Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1)

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Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1) Page 27

by Jordan Cramm

  Katrina smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. She told Wolflen that they would meet King Janureen together, and that all would be well. The horns sounded again outside, and grew progressively louder as Wolflen asked how his hair and face looked. Katrina told him that he looked fine, and that the precession would greet them in her front yard area. Wolflen cleared his throat, and nodded with a slight grin, telling her he was ready, and again the horns blasted; louder this time to signal that they were close.

  Katrina said that they were sounding rather quickly now, and she rushed through her home to prepare some tea. Wolflen followed after her, asking if he could help, or if he needed to do anything. Katrina assured him there was nothing to be done. However, he felt differently. At the tea kettle he stopped her from making her garden blend of tea. He reached into one of his belt pouches instead and pulled out a different type; Izenian black. Of course, seeing him carry tea with him and on his person begged the question why. So Katrina asked it. He told her that he had heard of King Janureen’s taste for the Izenian black tea, and that ever since they knew the King would be coming, Wolflen carried it regularly in anticipation of a good first impression. Katrina smiled and kissed Wolflen on the cheek after hearing such, and started brewing it at once. Again the horns blasted, and again moments later, until Katrina could tell they were just outside her home.

  The front door opened shortly after Katrina had found a lacey shawl to drape over her shoulders. She stepped into the front courtyard, followed suddenly by Wolflen at a few paces behind her. The first thing they saw was Jakarta, which was to be expected. No doubt he led the procession through town, and in fact there were several Elven riders with him. However, as Katrina looked on, she did not see her father, nor the banners that would normally accompany her father. Instead, it was Wolflen who recognized the distant flag banners that blew in the breeze.

  “What the…” he began, and Katrina could tell he at least suspected something.

  “What’s going on Wolflen?” she asked quickly.

  He told her he honestly did not know, but in the distance, they saw three single Izenian riders; each looked to be Knights.

  Jakarta dismounted from his horse at once and approached quickly, which suited Katrina just fine. Wolflen admitted he saw the Izenian Knights, but had no idea as to what their purpose was. As Jakarta reached them both, their expressions told him that they were eager for an explanation.

  “My father?” Katrina asked strangely.

  Jakarta shook his head no.

  “Princess, these Izenian men came seeking out our guard in the woods. They have a large Izenian force camped on the plains just South of the basin to the Mulby River. These men claim to have come in support of the first Izenian War Mage, and they came battle ready. These riders here are those we allowed to accompany us into the city. Forgive me if for opening the border to them, but I thought this was news of importance.”

  Katrina knew Jakarta was being incredibly formal for the sake of the foreign onlookers who were still atop horses not far away.

  “Excellent work Jakarta. These riders must be tired from a long march, and a ride through our city. We will take tea with them if our War Mage has no objection to meeting with them.”

  Wolflen knew that all eyes were upon him now. The eyes of the other Izenians were no doubt scanning him thoroughly and judging him. For a moment, he was lost in the thought of what they probably thought of him; looking young and such. But then he remembered, he was now adorned with better armor and weapons than they were. Not only that, but since leaving Akartha, he had put on some muscle weight, and his face had matured as well, showing the cares of his burden of being the War Mage, as well as giving him a more experienced look. Suddenly he snapped out of his momentary thought process and answered.

  “I, Wolflen Darkmoon,” he said out loud for all to hear, “would be delighted to take tea with my people, and am overjoyed to learn that some have even come to join our cause. By your lead then m’lady, we shall follow.”

  The three Knights were no one of particular importance among the force that rode to Peludeen, set out from Akartha. What they did make clear however, was that over 3,000 strong had left Akartha, including Knights, Shamans, and even a small group of Rangers as well. Each had heard of the Izenian War Mage, and it was Wolflen’s father, as well as some Free Mages who had made the news common among the Izenian people of Akartha, and elsewhere. As they all sat together talking, the Knights also made it clear that they expected more forces to rally to their banner from other cities and soon.

