Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3) Page 5

by Lora Ann

  “No. He hasn’t been for quite a while now.” She gazed up through her lashes and noticed the lust dancing in his. Lisa held out her hand. “Would you mind?”

  He hauled her to her feet, aware of the fuck me signals she was sending. Her warm breath skated across his mouth. No stranger to women offering themselves to him, he whispered in her ear, “There’s a storage closet around the corner to the left. Meet me there in five minutes.”

  Her hand reached between them. “I’m not sure you can wait that long,” she breathed against his mouth, stroking his erection.

  He grabbed her questing hand and walked to the closet. The door closed behind him as he spun her around. Everything moved at a speedy pace, like teenagers sneaking in a quickie before they were caught. Her skirt was raised, and her lacey thong eased to the side. She was more than ready for him when he pushed inside her. He picked up speed before pulling out and coming into a towel.

  Lisa marveled at how fast she came. She turned to kiss him but noticed he was already shoving his dick back into his pants. He pecked her cheek before opening the door. “My pleasure meeting you, Mrs. McNeil.”

  If she’d been a more sensitive woman, his behavior might have hurt. But Lisa knew players and was happy he could provide some much-needed release. She slid her skirt back down and stepped out to notice her son was not where she left him. “Cole,” she called, searching. Her inner dialogue was completely different: good, stay gone. It would help in so many ways.


  He sat next to the bed watching the monitor light blink with the bright squiggly line. There was a picture of a heart in the corner. Cole eased up next to his beloved uncle and laid his head against his chest, listening as he watched. “Keep beating,” he whispered.

  “He’s doing very well, son. Why are you in here alone?”

  He straightened and looked over to see a kind older man standing there. The white coat told him he must be a doctor. “My mom wasn’t there when I woke up. I wanted to see my Uncle Tar.”

  The doctor held out his hand. “Your uncle needs lots of rest. Let’s go find your mother.”

  He stepped back toward Tar and hugged him tight. “I love you,” he whispered in his ear. “Auntie Keeley is waiting for you.” Cole turned to the doctor. “Okay.”

  He smiled down at the child. “We don’t want your mother to worry about you.”

  “She won’t be.”

  “All moms worry when they can’t find their children.”

  He shrugged his little shoulders. He knew his mom loved him as best she could, but he wasn’t sharing that with a stranger, or anyone else. Cole didn’t want his mommy in trouble. They came around the corner and he watched her whole body change. He studied her closely. She did not seem happy to see him, then her face scrunched up like she’d stubbed her toe real hard. Tears were in her eyes as she grabbed ahold of him. “Thank God, you’re okay.” But he knew her too well, she was pretending for the doctor.

  “He was checking on his uncle. But next time, he needs an adult with him.”

  “I’m so sorry. He was sleeping and I needed the ladies’ room.”

  “No harm done, ma’am.”

  She glared at her son. “Next time, you stay right where I leave you.”

  He sighed heavily, “Yes, Mommy,” and took her hand.

  Lisa played the distraught mother card until everyone left them alone, leaving her to wonder if she successfully won over her son. Or, had he become a loose end that needed to be dealt with.


  Tar kept calling out but no one could hear him. The place he was in wasn’t familiar but felt comfortable. His senses were raised making colors vibrant, alive. Smells were pleasant, natural, like the item was directly under his nose and fresh. He took a deep inhalation of lemons and smiled. His skin tingled and hummed, everything vibrated with frenetic energy. He took in his surroundings trying to recall something, someone. But all he felt was peace, calm, tranquility. His brain providing a sliver of information: healing. Nestling his back against a tree, he let his body feel while his mind continued to stay aloof. He tried to ponder that, but couldn’t.

  A resonating voice whispered through the forest. “Rest warrior.”

  As if on command he fell into a deep sleep with one image dancing, the woman he loved holding her arms wide to welcome him in.

