Hidden Desires

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Hidden Desires Page 15

by T J Vertigo

  "So... would you feel more comfortable talking to your father? I can go get him if you..."

  "NO!" Brooke interrupted. "No," She grimaced, fidgeted, and then sighed in defeat. "See, I have this crush."

  Harriet raised her eyebrow and urged her daughter on. "And..."

  "Well, remember when Grant's parents told you... wait that's not true... ok, do you remember that Grant thought I was having an affair?"

  Harriet's eyes widened. "Honey... you didn't..."

  "Actually, no, but Grant wasn't entirely wrong in his assumptions." She said, blushing slightly.

  Harriet pondered that a while as she watched her daughter's eyes dart around the room nervously.

  "Brooke.... this woman with a "K"... I mean... are you?"

  "No, we aren't, but she's real, Ma." Brooke admitted, her mouth suddenly dry.

  "I see." The older woman's lips went thin as she thought about this news.

  Green eyes closed and Brooke took a deep breath. Well, in for a penny... "She works a few blocks over... where I bought Fred his cologne. The Fuzzy Belly Deli."

  "Interesting name. What does she do there?" Harriet asked, trying to forge more information about the "K" woman.

  "She owns it I think."

  "Well," Harriet chuckled. "You could do worse."

  Brooke blushed. "Mom, it's not like that. We don't get along well at all." She said sadly.


  "Yeah, we get near each other and fireworks start, we fight, terribly. We get along much better just looking at each other from a distance."

  "You know, that's a sign of passion." Harriet said seriously.

  Brooke rolled her eyes. "Mom.. please. You don't know the half of it."

  "So tell me." Mrs. Hewitt climbed into bed next to her daughter and settled down. "Go on."

  "I don't think..." Brooke hid her face in her hands.

  "It's not so bad honey, it's girl talk. How'd you meet?"

  "See, I met Cayden once, in the shop, and I was instantly drawn to her. I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was scary actually. It was like I was obsessed." Brooke recalled, a small red blush crept up on her face. "Then, well, I started dreaming about her." She said quietly, embarrassed to be admitting this to her mother.

  The older woman patted Brooke's leg. "Then what happened?" She asked, smiling warmly.

  "So, I must talk in my sleep." she said, hanging her head down. "Anyway, Grant assumed I was having an affair by the way I was... expressing myself in my sleep. " Brooke paused to gather herself, she was so nervous her hands were shaking.

  "It sounds like you're quite smitten with her. So when did you two start fighting?"

  "After Grant went and told her to stay away from me."

  "WHAT?? Are you kidding? That putz did what? How'd he know who she was?"

  "You'll never believe me if I told you." Brooke said shaking her head. "You see..." She began to tell her the whole sordid story.

  Mrs. Hewitt relaxed and listed to her daughter's story, sometimes snickering, sometimes gaping. At the end though, she could see why Brooke was acting the way she was. She couldn't very well force Brooke to talk to Cayden, or confess the truth, that would be highly embarrassing. She could however, be there for her daughter, and support whatever decision she makes and she told her as much. She left Brooke's room that night with a lot more information that she could have imagined. My daughter appears to be deep in lust with a woman. One who can't stand her it seems. This Cayden, I must see what she's all about.

  * * *

  Wade was very excited as he sat there surrounded by cute little invitations. He had gotten out his best paper, and started printing away, and now was enjoying the fruits of his labors. Actually, Jodie's labors too. Jodie was the one who stole Cayden's client list from her computer at work, and she was also responsible for the extra special invitation for Brooke. Now, Wade was happily stamping the invitations, ready to send them on their way. He heard the keys jangling outside the front door and panicked, scattering envelopes all over the kitchen table until he found Brooke's. He shoved it under his shirt just in time as Cayden walked in.

  "What a goddamned day!" she declared, as she threw herself into a kitchen chair. "What the hell is all this?"

  Wade grimaced. Cayden was cranky as all hell for the last few days. "Invites to our mixer."

  "Hmph." Cayden folded her arms across her chest. "I can't believe I agreed to this. Maybe I'll stay home."

  "That'll be bad form." Wade said, gathering his supplies.

