Come Alive

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Come Alive Page 15

by Madelynne Ellis

  Her body convulsed, and her muscles clamped tight around Xane’s cock. She was coming. She was looking right at Luthor, and she was coming. As was he.

  His ejaculate hit the back of her hand where it rested on the blanket.

  Chapter 14

  Reality hit Luthor hard. He hadn’t meant to lose control like that, but watching Xane and Dani had fired up his senses and made it impossible for him not to touch himself. He’d have preferred to get closer, kiss and caress Dani while Xane was inside her, and perhaps place his hand on Xane’s arse and follow the rolling movement of their hips, but he knew she wasn’t going to tolerate that. Someday maybe … but not yet. At the moment, she’d probably freak the fuck out if he so much as blew her a kiss. Consequently, when his come hit her skin, he expected her to go ballistic, but instead her brow creased, displaying her shock, but she stayed silent.

  Xane lifted her hand and licked it clean.

  If someone had described that action to him, Luthor was sure it would have inspired a grimace, not a floating sensation in the pit of his stomach. Xane somehow transformed the act into something utterly carnal. But then the man was a beast. He was primal. Ferocious. So damned sexy, if he reached out to touch him, Luthor feared he’d get his fingers seared. Xane leered at him in a way that made his pale eyes gleam with wicked intent, and curved up one side of his mouth in an utterly sinful fashion. The carnality of him was so intense, his sensuality so overt that even though he’d just come, Luthor’s cock perked right back up again.

  Xane rolled Dani onto her back and stretched over her like a big cat toying with his prey. He used two fingers to part the lips of her sex, and then put his tongue to work on her clit.

  Dani reacted as if she’d just been plugged into the mains. She arched, her head tilting backwards, and cried, ‘Oh, God! Not again so soon.’

  ‘I wouldn’t want you to feel you’d been cheated.’

  Luthor had never watched a man eat pussy with such glee, and Xane did it with some serious skill if Dani’s reaction was anything to go by. She was climaxing again within a few short minutes. Not that Xane let up even then, not until her legs tightened around his ears and she tapped her hand against the ground as if signalling for a time out at a wrestling match. ‘Enough … stop … can’t do … can’t take any more.’


  ‘Fuck, Xane, you’re tipping me over …’ Her eyes rolled upwards before closing and she quivered from her shoulders to her toes. Finally, she flopped into an exhausted heap. ‘His turn, go wear him out. No more, fiend.’

  Xane turned towards him, still on all fours.

  Oh, lord, was he in trouble, if that wicked-as-hell smile was anything to go by.

  Xane stalked forward, the charms of his silver bracelet chiming as he moved.

  He was going to be eaten alive.

  His heart thumped so hard it seemed the sound echoed in his ears. All the hair on his body stood up, as did the bit of him likely to be in for the biggest treat.

  ‘Condom?’ he gulped.

  Xane just continued hunting him down.

  ‘I’ll run and get one. It’ll take two minutes max.’

  ‘You’ll stay exactly where you are.’

  ‘But …’ He scrambled backwards crabwise until his hands landed on the grass.

  ‘Aren’t you the man with bottomless pockets?’ Dani remarked. Apparently she’d regained her normal speech, though she still hadn’t lifted her head off the ground.

  He was, and he knew for a fact he had the necessary goods. Luthor pounced on his discarded shorts and began emptying the pockets. Duct tape followed a packet of gum and his penknife onto the mat, as did the remains of a broken drumstick – God knows why he still had that in there. The strip of prophylactics was right at the damn bottom. Surprise, surprise. He held them up and smacked a kiss on the wrappers before separating one foil and tearing it open.

  ‘Give it here.’ Xane held out his hand expectantly.

  What the hell else was he supposed to do but hand it over? Sheesh! He was trembling like this was his first fucking time.

  His eyes stung from the strain of not daring to blink as he watched Xane roll the Johnny into position. Only he didn’t bark out the instruction Luthor expected. Instead, Xane about-turned on his knees and crawled back to Dani.

  What in the fucking hell! ‘You’re kidding me.’ She’d more than had her turn. Even Dani looked astonished.