  Nik contemplated the look on Tar’s face. He wasn’t just resting, he was happy. “Where have you gone?” The weight of what his family faced weighed on him. This man lying here was the reason why. Sure, they all wanted justice. Everyone wished for Chase to be found alive. Though he questioned how the man would fare once he was released. Was he made of the same stock as his brother here? Could he handle the healing process a victim of violent crime must endure? His thoughts racing, he didn’t hear his brother enter the room.

  “Seems he’s become our brother.” Alex cocked his head in wonder.

  Nik’s gaze shot up. “That he has.”

  “How do we help him, Nikko? I keep coming to the conclusion there’s nothing we can do.”

  “Pray, hope, don’t give up on him,” Nik replied.

  “Fair enough.” Alex turned. “Ari says Aimee is getting restless.”

  Nik held up his phone. “Yes, she’s sent over a hundred texts this morning.”

  Alex whistled low. “You need to go to your wife, brother.”

  “Yeah, I know. Why I’m here.”

  Alex held his gaze. “Does E know?”

  “Not yet. He’s dealing with his distraught wife at the moment.”

  “Ah, Lacey isn’t handling the news regarding Keeley well.”

  “Hell no!” He shook his head. “But like I told E, I wouldn’t either if it were him or you in the enemy’s lair.”

  Alex stroked his jaw. “Fully understand where she’s coming from. Again, I ask, how can we help?”

  Nik stood and clasped a firm hand on Tar’s shoulder while angling a look at Alex. “This is something they each must do on their own.” He leaned over him. “Remember who you are and that you have one brave woman fighting for you.”

  “She’s loves you very much,” Alex added, “and she’s found herself.”

  “Win-win,” Nik chimed in just as his phone vibrated. He glanced down and chuckled. “I’m out, brother. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Take your time, Nik. Aimee needs you.”

  “And she comes first.”

  Alex waited until Nik left, before he sat down. “Did you hear all of that? Keeley has marched her little behind into some serious shit.” He watched Tar’s fingers twitch. “Yes. We’ll keep her safe. Or at least try our best to. But you listen up, she needs you.”

  Lisa walked in. “I do. I really do.”

  Alex glared at the woman. He couldn’t put his finger on why he didn’t like her, but his gut told him she was far more dangerous than anyone they had faced. “We’ll find Chase for you and this little guy.” His head inclined toward Cole.

  Cole grabbed his uncle’s hand. “See there, Uncle Tar, you and daddy have good friends.”

  Alex patted the child’s head. “Your uncle is like a brother to us. And family means everything to Strand men.”

  He gazed up at the handsome man. “Can I be a Strand?”

  Alex chuckled. “We accept a few good people.”

  Cole turned to his mom. “I’m gonna be just like them.”

  She fought the rage rising inside her. How dare these Strand brothers walk in here and take charge! ‘Family means everything’ her ass. What life taught her: every man had his price. Smiling, she took Alex’s hand in hers. “Thank you for all you’re doing to help our family.”

  Alex stood, ruffled Cole’s hair, and politely responded, “You’re welcome.” Then added, “We’d do anything for one of our own.” He shot her a pointed look before leaving.

  Lisa stood there a cauldron of wrath. She’d find a way to prove Alex’s declaration to be false. He was simply misguided. They all were. And
she wouldn’t let these do-gooders stand in her way. Tar was hers.

  Chapter Eight

  The combination of his pain and seeing those people act like animals, lapping up bodily fluids, sent him to the curb where he lost the contents of his stomach. “Mitch,” Keeley whispered, “we have to get away from here before Braxton comes out.”

  One more heave escaped, burning his throat and nose. His ears so full he wasn’t sure he heard her clearly. “What?”

  “We need to leave. Now,” she hissed, tugging on his arm.

  He leaned heavily against a concrete wall in the alley trying to catch his breath. “What the fuck were those people doing in there?”

  She didn’t pretend to misunderstand who he meant. “They were role playing.”

  “I get that. But I thought puppy play was less…”

  “Harsh? Humiliating? Disgusting?” She shook her head. “Everything is unique to those participating. And you’re right, for the most part that kink is playful.”

