Ecstasy Unveiled

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Ecstasy Unveiled Page 34

by Larissa Ione

  That was a joke and a half. “I kill, brother. That’s where my talents lie.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way,” he said, in a voice that dripped with moral superiority and judgment.

  “You don’t know anything about me or my situation,” she snapped. “So don’t you dare tell me what doesn’t have to be.”

  Though his expression didn’t give anything away, he tapped his fingers wildly on his desktop. “You’re overreacting a little—”

  “Overreacting? Bite me, asshole. The next time you start a plague that threatens to take out an entire species, you see how you react.” She slammed her palms on his desk. He didn’t even flinch, just kept up that maddening calm. “All I know how to do is fuck and kill, and now I’ve diseased not just one warg, but possibly an entire population. So tell me how I’m supposed to react.”

  “Is this true?” The deep, booming voice had both Sin and Eidolon wrenching their heads around to the doorway, where Conall and another, older male stood.

  Neither looked happy.

  Eidolon glanced at his watch. “Valko. You’re early.”

  The red-haired male snarled and stalked into the office, his glare murderous, and Sin had a sinking feeling that he was a warg. “Is this true?” He jabbed a finger at her. “Is she the cause of the disease that is wiping out our people?”

  Eidolon turned to her. “Sin, why don’t you come back later?” It wasn’t a request.

  Swallowing dryly, she nodded, but when she tried to leave, the warg blocked her. “I don’t think so.”

  Eidolon exploded out of his chair, eyes gold, teeth bared. So her brother wasn’t always the cool, collected guy he probably liked to think he was. Good to know.

  “Let her go. Now.” His voice was a lethal drawl, and in that moment, she knew she’d seriously underestimated Eidolon. He was as dangerous as any of her brothers—maybe the most dangerous, because with him, you didn’t see the ax until it was at your throat.

  There was a torturous silence, which struck Sin as odd, because the tension crackling in the air should have made noise. Eventually… like, when her lungs were about to explode from her held breath, the warg stepped aside. Unfortunately, that meant she had to face Conall now. He’d remained in the hallway, and as she scooted past him, he grabbed her elbow.

  Eidolon’s growl followed, but she raised her hand to cut him off. “It’s okay,” she said, but she knew he was going to keep an eye on things.

  Conall’s eyes flashed silver daggers. “What have you done?”

  “Didn’t you hear? I’ve started a plague that looks like it’ll wipe out the whole sorry lot of you.”


  He made it sound as if she’d done it on purpose. Fine. She could play his game. “For fun. Why else?”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked, and she could hear the scrape of enamel on enamel. All that grinding was probably terrible for his fangs. “Did you infect me?”

  “You’re very indignant for a guy who bet five hundred bucks that he could get in my pants.”

  He seized her by the shoulders and shook her. “Answer me!”

  She smiled sweetly. “If I had, you’d already be dead. And if you don’t remove your hands, that’s exactly what will happen.”

  His expression darkened even more, and she resisted the urge to shiver as he leaned in so his fangs scratched an earlobe. “Pray no one I know dies.”

  “I would be careful about threatening me,” she said, jerking out of his grip.

  “Why? Because your brothers will come after me?”

  “No. Because I will.”

  With that, she stalked off, head high, but inside, her stomach was churning. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d just made an enemy out of the wrong man.

  Conall watched Sin walk away, his gut roiling with a mix of emotions. Anger, lust, disappointment. He’d wanted her—hell, he still did—but she was clearly much more than a female who had fascinated him with her confidence and humor.

  She was a cold-blooded killer.

  He waited until she’d taken a corner and disappeared before entering E’s office, where the doctor was still standing, his body coiled as though he’d been ready to tear Conall’s head off. It took a full thirty seconds for Eidolon to turn his attention back to Valko, who was practically boiling with rage.

  “I want that female’s head,” he snapped, and Conall winced, because clearly, the senior Warg Council member had no idea Sin was Eidolon’s sister.

  “Touch her,” Eidolon said in a disturbingly reasonable voice, “and I’ll make sure you’re dead by the next morning.”

  Conall brought his hand down on Valko’s shoulder. “Check up. We’ll deal with her later.” He gave his fellow Council member a squeeze, a silent message that right now, antagonizing Eidolon was not a bright idea.

  Valko tensed, but the male wasn’t stupid, and he inclined his head in a brief nod. “I want to know what you plan to do about this plague.”

  Dammit. Conall had warned the warg to not treat Eidolon as if the doctor was his servant, but there he went, and the demon’s eyes glazed over with ice.

  “I’m doing all I can—”

  “It’s not enough,” Valko barked. “Wargs are dying. The disease has spread to three continents and fifteen countries—”

  “Maybe you could do better?” Eidolon suggested. “No doubt your medical training is superior to mine.”

  Conall would have laughed if the situation hadn’t been so dire.

  Valko tensed even more, becoming a steel rod. “Apologies,” he gritted out. “But I’m sure you can understand my concern.”