  “In our travels, evidence of changing times is abroad. More than once our army was attacked on the road. We only had two major skirmishes, and lost somewhere around 680 total, and that was mostly to Werewolves. For a while we could have sworn we were on a parallel march, our forces clashing periodically along the way. We tried to keep the scouts close to the main columns, but we lost a few who ventured out too far. We also sacked Vampire Park along the way and took control of that town from the so called vampires that did live there. All things considered, that town was not much of a fight, but we found bits and pieces of information here and there about other groups that had been there to do recruiting. Seems we are not the only army that has been on the move Lord Wolflen. And there’s something else…you father is here. In our camp I mean.”

  “My father?” Wolflen repeated.

  The Knights just nodded as they drank some tea and helped themselves to some meat and bread that Katrina had offered them as they all sat at the large table in the study of Katrina’s home. Jakarta was the only one standing, staring at murals of maps on the far wall. His silence prompted Wolflen’s attention.

  “What is it Jakarta?”

  Jakarta slowly turned, as if being literally pulled away from being somewhere else on the map.

  “Oh,” he cleared his throat, “it’s just that if Werewolf march here…” Jakarta was pointing at the map, “then they are either going North to attack other Elven cities, or…or they are meeting ships on the coast. Not knowing which could be dangerous.”

  “Well sir,” one of the Izenian Knights said, “our scouts are in pursuit of that particular band, even now. Depending on how far the hordes have gone, we may already have news back at our camp.”

  Jakarta’s eyes sparkled a little now as he turned.

  “That information is paramount to me. How many would you guess to be numbered in the Werewolf horde?”

  “Hmmm…hard to say. Our first encounter they were everywhere. We lost over 300 that day. Strangely though, I don’t feel like they all came down on us. I mean, our fallen were attacked seemingly more for being in the way then they were for actually engaging the enemy.”

  Katrina took a deep breath before interjecting.

  “If this is so, then it means but one thing; this horde you speak of is under marching orders of sorts to be somewhere by a given time frame, and not stop unless absolutely necessary.”

  Wolflen swallowed hard, realizing she was right.

  “Which would explain,” he continued her thought, “why they didn’t all turn and attack the whole of the Izenian force even if the horde had enough numbers to do so, because they weren’t concerned with the Izenian army, but rather on a mission of their own.”

  Jakarta nodded.


  One of the Izenian Knights spoke up now saying, “From our initial guesses, we would number them at least 1,000. We killed at least 700 but there were much more than that we could see in field. And again, maybe by now our scouts have returned with more information. We three however can only share what we saw up until coming here. I cannot speak for what the army knows by now.”

  Wolflen stood.

  “Jakarta, it is but half a day’s ride from here to their encampment is that correct?”

  Jakarta began smiling widely.

  “Indeed so. Would you three Knights be willing to get us an audience with your commanders in field were we to visit them this evening?”<
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  Each Knight made a fist and put it over there heart in a salute over their breastplate.

  “Well then, Jakarta, I would say that settles that. Where the blazes is Ayvock by the way?”

  Jakarta just shook his head.

  “He and Ravenshade have already started out toward the Izenian encampment. When he heard the news, he said he was looking for someone in particular.”

  Wolflen nodded, knowing Ayvock likely hoped to find his own father in camp.

  Wolflen, Katrina, Jakarta, rode into the Izenian encampment at last, after a decent ride. Katrina noticed his skills getting atop Sespa were much improved, and she smiled when he lifted her up to ride behind him in the usual fashion. They rode hard and fast though, stopping finally at what was clearly the command tent; a rather large pavilion tent that was quite enormous. Of course, it was not as fancy as an Elven pavilion tent, but it was no less grand in size. The smell of smoked meat poured out of it and other tents alike. Wolflen took a deep breath as soon as he and Katrina dismounted.

  “Ah, Jakarta, well I suppose that smell is not as pleasant to your Elven sensibilities as it is to mine. But that sure smells like smoked meat to me.”

  Jakarta grinned as Wolflen helped Katrina down from Sespa’s back.

