Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1)

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Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1) Page 3

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  “I’m okay, Momma. I’m not going to lie, I am scared, but I promised her last night that I wouldn’t worry too much. It won’t be easy, but I’m going to do the best I can with that.”

  Being so far from his parents he knew them well. He could picture his mother standing in the kitchen with a concerned expression on her face. She was more than likely twisting some of the graying curls of hair in her fingers as she leaned against the wall talking to him. Even though he bought them both a cell phone last year, for some odd reason she didn’t like using it. She insisted on using the landline phone. His father loved his, but not his stubborn mother.

  “I know you are worried. Of course, you are, she’s your wife. I want to know how you are doing with yourself. You can’t always be strong. Nobody can be all the time.”

  Sitting up toward the table again, Chris rested his elbows on the edge. With closed eyes he lowered his head. What am I supposed to say? He didn’t know what to tell his mother.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. Not right this minute. I guess it’s too early to tell. Everything has happened so fast. I feel like I’m supposed to stay here with her, but I need to get back to work soon, too. There’s so much I need to learn I guess. I want to take care of her, but I know it’s going to be hard for her to be limited on what she can do from now on. It’s not going to be easy, Momma. I guess it’s going to be a one day at a time thing. That’s the best we can do for now.”

  “Well you know your father and I will always do whatever we can for you both. We love that girl like a daughter.”

  Tears threatened to fill his eyes and he could barely swallow from the lump in his throat.

  “I know and she knows, too. Thank you.”

  “I love you, son. Your father wants to talk to you for a minute. Tell Samantha to call me after she wakes up if she wants to talk. I told her I would give her that apple pie crust recipe.”

  He laughed and told her he would let her know. He talked to his father for a few minutes and could tell he was trying not to sound too gruff or concerned. He didn’t hide it well, though Chris loved him for trying. They agreed they would talk later or the next day. Chris said he would keep them updated.

  When he finished talking to his parents he felt a boulder weighing down his heart. He looked around his and Sam’s apartment as one of those tears managed to escape and roll down his unshaven cheek. He let his gaze trail over what had been collected during the short time they’d been building their lives together. Even though he made good money they lived a simple life so Sam could go to school and live her dream of being a chef. One day she would open her own restaurant. He wondered if that dream would still be possible with her health.

  He could see from the dining room table pictures of them when they first started dating, and more of the wedding sat next to the television. He knew they had already created at least a thousand beautiful memories together. He also knew he wanted to make a million more. He wiped his wet face and bloodshot eyes and stood. Whatever it would take he would do it to make that happen.

  He rinsed out his cup and set it in the dishwasher. He looked in on Sam and she was still curled up with the blankets half on and half off her. One leg was poking out the side and most of her face was covered by her hair.

  He smiled.

  He kept the rest of his tears inside. It was time to be strong for her.

  Chapter Three

  The fragrance of the bacon wafted into the bedroom, causing Sam to stir. Her eyes felt as if they were practically glued shut, but her keen sense of smell was wide awake. She rubbed at her eyes, managed to pry them open, and looked to her left to find Chris gone. She felt his side of the bed and it had grown cool. He obviously had woken a while ago. She immediately felt bad for sleeping so late but laid there a moment longer, yawning. She must have been more out of it than she thought when they went to bed.

  Sam knew she should probably get up but as her body continued to lie motionless, her brain kicked into action. Everything had changed so rapidly. Only a couple of weeks ago, Chris had taken her out of their busy life for a lovely vacation. At first everything was wonderful. They went to that incredible aquarium with all the exotic sea life that she otherwise may have never seen. They played putt putt golf and had laughed until tears threatened to come out of hiding while they played. The people she had seen walking along, the thrills in the air and all around them had been intoxicating. She had wanted to get on the enormous waterslides while they were there, but everything changed in a flash. She felt her whole life was different. In a sense, she knew that it had.

  Her heart hurt for Chris. She had been blessed with an amazing husband. She knew he was worried about her and even though he hadn’t mentioned it, everything else as well. There were things that would need to be taken care of and she wouldn’t be able to go back to school for a while. Maybe for months depending on how well she recovered. Fear bombarded her about getting so far behind on her studies that she would fail. Hopefully, the college she attended would allow her to take some courses online so she could do them at home. She would need to call them on Monday. Her classes were close to finishing and her dream of becoming a chef was very close to being a reality. She loved creating delicious meals in her kitchen and dreamed of owning her own restaurant, but because of her health wasn’t sure about that dream any longer. Would she be able to handle the stress? Could she physically stand on her feet all day? At that moment, the answer to that was no.

  Already feeling depression starting she decided not to think about it. She had no control over it and all she really wanted was a cup of coffee with Chris. When she thought about coffee, she realized everything she ate and drank would have to change. They would need to make a trip to the store soon and choose things that wouldn’t be drastic for her heart. Coffee and the bacon she smelled probably wouldn’t be on that list. She would have to make this day the last days she would enjoy those treats. She slowly removed herself from beneath the sheets, slid her terry cloth robe on, and shuffled into the kitchen.