  "Like I care." Cayden snorted and went to the fridge to retrieve a beer. "I can just hide in the storeroom."

  "Why? Cayd, you can sit behind the counter and pretend to be working."

  "With all those people?" She asked, her blue eyes wide.

  "It's only 20. I only invited the normal ones,.. and Butch."

  "Great" She replied sarcastically. "So when is this wing ding again?"

  "Friday night, 7 o'clock."

  Cayden frowned. "Peachy."

  "You'll at least wear something suitable?" he asked. "Maybe those black jeans and your white shirt with the top button missing."

  Cayden raised her eyebrows. "The outfit you tell me is sexy? Why would I want to wear that for? I'm not there to show off, or shop for women. That's what Jodie's there for." She said with a smirk.

  "Well, you just never know Cayden." Wade said with a smirk of his own. "I gotta go mail these if I want them out on time." he said as he left the room.

  Cayden watched him go with pursed lips. Hmm. I'm really having a party. What ever possessed me to agree to this? Shit, she though sourly. Well, its done now. I'll just have to deal with it.

  * * *

  Brooke was all too excited to tell Bev of her mother's reaction to the news. Bev was thrilled and took Brooke out to lunch to celebrate. Bev and Brook shared coming out horror stories regarding people they knew, or had heard about and Brooke considered herself extremely lucky to have a mother like hers. She wasn't worried about her father either, he wasn't going to be disturbed by the news, her mother had assured her of it. She also assured Brooke that should it not be isolated to Cayden, and that her daughter should find herself attracted to other women, all will be fine too.

  Bev also mentioned to Brooke that she may not be attracted to another woman, it could just be Cayden. Brooke wasn't phased either way... by her mother's or Bev's observations. So, if she was a lesbian, she was a lesbian. The blonde felt pretty good with the idea. She was sure it had something to do with the amount of love and support she had behind her.

  As she sat on the subway on the way home, Brooke started looking at the various women to see if she found any of them attractive. She couldn't say that she did. No one did to her what happened when she looked at Cayden. A few women she was checking out made eye contact with her, and still, nothing happened. No soccer games in her belly, no pounding in her chest. Sighing and closing her eyes, Brooke thought sadly, that if the only person who makes her feel like that hates her, she'd have to do something to change it. She couldn't let it go. She needed to get close to Cayden. To do that, she'd have to tell her the truth. While not something she was looking forward to, it was something that had to be done. Brooke stuck out her chin and made her final decision. I am going to tell that impossible woman the truth. If she laughs, she laughs. I just can't go on without at least trying.

  * * *

  Cayden was in hell. Her television was broken. The cable had gone out in the neighborhood and she'd spent the last four hours flicking the TV on and off, seeing nothing but a blue screen. Not having the TV to occupy her, the brunette had much too much time to think, and all she thought about was the impending party, and Brooke. She was feeling quite smug though, that she got her way with Jodie, and Brooke wasn't going to be invited. It was bad enough she was having the damned thing anyway, to invite Brooke would have just made it worse. Why does she make me so crazy? Why can't I just forget her? I can't get her out of my stupid head all week long! She's h
aunting me. Why do Jo, Wade AND Denise insist on trying to get us together? Isn't it apparent that we are not made for each other? Yeah, I think she's hotter than hot, but damn she gets on my nerves. Stupid Brooke. Stupid straight Brooke. Cayden pouted for a while then her eyebrows sprang up. Hey... wait just a minute. Jodie gave in way too easily about not inviting her. That was odd... Her thoughts were interrupted by the bell tinkling and Cayden looked up to see a woman walk in. This woman seemed quite familiar to her and she cocked her head. "May I help you with something?"

  "Oh, no, just looking around, thank you." Mrs. Hewitt said with a smile.

  Where do I know her from... and why is she looking at me like that?

  Harriet thought she was being very discreet as she took in the striking woman from the corner of her eye. Oh, not bad Brooke, dear. The older woman liked the shop too. Ah, yes there's those cookies...

  Curious about this woman's behavior, Cayden stood up and watched her as she picked things up and smelled them. "Those cookies are a big hit," she offered.

  "Oh, I know, my do... my friend's dog just loves them." Mrs. Hewitt turned and smiled brightly.