  ‘Xane?’ she murmured.

  ‘Got any lube amongst your trinkets?’ Xane asked.

  Luthor scanned his collection of objects, though he already knew the answer. ‘No.’

  ‘Didn’t think so.’ Poised over Dani, Xane looked down into her luminous eyes. ‘Do you mind if I slick myself up for him, baby?’

  Jeezus effing Christ! He was going to explode before Xane got near him if he kept on coming out with this stuff.

  Dani raised her hand and placed it on Xane’s chest. Her fingertips curled. ‘Are you going to fuck him?’ she mouthed.

  ‘That’s the plan, yes.’

  ‘And you want to use me as a lubricant.’

  ‘Not the whole of you. He’s going to squeal and it’s not going to be half so pleasant if I don’t.’

  ‘It’s a big ask.’

  ‘I know that.’ He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. His cock was lying right against her cunt.

  Luthor could hear Dani’s ragged breaths.

  ‘It’ll be like you’re fucking him too.’

  Her eyes went wide.

  Xane pressed right on into her and started stroking. ‘Your pussy is so fucking sweet. I could happily stay right here.’

  ‘I’m done in, Xane.’

  ‘Sure? No activity on your part required.’

  She batted at him weakly. ‘I need at least a six-hour time out.’

  ‘Lightweight,’ he teased, and gave her another gloriously wanton smooch. His head turned. Luthor stared at him mesmerised. Dark hair framed Xane’s narrow face. His eyebrow piercing glinted in the sunlight, and a hint of sharp teeth showed between his kiss-reddened lips. ‘Get on all fours, and make sure you’re facing her.’

  Luthor didn’t think about what he was doing; his muscles just complied. In any case, it wasn’t as if he was looking for an alternative. He’d fantasised about this for long enough, and he’d certainly never forgotten the first time Xane had screwed him on Swedish soil. Most likely he wasn’t going to forget this occasion either.

  ‘Need me to loosen you up, or are you ready for me now?’

  He couldn’t seem to find his voice to answer. Luckily that didn’t seem to matter, because Xane appeared to know exactly what was necessary – a slow, delirium-inducing rimming of his hole, followed by the sort of euphoric pressure you could get drunk on.

  He let his head hang as Xane entered him. It was easy, so supremely easy, as all the best fucks in his life had been. He breathed deep and relaxed, let Xane sink in to the hilt.

  Xane was inside him.

  Xane Geist was fucking him.

  Pinpricks of pleasure burst all across Luthor’s body as his neural pathways lit up. He was in heaven, hearing and beating away at an imaginary drumkit in time with his favourite Black Halo track. This man drove him demented. Focusing on the rhythm playing in his head was the only way not to shatter immediately. What’s more, Dani was masturbating over the sight of them. She’d been limp as a digestive dipped in tea a moment ago, but now she had her hands between her legs and appeared to be getting off again. He could hardly make sense of it. She was so contradictory. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to keep up. One minute she hated the fact he was intruding on her relationship. The next minute this …

  Only thing he could think to do was roll with the punches.

  Actually, that was the only thing he was capable of. The heat of Xane’s cock inside him was setting the whole of his skin ablaze. Or maybe that was just from having an audience. Luthor wasn’t shy. He’d made out plenty of times and had people witness it,
but this was different. This was Xane Geist inside him, and Dani’s interest wasn’t just vaguely voyeuristic – it was intense. He found it hard to look at her. It was too much like she was seeing through him to all his secret desires and fetishes. Too bad, as Xane had no intention of allowing him to hide. He pulled Luthor into an upright position on his knees so that there was barely any space between them, and the ridges of Xane’s torso constantly caressed Luthor’s back. The angle made it even harder to hold a steady beat. A firm grip around his cock and he was going to shoot himself in the face.

  ‘Take it easy. Relax. I’ve got you.’

  Luthor could do none of those things. He was wound like a coil. Any minute, he was either going to break or unwind so rapidly that if you blinked you’d miss it.

  ‘Let me come with you. Let me come inside you.’

