Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1)

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Under The Elven Sky (Fengysha Series Book 1) Page 31

by Jordan Cramm

  “Wait…” he said.

  Flint blinked, wondering why he was asked to pause.

  “That’s not all. You have been like a second father to me in the past. As such I wish to appoint you to my own personal honor guard. You will choose 20 good men like yourself, and will be my personal bodyguards and escort in the coming days. You shall be Captain of my Black Cloaks guard.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say,” Flint muttered.

  Wolflen smiled.

  “Simply say yes,” Wolflen said more privately to him now, “and when you wish it done, our healers here will repair the damage to your leg. If you wish it, you could do it today. Or if you prefer to wait I understand. Doing it now might mean you miss the first battle. But, who knows, if you can stand some of the recovery pain, we will have time at sea for you to heal.”

  “I would be honored. And…And yes, today would be most excellent.”

  “Consider it done. Report to the healers tent immediately Sir Calmbreeze. But first, see about the other appointments to my Black Cloaks please.”

  Flint bowed reverently before stepping off the platform again. It was Ayvock in fact that helped his father down. And when Ayvock got his father to footing back on the ground, he offered a quick salute to his father. With tears in his eyes, Flint returned the salute. Meanwhile, Wolflen returned to addressing the crowd.

  “Now, I think all of you know the Free Mages with us. But there is one other appointment that few of you are aware of currently, and that is of Ayvock Calmbreeze. He is the son of the man you all just saw here. He is also one of my closest friends. He took up with me on my quest into these Elven lands when I could tell no other. He is young, and he is very inexperienced as a Knight himself. Though I trust coming days will change some of that. As Steward of Akartha though, I have named him provisional governor of this army, so that I may be free to act as a War Mage and not be so tied to the army itself. I know this decision may have many of you asking questions, and it may even raise some doubts. Like me, Ayvock is young. Like me he has yet to see true battle, even though some of you have on more than one occasion. If such concerns are present now, I understand. Just the same, I ask you to honor this decision. When I am not pressed with other matters, know that I am approachable however if anyone has questions, or concerns. Just don’t sneak up on me…you never know what might happen.”

  The crowd began to laugh and jest after the last comment.

  “Now then, I want to introduce you all to your new commander. Here he is…Ayvock Calmbreeze.”

  Ayvock was shaking his head no. He hadn’t wanted to be put on the spot, but now there was no avoiding it he knew. So, he too climbed the platform steps and stood with Wolflen.

  “And for those of you who do not know this beautiful woman beside me, she is the Elven Princess Katrina Trueshot. And for anyone out there with ideas toward her, remember that I am a War Mage, and I have powerful magic. So keep your eyes down boys. Don’t risk the temper of a jealous boyfriend. I will leave you now to prepare. Perhaps Ayvock has some things he wishes to say.”

  Ayvock just shrugged as Wolflen and Katrina began to leave the platform.

  “Uhh…well, pretty much what Wolflen already said I guess. If anyone needs me, I will be riding for Peludeen soon to retrieve the last of my things, then will be in the command tent closer to mid-day meal. I know that I am new at this, and I will try not to let you all down. I’d like the senior officers to join me after mid-day meal so that we can introduce ourselves and make our final preparations. Other than that, let’s be ready to sail tonight.”

  The crowd seemed to lose interest as Ayvock finished his speech. Out of respect, they waited to disperse until he was done talking, but his nervousness had clearly transformed into something palpable that the crowd recognized. He could feel it too, but hoped it would fade in time. He knew he had to make a better impression the second time around when he met with the senior officers later in the command tent.

  Overall though, he thought the morning so far had been a success. His own father had been honored, and re-Knighted, as well as offered a position as Captain of Wolflen’s new personal guard. And his father would at last be free of the leg tremors, the pain, and the limp. His family name had become something known as well. Of course, Ayvock was still uneasy about that part. He wasn’t sure he liked the spotlight much at all. He definitely did not like speaking in front of the large crowd.

