Twice the Pups: Paranormal SEAL Second Chance Surprise Baby Romance (Shifter Squad Nine Book 4)

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Twice the Pups: Paranormal SEAL Second Chance Surprise Baby Romance (Shifter Squad Nine Book 4) Page 6

by Anya Nowlan

  They got undressed in a flash, suddenly forgetting about what little modesty they had. Amy was tugging at Price’s belt and zipper while Prowler was taking off her pants and panties, the latter of which were already completely soaked. She realized that she’d sort of been squirming in her seat all night and even she could smell herself when the black pair of underwear came off of her.

  She flushed slightly, but Prowler turned her to face him and dipped her chin upward, brushing a lock of her honey-caramel hair out of her face.

  “None of that,” he said, his voice softer than she’d ever heard it. “You have no need to be ashamed of anything. You’re hot as hell.”

  He guided her hand down and when she felt the hardness of his cock, Amy gasped, looking down. Her gray eyes went wide with surprise when her fingers curled around his length and she had to look over to Price quickly as well, just to confirm that what she was seeing was true for both of them.

  Okay, so now I really think I’m dreaming.

  They were both massive, having thick, long cocks built to make a woman scream in pleasure. Price’s was slightly curved upward while Prowler’s was ramrod straight and both of them made her mouth salivate with expectation and desire.


  She was pulled into another kiss, Prowler’s appetite insatiable and wild as he violated her mouth in the most delicious way. He walked her back slightly until she felt the hard edge of the table behind her. With one sweep of the hand, Prowler had thrown the glasses off of it and then sat her down on it, parting her legs so he could take up a spot between them.

  His cock pulsed against her soft belly as he kissed her, both hands on her face and in her hair, and she clung to those forearms of his. They felt like if need be, they’d be able to fight through anything to keep her safe.

  Though this was dirty and not strictly allowed, Amy couldn’t find herself caring the least bit about rules or regulations. All she knew was that she wanted their wolves and she had to have them now. Sooner, rather than later.

  When Prowler pushed her back on the table, only for her to find Price leaning over her and taking over the kiss while she was lowered down on her back, excitement flowed through her freely. She whimpered as Prowler yanked her back on the table so her ass was hanging over the edge and Price smoothed her hair out of her face, kissing her on the lips one last time.

  “You’re beautiful,” Price whispered, and she had no doubt that he meant every syllable that left his lips.

  Amy pushed her head back, looking straight at Price’s cock now. He took it by the base and leaned forward so she could lick up along the shaft, both of them shuddering in time. Of course he’d taste delicious.

  Of course.

  Price allowed her to take the head in her mouth just as Prowler pushed his cock against her slit. She whimpered as Prowler ran it up and down the length of it a few times, making her legs clutch around his narrow waist, almost dragging him closer.

  Amy could hear the low chuckle of Prowler as he ran his fingers over her stomach and then gently squeezed her breasts, tweaking the nipples. They were driving her wild and they knew damn well what they were doing.

  She closed her eyes as she suckled on Price, reveling in the taste of his precum. Slowly, Prowler started sinking into her, giving her time to adjust to his massive size. She squirmed on the table, arching her back as Prowler grabbed her by the hips and started thrusting into her.

  Every motion filled her with intense pleasure, rivulets of it coursing through her and taking her wholly. Her hands were gripping the sides of the table and she’d pushed her head completely back over the edge of the table. In time, both of the Renard brothers started fucking her at the same rhythm, forgetting all about keeping it slow and calm.

  Amy forgot to breathe every now and then, her mouth and throat filled with Price’s cock. She wanted to make him shudder and shake as badly as he was doing to her. As her tongue snaked over his cock, she seemed to be accomplishing just that.

  Price was growling, gripping the table as well as he ground into her. At the same time Prowler was filling her pussy up so deliciously. When he sunk in completely, at the same time that Price gave her all his cock, Amy felt completely and inexplicably filled. Like she couldn’t take any more even if she wanted to.