  “Of course I can.” Eidolon took a seat. “But there’s only so much I can do. The disease spreads so fast that putting out a call for quarantine hasn’t been effective, and I haven’t had any luck isolating mode of transmission. Direct contact seems to be a definite, but I don’t know if the pathogen is also airborne or transmitted by indirect contact. And as far as I can tell, no one who has come into contact with the infected victims has been immune.”

  “Except me,” Conall said.

  “Yes, but likely it’s your vampire blood that’s allowing for immunity. We’re experimenting with the possibility of using your natural antibodies to work up an immunization, but even if that’s possible, it could take years to come up with something usable in pure wargs.”

  Conall cursed. This thing was moving so fast that he didn’t think his species had years. “What can we do to help?”

  Eidolon blew out a breath. “Spread the word about this. I suggest that packs stay isolated for now. Keep away from other wargs. And if you hear about anyone not contracting the disease after contact with an infected warg, I need to know about it. Immediately.”

  “You got it.”

  Valko wanted to say something about Sin; Conall knew it. But in an uncharacteristic display of restraint, he thanked Eidolon and strode out of the office. When Conall followed, the doctor cleared his throat.

  “Hold up, dhampire.”

  Shit. Conall swung back around. “What’s up?”

  “What’s going on between you and my sister?”

  I fucked her, and man, it was good. “Nothing.”

  Doubt put lines around Eidolon’s eyes, but he nodded. “Keep it that way.”

  Conall didn’t say anything. He merely joined Valko in the hall. They walked in silence to the Harrowgate, and once the gate closed on them, Valko punched the symbols that would get them to Warg Council headquarters in Moscow.

  When they stepped out, Valko took Conall by the arm. “I want to know everything there is to know about that female who brought this down on us. Whether Eidolon finds a cure or not, she will pay for what she’s done. And I want you to see to it.”

  As soon as Conall and Valko were gone, Eidolon propped his elbows on his desk and buried his face in his hands. This had gotten out of control and beyond his ability to handle by himself.

  Unfortunately, pretty much every demon doctor
he knew of worked at UGH, and those who didn’t were surgeons or general practitioners. He needed infectious-disease specialists working on this problem.

  And, actually, they were. He’d been watching the news, keeping up on the latest medical alerts, and the disease had caught the attention of human doctors.

  Anatomically, wargs were no different than humans, and physicians wouldn’t pick up on the fact that the people they were treating turned into bloodthirsty beasts three nights out of the month. So yes, they were seeing a few cases of this mysterious new disease, but they would never in a million years figure out what connected them.

  Still, anything they learned in their research would help Eidolon.

  Just not quickly enough.

  As much as he hated to do it, it was time to call in the troops.

  He picked up the phone and dialed Kynan. “Hey, man, it’s E. I need you to get me in touch with your Army buddy, Arik.” Arik was also Runa’s brother, but Eidolon didn’t want to bother her right now, and besides, Kynan had worked with the guy for years and knew more about the military’s secret paranormal unit than anyone.

  Eidolon could hear Kynan suck air. “Jesus… E, I don’t think getting involved with the R-XR would be a good idea.”

  Eidolon didn’t either. “I don’t have a choice. This were-wolf disease has to be stopped, but I don’t have the resources to do that.”

  “And you’re hoping the Army will help?”

  “They do operate USAMRIID, and you can’t tell me that the R-XR doesn’t have contacts within the organization. You know damned good and well that half the para-normal unit’s function is to find underworld substances and biological elements to use in warfare. They’d definitely be working with someone inside the Army’s Institute of Infectious Disease.”

  Kynan’s curse blistered the airwaves. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll contact Arik.”

  Eidolon hung up, wondering if he’d done the right thing. He had no doubt that the military could help. He just hoped the price would be something he could pay.


  “Beat you there.” Idess darted out of the Harrowgate and raced toward her house. Lore’s curse followed her, accompanied by heavy footsteps that were closing the distance between them.

  “Idess.” His shout held a predatory, ominous warning. “When I catch you, I’m taking you where we land.”

  And that was supposed to be a threat? “When? If,” she called out.

  Laughing, she picked up the pace, dodging tree branches and leaping over tree roots that wove veins into the worn path to her villa. She risked a glance over her shoulder and screamed in delight. He was nearly upon her. Intense hunger burned in his dark eyes, and she suddenly felt what it must be like to be a rabbit running from a wolf.

  Somehow she scrounged up one last burst of speed, enough to make it to her front door. He caught her there, pinning her against the wood with his big body. At some point he’d lost the glove he still wore, even though she regularly drained his death power to give him temporary bits of freedom.

  One hand cupped her breast and the other gripped her hip and her entire body hummed with anticipation.

  “I warned you.” His voice was breathless from the run and with need, the latter of which she could sense all the way to her soul.

  She lifted her leg to put her aching sex in contact with his erection, and he hissed in a breath. “Right here against the door?”

  “Yes.” His sizzling gaze challenged her as his fingers found her jeans buttons. But she wasn’t going to stop him. In fact, she nearly wept with relief at the soft yet urgent rasp of his knuckles brushing her skin as he tore open her fly. “You should wear skirts.”

  “With no panties?”

  A wicked smile tipped up his mouth, robbing her of her ability to speak. “With panties. That way I can rip them off with my teeth.”

