?” I didn’t invite her in. I was pretty damn sure the last thing she wanted was to come inside my apartment. I could see the horror on her face.

  “I, uh, can we go back to my hotel and talk?” she asked without taking a step inside. She kept looking behind me as if she was afraid the mouse had gathered an army and was coming back to attack.

  I flapped my arms out, letting them drop against my thighs. “Yes, fine. Whatever. I don’t think my roommates are going to miss me. Let me put some clothes on.”

  She grimaced. “I’ll wait here.”

  “Scared?” I teased.

  “Terrified,” she answered.

  I walked into the bedroom, grabbed a clean shirt, slipped on some socks and my tennis shoes, and returned to the open door. She was still standing with her eyes locked on the spot where the mouse had disappeared. “Let’s go.” I grabbed my keys and phone and closed the door behind me. I was eager to get out of the place. The mice could party while I was gone. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I took a cab.”

  “I’ll drive,” I said, directing her toward my truck.

  I drove to her hotel, which wasn’t too far away. She opened the door to her fancy suite and gestured for me to go in. I could admit it felt a hell of a lot better to be in her room than that shitty apartment. I could breathe easier knowing there would not be a sneak attack of rodents.

  “Can I get you a drink?” she asked.

  “No. You can tell me what you are doing here. You know this isn’t going to look good. You coming all the way down here and me coming back to your hotel is going to stir up some serious shit.”

  “I don’t care what it looks like or doesn’t look like. I’m not a little girl. I can go where I want and see who I want. I can also invite anyone I want back to my hotel room.” She sounded a little like a petulant child.

  “Cora, we have had this discussion before. It’s too much drama.”

  She sat down on the couch, patting the seat next to her. I didn’t trust myself to be too close. I sat at the opposite end. She looked too damn good. Her legs weren’t necessarily long, but in the shorts she was wearing, they looked very long. And very tanned.

  I saw the skin and I thought about the way she looked sitting on my desk with those legs wrapped around me. I wanted her. I had never stopped wanting her. Which was why I couldn’t be near her.

  “I spoke with Beau,” she said.


  “And he is retiring.”

  My eyes widened. It was not what I expected to hear. “What? No.”

  She nodded. “Yes. He told me yesterday.”

  “When does he plan on doing that?”


  “What the fuck is that about?” I growled. I was pissed and didn’t feel like hiding it. Beau pushed me out and now he was going to abandon her. That wasn’t right. He couldn’t leave her. Then I reminded myself she wasn’t a fragile flower. She was capable of handling her business.

  “How did you find me?” I asked, still hung up on the idea.


  “Beau? How did he know?”

  She burst into laughter. “You know, that was exactly my question. I couldn’t let it go either. So, I did a little investigating. First, I should tell you I knew you were in Dallas. Second, I should tell you I stalked the hell out of you and found nothing, which was why I was so shocked to find out Beau knew where you were. Then he told me he didn’t know where you were, but he was a little smarter than I was. He talked to HR and found out where your last check and insurance stuff was being sent to.”

  I grinned, shaking my head. “Damn. You two are a couple of Nancy Drews.”

  “He is. I failed miserably.”

  “You really tried to find me?”

  “Of course, I did.”

  “Thank you,” I said, not caring that it sounded cheesy. “Now that we have that out of the way, tell me about Beau’s retirement.”

  “He said he wants to enjoy his last few years. I told him I couldn’t do it without him. I mean, he’s a fixture in the place. Most of the time, I feel like Beau is the CEO and I’m just the puppet. I spent all day mulling it over. I was really kind of freaked out in the beginning but not so much now. I have known Beau all my life, and I will miss him, but I don’t absolutely need him. I started to think about what he does. Then I thought about what you did. You guys did a lot and I think it was my safety net. I was terrified to do anything on my own.”

  “That isn’t true. I’ve been keeping an eye on things. You have been making a lot of big decisions all by yourself. You are doing fine. You don’t need a safety net. We were there in the beginning, but the training wheels are off now.”

  “I’m doing fine, but I want to do better,” she answered. “I want the company to do better.”

  “I’m sure it will.”

  She slowly shook her head. “I don’t want to do it alone. I want you to come back.”


  “Wait, please. I have made it clear to those investors I will not have my personal life dictated by some crotchety old men. They need to worry about their business and I will handle my own. Who I choose to date, sleep with, or hang out with is nobody’s business but my own. I made sure they understood that and was even complimented for taking a stand.”