  “I take no offense to the smell Lord Wolflen,” Jakarta smiled back, “in fact, I am rather hoping to taste whatever makes it now.”

  Wolflen chuckled and nodded toward his mentor; he who had already taught Wolflen so much about being a War Mage.

  “You know my love,” Katrina whispered, “our sensibilities are not so delicate as you might think.”

  Wolflen smiled back at her.

  “I figured,” he whispered back, “as a Ranger you would appreciate the meat. But I haven’t seen too many smoked ribs in Peludeen.”

  He turned just in time to hear his name called. Suddenly, from out of the tent came a face he was familiar with. It was Mage Dawson; the very same Free Mage who Wolflen first showed his War Mage manifest to.

  “Mage Dawson? Is that you?”

  Dawson smiled.

  “Indeed the same Lord Darkmoon. Surprised?”

  Wolflen nodded as he approached the command tent with Katrina at his side and Jakarta falling in step behind him.

  “I don’t understand…” Wolflen answered, “what brings you here?”

  Mage Dawson smiled back warmly and replied, “Balance debt brings me here to be honest. But more than that, the chance to serve with the first ever Izenian War Mage brings me, and the others here. We three Free Mages were elected as commanders of this marching army. Please, come inside our tent. Ah, Princess Trueshot,” he continued with a slight bow of his head, “we welcome you and your delegation to our tent as well. We have some tea if you would honor us…”

  Katrina smiled and accepted the offer graciously before they each followed Mage Dawson into the large open area of the Izenian pavilion command tent. Wolflen noticed that already there was a large table with maps laid out as well as other notes and reports. As sideboards, two other tables were furnished; covered in various meats. Some of the meats Wolflen noticed were smoked, some were steaming and seemingly grilled, while others looked to be dried pieces of jerky. Wolflen noticed there was no fruit to speak of, but he did notice a large bowl of hot potatoes that seemed mashed and whipped to what he guessed was his liking. His mouth watered as he looked at it all.

  As they entered, Free Mage Carra and Starn both bowed their heads. Wolflen guessed it wasn’t a courtesy for him, but rather for his female escort that stood next to him. Just the same, it was something Wolflen figured he would have to get used to. At once, Mage Dawson handed goblets of tea to both Katrina and to Jakarta before speaking again to Wolflen.

  “Lord Darkmoon, what can I get you to drink? Of course there is tea, but we have Izenian Rum, wine, water, or other drinks as well.”

  Wolflen smiled slightly.

  “Tea would be great, thank you.”

  “And to eat?”

  “How about one of those steaks, and maybe some potatoes?”

  Mage Dawson gave him a goblet of tea as well and then offered them all a seat at the table, which they gladly accepted. Each passed their order for meat and potatoes as well, and after being served they began to eat and drink. Surprisingly, the Free Mages even made small talk during the ceremonial tea time, rather than getting down to business.

  “You know,” Mage Carra said in a smooth tone, “this is not my first time in Elven lands. I spent a summer in Nuelstra’Viath on the Northern coast. It was so beautiful there.”

  Jakarta smiled as he peered over the top of his goblet.

  “Ah indeed. You should see it in the fall when everything changes. The leaves turn colors that can leave a person breathless, and in the morning when the breeze rolls off the ocean water, it can leave a crisp impression on a mind that won’t soon be forgotten.”

  “I have longed to return there someday.” Mage Carra said in response, “If I am not mistaken, that is one of the Prince’s territories. Is that correct?”

  Katrina smiled and chimed in now, “Yes indeed Mage Carra. My brother rules over every Elven city here on this continent of Polithica, save one area—this woodland jungle. Peludeen is my capital home, as well as my fortress of Nella’Vikor, and the smaller city Anodeen. Apart from those however, my brother has his hand over all Elven cities here on this continent; except of course for the joint-venture cities between our two races. Those are coordinations between my father and as I understand it, the respective Izenian Stewards of each of those cities. Speaking of Stewards,” Katrina asked, “where is the Steward of Akartha? Should they not be here as well?”