  Yes … yes … He wanted that. Wanted it so damned bad that he accidentally bit his tongue. The metallic taste of blood flooded his mouth.

  ‘Let go, Luthor. I’m right here with you. Do you need my touch?’

  No, he didn’t need Xane’s hand around his cock, but, by God, it felt fantastic. His balls drew up tight, then every muscle in his body seemed to flex at once. Without a doubt he was going to feel the effects of this ride every time he moved for the next few days.

  Frankly, he didn’t care if he felt it for the next month.

  Fiery rapture spread along his shaft and jetted from him in what felt like one long eruption. He fell forward again as Xane finished himself off, cried out at the pulse of the other man’s climax deep inside him, then sighed as Xane’s long hair tickled his back and the sweat began to cool across his skin.

  He didn’t want to move. Anyway, his limbs were like jelly. Even when Xane’s cock softened and he pulled out, he held the pose. ‘That was fucking amazing.’

  OK, he couldn’t support his own weight a second longer. Luthor face-planted onto the tartan rug.

  ‘You’re damned well not wrong.’

  Chapter 15

  Xane walked up to the house in order to dispose of the condom. He might be a rock star, but he was a civilised one. He wasn’t about to start leaving his trash in the middle of his best mate’s lawn. He also hoped that leaving the pair of exhausted noodles on the picnic mat together might prompt them to do some more bonding. Admittedly, that was unlikely – he had a good enough grasp of how Dani’s mind worked to know that post-sex was when her doubts weighed on her most – but he was in a glass-half-full sort of mood.

  Of course, she’d have to get over her embarrassment first, in order to start talking. He’d put money on her being a vibrant shade of fuchsia right now. Though what the hell there was to be embarrassed about, he didn’t get. They’d fucked, and she and Luthor had both masturbated hard at the sight of the other being rogered. There was nothing shameful about those facts. They’d all enjoyed it and gained pleasure from it. That was all that was important.

  Xane had to trudge right through the house to the kitchen to find a waste receptacle. He stopped long enough to drink a glass of water. When he returned to the garden, his two lovers were still on the tartan blanket. The only movement that appeared to have occurred was Luthor putting his shorts back on. They hung so low on his hips, he had to question if it had really been worth the effort. One tiny tweak and they’d be around his ankles again.

  Instead of going to them, Xane planted his butt on the garden swing that occupied one end of the veranda and waited for them to come to him.

  The sun had disappeared behind a cluster of grey clouds, and the smell of rain was in the air. He wasn’t sure how much of the time Rock Giant had agreed to give him remained. Probably not enough for an extensive heart-to-heart. He still wished the stupid buggers would talk to one another though. Life would be so much easier if they’d just open their mouths and communicate. It was his genuine belief that the three of them could have something good together, if they’d just learn to open up a little instead of bottling everything up.

  Actually, Luthor didn’t really have a problem in that regard, it was all Dani, and he kind of got that half the problem was that actually she didn’t know what she wanted. Her head was pulling her in one direction, heart in another and her libido a third. As for her guts, he guessed they were in one big knotty tangle.

  He just wanted to know for sure where her lines were going to be drawn, so he could get on with making her happy. If only she’d realise that she was the one currently standing in the way of that happening.

  Doubt swirled in her eyes as she headed towards him. He wished she’d cast those troubles aside along with her traumatic past and get on with living in the here and now.

  While people’s individual pasts helped shape them, he didn’t accept that they dictated future events. He wasn’t a sex addict because his childhood had sucked. It was because he was too damned weak-willed to consider a life of abstinence. In any case, why the fuck would you give up something that made the world a more pleasurable place, unless you were Spook? Spook’s reasons he understood. He didn’t necessarily agree with his friend’s choices, but he accepted the logic that had led to his vow of celibacy. The guy had essentially overcome his problems by amputating his dick.

  Yeah. He closed his legs. That was not a pleasant thought.

  Finally, both Luthor and Dani stirred themselves and joined him on the veranda. Luthor passed him his jeans. There was no sign of his shirt. It was probably floating on the lake by now. Just as well it wasn’t one he gave a shit about. Maybe he’d do some internet shopping later for some birthday treats. Find a stupidly expensive scrap of designer silk to drape himself in.