  It was amazing.

  In unison, the twins pulled back and then thrust again, adopting the exact same rhythm. It was beautiful torture, being pounded like that. She was being kept between two extremes – completely filled by their cocks and then left completely empty. The heat built in her quickly and solidly and when Prowler put a thumb over her clit and started letting her grind against it at her own pace, Amy saw stars.

  She didn’t fight the orgasm. Her screams of delight were muffled by Price’s cock but her fingers clung to the wooden table so hard that she thought she’d take pieces out of it in her pleasured writhing.

  “Holy hell,” Prowler ground out, her pussy milking him demandingly.

  When Amy was sure that Prowler couldn’t take it any longer and would join her in the orgasm, he pulled out suddenly. At the same time, Price and Prowler left her without their cocks once more and a long wail parted from between her lips, having been muffled before.

  “Shh, baby,” Price murmured, strong hands turning her around on the table and hiking her back slightly so her legs touched the ground.

  She was shaking all over, the aftershocks of the orgasm still moving through her. Price moved behind her, taking her by the hips, and Prowler stepped in front of her. She didn’t need to think about it. One look up at Prowler told her that what he wanted was exactly what she wanted.

  More of him. And more of Price. More of both of them.

  Amy took his cock in her mouth, her brows furrowing slightly in surprise, tasting herself on his cock. It tasted damn good and she wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  Price spread her legs slightly and then pounded into her in one smooth, devilish movement. It hurt and she loved it. The world seemed to fall away as she was filled once more, her legs completely useless as they dangled over the side of the table.

  Price’s hands were on her hips, digging into the flesh, and Prowler had gathered up her honey-caramel hair in his fist as he fucked her mouth. She kept looking up at him, loving the way his face contorted with each thrust. They might have been unbeatable warriors out on a mission but here, she knew she had all the power.

  Clenching her muscles, she heard Price ground out a growl, his grip on her tightening at the same time. She was going to give them everything they were giving her and she wouldn’t take any argument.

  Amy tightened her lips around Prowler’s cock and blew him with double the enthusiasm, loving the way he spasmed when she touched him. She could feel the excitement brimming in them, barely held control starting to fray at the edges. When she swirled her tongue over the tip of Prowler’s cock in quick, concentric circles, she knew he was going to be done.

  Price crumbled into his orgasm. Thick jets of cum burst into her and when she thought Prowler would fill up her mouth, he pulled away again. As soon as Price was done, Prowler plowed into her again. At the same time, Price reached under her, swirling his fingertips across her wet slit and clit.

  “Oh my god!” Amy whimpered, hiking herself up slightly on her hands and looking back.

  The wolf twins were both working to make her give into her orgasm again and she couldn’t fight it. Not when they were being that insistent about it. With Prowler pounding into her and Price, breathless and sated as he was, flicking her clit, Amy gave into it once more with unabashed screams.

  She absently felt the moment that Prowler cummed into her, filling her up once more as she could only see stars and count the intense shudders wracking her body. Amy touched her forehead to the table as she shook with pleasure, experiencing the most intense kind of release she’d ever felt.

  When it was all done, she thought she’d never be able to walk again. There was just no way that her legs could carry her a

  Amy found herself being scooped up by strong arms and cradled against a wide chest. When she opened her eyes, she was staring up into the pale greens of Price, who had taken a seat on one of the chairs that they’d previously overturned in their rush to undress one another. Prowler had sat down next to him and gathered Amy’s legs in his lap.

  She was nestled away safely in the arms of the two werewolves. The thought of never leaving came up far too easily.

  “So, I didn’t exactly see this night ending up here,” Amy said with a slight blush and a smile.

  “Really?” Prowler queried with a smile. “Because this is exactly what we were hoping for.”

  “Bastards,” Amy scoffed, no malice in her tone.