  Cayden furrowed her brows. She has the same eyes as Brooke when she smiles... she wouldn't send her mother.. no, would she? "So, how did you hear about this place?"

  "My friend with the dog and the cookies..." Harriet rambled. The way Cayden was looking at her with those ice blue eyes unnerved her. She could definitely see where Brooke would become intimidated. And she's so tall too! "Oh." The shop keeper said with a knowing smirk, and half narrowed eyes.

  "Well, I ought to be on my way. It was nice meeting you..."


  "Cayden. What a pretty name."

  "Thank you," she nodded. "Have a nice day now."

  "I will. You too."

  Harriet left and Cayden's eyes narrowed completely.

  * * *

  Brooke decided to stop by Grant's house on her way home and pick up her mail. She was grateful he wasn't there as she opened the mailbox to retrieve today's mail too. She was surprised to hear his voice last night, thinking he was still away. Either way, it didn't matter, she had her mail now. She scanned through it and found an envelope from The Fuzzy Belly Deli. What? She tore it open and her eyes widened as she read. She's inviting me and Fred to a party? ME? I don't get it! She read it again and chuckled. It's a really good thing Grant didn't get this one, she thought, then stared at the invitation. She must be joking... unless she wants to start over again? Maybe it's her way of calling a truce? Hmm.... an R.S.V.P. number. Is it hers? Would she be giving me her phone number? A party huh. Is this legit? Where the hell did she get my address from? I better think about this.

  * * *

  Harriet ran home to tell Bert all about Cayden. He wasn't impressed.

  "So, she's tall, pretty and she owns a cute shop. What do you really know about her?"

  "I know that Brooke is totally taken with her."

  "So. I want to meet this woman."

  "You're just cranky because Brooke didn't tell you first."

  "I am not." He pouted.

  Brooke put her key in the door and Harriet wagged her finger at her husband. "Don't you be cranky with her, you hear me?"

  "Yes, dear."

  Brooke darted into the living room, "Mom, can I see you for a moment?" then darted out.

  "What do you think?" Bert asked curiously.

  "Only one way to find out." Harriet said, standing up and smoothing her dress.

  Brooke was standing by the door waiting for her mother. When she entered the room, Brooke closed the door and handed her the invitation. "Well?"

  "Honey, let me look at this first."

  Brooke sat on the bed, crossed her legs and folded her hands. "Did you read it yet?"


  "Sorry." She twiddled her thumbs for about three seconds. "So?"

  "Alright honey, I'm finished. Are you going to go?"

  "MOM! That's what I need you for!" Brooke stood up and took the invitation away and stared at it.

  "Your father knows." Her mom said offhandedly.

  "You told him?" "Of course, Honey, he's fine. A bit overprotective, but that's typical whether it be a man or a woman."

  "I can't tell him about this." she held up the invitation." He'll want to come and he'll give Cayden the third degree!" she said in fear.

  "Honey, he'll be fine." Harriet assured her daughter. "So, what are you going to do about it anyway?"

  "I don't know, ma." The small blonde sat heavily on the bed. "I really, really want to see her again, but a party? What if she gets all weird and picks a fight? Besides, how am I going to talk to her about... you know... if we can't be alone? What would you do?""

  "I'm sure there will be a place to go to talk in private. I, personally think a party is a great idea. Baby, think about it. Not only will there be plenty of other people to talk to, but if she's hosting it, she can't possibly be a bear to you."

  "You think? Should I go?" Brooke wondered.

  "Well, I'd go."

  "Should I tell daddy?"

  "That's up to you. If you think you can get away with hiding this from him..." Harriet left the sentence hanging on purpose.

  "Oh alright," Brooke sighed. "I'll go tell him."

  * * *

  "I don't like this. You say the two of you fight like cats and dogs and then she invites you to a party? How does she know where you live?" Bert frowned.

  "I don't know how she knows, but apparently she does. Daddy, I'm sure it will be ok. We won't be alone." Brooke smiled her daddy smile.

  "Dear, I think it's a great idea. Fred will be there to protect her." Harriet tried.

  Bert harrumphed. "Well... Brooke, you're a big girl. Let it be known that I protest."

