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Helpless Page 10

by Daniel James Palmer

  Rainy read the words Stern’s program had generated.

  “Shilo Wildcats Soccer.”

  “Now to Google,” Stern said. He did a few Web searches before finding a picture he thought might be useful.

  “What’s that?” Rainy asked.

  “A team picture of last year’s girls’ varsity soccer team. Assuming, of course, that ‘Shilo’ is Shilo, New Hampshire. But they are the Wildcats, so…”

  Rainy studied the team photo. She didn’t need to look at the girl’s picture again. Her face was burned into Rainy’s memory. And there she was. Back row. Second to last on the left. Rainy scanned the names of the girls listed in the photograph.

  “Her,” Rainy said, tapping a finger on Stern’s spotless monitor. “That’s her! You’re a miracle worker, Clarence, you know that?”

  “Nah. I just can’t stand logging video.” Stern leaned in close to read the name for himself. “Yup, that’s her, all right. Lindsey Wells, of Shilo, New Hampshire.”

  Chapter 17

  The Woonsocket Country Club boasted a membership so wealthy, it was the target of every community fund-raiser from Shilo to North Coventry. The reception room at the exclusive Harold Ross Grill, perched proudly on the nineteenth hole, advertised an ambience both elegant and casual. Surfaces were made of stone or oak, and the dining room blended family-style dining with a more upscale interior design.

  Tom felt woefully underdressed. His thrown-together outfit (ancient tweed jacket, chino slacks, somewhat wrinkled collared shirt, no tie) might as well have been procured from a Goodwill reject bin.

  Tom took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Jill.

  How are you doing? he typed.

  Jill’s reply came seconds after his message was sent.


  He’d dropped Jill off at Lindsey’s with a promise that she’d stay there until he came to pick her up.

  Most of the dinner guests were standing, milling about, when Tom entered the main dining hall. He recognized many of Roland Boyd’s clients. Several were parents of players on this year’s team or teams from the past. The host of the Harold Ross Grill escorted Tom past men who chatted in close clusters. Their attractive wives, many in low-cut black dresses, talked in tight circles of their own.

  Every few steps somebody would reach out and grab Tom by the arm. They’d express their condolences, ask about Jill, and wish him luck on the upcoming season. But he also heard whisperings about the blog-post scandal. From what little Tom picked up, the opinions on the matter varied widely.

  At least the superintendent of Shilo schools, Angie Didomenico, was on his side. She had given Powers a formal reprimand for not informing her of his plans to question his team about the Tumblr blog and had filed a complaint with the Shilo Police Department to protest their handling of the investigation.

  Thank you, Angie.

  Tom was glad Jill was at Lindsey’s house and not on display here. The funeral had been a hard enough stage, though he had marveled at his daughter’s courage in eulogizing her mother.

  Tom spied Adriana seated at one of oval tables, with Mitchell beside her. Adriana’s face lit up, and she stood as Tom neared. She clutched Tom’s arm in her tight grip.

  “Well, hello there,” she said in a husky voice that resembled Demi Moore’s. “I’m so glad you decided to come. I know this can’t be easy for you.”

  Adriana looked breathtakingly beautiful, shimmering inside a sequined blouse and slim-fitting black slacks. She kept hold of Tom’s arm and wouldn’t let go even when he shifted his weight to slip his hands inside his pants pockets.

  “Well, Jill wanted to go over to Lindsey’s, and I didn’t really feel like hanging out alone in my old house. I’m glad I had a place to go, which I guess is a roundabout way of saying thanks for inviting me.”

  “How are things going with Jill?”

  “Persistence and patience,” Tom said, with a slight smile. Adriana smiled, too, and gave Tom’s arm another squeeze.

  “I know you two will do great together,” Adriana said, and added, “Come sit with me and Mitchell a moment.”

  But before Tom could oblige, Roland appeared and took hold of Tom’s other arm. A mini tug-of-war ensued before Adriana finally let go.

  “Sorry, darling,” Roland said with a wry grin, “but no sitting until Tom here has had something to drink. We’ll be right back.”