  She’d thoroughly enjoyed it. Though she made it her business to not really mingle with people she worked with, there was no harm done in this case, right? It wasn’t like she was going to see them that much…

  Though heaven knows I would like to…

  That thought was suddenly rather sobering. It had been just sex, or so she’d thought when it had all begun. In all actuality, it had been the most powerful sexual experience of her life and she couldn’t help but want more of it. As much as she could get, actually.

  And it was not only that. These men made her feel… whole somehow. Like she had been missing two large pieces of herself without even knowing, and being together with them completed the puzzle. It was uncanny, the feeling they gave her.

  Amy nuzzled into Price’s neck, letting the confusing thoughts fall to the wayside. She’d have plenty of time to overanalyze everything later. For now, it made far more sense to simply enjoy the moment.

  “So, are we going again?” Prowler asked, running a hand up and down her legs.

  Amy looked up, quirking a brow at him incredulously.

  “You can’t possibly be ready to-“

  The smirking faces that met her at that were answer enough.

  Of course they are.

  “Who am I to argue with elite soldiers?” Amy said mockingly, her bravado quickly redirected when Price stole a kiss from her.

  Who was she to know that a stolen night with two hot werewolf twins was going to get her into a lot more trouble than she bargained for? As usual, things could only get worse at The Firm…



  Two months later…

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” Price asked, cocking a brow at the white behemoth of a cruise ship he and the rest of Shifter Squad Nine was staring up at.

  “I wish I were,” Dice commented, absently rubbing at the spot on his thigh that still gave him grief, apparently.

  “What, not in for a little tropical fun?” Prowler questioned with a wide grin, earning a couple of derisive scoffs from the rest of the squad.

  For once, the six men of Shifter Squad Nine didn’t seem to stand out like sore thumbs. They were all dressed in casual attire, not a stitch of combat gear on them. Dice had even told them to take off their dog tags, which usually meant that they were going either under cover or they were heading in for a mission that they might not return from. Price’s bet was on the former, at the moment.

  If this even is a mission.

  Whatever kind of a cruise this was, at least half the guys around them seemed to be built large as well, though the vast majority of them were on the fatter side, rather than strong. Price could smell shifters.

  In fact, the air was thick with them. The stench was almost overwhelming, though a regular human would never be able to tell. For another shifter, being around shifters of any kind came with an olfactory assault and in this case, there seemed to be more shifters in the area than there were humans, or at least it had to be split pretty strictly down the middle.

  “What kind of a cruise is this anyway?” Price asked, looking around himself with narrowed eyes.

  He met the seductive smile of a hot blonde passing by, and found himself barely meeting it.

  She has nothing on Amy.

  The thought popped into his head suddenly and Price almost cringed at it. Though he hadn’t seen the squad lead of Shadow Two since their impromptu tryst in the mess hall back in Montana, there hadn’t been a day when she hadn’t been in his thoughts. The reason for that was clear enough, but it appeared that both of the Renard twins were adamant about ignoring the truth in front of their faces.

  “I think the less you know the better,” Dice said with a roll of his eyes, picking up his suitcase.

  Price didn’t have to think too hard to know that it was stocked full of assault gear just like his own luggage.

  “Slicey has spoken,” Prowler said good-naturedly, grabbing the handle of his big red suitcase as well and starting off towards the ramp.

  Price shook his head mildly, following in the wake of his younger twin. The more he looked around, the weirder things looked. It was a rarity for the tall, strong, obviously buff Shifter Squad Nine guys to blend into any crowd, but they were doing it with relative ease this time. Most of the patrons seemed to be grouped up, either flocks of giggling women or high-fiving bros joshing with one another.

  It was halfway up the ramp, the sight of the large harbor in Miami opening up to Price, that realization hit. He swiveled around on his heel, almost knocking a guy that was passing him by into the ropes. The man gave him a look and a low snarl, which Price didn’t bother to meet.

  Wolf, he mentally noted.

  “Dice, you have to be fucking with me,” Price said sternly, his voice low.

