Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1)

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Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1) Page 14

by Jordan Cramm

  “Remember my dad smoking these on the ship not long ago? I remember he used to stand near the bulkhead, looking out into the mists and watching the horizon ahead.”

  “I am sure he would be proud of you. Surely he has forgiven you for whatever happened in Akartha.” Ayvock said reassuringly.

  Wolflen cleared his throat.

  “Yeah well, can we talk about something else now?” he asked.

  Ayvock took a puff from his cigar and leaned back in his tub again. Sweet smoke filled the air as he let out a deep breath and smiled.

  “Sure brother, how about that Ravenshade we ran into? She was...intoxicating wasn't she?”

  Wolflen couldn't believe his ears. Is he serious, or just affected by the cigar?

  “I don't know,” Wolflen answered sarcastically, “her threatening my life somewhat took the attraction out of it for me, but hey that's just me.”

  Ayvock snickered.

  “I know, she's one of the bad guys. I get that. Sexy though.”

  Wolflen held his cigar free from his mouth a moment and leaned back further in the tub, sliding downward more before answering.

  “Sexy? No, Katrina is sexy. Ravenshade is...well dangerous. Besides, do you now find completely robed women sexy? I could see nothing but her eyes, and while mysterious they may have been, I like my sexy to not try and kill me...as a general rule.”

  Ayvock snickered again.

  “Yeah well you only say that because she wasn't rubbing against you. So for the record, anytime you want to fight her, you just let me know. I will be happy to sneak up on her from behind again.”

  Wolflen laughed and puffed his cigar once more.

  “You know, all this time in the wild,” he began, “and still here we are, settled into a room indoors, drinking fine red wine, smoking these cigars and carrying on like nothing is out of the ordinary. But I wonder about the future Ayvock. We are barely men, and here we are relaxing during a time when we should probably be on guard as our enemies align against us—enemies we can't yet identify or even yet battle, but aligning enemies regardless. And I ask myself how it is we can relax now with that going on. This whole being a War Mage thing is quite a bit to take in. And what a strange twist. I mean you were supposed to be the fighter—the Knight I mean. And here I am being the one given the books of the War Magic. But you were to be the fighter.”

  Ayvock took a drink of his wine and thought about what Wolflen was saying.

  “Yes well,” he remarked, “I think that both of us took paths that have not gone the direction we once thought we would choose to go. Even in the past few days I have been thinking more and more about what trade school I might choose if I did have the time needed to commit to one.”

  Wolflen exhaled a cloud of smoke and responded slowly.

  “You could have stayed in Akartha if you wanted to. I am glad you came, but you could have stayed.”

  Ayvock smiled sheepishly, pondering what his life might have been like if he had stayed in Akartha.

  “Had I stayed, you would be alone on this quest apart from Katrina. And while you two may have something going, I feel better knowing that you go to Elven lands with another Izenian.”

  Wolflen smiled.

  “Me too Ayvock...me too.”

  There was a long pause where neither of them said a word, but simply let their thoughts fill their mind as they soaked in their tubs. At last, Ayvock broke the silence.

  “The tubs are actually quite nice you know.”

  “Yes they are,” Wolflen remarked, “and these baths are long overdue. When we get somewhere civilized again I suspect we will be just as grateful for the luxuries as we are now. And I thought tomorrow we would start asking around about this Ravenshade we encountered.”

  Ayvock smiled.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”

  “I mean to gather information on our enemy, not to pay a social visit.” Wolflen remarked.

  Ayvock just laughed and took another drink of wine.

  “Ravenshade though huh?” Wolflen asked, “Really?”

  Ayvock's laughter resounded throughout their tub rooms and the main bathroom.

  “Perhaps I should have burned you when lighting your cigar after all.”

  Ayvock smiled and nodded.

  “Perhaps…but it still would have been worth it.”