  The words, the images, were dizzying.

  “And if I’m in too much of a hurry to take them off,” he said, as he drove his hand down the front of her pants, “I can move them aside.” Which he proved by tugging the silk to the side and pushing two fingers into her core.

  She cried out at the wonderful invasion. “Lore…”

  He braced his forearm against the door next to her head and leaned in as his fingers began a slow glide in and out. She expected him to kiss her, but instead he watched her, his breaths labored, his eyes half-lidded. Under his admiring gaze she felt like a beautiful treasure.

  “I’ll never get tired of looking at you,” he whispered. “I want to watch you come every day. Ten times a day. A hundred.”

  “You say the most wonderful things,” she panted. “You are never getting rid of me now.” It had been a week since they’d left the assassin den forever, and she had said the same thing every day since.

  “Good.” He made a sinful twist with his fingers, and she arched into his hand, hanging right on the edge. “Damn, Idess. You’re drenched, so wet, and all for me.”

  “For you,” she agreed.

  “Mine,” he growled.


  His fingers raked a sensitive spot deep inside that ignited her, sent flame racing through her until even her breath burned in her throat. Every pulse of her climax sang with pure, rich notes as her body churned to life.

  Lore brought her down with light, gentle strokes over her center, never once taking his eyes off her. Before he’d come along, she hadn’t believed that being watched during such a private, intimate moment would be so sexy, but the way his gaze grew hotter, his expression more intense, and his body harder… yes, this was something she enjoyed and wanted to repeat often. Her mind started flipping through future scenarios, more things she could do while he watched, and the fire sparked again.

  “Inside,” he rasped. “Now.”

  “What happened to against the door?” she said saucily.

  “I want you so bad I’ll break it.” He nipped her throat before turning her around and giving her a playful slap on the bottom. “Bed. I need your bed.”

  She opened the door and paused at the threshold. “Our bed now.”

  Stark masculine pride and possession took over his expression. She shivered with appreciation as he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. With a gentleness she didn’t expect, he placed her on the bed they’d both been chained to. Still were, in a way, and she wouldn’t change a thing.

  She trailed one finger along the whorls of his dermoire, and he marveled at the blessed sensation, didn’t know if he’d ever get used to feeling something he’d stopped praying for decades ago. “You said once that you weren’t always a killer. That you were more than that. You were right.”

  “At the time I said it, I was lying.”

  “And now that you aren’t an assassin? Do you still think it’s a lie?”

  “No,” he said, as he trailed kisses along her shoulder. “I’m a man with a future and a family. Because of you. My old life is over, and I can’t thank you enough for that.”

  She grinned. “I feel the exact same way.” Her hand drifted to his waist, and then lower, until he was gasping in pleasure. “For us, the end is just the beginning.”

  “Larissa Ione has gone straight to the top with this series.”


  Please turn this page

  for a preview of

  the next thrilling romance in

  Larissa Ione’s Demonica Series

  Sin Undone

  Available in mass market in September 2010


  Sin had been summoned.

  Here she was, the freaking head of an assassin den, master of over two dozen highly skilled killers, and she’d been summoned like some lowlife imp to an audience with her brother. The great demon doctor.

  She’d already given him her blood, her DNA, her pee, her spinal fluid… whatever samples the doctor wanted for his research, she’d handed over. Sin was, after all, responsible for the disease that was wiping out the w
erewolf race.

  What a claim to fame.

  Sin muttered to herself as she traversed the dark hallways of Underworld General on the way to Eidolon’s office. Wraith, the only one of her four brothers with blond hair and blue eyes, stood in the doorway as though he’d been waiting for her.

  “Well, if it isn’t Typhoid Mary.”

  She shot him the bird and pushed past him to enter the office, missing a step when she saw not only Eidolon, MD, but Conall, SOB.

  Great. When she’d last seen the vampire-werewolf last month, they’d parted on shitty terms. Granted, she’d led him to believe she’d intentionally started the plague that was killing his people, but if he hadn’t been such an ass, she might have told him the truth.

  Not that the truth was much better.

  “Sin.” Eidolon remained at his desk, his dark eyes bloodshot and framed by dark circles. “Sit.”

  The command ruffled her feathers, but she hooked a chair with her foot, yanked it as far from Conall as possible, and planted her ass. “What now? I don’t have any blood left, and if you think you’re getting a stool sample, you can—”

  “I don’t need a stool sample,” Eidolon interrupted. “I need your help.”

  She felt Con’s silver eyes drilling into her, and to her annoyance, her body flushed with warmth as though remembering another drilling he’d done to her. That was so not happening again. She’d die before letting him so much as touch her. “What kind of help?”

  “Thanks to Harrowgates and the ability to travel instantaneously, the virus has made its way to every continent except Antarctica. The death toll is climbing. The disease has a 100 percent mortality rate, a practically nonexistent incubation period, and no victim has lived longer than seventy-two hours after infection. Basically, by the time a patient arrives, we don’t have a lot of time for treatment.”

  Jesus. It was worse than she’d thought. “Haven’t you made any progress at all?”


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