  Roland led Tom to the bar, dodging caterers, who roamed the floor like heat-seeking missiles. Roland was dressed in a pin-striped linen suit, with a pocket square, straight as a ruler’s edge, tucked into his jacket pocket. His shirt was a light blue oxford; the tie a pattern of pink and blue hues, like those of a sunset. But even in a fancy suit, Tom still saw echoes of Roland’s younger self. The kid who sometimes brought a flask of whiskey to school, which he was always willing to share. The guy who favored buzz cuts and gray hooded sweatshirts in any weather. A townie kid from Shilo, New Hampshire, with big plans for big living, but no real road map to get there.

  Well, it looks like you found your way, thought Tom.

  Roland patted Tom’s hand as the two reached the bar, his skin cool to the touch, despite the room’s warmth.

  “Glad you could make it out,” Roland said.

  “Nice club,” Tom said. “You’ve been a member long?”

  “Long enough.” Roland’s trademark grin hadn’t changed any over the years. It held a hint of playful mischievousness, a sly suggestion that he could still be the same troublemaker that many parents had believed him to be in their high school days.

  “How’s your game?” asked Tom.

  “Seven handicap. Yours?”

  “I have a hard time getting through the windmill and the whale’s mouth, but I’m getting better.”

  Roland chuckled. “Buddy, we don’t play that kind of golf here. Drink?”


  “Right, with a lime,” Roland said, remembering.

  “With a lime,” repeated Tom.

  “What’s this I’m hearing about you hooking up with one of your players?” Roland said. “I hope for your sake that it’s all a bunch of bull.”

  “I guess these days you can put anything on the Internet and people will believe it. Yeah, it’s all bull.”

  “Good to know,” Roland said.

  Though the bar was packed with thirsty patrons, the bartender took Roland’s drink order first. Roland’s clients were loud and chatty, which Tom attributed to the open bar.

  “Tom, let me introduce you to a friend of mine,” Roland said, placing one of his well-manicured hands on the shoulder of a heavyset man seated on the bar stool next to him. The man had the thick neck of a former football player, greasy dark hair, and a round tough-guy face that suggested he, like Roland, had led a very different lifestyle before becoming country club elite. “Frank Dee, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine from high school and fellow vet, Thomas Hawkins. Tom just moved back to town… under difficult circumstances.”

  Dee nodded in a knowing way. “Good to meet you,” he said in a voice that sounded like gravel was lodged someplace deep inside his throat. The two shook hands. Dee’s breath smelled of alcohol. The man’s grip felt like a vise squeezing Tom’s hand. Tom noticed a thick band of whiter skin just below the knuckle of Dee’s ring finger and wondered if he’d recently divorced.

  Dee said, “I’m sorry about your ex-wife. Tragic. It’s really rocked this town. Any breaks in the case, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  Tom shook his head. “No. It’s still very much an active investigation.”

  “Well, I hope they catch the scumbag who did it and hang ’em by the balls,” Dee said.

  Tom was glad their drinks showed up, because it gave him something to do besides respond.

  “You two served together, huh?” Dee asked.

  “I was navy. Roland was army,” Tom clarified.

  “Navy SEAL,” Roland added.

  Dee’s eyes widened. “That’s badass. Ve
ry badass.”

  “It’s also very much in the past,” Tom said.

  Dee just laughed.

  “Frank’s in the restaurant business, owns a bunch of different franchises in southern New Hampshire,” Roland said, keeping one hand on Dee’s massive shoulder. To Tom, Roland jokingly whispered, loud enough for Dee to overhear, “I got sick on one of his burgers last week.”

  Another man came over to their perch at the bar. He was rugged looking, about Tom and Roland’s age, with a strong jawline and tanned skin that accented his bright white teeth. He reminded Tom of the guys who advertised Just For Men hair coloring products on TV.

  “Hey, Simon. Glad you made it.”

  “Have I ever missed one of your client parties?”