  Chapter 10: Through The Jungle

  The next day was spent leisurely among the Elva Homesteads. Wolflen, Ayvock and Katrina all asked around about one called Ravenshade, but no one that they spoke with seemed to have answers. Yet they were still hopeful. In their inquiries, they were directed to the resident Free Mage of the Elva Homesteads, and her name was Mel, a known healer in the area, but a stranger to Wolflen and his party. Mel had a home just outside of town, which was really more like a hut. Wolflen and Katrina went together to see her while Ayvock took the time to ride Colt just outside of town and practice his riding skills which were still less than exceptional.

  Wolflen wore his usual and favorite green robe over brown leggings and a brown undershirt. Katrina was adorned in her shimmering top and leggings with emerald colored markings throughout. Wolflen guessed them to be things written in the Elven language, but he didn't ask about it. Instead, he walked beside her and stood quietly after knocking on the hut door. Standing on the wooden porch, Katrina looked at him and then back at the door before it opened. Wolflen took a deep breath. This would be the second time he would face a Free Mage since the discovery of his calling, and he wasn’t sure that this encounter would be any better than the last. After all, the last had started him on a pathway out of Akartha and into the wild toward Elven lands. He swallowed hard as the door opened.

  Mel was beautiful. She had long brown curls, and her features were soft and inviting. Her smile was warm, and her eyes were brown. Wolflen breathed out a sigh when she opened the door and stood before them.

  “You both must be the travelers that the others have told me about. Please, come in and take some tea.”

  Katrina smiled when she heard about the offer for tea. In Elven customs, tea was important, and she was pleased to see a Human woman honoring the custom, whether she was aware of doing so or not. Wolflen led the way into the hut's main large room, and Katrina followed. He introduced himself and Katrina before being given the opportunity to sit in one of the chairs at the main table against one of the sidewalls of the hut. He thanked Mel and sat at once.

  As he looked around, observing the surroundings, he saw many different strange things. Some were vials or potion bottles. Others were jars with various plants in them, books, some utensils, and a few rucksacks...nothing that looked to be of any extreme value anywhere. And yet, by what Wolflen had learned in town, Mel was like the glue that held the town together. It was Mel that made plumbing possible in the Elva Homesteads. It was she that kept them safe from harsh weather when it came. It was she that could help with crop growth or game for hunting. Yet in looking around, she did not seem to be decorated with fame or fortune. Even her own attire was merely a simplistic brown tunic pullover that covered her from head to foot.

  She served them hot tea next. It was flavored mildly with jasmine and Katrina sipped it quietly a moment. She smiled and looked down at her wooden cup that was simple, and yet the tea really hit the spot. She had been thirsty anyway, and it was nice to see someone offer tea upon her welcome. She hadn't expected such manners from a Human, but it was nice just the same.

  “So Wolflen,” she said softly, “I hear tell that you are seeking one that is called Ravenshade—to know more about this person. I have heard it said that you seek to know this information because this person appeared to you in the wild on your trek to Elven lands. But may I ask first, what takes you to Elven lands in the first place?”

  Mel's expression was still warm and inviting. No hint of guile in her eyes at all. And Wolflen saw no reason why he could not answer truthfully.

  “I am...I think, a War Mage, and since War Mages have onl
y ever been Elven before, I go to seek information about what it means to be a War Mage.”

  He half expected Mel to laugh. She didn't however. She smiled softly, but not as someone who was amused at what she was hearing. Simply as one who was cheerful always Wolflen guessed.

  “I appreciate your honesty traveler. We do not get several travelers who stop in our settlement, but we do get a few from time to time. Some are not trustworthy, but I do appreciate your honesty. It is as I have come to foresee. And Lord Darkmoon, I am honored.”

  Mel bowed slightly as she stepped toward the table and took a seat herself.

  “Wait,” Katrina chimed in, “you foresaw him?”