  When she got there the aroma was a lot stronger, with the smell of eggs and coffee mingled in. Thankfully, the soft background of the twelve-inch television on the counter covered the sound of her approach. She wanted to surprise Chris with a hug from behind.

  She quietly shuffled up behind him as he poured juice into two cups. She realized he was probably going to surprise her with breakfast in bed and felt a little bad for ruining that for him. When she slid her hands along his waist he was caught off guard and spilled some of the juice on the counter.

  “Oh, you minx!” he laughed at her as she tightened her grip. “I thought you were still sleeping.”

  Giggling, she said, “I was, but I think it was the smell of bacon that woke me.”

  “Ah, yes. The power of the bacon.”

  He smiled as he turned, returned her hug, and gave her a good morning kiss.

  “How are you feeling? Did you sleep good?” he asked.

  Sam rested her chin on his chest and whispered, “A lot better than in the hospital, that’s for sure. I missed our bed. Plus, I think I was worn out from the trip home.”

  “I agree with you on that one.”

  He already had plates filled and ready to eat so he set them on the table instead of trays. They sat across from each other and almost started to eat before she thought of something important.

  “Wait a second honey. I don’t know about you, but I think Someone upstairs should be thanked for this, among many other things.”

  He smiled and nodded, “You know what? You’re right. Go ahead if you want.”

  They both closed their eyes and held hands as Sam began.

  “God, there are so many reasons I should be thanking You right now. So many. I want to start by saying thank You for keeping me alive and for getting Chris and I home safely. Thank You for getting our parents back home safely and thank You for the doctors and nurses who took care of me. Thank You for this food, Lord, and thank You for Chris. Most impor
tantly, thank You for loving me. If You didn’t, none of this would be possible. In Your name, I pray, amen.”

  “Amen,” Chris followed.

  She gave Chris a smile of love and gratitude and thanked him for making breakfast, but didn’t tell him it would be a good idea to eat healthier. She decided to enjoy it instead and ate in relative silence as the television played on. She was obviously starving for something decent to eat because she devoured everything on her plate. Chris asked if she wanted seconds but she declined.

  “Since I won’t be able to move around as much as I used to I’ll get fat if I’m not careful.”

  “I doubt that, but if you do I’ll still love you with all of me.”

  He leaned down, kissed her lightly, and started to clean up the dishes as Sam remained in her chair, watching him.

  “Have you talked to your parents? I need to call mine before Momma has a conniption fit.”

  Chris leaned back against the counter and answered. “Yeah, I called them a couple hours ago. They were worried because I told them I would call when we got home and I forgot.”

  “Oh, okay. What time did you get up?”

  “A little after seven. I thought I would get up and do a couple of things. Call them and surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

  “But I messed that part up for you,” she admitted and pushed out her bottom lip into a pout.

  “It’s okay, no worries. I’m glad you are up.”

  Taking a long strand of hair in her fingers she stared at him. He looked tired and she felt bad for him. They didn’t fully know what the future held, but hopefully it would get better.

  “I think I’m going to go take a shower,” she told him.

  “Okay. Do you need any help?”

  She laughed even though she knew he was asking without intimacy in the question.

  “I think I can manage.”

  They both snickered as he watched her walk away.


  Sam stood in front of the mirror with a frown and looked at her stitches. Amazingly, there weren’t many. Even though the hospital said there wouldn’t be a scar, doubt hung heavily on her. It wouldn’t be long before she could have them removed.

  The water in the shower was already on and the steam started to overflow from the shower doors. She slid one to the side and stepped inside, immediately grateful it was her shower and not the one in the hospital room. It felt wonderful to be in her own shower. To be home. The showers in the hospital were small and she had to keep pushing the button for the water to turn back on. That was a little aggravating, plus the pressure was better at home.

  Taking her time, she soaked her hair and was applying shampoo when a dull pain shot across her chest. At first it was minimal and she tried not to worry about it, thinking it was probably still the stress and everything that had happened recently, but it didn’t stop. By the time she rinsed the shampoo from her hair her breathing began to grow heavy and fast. She could feel her pulse rising and numbness on the left side of her throat. Fear became a serious issue. She became weak and her vision turned spotty and blurry. She cried out for Chris, but her voice came out hoarse. She knew before she blacked out that he didn’t hear her.


  Chris finished cleaning the breakfast dishes. It seemed Sam had been in the shower longer than usual. At first he didn’t think much of it. He figured she was shaving her legs and taking her time since she hadn’t been able to enjoy a good shower while in the hospital. After half an hour he called down the hall for her and when he didn’t hear her answer his worry turned into growing fear.

  He walked down the carpeted hallway still nervous about how to act because he didn’t want to be overbearing. She had made him promise not to worry too much and he was going to try his hardest. Step by step as he got closer to the bathroom door his nerves became more frayed. The bad feeling in his gut grew and he found himself praying even before he reached the bathroom door. He knocked hard enough for Sam to hear him.