  "Alright, Daddy, it's known. I knew you'd disapprove, but I just couldn't keep it from you."

  "Why not?" he said, his voice tinged with hurt. "You didn't feel bad hiding everything else from me."


  Brooke sighed and went to stand behind her father, rubbing his shoulders. "I was scared, Dad. I didn't want to tell anyone. I'm sorry."

  "You never hid anything from me before." He pouted.

  "I won't hide anything from you again. I promise." She glanced at her mother. "I love you daddy." She said and kissed the top of his head.

  "I love you too, honey."

  "Brooke, I have an idea." Harriet said with a devious smile. "Don't R.S.V.P."

  "Why not?"

  "After everything that's happened, Cayden wouldn't have invited you if she didn't assume you'd be there. She's a bit cocky if you ask me. Imagine how she'll feel when you don't reply."

  "Oooo, Mom." Brooke giggled.

  "Then, picture her face when you do show up. I always liked the element of surprise." Harriet giggled back.

  "That's good, Mom!" Brooke smiled.

  "I don't like this idea." Bert added.

  "It is known." Harriet teased.

  * * *

  It was Friday afternoon and Wade was highly disappointed that Brooke hadn't R.S.V.P.'d. He really hoped she'd come. The party will be fun anyway, but not nearly as good. The whole thing was arranged for Brooke and Cayden.

  Jodie was down about it too, and had every intention of going to Brooke's apartment and dragging her bodily to the shop, but Wade convinced her it was a bad idea.

  Cayden was no worse for the wear after having her two friends buzzing around the shop all afternoon. She sat like a fixture in her chair and stared at the television in between customers. A few inquired about the party decorations and when Wade or Jodie explained with enthusiasm, the customers promptly invited themselves. Cayden thanked any and all gods that Mrs. Ida Friedman didn't show up on this day. All she needed was the crazy woman in the orange beret and mismatched flip-flops singing opera in her crowded shop.

  The tall woman frowned when Wade handed her a bag of clothes earlier in the day. She didn't feel like being sexy, and she certainly didn
't want to dress that way in front of her clients. They knew her as the woman behind the counter in the comfy clothes, not some sexual being. It was uncomfortable. Regardless, between Jodie and Wade's persistence, and the slight headache developing at the base of the neck, Cayden didn't have a chance and changed into the outfit in the bag.

  Now, sitting in a folding chair and pouting, the shop keeper watched Jodie arrange old product around the shop, and her whistling room mate hang decorations around the counter. "You're way to festive for your own good, Wade."

  "And you're way too crotchety, Scrooge."

  "Bah, Humbug."

  "Aren't you excited? OOO! I am!" He exclaimed.

  "Oh yes. I'm thrilled."

  "I can see that, you spoil sport. Come on, loosen up, have a beer or something." He suggested.

  "Yeah Cayd, let it hang." Jodie added.

  "You couldn't handle me hanging." Cayden shot back. "I think I will have that beer." She went over to the folding table and took a beer from the cooler.

  Wade, jumped off of the counter and gave Cayden the once over. "Oh yeah, gotta love those jeans baby... that's one fine ass you got there."

  The tall woman stuck out her ass and snickered. "You wish you had an ass like this." she joked.

  "I live vicariously through yours." Wade kidded and smacked said object as he passed.

  "Oooo baby.." Cayden pretended to enjoy it.

  "Ew!" Wade complained and disappeared into the back room.

  Cayden took in the new look of her shop. Party decorations, folding chairs, tables... hors d'ouevres for people and pets. She pursed her lips, unable to back out now, and went behind the counter to pout. It was just before 7 and the bell tingled, signalling the beginning of a very long night for the shop keeper.

  PART 13

  B ROOKE LEFT WORK early on Friday, with a huge hug for luck from Bev. The blonde hadn't retrieved all of her clothes from Grant's house yet and didn't have a thing to wear to the party. Not that she planned on getting dressed up or anything, but her good stuff was still at Grant's. Harriet met her daughter at work and they set off shopping. Brooke was a mass of clanging nerves by the time she and her mother picked out what to wear. They had been to three stores and tried on countless outfits until Brooke finally approved.


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