  “Do not be offended Katrina Trueshot of Orenty, Princess of the Elven people,” Mel returned cheerily, “I have strong magic with the healing and divination arts. I saw the both of you as you were on the road—both past and future. I also looked into the nature of this Ravenshade you seek to know about by using some divination techniques. Ravenshade is a Night Elf, and a Shadow Knight. Be warned, she is a stealthy one, and well versed in her art. Do not underestimate her capabilities.”

  “But who is she working for?” Wolflen asked curiously.

  “She said she was acting as a mercenary more or less right now. Can you tell us who hired her?” he asked.

  Mel leaned back in her chair and pursed her chin a moment.

  “I believe you that you are a War Mage Wolflen. I also know that there are those who would stop you if they can, before you are able to undo evil plans. There are several people who could be your enemies now; Ravenshade is strong enough to be one of them on her own. But if she was hired by another, then it can only be one—Mortican.”

  “We Elves know that name...” Katrina began, “he is very old, very powerful, and very dark. He was the last opposition when the evil Gods and people were long ago banished to the Nexulous moon. But Mortican escaped. Since then we have heard rumors and whispers of his evil, but no expedition to find, capture, or kill him has ever succeeded.”

  “Yes,” Mel responded, “but no expedition to find and kill him has ever been led by an IZENIAN War Mage either.”

  Wolflen shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  “Wait a minute,” he said desperately, “you are saying I am supposed to what—FIGHT Mortican??? Elves are not the only one who knows his name. I am just a young pup and I know his name. And if you both know more about him than me, and you claim him to be powerful, dark and evil, then why would I want to go anywhere near him?”

  “You are a War Mage,” Katrina pointed out matter-of-factly, “it is your destiny to fight evil. That, or to become evil.”

  “Thanks,” Wolflen said sarcastically.

  “You will face Mortican one day if you stay on the path of a War Mage. And you will again have to face Ravenshade as well. She is hunting you. You say you are a young pup—well I would advise learning your skills young then. Your enemies may not wait for you to grow old before attacking again.”

  “Well thank you for the information and for the tea,” Wolflen said as he stood, “we will be cautious in our venture to Elven lands.”

  “Were I not bound to my duties here,” Mel said softly, “I would join you in your quest. Might I offer some advice though?”

  Wolflen blinked and looked at her. He told her he welcomed any advice she might have to offer.

  “Firstly, find yourself a trainer and learn to use a sword. Trust me; down the road you will need the skill. And secondly, when things get the darkest, do not panic. Panic is fear, and that is a weapon of the enemy. Have faith in those times. You never know where help may come from in dark times. The sign of an Izenian War Mage should be proof of that.”

  Later that same day, Wolflen and Katrina were preparing Sespa's packs when Ayvock came riding toward them in town atop his horse Colt.

  “You are getting better with that.” Katrina noticed as she saw Ayvock approach.

  Ayvock thanked her and then asked what he had missed while he was out riding. Wolflen quickly brought him up to speed on the day's events. Ayvock took it all rather well considering.

  “So,” he said, “we are packing to get on the road then I take it?”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “I packed your stuff up as well Ayvock. We will be riding hard and fast—do you think you and Colt can keep up?”

  Ayvock dismounted perfectly and looked around smugly. He only hoped Wolflen and Katrina noticed that his dismount was flawless.

  “Well,” Ayvock said as he stepped closer, “horses are not as fast as Dire Wolves, but if you asking if I can handle Colt at high speeds, I'd like to think so, but ultimately, time will tell.”

  Katrina closed the pouch she was packing and then made sure everything on her side of Sespa was properly stowed. The sun was high in the air now, and the temperature outside was getting warm.

  “New Velkin,” she said firmly, “is another possible stop. But given that we now know about Ravenshade, and given that we are as supplied as we are going to get with only a Dire Wolf and a war horse, I see no reason why we need to stop. What food we eat will be hunted or foraged. The Plains of Corinth will present the difficult part, because in certain areas, the terrain is very dry. We will push hard though, and once we reach the Gleaming Jungle, food will become more plentiful. And once we reach Peludeen, things will become much easier for us after that.”