  Luthor scratched a hand through his golden blond hair, then dragged it down his torso. He hadn’t bothered to put his T-shirt back on. ‘Someone clue me in about what happens now.’ He looked to Xane for a reply, even though the person with the definitive answers was Dani. She just chewed her lip.

  ‘Movie?’ Xane suggested. While sex was definitely going to dominate their interactions while they worked all this out, sharing some quality time doing everyday stuff would probably help too. ‘I don’t know what Spook has lying around, probably a ton of Viking movies in Swedish or else the world’s biggest collection of troll-hunting discs, but if we’re lucky he might have Netflix set up.’

  ‘It is, Ginny checked last night.’ Dani bypassed him and went into the lounge. Providing her with a new focus seemed to be working a treat. Leastways, it had stopped her giving Luthor the side-eyes.

  Having pulled his jeans on and got them all drinks, Xane positioned himself in the centre of the broadest of Spook’s many white sofas. That allowed Dani to sit one side of him and Luthor the other. There was no need to talk once they’d chosen a film, and he decided maybe that was a good thing. There was much to be said for companionable silence.

  Spook, Ash and Ginny returned when they were halfway through the second film of a quadrilogy. Rock Giant had already gate-crashed and planted his butt on the floor between the sofa and the TV. Initially, he’d tried to snuggle next to Dani, but she was having none of it, and actually neither was he. Rock Giant needed to go out and find his own snuggling companions.

  Spook looked knackered. There were deep worry lines etched around his eyes, and his skin – always pale – was way beyond ashen. ‘Everything all right?’ Xane asked, hammering the pause button.

  Ash grunted and walked right past him, followed by Ginny. They went straight into their bedroom and shut the door. Spook met his gaze and sighed.

  ‘That bad?’

  His friend pushed both hands backwards through the strands of his white-blond hair. ‘If he keeps this shit up, I’m going to call his mother.’

  ‘Yowch!’ Xane sucked a breath in through his pursed lips. He considered it a bonus on occasions such as these that his own mother was dead. Not that she’d have given a shit if one of his friends had called her, worried about him. She’d never managed to muster any concern for him as a child, so why would she be bothered about him as
an adult?

  Ash’s mum, on the other hand, was a stick-thin woman with a heart so big it had to fill her entire chest cavity. She was always smiling and fussing and brimming with pride for her famous son. If she’d been about five stones heavier she’d have been the snuggly comforter Xane had wished he’d had back when he was eight or nine.

  ‘Please don’t ever, ever call my mum about anything,’ Rock Giant said, sticking up a finger as if he were at school. ‘Unless I’m dead, then you can call her, but only after you’ve wiped my hard drive of porn.’

  Rock Giant’s mum was famous in her own right. The general population might only have a sleepy eye focused on the Toll Puddle Martyrs, but on the folk music circuit they were legendary.

  ‘Isn’t she a hedge witch?’ Spook asked. ‘If you were dead, she’d probably try and raise you.’

  ‘Possibly with more success than on her first attempt,’ Xane quipped.

  Rock Giant beat him hard across the shin, prompting him to raise his legs and rub at what would inevitably become a bruise.

  ‘What did the specialist say?’ Xane asked, returning to the subject of Ash and his wayward fine motor skills.

  ‘That it’ll take time to fix.’ Spook swiped the bag of cheesy puffs from Rock Giant’s lap and munched a handful. ‘The likelihood of a full recovery is good, but it won’t happen overnight, and Mr Impatient doesn’t like that.’

  ‘What sort of timescale are we talking?’ If they were talking months it might impact the new tour dates. The studio recordings weren’t as big an issue. He or Spook could stand in for Ash on lead guitar.

  Spook popped another cheese puff into his mouth. ‘Billion-dollar question – could be days, could be months, even years, but it’s not going to happen while he’s getting worked up over his inability to lick, and refusing to do exercises or consider speech therapy.’

  ‘Can we do anything to help?’


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