  Chapter 24: Back to Sea ; Under the Elven Sky

  The evening hour began growing dim, but nearly all of encampment was ready to sail. Most were already aboard their respective ships after small dingy boats had ferried the men to their destinations. The horses were a bit harder to wrangle but for many of them it hadn’t been their first trip aboard skiff boats, nor boarding ships. Apart from a few minor injuries and setbacks, everything had gone according to plan.

  Ayvock however was starting to feel the growing tension and anticipation inside him. He had returned from Peludeen and was now in the command tent with Ravenshade. He wanted every last possible minute he could spare to go over maps and formulate strategy based on counsel he received after mid-day meal. He was overwhelmed now, and Ravenshade could sense that about him.

  “No one is ever truly ready for battle,” she said calmly.

  He nodded but continued pouring over the maps.

  “Trust in your training,” she went on, “and you stand as much chance of surviving as any man that will be out there.”

  “And what would you say the odds are of that anyway?” he asked.

  She shrugged.

  “Well,” she went on, “I personally have fought against Werewolves before. They are quite savage. Don’t let your guard down out there. Mind your surroundings, but hold to mind the reasons why you are doing all of this. See soldiers in a way are God-like. You can take life. But you can also give it. Your actions may well ensure that others are free to live their life, even if you have to give yours to make it so. Of course, that isn’t ever what you should wish—for death, but if you must forfeit your life, do so for a good cause.”

  “I guess you sort of have done that here with us haven’t you?” he asked.

  She nodded and gazed upon the maps laid out before them.

  “Your people,” he replied, “I mean the ones that have arrived here in Peludeen recently…they have a life among their ancient ancestors once more because of you and your efforts. I know it’s an uneasy peace right now, but you already gave them hope at a better life. I know if you wanted to you could stay. You don’t have to come with us to fight, so why do it?”

  She smiled sheepishly and blinked, thinking that question over herself a moment.

  “Well, no one would believe me if I said I do this because it is the right thing to do. I am not sure I would believe it myself. But the truth is, I need to see this thing through. Mortican will eventually learn of my betrayal if he hasn’t already, and he is not likely to forget. If I go with this company, and eventually see him dead, then it will be over, but if not, he will always be out there somewhere, and some day, he will look for vengeance against me and my people. So I go, out of need to avoid that outcome.”

  “Self-preservation then?” he remarked.

  “I suppose so, yes. But not just for me, but for my people as well.”

  “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that, though I had hoped maybe there was more to it I guess.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Nothing, it’s stupid. Never mind.”

  She raised her head from the maps a moment and looked at him. He still had his face down in the maps and clearly was avoiding eye contact with her now. Still, she sensed his feelings, and guessed at what he meant.

  “I would still go to war with you just the same,” she said at last.

  Finally, he looked up at her.

  “I don’t like being…vulnerable,” she continued, “but you and I are friends…maybe more?”

  He smiled and nodded slowly.
  “That night you got the drop on me back on the road. You really found me attractive?”

  “Come on Ravenshade, you know you are. Your beautiful, and deadly. Sexy.”

  She smiled and thanked him.

  “So what now?” she asked, referring to their awkward situation.

  “Now,” he replied, “now we pack this stuff up and get to our ship. We can continue this at sea, because believe me, it is quite boring being out on the water.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  As they began to roll up the maps, his hand touched hers when they both reached for the same map. For a moment, they both paused and looked at each other a moment and then at once he stepped closer to her and they began to kiss powerfully. So much so that they hadn’t noticed Katrina enter the tent. She coughed purposefully to get their attention once she noticed their activity. They pulled apart at once and Ravenshade immediately left the tent after that, telling Ayvock she was going to ride for the coast to board the ship.

  “Katrina…that was…I mean we were just…I mean…”

  “Yeah I got the gist of it. I just came to tell you that Wolflen is ready to ride for the coast. He is outside waiting and wanted to know if you were ready.”

  “Yeah, sorry. Just packing the last of the maps. Tell him to go ahead and leave without me. I will catch up. Are you sure your people are okay with taking down the tent once we are gone?”

  “It is no problem at all. I will inform Wolflen you are almost ready.”

