Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8

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Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8 Page 4

by Desiree Holt

  “Just fine,” Sable told her.

  They made sure they exchanged phone numbers, and Ryan gave them the address of the place.

  “I’ll call you the minute I’m satisfied this fits both your needs and your pocket book,” she told Sable. “You’ll be at the clinic. Can you get away for a little bit?”

  Sable nodded. “We’ve got something going on for Doc around noon. Today was really his last day. This party is great, but the staff wants to have their own little goodbye for him.”

  “What time will that be?”

  “They’re planning to have lunch sent in, so around twelve thirty.”

  “Okay.” Nida turned back to Ryan. “Then send your guy over there about eight thirty. That way, if everything works out, we can get Sable back to the clinic in time for the party.”

  Ryan nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’ll set it all up with Danny when he gets to work.” He looked at Sable. “You can come to the ranch at the end of the day, if that works better for you. I mean, after the clinic closes.”

  “That’s not too late?”

  “No. Not at all. Come anytime.” Just come. And didn’t the word alone make his cock twitch. If he didn’t get himself under control, he’d embarrass himself in a big way. Sable Hunter affected him the way no other woman had for twenty years.

  “The staff can handle things as long as we don’t get any big emergencies. I might be able to cut out a little early.”

  “Great. Make it easy on yourself.”

  Damn. When everything came up about the house, he’d hoped to be able to take Sable out to lunch afterwards. Okay, now maybe dinner if she was coming to the ranch late. He knew he should dial this all back a notch, but something hot and needy inside him was pushing him forward.

  “I think we finished our discussion just in time.” Nida inclined her head toward the stage that had been set up. “Looks like the band is getting ready to start its first set.”

  Sure enough, as Nida walked away, the bandleader tapped the mic.

  “Okay, ladies and gents. Time to get yourselves out on the dance floor. Reenie and Matt, you get out here and bring the crowd with you.”

  The musicians swung into a rendition of “Hey, Good Lookin’”. As soon as Reenie and Matt began to dance, others quickly followed. Ryan looked at Sable, feeling like a gawky kid at a high school dance.

  “How about it? Can you spare a dance for the man who might have found your house for you?”

  She tilted her head to look up at him, her lips curved in a warm smile.

  “I don’t think I’m much of a dancer, but after what you came up with, how can I refuse?”

  He took her hand and led her out to the dance floor before she could change her mind. Although his large body dwarfed hers, she moved easily into his arms as if she’d been there forever. He reveled in the feel of her soft body against his. As subtly as he could, he inhaled the delicate fragrance surrounding her, a teasing combination of something flowery and cinnamon. Sweet and spicy. He’d bet that described Sable herself to a tee. He’d love to taste every inch of her to find out.

  He was not a fan of holding a conversation while dancing, especially when he had a woman like this in his arms. As the band moved into the next number, he made no move to release her. This song was a particular favorite of his, “Amazed”, by Lonestar. He tightened his hold on Sable just a fraction, pulling her against him a little harder. She had to feel the thick outline of his cock, even through the two layers of their clothing. He waited to see if she moved away from him, protested the sudden intimacy, but she just leaned into him, humming along with the music.

  Holy shit. Was she feeling it too? Whatever it was?

  Cool it, Ryan, he warned himself. She’s brand new in town. Hardly got her legs under her, so to speak. Let her get settled, adjust to the practice before making a move.

  Smart advice. Too bad he probably wouldn’t be taking it.

  The music ended and he felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking around, he saw the Hannigans standing next to him.

  “Thanks for making sure Sable gets into the swing of things,” Georgie said. “We’re going over to the buffet table before this hungry horde devours everything. Come on and join us.”

  Sable stepped easily out of his arms at the words. He wondered if she saw it as an excuse to break the contact. When he looked at her, he saw heat in her eyes and her face was flushed. It was gone so quickly he wasn’t sure if he’d imagined it or not.