  At last, Mage Starn spoke.

  “Indeed they should be here m’lady. However, the Steward of Akartha took ill and died some time ago; shortly after Lord Darkmoon here set out on his quest I would say. Since then, and because of our need to march this army here, we three Free Mages were given temporary rule over Akartha in the meantime. It worked out well for us since we intended to bring the army North.”

  Wolflen leaned back in his chair and responded.

  “That’s odd timing don’t you think?”

  Mage Carra responded quickly, “Not exactly. It is the Free Magic at work. Part of our balance debt was to first be in Akartha, and we weren’t sure why until you showed up. Our part was to help set you on this path. But the Free Magic also had asked us to help balance Akartha rule, which we each accepted freely. At present, that debt is paid dependent upon one last task.”

  Wolflen leaned forward and asked what that final task would be before their balance debt was paid in full.”

  “Well,” Mage Dawson interjected, I suppose now that each of you has had some tea, I can come out and tell you. Lord Darkmoon of Akartha, the Steward seat of Akartha sits empty currently. If you wish it, it will fall to you. This would free us of our balance debt at last, and would grant you an army, which of course you need. We can get into the details of what we know already marches against you later, but first we need your decision on this matter.”

  Wolflen took a deep breath. He wasn’t expecting to hear anything quite like what he was currently hearing. Katrina and Jakarta were equally surprised at the proposal.

  “Wait! What?!” Ayvock’s voice was suddenly clear as he and Ravenshade stepped into the tent.

  Wolflen stood and hugged his friend before they both sat at the table.

  “Ah Ayvock,” Mage Dawson said, “did you find your father then?” Ayvock nodded. “He is sleeping. Go figure.”

  He smiled at Wolflen as they sat down together. Then, Ayvock commented to catch Wolflen up to speed.

  “Ravenshade and I arrived much earlier today. We’ve met the Mages here already. By the way, your own father should be joining us here shortly.”

  “Excellent!” chimed Mage Starn, “And perhaps with everyone here Lord Darkmoon can make his choice with a clear head.”

  Wolflen had questions.

Hold on a minute,” he said with a hint of frustration in his voice, “what does this mean? Steward of Akartha?”

  Ayvock was the first to answer.

  “Are you daft Wolflen? You would rule the city.”

  Wolflen shook his head, but Mage Dawson only raised his eyebrows as if to concur with Ayvock’s simplistic assessment.

  “And the terms?” Wolflen asked, “I mean, what if I do not wish to rule Akartha? War Mages don’t have a long shelf life from what I hear anyway.”

  His words bit through Katrina, though she knew he hadn’t meant them to. He was speaking to the fact that no War Mage had ever lived beyond the measure of the great war they fought in, and the reality was clearly not lost on him.

  “You could rule in title only if you chose. You could also choose your own successor. You would have complete authority over the matters of the city, its overall operation, and of course the delegation of duties to make all of it happen.” Mage Starn made things slightly more clear.

  “But I have no idea when or even if I will see Akartha again! I am far from home and you want me to govern it?”

  Mage Carra nodded as she leaned in to the table and rested her head in her hands as she propped up her elbows.

  “Well look at us—we are far from Akartha and currently govern it. You don’t actually have to be there to be its governor. That’s what he meant by ruling in title only. I think everyone understands the situation here. And, as Mage Starn accurately stated, delegation of duties is something you will have control of and access to. When we left, there was hardly a hiccup in transition to new leadership, as the city is run by an entire council and absent but a few, things stay streamlined. I think you would be surprised at how streamlined things are currently, and how easy the transition would be.”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “All right,” he said after a moment’s hesitation, “to help you fully repay your balance debt, the three of you, I will do this. But here and now then I name Ayvock Calmbreeze as my successor, and as Judicator of Akartha. Also, I should say this mantle is not something I would choose to wear. I don’t really want it. So if it is all the same to you, when this is all over, I will likely hand its rule over to another. Furthermore, I would ask that you Free Mages stay and aid us in the coming war; if you are willing and able. What do you say?”


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