  “You aren’t going to tell him about…I mean…you know. Are you?”

  Katrina chuckled.

  “Ayvock, I love him. You don’t think I intend on keeping secrets from him do you?”

  “Great.” He said with a huff. “I will never hear the end of this.”

  Katrina left the tent and met Wolflen outside who was surveying the land where the encampment had been earlier in the day. He was atop Sespa’s back, and seemingly deep in thought himself when she approached him. At once he offered a hand to her and pulled her to Sespa’s back behind him. She enjoyed riding that way—with him. She could tell he had been contemplating something, and so she asked him what held his thoughts.

  “Just amazing to see an army so organized. In my time with the Elves here I have come to admire this land, your people, and have come to appreciate many things. As such, I can tell there were numbers here earlier. But someone passing through who didn’t know any better, might not be able to read all that. To them, it would be like no one had been here at all.”

  She hugged him tightly and smiled, pressing her head against his back a moment.

  “This is just what armies do. Did you see Ravenshade come out this way?”

  Wolflen nodded.

  “She got on her horse and rode fast toward the coast. Was she in a rush?” he asked.

  Katrina chuckled before answering.

  “I think she may have been. Ayvock would know more about that than I however. In fact, I think they were both embarrassed to be caught as they were.”

  Wolflen put a hand firmly upon Sespa’s back in front of him and turned slightly to see Katrina’s face, full with the beam of a smile, and the kind of gaze that told him she caught them doing something.

  “He said to go ahead and make for the coast,” she added.

  “Nonsense,” he replied, “now I want to mess with him.”

  They both laughed.

  Moments later, Ayvock finally left the tent, with two packs over his shoulder. The look on his face was priceless. He knew already that Wolflen knew something about Ravenshade.

  “What?” Ayvock asked with slight agitation in his voice, “We kissed, that’s all. So what?”

  Katrina turned her head away to laugh, while Wolflen tried to contain his own laughter as he responded.

  “I didn’t say a word. Ravenshade lit out for the coast already though.”

  “Yeah, yeah, have your laugh. But I have had to watch you with Katrina all this time, so just keep that in mind.”

  “I didn’t say a word.” Wolflen repeated.

  “Uh huh, then why did you wait?” Ayvock asked.

  “Because you and I began this journey together when we rode to these Elven lands. I thought it fitting that we ride to the coast together, to catch our ships that will take us the next step in our journey.”

  “Fine. Of course this time around we will be on a different mission. Oh Katrina did he tell you about our first sea adventure?”

  “I have heard stories yes.”

  “Then maybe you already know that before he was permitted to do magic, he crafted a wand at sea, and was practicing fire.”

  Wolflen rolled his eyes.

  “Not this again. I didn’t burn anything down, and besides you threw my wand out to sea.”

  “True. But if I hadn’t who knows what you might have done. Fire on a ship at sea…not good.”

  “I think he has control over his magic now Ayvock. I doubt he will set the ship ablaze.”

  “Probably not no. But I am just saying, this is the guy we are sailing with. And this time we will have black powder on board. If Admiral Darkmoon is right about what it can do I’d keep an eye on him is all I am saying.”

  “Oh I will have both eyes on him…as much as possible.”


  Ayvock finished setting his packs into the saddlebags of his horse, and he mounted quickly and with ease. He had become quite good at the process, and still swore he would stay with his horse Colt rather than get a younger mount. Once mounted, Wolflen had Sespa step closer, and then he leaned over and extended his arm briefly. Ayvock took it and they shook hands in a strong embrace.

  “Well then…” Wolflen started in, “shall we?”

  Ayvock nodded, and they both spurred their mounts onward, heading for the coast.