  Wolflen nodded as he listened. After all, she made a good guide so far. And she is so beautiful. Why do I admire her so? Truly a Princess of Orenty would never...I mean with an Izenian...but I AM a War Mage. That's different. That has to count for something. Let's do this. On toward Peludeen. That's Elven ground. But it is not Orenty. Everyone knows that Orenty is the Elven CONTINENT. Peludeen is just a city on my continent. Is there a difference?

  “Did you hear what I just said Wolflen?” Katrina asked as she stared at him a moment.

  “Right,” he remarked, realizing she was waiting for him to respond, “skip New Velkin and on toward Peludeen. Got it.”

  Katrina looked back at him, not sure she should comment, but glad to know that he had been listening. But the look he gave her had suggested that maybe he had been lost in his own thoughts and not listening to her at all.

  “Okay then,” she continued, “let's run it hard for the next few days. Any qualms about that either of you?”

  Neither of them said anything.

  “Okay good.”


  The following days had not gone entirely as planned. They changed their plan in route, so that they might stop in New Velkin, but only for a meal during mid-day time. Once they had eaten, they were traveling again, and now upon the open plains. They camped in the open at night, as they had for many days prior, and the routine was becoming almost predictable. Usually, Katrina wound up in Wolflen's arms next to the fire for the night. Ayvock however, looked on silently, with his mind longing for a companion of his own. And oddly enough, his mind began to think of Ravenshade. He could of course picture some Izenian women, but there were none that he was fond of. Ravenshade however had been attractive, and had tantalized him with her body. He knew she was evil. Regrettably he knew. Still, he knew it couldn't hurt to fantasize about her.

  The nights began to get oddly common in that way. During the day they would find food, and at night they would eat a large meal. The next day, their breakfast and mid-day meals usually consisted of cold leftovers from the day before; that is when they were lucky enough to have caught a nice big kill on the day prior. But there were also a couple of days where they had to ration their food and eat smaller portions. Ayvock felt like he was wasting away doing so.

  And then the day finally came when on the distant horizon, they spotted the first trees of the Gleaming Jungle. The change of scenery was enough to inspire Wolflen and Ayvock alike, because both spurred their mounts onward faster. Shortly after mid-day, their pace was slowed as they moved through the thick of the trees. Katrina began leading them on an unmarked
path; one she swore was clearly visible, but that was not noticed by Wolflen or Ayvock.

  As their pace slowed, she told them to rein their animals in and ride more closely together. Wolflen had no problem obliging and Katrina hugged him tightly as they rode on for a while longer. Above them, the trees were so thick with branches and leaves that it seemed much cooler and much darker than it had been on the plains. Katrina hugged Wolflen tightly for a moment and then asked him to stop just as a small hill was before them. Wolflen did as she asked, and Ayvock followed suit, bringing Colt to a stop as well. Katrina dismounted at once, and suddenly out of nowhere, several Elves stepped out of the surrounding jungle and each had arrows knocked back on bows.

  Wolflen and Ayvock were suddenly afraid. They looked at each other, unsure of what was happening around them.

  “Lower your weapons at once! The Izenians are with me and are to be treated as allies and guests.”

  Every bow lowered in unison, and Wolflen tried counting the number of Elves among the surrounding group. He stopped counting after he got to thirty. One thing was clear though; Katrina's words were obeyed at once, probably just as soon as the Elves around them were told that the Izenians were allies. Without her words Wolflen guessed, they might have taken him and Ayvock for abductors and possibly attacked at their convenience. Wolflen quietly thanked Katrina for what she said as she climbed back up on Sespa's back and wrapped her arms around him again.

  “Listen to me now,” she said. “We have a slow pace now toward the city, but we now have an escort and access to more supplies. Follow the one up there with the yellow flower pattern on his sash. Do you see him?”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “I see them all now—but a minute ago I didn't know anyone was even there.”

  Katrina smiled.


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