  “That sounds like a great idea.” She gave the other couple a bright smile. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

  Ryan shifted his position so he was walking slightly behind her, using her as a shield. He was hungry too, only not for food. He just hoped no one bothered to look at his crotch until he got his misbehaving dick under control. Maybe shoving some food into his stomach would distract the other parts of his body.

  Tables stretched the entire length of one side of the tent. A carving chef and waitstaff were on one side, prepared to serve people as they passed down the line. There was probably enough food to feed an army, but Ryan realized that was about the size of the crowd. He was sure everyone in Saddle Wells was here tonight, as well as a good number of people from the rest of the county, a not unexpected turnout. Pete Lynch had been practicing here, tending to people’s animals, for thirty-five years.

  “This is fantastic.” Sable was moving along the buffet table in front of him. She looked up at him, smiling like a kid in a candy shop. “I’ll probably make a pig of myself.”

  Georgie laughed. “We encourage people to do that, you know. I think it’s a rule around here. Maybe in the whole state.”

  When Cade led the way to a table, balancing two plates in his hand, it was obvious he expected Ryan and Sable to follow along. Ryan was okay with that if it meant he could sit right up next to Sable during dinner. She’d be sitting with the Hannigans for sure, since she’d come with them, and Ryan was never one to pass up an opportunity.

  He held back in the conversation department as they ate. Cade had Sable talking about where she’d gone to vet school and where she’d done her internship, and more importantly, how she happened to choose this profession to begin with. He filed every nugget of information carefully away in his brain for the future. He wanted to know as much about Dr. Sable Hunter as he could, past and present. He hoped to contribute a lot to the future himself.

  “I’m really looking forward to getting myself established with everyone here,” she commented as she blew at the steam on a hot cup of coffee. “I want people to know they can depend on me the way they have on Doc.”

  Cade looked at Ryan. “That man right next to you can be a big help. You take good care of his million-dollar bulls and he’ll sing your praises to everyone.”

  Sable looked at him, one eyebrow cocked. “Is that right?”

  “My bulls are my life,” he said simply, and meant every word of it. No matter how hot he was for Dr. Sable Hunter, or how much he wanted to take her to bed or do any other thing with her, his bulls came first. If she ended up not cutting it as a vet, all the sexual chemistry in the world wasn’t going to save her. That was just the way it was. But he didn’t want to worry about that right now.

  “So if I cut it with you, I’m good with everyone else?” she teased.

  He nodded. “That’s about how it rolls.”

  The stare she gave him was so penetrating he felt it down to his toes. He broke eye contact first, rising with his empty cup. “I can use anther cup of coffee. How about the rest of you?”

  “I’ll come with you.” Cade rose from his chair. “Help you carry them back.”

  “So.” Georgie scooted over next to Sable as soon as the men walked away. “You and the bull rider?”

  Sable did her best to keep her face impassive. “The bull rider and I were discussing business. Boarding my horse, remember? You’re the one who suggested it.”

  “Uh-huh. Looked like the two of you were talking about more than tha
t mare of yours.” Georgie winked.

  “Damn. Was everyone else watching us? Speculating like this?”

  “Of course. You’re a new female in town, and he’s the hottest thing in the county. People just gossip naturally, but it’s no big deal.”

  “I just don’t want them pairing us up. You know?”

  Georgie laughed. “Honey, it’s the local pastime around here. Get used to it.”

  Yeah, right.

  Sable shook her head. “He’s a good-looking man, but my first order of business is business. This is my first solo practice, and making sure I do it right is primary. I can’t let myself get distracted.”

  “Even with a distraction as sexy as Ryan Donovan?” Georgie teased.

  “Even with.” She nodded. If only her body could catch up with her common sense. Still, what would it hurt if somehow they got together? As long as he knew she was only interested in sex. And look at her, getting ahead of herself already.

  “Honey, hanging out with Ryan would be fun. I think every woman who can breathe has thrown herself at him since he bought that ranch of his.”