  Once they were each settled in to their new living quarters and at sea, the stars were out, and there was a warm breeze in the air. Wolflen stood on the deck staring up at the riggings and recalling the last time he was at sea. Ayvock had already turned in for the night in his own quarters, and Ravenshade respectively did the same. So momentarily, Wolflen was alone with his thoughts again. He took a deep breath, knowing that it was going to be a shorter journey this time. Still, he had much more on his mind now. The last year had seen not only an end to his first voyage at sea, but also the start of the greatest journey he had undertaken in life. The road to discovering his true calling had begun. He had accepted the call to be a War Mage, even before he knew what that would mean fully. Now he had more knowledge about what it meant, but knew he was still inexperienced. Just the same though, the accomplishments and failures both since he accepted the calling were flying through his mind now. He remembered the muddy trek through all sorts of terrain to reach Elven lands. He recalled how he met Katrina in the first place and had managed to help save her in tavern row in Haven. He remembered doubting at first that she could be Elven royalty.

  He recalled his first impression of Jakarta, and how that had turned for the better in time. He remembered seeing the intricate network of buildings and posts in the trees, high above the ground in Elven lands. He recalled the Unicorns that would play in their fields. He remembered his initial encounters with Ravenshade, and the physical pain it had brought him. He chuckled to himself when he thought of how foolish it had been to try and fight her alone that night, and how the only saving grace for him had been when Sespa, and his other friends had come to his aid. He even laughed about his initial folly with his wand at sea more than a year past, and how Ayvock had been right to throw it over board. Then he recalled how he was with the War Magic trying to start fire initially, and how he accidentally set a whole tree on fire. If not for Katrina, it would have been far worse.

  As he stood, recalling things he had lived during the last year, he knew he had come far. He was adorned in some of the finest armor that could be made. He had weapons that would be formidable against any opponent. And with the
War Magic, he could do things he might never have dreamed of being capable of before learning it. Plus, he was dating (if that’s what it could be called) the Elven Princess Katrina. In some ways, life was perfect, even despite his mistakes along the way. Of course he knew he still had much to learn, and much to do. But in reflection, he realized he had much to lose.

  Her footsteps were gentle on the deck of the ship as she approached with two drinks in hand. One for her, and one for him. She offered him his cup when she reached the deck rail next to him. He thanked her and took the cup, expecting it to be tea. Instead, it was Izenian Rum. When he took his first gulp he smiled and looked at her.

  “Your father said it would take the edge off. He said you were not likely thrilled to be back at sea.”

  “That’s true. But I don’t know. I was thinking about everything…how this all began, and the steps along the way, and I realize I like this life. Maybe I was born for it. I don’t know. I just…I don’t want to lose all this you know?” he asked.

  She nodded quietly.

  “Your father is in his quarters pouring over charts. I am going to turn in for bed myself. Are you coming?” she asked.

  He nodded but stared out toward the sea.

  “I just want a few quiet moments to think about everything is all. I will be in to bed shortly.”

  “Okay. Just don’t keep me waiting too long okay?”

  He smiled at her, leaning over for a brief kiss before agreeing to follow her shortly. She could tell he was enjoying the fresh night air at sea whether or not he could admit it.

  As she entered their own private quarters on the ship, she crawled into bed after changing into her night robes. Then she pulled out her journal and began to write, scribing a prayer she felt the urge to pray.

  I am Katrina Trueshot, Princess of the Elven people of Orenty, ruler of the city of Peludeen and this is my prayer to my journal, my place of refuge and peace. Wolflen came to me as a savior when I met him. His heroic actions saved me in the city called Haven, in a place he called “Tavern Row”. That’s how I met him. Since that time we have shared many adventures. So to Kesper I make this prayer—that our future be bound together forever. Many war mages have fallen in battle, as though they were each doomed to that fate in their time. If that must be his fate then I ask to leave this world with him. However, I would much rather have a long life with him at my side. Kesper hear me please. Look after us both. Hard times are ahead for us all. I do not know what strength is in me but please do not be cruel. I love him. Keep him safe and alive. I pray you see the virtue in him as I do, and protect him through all that is yet to come. Hear me this day Kesper and know that I have done my best to faithfully serve you and so I beseech you to hear me in this and answer this prayer. I came to know Wolflen in Haven, and I have fallen in love with him completely here under this Elven sky. I have become inseparably close to him and would have it remain so. I would not want to live without him now. Please, do not let him fall from this world.


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