  He leveled a look at her. “That was not playful.”

  “No. But they were taking it to a more wild animal type of thing.”

  He cocked his jaw. “That makes sense.” But damn, he kept to himself. “You were just as shocked, so don’t look at me like that.”

  Her hands were on her hips and she relaxed them. “I’ve never seen it taken to that extreme before,” she confessed.

  “Keeley!” his voice rose, “they were ready to eat him alive!”

  She scoffed, “They wouldn’t let that happen, Mitch. Law suit central if they did.”

  “It’s underground.” He glared at her. “No rules or laws apply.”

  The more she thought about that the more her stomach began to roil. He quickly grabbed her hair so she could join the party. After swiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she mumbled, “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need to get to the safe house so we can clean these wounds up.”

  She nodded. “To prevent infection.”

  “Copy that.”

  He wasn’t as all right as he pretended to be, she noticed, lending him her shoulder for support and easing him into the car. “I’m so sorry.”

  Mitch grabbed her hand after she buckled him in. “I’m proud of you. Don’t apologize.”

  Her head tilted. “Why are you proud? I hurt you. Really hurt you,” she gasped.

  “You did what needed to be done. We had to establish ourselves. But more importantly, you pushed everything aside and locked in to why you were doing this. Tar would applaud if he were here.”

  “I did it for him. Easy to find your determination when it’s for someone you love.”

  He angled a look at her. “Make no mistake, Keeley, it wasn’t just for him. You did it for you, too.” Mitch commended her valor. She was finally seeing herself for who and what she truly was: A strong woman worthy of love and respect. She was willing to put it all on the line for true love. How could anyone not stand up and cheer her on?


  Garlic filled the air as they entered the Italian restaurant. Lacey fought the urge to smack her husband’s hand away from her. Sex was no way to fix a damn thing. She was more angry with herself than him, knowing she’d feel this way afterwards. E leaned into her, “Please, Sweetness, stop beating yourself up. I’m sorry.”

  Her hostile look told him she was nowhere near forgiving him, yet. “I don’t know what you want me to say, E.”

  “Accept my apology.”

  This time her gaze was filled with hurt. “I’m trying.”

  What had he done? He was still torn. “I never wanted to hurt you, Søta, you have to believe that.”

  “Thing is,” she sighed heavily and met his pleading gaze, “you did. Now, you need to give me time. My sister is in grave danger and that’s where I have to focus.”

  Hell no. He couldn’t let her pull away like this. Grabbing ahold of her shoulders and spinning her so they were face-to-face, he declared, “You and me. Partners. I accept your love for your sister. I get you’re pissed off at me. But this…shutting down thing you’re doing—fuck no,” he growled before capturing her mouth with his.

  She stood there rigid. How many times would she let him get away with this when it came to Keeley? He started the kiss off appropriate for public viewing, but the more she resisted the further he took it, until she finally let down her walls. Her moan drawing attention.

  “You two trying to get yourselves thrown out,” Alex said as he approached the couple taking things right to the edge of acceptable.

  E forced himself to break their passionate kiss, pressing his forehead to hers. “I love you. Always and forever.”

  Lacey’s cheeks heated from the attention they garnered. But she still held her husband’s devoted gaze when she responded, “I love you too. So, so much. No matter how mad you make me.”

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Lacey turned toward Alex. “Any word on Keeley? How’s Tar? Where’s Mitch?”

  “Whoa, slow down there, little sister. I can’t answer your questions when they’re coming at me in rapid fire.”

  Her hand on her hip. “Really? Thought you’d be used to that in a court room.”

  He chuckled. “You do have a point.”

  They discussed their plan of action over lasagna. Alex filled them in on Tar and his precarious recovery. Not to mention his unease with Lisa.

  E chimed in, “I don’t trust her one bit.”

  “And that poor little boy. Heaven only knows what she has put him through,” Lacey added with sadness.