  “Not to my knowledge,” Roland agreed. Turning to Tom, he said, “Tom, I’d like you to meet Simon Cortland. He runs a PR firm in Boston that does a lot of work for clients of mine.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Tom said, giving Cortland’s strong hand a firm shake.

  “Likewise,” Cortland said with a pleasant smile and another flash of teeth. He turned his attention back to Roland. “You still up for the boat on Saturday?”

  “You know it,” Roland said.

  The bartender appeared with two drinks. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me, the host’s lovely wife has asked me to bring her a drink,” Cortland said.

  “Best not to keep the lady waiting,” Roland said.

  “Tom, nice to meet you.” There was no handshake this time, as both of Cortland’s hands were occupied with beverages.

  Roland watched as Cortland crossed the room and went over to Adriana. Tom thought he seemed slightly bothered. Roland’s gaze shifted left, and his new expression revealed an even harsher edge. “Oh, good,” he said, his eyes narrowing.

  Tom turned to look but observed nothing unusual. He half expected to see Kip Lange come sauntering toward them. “What? What is it?” asked Tom.

  “I need you to do me a favor,” Roland said. “Frank, if you’ll excuse us.”

  “Of course,” Dee said. “Do your thing.”

  Roland took Tom by the arm and led him back into the crowd.

  “Is this about Lange?” Tom asked, his voice betraying some concern.

  “Lange? No,” Roland answered quickly. “I told you, I’ve had all my best sources checking on him. That guy’s off the map. Vanished. No, this is a personal matter that could use your assistance.”

  Roland pointed to a set of nearby French doors. “Look, buddy, head out to the patio and wait for me there. I’ll be out in a few minutes. We’re going to have ourselves a little bit of fun. Just like the old days.”

  Chapter 18

  Tom waited for Roland on a wide stone patio, accessible only through a set of double doors located toward the rear of the club’s dining room. The doors and windows were blanketed by heavy curtains, so Tom couldn’t see in, and those inside couldn’t see out.

  He texted Jill again.

  She responded seconds after he hit SEND.


  The evening air took on a slight chill that felt refreshing to breathe. It wasn’t long before the closed patio doors opened and a distinguished-looking man, fit, trim, and in his fifties, stepped outside. Roland followed closely behind.

  “Shut the doors, Tom,” Roland said to Tom as he passed. Tom remained curious, but calm. “And don’t let anybody come out here,” Roland added.

  Tom went from relaxed to tense in a breath. He took another, much closer look at the man Roland had escorted outside, and saw a fearful look in his eyes.

  “Roland… please… this is all just a misunderstanding,” said the man. The man’s hands were trembling, and his voice carried a slight waver, which Tom suspected wasn’t natural.

  “A misunderstanding?” Roland repeated. “Really? That’s what you call it, Bob?” Roland’s face scrunched up to convey a profound incredulousness. “You made a pass at my wife, and in my house, too. That’s no misunderstanding at all.”

  Bob’s face reddened. “It wasn’t like that, Roland,” he stammered. “We were just talking.”

  “On the couch? Resting your hand on her knee? Drinking my best vodka?”

  “She poured us the drinks,” Bob explained. “I was just showing her brochures for vacation property on Waban Lake. That was all.”

  “You sure about that, Bob? You sure that’s all?”

  Tom stepped away from the door and took a few tentative steps toward Roland. He didn’t like the dark tone in Roland’s voice. It definitely sounded menacing. Bob might be fit for his age, but he’d be no match for Roland if this confrontation turned physical.

  “Please, Roland. I got confused.”

  “You tried to kiss her, didn’t you?”

  “No… I didn’t.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Bob. Tell the truth. You tried to kiss her.” Roland got right up into Bob’s face, and the older man took a few cowering steps in retreat.


  “No? I saw you,” Roland said, looking like a poker player who’d just showed his winning hand. “I saw you,” Roland repeated, this time in a much softer voice.

  Bob’s face went slack. “You were there?”

  Roland just grinned—the same one that Tom knew so well. “Ever hear of a nanny cam, Bob?”

  Bob looked as though he might faint. “Roland, nothing happened between us. I swear.”