  “I know it is your business and I agree but you are a public figure. Not public like a celebrity, but you are the company. You have to maintain a certain image. Those investors are skittish. They were skittish with your dad as well. Men do not like to be separated from their money. I don’t know if I can keep my eyes and hands to myself. I don’t want to risk another scandal.”

  “It’s only a scandal if we let them make it into one,” she argued.

  “You say that now, but what happens when the next storm comes?”

  “I don’t care,” she said.

  I wanted to believe her. “Cora, you have to know I want nothing more than to be back there. I want to be with you.”

  She leaned forward. “Rogan, I would give up everything to be with you. The truth of the matter is I want to be with you. I want us to be together. I am willing to prove to you I’m serious about that.”

  “Cora, I want you more than anything. As silly as it sounds, it’s why I left
. I didn’t trust myself to be around you. What happened in the office, you know that would happen again.”

  She smiled. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  She was making it next to impossible for me to resist her. The way I felt for her was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. She was perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

  “I love you,” I blurted out the three little words.

  “I love you,” she replied without missing a beat.

  “What does this mean?” I asked, staring into her eyes and wondering how we moved forward.

  “It means I want you to come home with me. Don’t leave me to do this alone.”

  “I don’t want you to be alone.”

  I scooted closer to her, staring into those green eyes that haunted my dreams. Unlike before, there was no doubt. No hesitation. I knew what I wanted. She knew what she wanted. There was nothing standing in our way.

  I reached for her, pulling her in close before I kissed her. The kiss was full of longing.

  Love was not something I was familiar with. I knew I loved her. The last couple of weeks had been hell. Not being able to see her and touch her was pure misery and I never wanted to experience it again. I wanted to be with her, and I was willing to ride out any storm that caused.

  Knowing she was willing to thumb her nose at the rules placed on her gave me confidence as well. We would get through whatever came our way—together.

  Chapter 38


  He pulled me into his lap, my arm going around his neck as we kissed. It was a thirsty kiss. The deprivation of his touch and his kisses left me hungry and wanting. I couldn’t stop myself, but I didn’t feel that urgency to strip him and ride him until I was screaming with pleasure. He wasn’t going anywhere. I wasn’t going anywhere. I could savor every moment.

  His arms were around me, holding me close as his mouth moved over mine. The kiss was hot as hell and full of passion, but I also felt the love. He loved me. Rogan Leal loved me, and I loved him. Never in a million years could I have predicted I would be where I was right then.

  “Can we go to the bedroom?” I asked.

  “I thought you would never ask.”

  I climbed out of his lap and took his hand, walking with him into the bedroom of the suite. I stopped and turned to face him, looking up at the man that had captured my heart. His fingertips traced over my cheek before he lifted my shirt over my head. I lifted his shirt, letting him pull it off. Then it was my shorts, then his.

  I stood before him in my bra and panties, him in his briefs. It was different to be with him without attacking one another.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, running his hand up my arm. “I have missed you ever day I have been away.”

  “I’ve missed you,” I replied. My fingers traced the tattoos that were now familiar to me.

  His hand reached for the nape of my neck, holding me steady as he made love to my mouth. By the time the kiss ended, the heat and need were back in full force. I pressed my body against his, rubbing my breasts over his chest.

  He reached around, unhooked my bra, and pulled it away. “God, I dream about these every night,” he whispered, lovingly cupping my breasts in his hands. His mouth dropped to one nipple, then the next. “You’ve haunted me in my dreams. I’ve woke up hard as a rock and suffering the worst case of blue balls.”

  I shuddered with sweet ecstasy. “I’ve thought about you. I’ve dreamed about you. I’ve missed your touch.”

  He stood upright and nudged me toward the bed. He pulled down my panties, leaving me to step out of them. “Sit,” he ordered.

  I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked up at him. He reached for my shoulder, gently pushing until I was lying on the bed with my feet dangling over the edge. He dropped to his knees and pulled me closer to the edge with my calves resting on his shoulder. Without warning, his mouth closed over my heated core, nearly sending me into an orgasm.

  I gasped, my hands reaching for something to hold on to as he slid his tongue over my folds. My hands fisted the blanket as he lapped at me. His tongue was magical. He suckled and nibbled and brought me to the brink several times. My hands reached between my legs, grabbing his head and jerking him closer and pushing him away at the same time. I couldn’t decide what I needed. It was too much and not enough at the same time.

  He slid one finger inside me while he sucked the sensitive nub between his teeth. My body arched, jerking up and nearly flying off the bed with the intensity of the orgasm. Stars erupted in front of my eyes. I heard my cries from some faraway place.