  Alex informed them that Mitch was the one assisting Keeley. A sense of relief filled the space until he revealed Braxton was back on the scene, sending Lacey into a fit. “What if he recognizes them? God, what happens if he gets his hands on Keeley alone?!” Her voice rising to a pitch that drew onlookers.

  “Easy there, Smukka,” E cajoled, clasping her hand in his.

  “Well, I won’t sugarcoat the danger involved,” Alex started, earning him a nasty glare from his brother. He ignored E and continued, “Mitch is recognizable, too. I’m going to assume the two of them are going to—if they haven’t already—change their physical appearance. And it also means limited contact.”

  She straightened with a sidelong glance. “Meaning, I can’t talk to her.” The inflection telling him she was half-asking.

  He confirmed, “I’m sorry, Lacey, but no, you can’t.” Squeezing her other hand to let her know he didn’t like it either.

  Lacey’s gaze darted from her husband to his brother before she couldn’t hold back her tears. “I. Hate. Them.” Vehemence leaking from each word.

  E and Alex understood who ‘them’ was. This sex slave trade ring had been a thorn in their sides for what seemed forever. Starting with the senator, then leading them down the rabbit hole to so many prominent people in politics, entertainment, sports; hell, it appeared everyone with any wealth or power had their hands in it to some degree. Seemingly impossible to take them down. But this family wouldn’t accept that. Lives lay in the balance. And they were aware those closest to them might not make it back from the frontlines. Acknowledgment of that didn’t make it any easier.

  They hurt.

  They prayed.

  They vowed to keep fighting.

  None of them wanted to see another go through the atrocities Keeley endured that they had firsthand knowledge of. It was why they vowed to keep on going. They were down, but not out.


  Chase didn’t see the point in these exercises. His wounds had healed nicely, strength was back, along with his appetite. Doctor Thompson made sure his mind stayed engaged and up to date with current events, especially in politics. She was kind enough to hide the news reports about him. The first time he’d seen Lisa and Cole on television, he lost it. Ended up tearing stitches and a few more were needed from new injuries he did to himself. He sat contemplating his situation. How could he best negotiate his way
out of this?

  His body glistened with moisture from his shower. He stood with a towel around his waist, staring at his reflection. The scars highlighted by the glow of a light overhead. Tar would be proud. Though his were covered with a lot of ink. Chase’s head cocked to one side, how would he look with body art? Tattooed President? Would that be acceptable to the nation? But the more he thought about it, the more he realized he didn’t want that position any longer. Lisa had always been the one pushing him toward that goal. He’d felt more could be done at a lower level. Of course that was all before he ended up here, a victim of heinous crimes and still held captive. He tried desperately to hold on to the hope he’d be freed or rescued. But with each tick of the clock, his faith began to pass.

  He knew his brother was searching, most likely his wife teamed up to help. Had Tar not met Keeley, Chase would be beyond concerned about Lisa working closely with his brother. But Tar was loyal to a fault. It was why he couldn’t forgive Chase and Lisa for what they’d done to him. He angled his head, studying his body once more. Lisa needed a virile man, always had. Yes, they fell in love, but, the truth of it was, that happened after they’d had sex several times. His brother knew. Another reason why he held so much anger toward Chase. But standing there looking at himself he had to ask the difficult question: How would he feel if, somehow he made it out of this and learned, Lisa had slept with another man? His body began to vibrate from the venom flowing through his veins. He’d rip whoever touched her apart, limb by limb. Dear God, Tar did not deserve what they’d done to him. Thankful, once more, that his brother not only forgave them, but also found love—true love.

  The click-clack of heels on the tile floor told him Carla was close by. She kept suggesting sex therapy for his other issue. He glanced down at his cock. It worked somewhat. He could get an erection, as if on command said body part rose to the occasion. Problem was, he couldn’t release, well, not consciously or even by sheer will. His body did what it was designed to do while he slept. And damn if he didn’t feel like a teenage boy. As a result, not a morning went by where he didn’t have to take a shower.


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