  “Sam, are you okay in there, honey?”

  She didn’t respond and his heart went from his chest to his throat. He could still hear the shower running; when he opened the door steam hit him in the face, but Sam wasn’t to be seen. Immediately, he called out to her at the same time he slid open the shower door.

  Chapter Four

  The bleep bleep from the heart monitor softly filled the room as Chris sat next to Sam’s bed in the hospital, waiting to hear from the doctors. It was the second time in the last couple of weeks, and they hadn’t even been home an entire twenty-four hours. He believed the trip had been too much for her. He berated himself for what happened and felt it was his fault.

  His brain wouldn’t shut up about that moment at home. He remembered thinking she was in the shower a long time. Longer than usual at least. He also remembered the fear that coursed through him when he found her lying on the shower floor.

  When he knocked on the bathroom door and called her name he knew something wasn’t right. If she had heard him, if nothing had been wrong, she would have answered right away. When he opened the door the room was filled with so much steam he could barely see. He slid the shower door open so hard it should have cracked; his heart felt like it did when he saw Sam slumped against the shower wall. He didn’t even think about turning the water off. His brain was on full throttle trying to get her out and call 911.

  By the time he removed her from the hot jet spray he was soaking wet, but didn’t notice or care. He laid her on the bed and called for an ambulance, frantic on the phone and having a hard time talking to the operator. Once his nerves calmed enough he realized he should cover her before they arrived and thankfully, they didn’t take long to get there.

  Once again he gazed at her, drugged into a deep sleep. Tubes were a part of her as she breathed. They had been there for a few hours already, and from what the doctor first told him, it was her heart again. He said he was going to call the hospital in Myrtle Beach, talk to the doctors, and have them fax all of Sam’s information.

  As Chris waited, he prayed, but it wasn’t an easy thing. He tried to pray, but he was beginning to grow angry. He did his best to not think about what could happen, but was afraid. He was afraid for her life. He was afraid of what life would be without her. She was so young and they had been married only two years. They hadn’t even tried to have a family yet. He wanted to scream at God and tell Him it wasn’t fair. He wanted to know why she had to suffer so much.

  Standing, he turned and looked out the window into the parking lot of the hospital. His gaze traveled over incoming and departing vehicles. He saw the trees and the sun and how light reflected off the pavement. Even though his eyes could see everything, his heart and mind were focused on the woman he loved. The person lying in bed behind him struggling to live. His emotions took over and he could not have cared less if anyone walked in. Hot tears streamed freely down his face. He let it all out then because she would need him to be strong later.

  Chris had called his best friend Junior who was on his way. He didn’t know who else to talk to nor did he really want to be around anyone else. They had grown up together and Junior had seen him through everything. Once again, he needed him, like so many times before.

  Together, he and Junior had been through good times and bad. He remembered the day he first saw Sam at Coe Park, later telling Junior all about it. Junior had given him a hard time because he had been too nervous to go up and talk to her. He threw Chris a small bachelor’s party and had been his best man at their wedding. Junior would be his support system again, and Chris was grateful to have him as his friend.

  While he was trying to calm down and wipe the tears from his face, he heard Junior asking a nurse a question outside the room. He turned from the window as Junior walked in and hugged him, then broke down again.

  “Hey, man, it’s okay,” Junior told him and patted him on the back. “She’s going to pull through this.”

  Grateful Junior came as quickly as he could, Chris
could only nod and whisper “Thank you.” After a moment, he sat down and took a deep breath.

  “Thanks for coming, man. I appreciate it. I have got to pull myself together. This is tearing me apart seeing her go through this.”

  “You don’t have to thank me and stop being so hard on yourself. You’re my best friend. My brother, and you know how I feel about her. She’s like a sister. What are the doctors telling you?”

  “Not much right now. The doctor here is supposed to be talking to the one at the beach and getting back to me, but it’s her heart, again. I’m scared.”

  The machine beside the bed beeped its monotone noise and Junior looked at it. He nodded and turned back to Chris.

  “I know you are and I am too. Fear is normal. I wish I knew what to tell you. Some kind of advice, but I don’t. I’m not much help in that category. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Nobody does.”

  “Has she been awake at all since she’s been here?”

  “Not really. They have her sedated.”

  “What happened? If you can tell me, I mean did she have a heart attack? What was she doing?”

  “She was in the shower. We got home from the beach last night. It was late and we were both tired so we went to bed. I got up early this morning and after a while I made breakfast. She seemed tired, but nothing that wasn’t expected after what has happened and from the drive. She said she was going to take a shower. After she was in there a while I got worried. I went to the door and knocked and called her name; when she didn’t answer I knew something was wrong. She was lying on the shower floor, unconscious.”

  Looking at her and slowly shaking his head Junior kept silent. What could be said? He felt sorry for Chris and couldn’t imagine what he was feeling and going through, but his heart truly hurt for Sam. He watched her take shallow breaths and her eyelids fluttered.


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