  “And no takers? That’s weird. I thought rodeo cowboys collected buckle bunnies.”

  Georgie shook her head. “He’s long past the buckle-bunny stage. I think he’s looking for something solid.”

  Sable swallowed a groan. That was the last thing she was looking for right now. Her practice needed every bit of her energy and attention, and she didn’t need a man irritated because she had irregular hours and her cell phone rang at all times of the day and night. She’d worked too hard to get where she was to have things derailed by a relationship now. No, not doing that. Not yet anyway.

  Of course, a few hours getting naked with Ryan Donovan wouldn’t be so bad, as long as he knew that’s what it was. Just friends with benefits, kind of.

  “I want to get settled first,” she repeated firmly. “Anyway, I still haven’t found a place to live. That’s at the top of my to-do list right now. Although something may have dropped into my lap.”

  “No kidding? I saw you with Nida, and Ryan seemed to be all in the conversation too. What was that all about?”

  “Oh, wait until I tell you.” Sable got excited all over again as she explained about the house Ryan had mentioned and what the situation was. “It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for, Georgie. And I can rent with an option to buy. That way they’ll have income from it while they look for a new place in Montana, and I can decide if it’s what I really want. Isn’t that great?”

  “Well.” A grin teased at Georgie’s lips. “That’s certainly convenient, isn’t it?”

  Sable frowned at her. “Ryan was just helping me out. And it could be a real break for me. Everything else I’ve found is either too big or too small or too expensive. And time’s running out.”

  “You know you can stay with us as long as you want to,” Georgie reminded her. “That barn’s nice and dry since Cade did all the work on it. There’s plenty of room to store your stuff while you keep looking.” Her lips twitched. “And I assume you’ve got a place for your mare?”

  “Yes, and stop smirking.” Sable gave her friend a playful smack on the arm. “He’s just going to show me the stall.”

  Now Georgie laughed out loud. “Judging by the look on his face, I’d say Ryan Donovan wants to show you a whole lot more than that.”

  Sable felt the rush of heat to her cheeks. Was it that evident? She was no stranger to dating or sex, and she’d known a lot of very sexy men in her life. But Ryan Donovan, with his Black Irish good looks, totally unsettled her. The minute she walked into the tent tonight her nipples had hardened to painful tips, a heavy ache had filled her breasts and between her thighs, the pulse in her inner walls thundered like a jungle drum. She was sure her panties were soaked, so much so she wondered if everyone had caught the scent of her musk. Thank God, no one had given her knowing looks.

  Had Ryan noticed? He was just as aroused himself. The evidence of it was obvious, the thickness of his swollen dick pressing into her mound while they’d danced had been a good indication of his own state of arousal. He certainly smelled darn good, a blend of citrus and earth and just pure male. She’d had to stop herself from sniffing his neck and licking the skin. Wouldn’t that have been just great, the new vet acting like a horny tramp on the dance floor?

  Crap. She was noted for her discipline and self-control. It was an important part of her profession, and she carried it over to personal relationships. Even with the hottest guys, she’d never completely let go. It was a matter of principle for her. Never give that control over to anyone. If the sex never quite reached the level of satisfaction she dreamed about, that was just the trade-off. If she ever got naked with Ryan, she didn’t think he’d let her get away with that. He’d be the kind of man who would strip her down to her basic needs and teach her what all-out fucking was really all about.


  Georgie’s amused voice broke into her wandering thoughts.

  Oh my God. She was sitting here in a huge crowd of people thinking of sex with the man getting her coffee. Did it show on her face? She made a tremendous effort to pull in the fraying edges of her control.

  “Hmm? Oh, sorry. Just thinking about that house. I’m going to see it tomorrow and am hoping it’s what I want. At last.”

  “If you say so, honey.” Georgie leaned closer to Sable. “I heard what you said before. I did. But let me tell you, Ryan Donovan is one fine man. He’s got a hunger in his eyes for you that he just can’t hide. Besides being sex on a stick, he’s a good, solid person.”