  When the stars faded and I was able to force my eyes open, I looked down at him looking up at me with a heated look on his face. “You are delicious, baby,” he cooed before getting to his feet.

  He shucked his underwear and climbed over me. He slid me up the bed before letting his weight fall on me. I brushed the hair back from his brow as I stared into the eyes of the man I loved. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “Good,” he said with a smile. “That’s very good.”

  He used his knee to nudge my legs open. His swollen cock nudged at my opening before pushing inside just a little. “Damn,” he groaned. “So tight. So fucking wet.”

  I adjusted my body below his, welcoming him inside me. He pushed in, joining our bodies. I pulled him down, wanting to feel his weight crushing against me. He gave me what I wanted before rising up on one arm and moving his hips. His face hovered over mine as he moved in and out. There was no hurry as he made love to me.

  It was the most intimate moment I had ever experienced. I couldn’t look away from him. His fingertips trailed over my face before he kissed me. I felt loved in that moment. It was an all-encompassing type of feeling that warmed me from the inside out. The need I felt for him was more than anything I’d ever experienced. With every stroke inside my body, the desire increased.

  Soon, I was on that speeding train looking for another release. My greedy body wasn’t satisfied with just one orgasm. I needed more. He spoiled me. I knew he would give me another. I thrust my hips upward, meeting his thrusts and silently demanding more from him.

  His mouth pulled away from mine as he shifted positions. He rose over me, getting to his knees and sliding my body up his. My butt rested on his strong thighs as he started another slow thrusting movement.

  “Oh god,” I groaned. The shift in positions had him touching new spaces inside me. My body tingled, humming with pleasure. “So good.”

  “I like it like this,” he whispered, reaching for my breast.

  “Like this,” I said with a sultry smile.

  He nodded. “I can see all of you. I can touch all of you.”

  The way he said it sent me closer to release. “All of me,” I moaned.

  One hand held my breast while he slid the other one down my stomach. His fingertip circled the area where he was joined with me. “All of you, but most importantly, this little spot right here.” He pushed his finger against me. The violent response to a simple touch nearly bucked him right off the bed.

  My body wept with pleasure, spasming around his dick inside me. My head thrashed back and forth against the sheets as he continued to make love to me. How he knew just how to touch me, I would never know, but he did. He knew when I needed it hard and when I needed a light touch. It was like he knew my body better than I did.

  He was looking down at me with pure satisfaction and pride. I offered him a lazy smile. “You make my body sing.”

  “I am going to keep working at this until I make you sing.”

  I laughed, sitting up and sliding down his thighs. “I don’t think anyone wants to hear me sing, but I think I would like to try to make you sing.”

  I gently pushed him backward until he was lying flat on his back. I stared down at his glorious body. I was going to spend a lot of time getting to know every inch of him, but just then, I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me feel.

  I crawled over him, reaching between
us to guide him to my opening, and slowly slid down. I groaned, my head dropping back as I slid my hips forward before slowly moving back. His hands were on my breasts, kneading and squeezing as I rode him.

  “God damn, how did I get so lucky?” he rasped.

  “Because you are a good man. I feel even luckier.”

  I did my best to maintain a slow roll, but damn, if he didn’t have a way of making me want another orgasm.

  “Ride me,” he ordered. “Hard.”

  I moaned, my hand closing over one of his that was holding my breast. I squeezed before letting instinct take over. I rocked against him, grinding my hips to take him impossibly deeper inside me. Every stroke was fire inside me, setting off little explosions behind my eyes. I moved harder and faster. The only thing on my mind was finding more pleasure.

  I listened to the sounds of his pleasure, the grunts and groans, and worked harder. He was close. I could feel the tension in his body and pushed myself to move a little faster. His violent thrust nearly shot me into the wall as he exploded deep, deep inside me.

  “Yes!” he shouted. “Yes!”

  I cried out, finding my own ecstasy. I rocked against him before collapsing in a heap on his chest. His arms wrapped around me, hugging me tight against him. He held on with no sign of letting go. I didn’t want him to let me go.

  After some time, I slid off him, tucking against his side as he cradled me close. “You make me so happy,” I told him.

  His arms tightened around me. “You make me happy.”

  “You’re coming back with me, right?”

  “I will.”

  “Thank you so much for making such a huge sacrifice for the company.”

  “I did it for you. I only want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy,” I told him. “I am so happy.”

  “Are you sure you want to face the scrutiny? I can’t be near you and not want you. People are going to know.”

  “That’s fine. We will return as a power couple. The two of us together will be unstoppable. You have proven yourself to the board. I have too. Together, we’re stronger.”


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