  Dice simply quirked a brow and motioned for him to turn around. Price met the gaze of Thor, who was smirking slightly. Rio and Ryker were taking up the rear and Ryker was smoking one of his cigars, looking positively amused.

  “So you’re telling me everyone knew aside from us?” Price demanded as Dice poked him to keep moving. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Can’t believe what?” Prowler asked as they made it up onto the main deck, girls with colorful leis meeting them as soon as they stepped onto the polished wood and draping one around each of their necks.

  “This is a fucking singles cruise,” Price growled, feeling his wolf stir with annoyance. “They’ve brought us to a goddamn shifter meat market.”

  The guffaws of laughter from the rest of the squad made Price bristle. Rio clapped a hand on his shoulder, maneuvering him to keep moving so they wouldn’t block the entrance.

  “Hey, it’s not so bad, man. I mean, at least it could definitely be worse. The scenery isn’t so bad.”

  With that, Rio swept his hand across the deck, slowing down each time a hot cruise bunny came into view. The deck was full of attractive women, some of them giving the Shifter Squad Nine guys long looks and coquettish smiles. The fact that Price felt nothing but disinterest and the makings of rage would have worried him at any other time, but right now, he had bigger problems.

  Like being really pissed at his squad.

  “Is this some kind of a joke?” he demanded, looking to Dice and then to Prowler. “Did you know?”

  “Me? No,” Prowler said, raising one hand in a defensive way.

  “So what the hell is this?” Price demanded.

  For some reason, the thought of being stuck on a singles cruise was the worst possible thing that he could imagine. He didn’t know why, but that was the feeling that rose up in his throat, along with a taste of bile. Immediately, visions of Amy’s sweet face danced into his mind’s eye and he felt his insides twisting with guilt at the mere thought of enjoying himself on something like this.

  “Relax,” Dice said finally, shaking his head with a sigh. “We’re here on a mission. If you’d stop being a sensationalist drama queen, then maybe we could get to our rooms and I could fill you all in, huh?”

  Price let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. The stress swept from his body and he nodded quietly, though the sense of uneasiness was still there. He couldn’t put his finger on it but for some reason, he felt antsy, on edge.

/>   Dice looked at their room cards and then led them deeper into the large cruise ship, while the first horn sounded, notifying that the ship was leaving soon. It was named The Pearl Princess. The name was as ridiculous as Price’s current take on this whole nonsense.

  Price kept looking around himself as they moved through the ship, passing by the main party decks – not that every deck wasn’t a party deck on a shifter singles cruise, of course. For some reason, he felt like he was looking for someone, and he wasn’t sure who or why. It was just a feeling he got in the back of his head.

  You’re being paranoid, he told himself, tensing his jaw as he followed after Thor and stepped out of the sunshine and deeper into the ship.

  Just as the door closed behind him, Price having pulled on the handle to shut it, he thought he caught sight of someone who had been haunting his thoughts for the last two months. Price waivered for a moment, his hand still on the door handle as a hot flash ran through him.

  “You comin’?” Thor asked, the rest of the squad having reached the end of the mahogany hallway.

  “Yeah,” Price said, frowning to himself.

  Get a grip.

  He’d been feeling a little off since Montana, really. So far, it hadn’t been a problem – while Dice’s wound had gotten better fast enough, Rio had been out of commission for the past two months. He was only allowed out of the hospital about two weeks ago and then he’d spent time with his family.

  All that had meant that Shifter Squad Nine had had a lot of downtime. Usually, that would have meant drinking and tearing up the town for the Renard twins, but instead, both Price and Prowler had mostly retreated into their own private bubbles and kept out of trouble. There had been drinking, sure, but it was done mostly in the safety of their own apartments, far away from any faces they could smash and any problems they could stir.

  Now, back on the job, Price had to wonder if his head was screwed on as tight as it should be. It sure didn’t feel like it used to, when going on a mission had filled him with almost childish glee about the kind of destruction he could orchestrate.


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