  Sable blew out a breath. “Thanks for the commercial, but I haven’t even had my first solo day of work here. Like I said, my priority is giving the people a chance to get familiar with me and confident with my skills.”

  Georgie held out her hands, palms out. “Whatever. Let me just say this one last thing on the subject. There’s nothing that says you can’t work and have a good time. All those women we hung out with before you left to pack up your stuff didn’t let an opportunity pass them by, and they still got their jobs done. That goes for me too. And Cyn Orosco, well, one minute Jesse’s building her store and the next they’re screwing like bunnies in her back room.”

  “Georgie!” Sable didn’t know whether to be shocked or to laugh.

  “What? It’s the truth. And look at them now.” She pointed to the couple in question, so close together on the dance floor there didn’t appear to be room for a sheet of tissue paper between them.

  Sable just shook her head. “I hear you. As long as people don’t start trying to pair us up and make something more out of it.”

  “People can’t help being natural matchmakers. Just ignore them.” She lowered her voice. “If I was single and I had a guy like Ryan look at me like he wanted to eat me alive, I’d damn sure jump right on that.” She winked. “In more ways than one. Anyway, here come the guys with our coffee and what looks like more slices of cake. I’ll never fit in these jeans again if I eat one more bite.”

  “Me either. But I’ll be getting plenty of exercise again soon enough.”

  She had to work hard to maintain an air of nonchalance while she drank her coffee and ate the piece of cake she really didn’t need. She let the Hannigans and Ryan carry on the bulk of the conversation while she just listened. And all the time, she was acutely aware of the man sitting next to her, his unique male scent, the heat his body generated. Occasionally, when he shifted slightly, he pressed his thigh against hers, the heat of it nearly scorching her even through the denim of her jeans.

  She thought of seeing him tomorrow, making plans to board her horse with him. Would they be alone in the barn? Would he try to—

  Holy shit, Sable. Get it together.

  That’s exactly what she wanted to do, only with Ryan Donovan. Friends with benefits, she reminded herself. That’s what worked best for her. No strings attached. No demands on her except for her practice. The life of a vet wasn’t somethi
ng that was easy to deal with. When animals needed her, she didn’t have time to worry about someone else. That wasn’t an easy situation, and she didn’t know if Ryan could handle it or not. Just because he was a rancher with his own sometimes irregular hours didn’t mean he’d be understanding about hers. It could kill a really great relationship.


  She looked up, startled at the sound of Ryan’s voice.

  “Sorry. Just savoring the decadence of this chocolate cake. What’s up?”

  Ryan stood, pushing back his chair and holding his hand out to her. “They’ve got Doc up on the stage. Looks like it’s speech time. We should go give a listen.”

  “Oh, right.” She gave him her hand and he helped her to her feet. She was acutely aware of two things. Both Cade and Georgie were watching with knowing looks on their faces—was the electricity between her and Ryan actually visible?—and just the touch of Ryan’s hand was enough to dampen her panties even more. It seemed she’d left her famous self-control back in West Texas. How would she ever control herself tomorrow?

  Chapter Three

  This is so good and so dangerous.

  Sable swallowed a bite of steak and chased it with a sip of her ice water. This was definitely the best steak she’d eaten in a long time. Maybe ever. Of course, the environment, the setup and the very sexy man across from her might have a lot to do with it.

  They were seated on the patio at the rear of Ryan’s rambling log house. He had grilled steaks on the fanciest grill Sable had ever seen. He’d uncorked a bottle of wine from nearby Grape Creek Winery and settled her on a stool at the kitchen counter while he microwaved potatoes and tossed a salad with veggies from an astonishingly well-stocked fridge. When the steaks were done, he set everything on the patio table and topped off her wine glass. Then he seated himself across from her.

  “Sorry we didn’t actually get to a restaurant.” Ryan’s deep voice broke into her thoughts. “My intention was to actually take you out someplace. A nice casual dinner to welcome you to Saddle Wells.”


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