  “You swear, huh? I have video evidence contradicting that claim.”

  “What do you want me to do?” asked Bob.

  “You’ve got to take your punishment,” Roland said.

  “My what?”

  “I’ve got to hurt you, Bob. Physically. Right here, right now. And you’ve got to take it like a man.”

  “Roland, please. Let’s be rational about this!”

  “This is going to hurt you a lot more than it is me, Bob.” Roland cocked a fist backward and let it fly—a hook punch aimed squarely at Bob’s head.

  Tom sprang forward, putting himself between the two men. With one hand, he pushed Bob backward, out of Roland’s range. With his other hand, Tom caught Roland’s fist in midair. “Roland, don’t do this,” he said. He kept putting up resistance until Roland eventually relaxed. Even then Tom held on to Roland’s fist a few seconds longer, until he felt it was safe to let go.

  Taking advantage of the lull, Bob took several quick steps in retreat. Roland danced past Tom with a little spin move he had perfected on the soccer pitch, and seized Bob by the lapels of his suit jacket.

  “Not so fast, Bob,” Roland said. “We still have an issue to deal with.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to go home. Mull over what you did wrong. Call me later to apologize. Sound like a deal?”

  “I’m not going to just forget about what you did to me tonight,” Bob said. “You’ll be hearing from my attorney.”

  “Not if you want to stay married, I won’t,” Roland said. “Remember the nanny cam? I’m sure Veronica would be highly disappointed to see what I could show her.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Don’t test me. And, Bob… don’t ever talk to my wife again.”

  Bob straightened out his suit jacket and gave Tom a quiet look of thanks. If Bob had recognized Tom from news reports of Kelly’s death, it didn’t register on his face. Bob left the patio through the French doors.

  Tom waited outside with Roland. “What the hell was that about?” he asked.

  “The guy tried to make it with my wife,” Roland said. “What more do you need to know?”

  “Why’d you invite him to your party if you knew what he had done?”

  Roland scoffed. “Tom, I’d have thought you, of all people, would understand the advantage of a surprise attack. Bob showed up here with his guard down, and I just scared the absolute crap out of him. That’s why I invited him.”

  Tom recalled the look Roland had flashed Adriana the afternoon he stopped by their house
to ask about Kip Lange. Ironic, thought Tom, that he had lied about Lange’s jealous streak to a man who really had one.

  “You weren’t really going to hit that guy, were you?” asked Tom.

  Roland just laughed. “Nah, I was going to pull back. But I must say, you still got your speed, Tom. Haven’t lost a step.”

  Tom grunted. “For a second there, I thought you were going to really pummel him.”

  Roland chuckled again. “I don’t get mixed up in any physical altercations,” he said. “It’s bad for business.”

  “Good to know,” Tom said, feeling only a modicum of relief. Roland might be loosely wired, but at least he wasn’t dangerous.

  “I just said I wouldn’t hit him. I never said he wouldn’t get hurt.”

  “Oh, you have guys who do that for you?” Tom asked with a slight laugh, believing Roland had to be kidding.

  “Keep flirting with Adriana and maybe you’ll find out for yourself.” Roland kept a serious expression, then cracked a broad smile, laughed loudly, and slapped Tom hard on the back, but in a playful way.

  Tom returned a smile of his own, but it didn’t last long. It didn’t matter that he and Roland hadn’t spoken much in the past several years. Tom knew when his friend was serious.

  Chapter 19

  Rainy drove the fifty-six miles from Boston to Shilo without the aid of her car stereo or air-conditioning. Both were on the fritz. She wondered how long it would take the Bureau’s notoriously cumbersome bureaucracy to fix her work-issued sedan.

  Wendy Toman, a kind-eyed woman of forty-eight and one of the best victim-witness coordinators Rainy had ever worked with, read through Mann’s case file during the trip. Wendy was an “all business, all the time” kind of gal, which Rainy greatly appreciated on these long drives. There was never any talk about Wendy’s three kids or doting husband, which meant Rainy didn’t have to reproach herself about not even making time for a date.


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