Hidden Desires

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Hidden Desires Page 28

by T J Vertigo

  Brooke put the bag down and frowned. "I'm not hungry any more."

  "Nerves, you'll be fine." She noticed Brooke pick up a big bag from under her desk and surmised it was her clothes for the date. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm sneaking out early, I'm going to get changed."

  Bev promptly followed the blonde to the ladies room. Brooke emerged from the bathroom in lycra shorts and a sports bra, the big bag slung over her shoulder. "You're wearing that to a date!?" Bev asked loudly and in shock.

  Brooke jumped out of her skin. "BEV! You scared me half to death! "

  Bev stared openly. "Tell me you're not wearing this to dinner."

  Brooke pretended to be hurt, watching Bev's eyes widen. Then she laughed. "No, I'm roller blading home," she patted the big bag, "I need to get rid of the nervous energy." Bev relaxed and released a loud breath. Brooke began laughing. "You should have seen your face!"

  "Honey, it's not that you don't look good, you look fabulous, but ...I can't believe I thought you were wearing this." she blushed.

  "Just think, I'll be all pumped and sinewy for the date. " Brooke winked.


  Brooke giggled. "And don't you forget it."

  * * *

  Cayden rolled her eyes and fished a tissue out of the drawer. She presented it to the hysterical woman, hoping she'd eventually pay and get out quickly. "Ida, I know you love your cats and they saved your life. How did they like the balls?"

  Ida jumped up and down with excitement, stepping out of a golash and threw her hands over her head. "My babies LOVED them!" she declared. "Cupcake Junior, not Senior, plays and plays!" the crazy old woman laughed uproariously. "It's WONDERFUL! You should see them! Why don't you come over to tea, keep an old woman company? Oh you're a godsend! You should sprout wings and fly away!"

  * * *

  Harriet ran to the door as Brooke came in. "Honey! You're all red and sweaty!" she said with obvious concern.

  "Yeah mom, it's a million degrees out." Brooke just wanted to get under the cool shower.

  "Quick, come into the kitchen and drink something. I have iced tea." Harriet pushed Brooke to the kitchen.

  "Ma! I'm okay, I just want to go take a shower!"

  "Bert, talk to your daughter, tell her it's not healthy to be out in this heat with her rolling skates."

  "Roller blades, Harriet." Bert leaned forward in his chair. "Brooke, at least drink something, make your mother happy."

  "Fine, give me a drink." Brooke put down her skates and marched like a pouty child to the table.

  Harriet beamed as her daughter drank. "There, now isn't that much better?"

  "Much. Now may I go shower? I reek."

  Harriet frowned. "Yes, go shower, a lady shouldn't smell.

  * * *

  Brooke checked herself out in the mirror a final time and was satisfied with her appearance. "Okay, now to pass through the living room without incident." She held her chin high as she walked directly towards her keys. "I'm going." she announced.

  "Brooke!" Mrs. Hewitt exclaimed in shock. "That's not what you're wearing to a Dinner Party!"

  Brooke rolled her eyes and turned to face her mother. "It's not formal or anything."

  "What will the other couple think?"

  "They're not a couple, besides, Cayden's wearing shorts too."

  "Bert, look at your daughter."

  Mr. Hewitt glanced up at Brooke and his eyes widened. "There you go with those again!"

  Brooke looked down at her chest. "Daddy, they go everywhere with me. I grew them and I intend to keep them."

  "Don't be fresh with your father." her mother scolded.

  "Sorry, daddy."

  "You should be ashamed." Harriet wagged a finger and tsk'd. "You fibbed."

  "What?" Brooke asked in defense.

  "There is no Dinner Party young lady, you're going to Cayden's house dressed like that for other reasons." Harriet narrowed her eyes.

  Brooke reddened. "No." she said guiltily.

  "I for one, would never wear shorts to a dinner party, OR a Wonderbra."

  "You don't own a Wonderbra." Bert interjected.

  "You shush." Mrs. Hewitt warned. "Cayden is dressing like that too?"

  "Yes, ma."

  "Well, I suppose you do look sexy if that's what you're going for."

  "Exactly." Brooke admitted.

  Harriet cracked a grin." Then you'll be fine."

  "Thank you mom. Can I go now?"

  "Yes. Bert, tell her to have a good time."

  "I'll do no such thing!" He huffed. "There's only one kind of good time to be had with those in a frame, and I don't condone it."

  "Daddy, it's not an orgy or anything, it's a friendly get together."

  "Friendly my foot! I know what you're doing." He said with a scowl.

  "Daddy, I'm a big girl!" Brooke argued.

  "Oh, everyone can see that."

  "Bert." Harriet pursed her lips and shot him a look. "Don't you trust her?"

  "Yeah, Daddy?"

  "Well, yes I do but...."

  "No buts. Go, have a good time, Dear." Harriet kissed Brooke on the cheek.

  Brooke went over and hugged her father and he squirmed and grumbled. "Thanks mom, love you daddy."

  Bert scowled as the door closed. "Damn near suffocated me with those things."

  Harriet rolled her eyes. "I thought you liked Cayden."

  "I do, what I know of her, but Harriet!" He whined.

  "Bert, she's not a virgin you know."

  Mr. Hewitt threw his hands in the air and made a disgusted noise.

  His wife just nodded and smiled. "Really, you know."

  "That's not the point!"

  "Yes, it is. She looks sexy and it disturbs her daddy."

  "Perhaps. I don't want to be thinking those things."

  "So don't. Tell her she looks nice and look away."

  "Did you see her?" he pointed to the spot Brooke was last standing.

  "Yes, Honey, if she and Cayden become a couple, you can't treat her like that."

  "Yeah, yeah." he scowled even harder.

  "You'll be alright Sweetheart."

  * * *

  Cayden groaned outright as the door opened and Brooke walked in. Ida in her dementia, ran to Brooke, arms flailing and laughed in glee.

  "Isn't she an ANGEL FROM GOD?"

  Brooke raised both eyebrows and nodded. "Oh yes."

  "I keep telling her HE will come down from heaven and bless her with wings!"

  The blonde grinned and turned to Cayden who looked as if she wanted to disappear.

  "Ida, so you came to pay for the toys?"

  "YES! 3 dollars! The Balls! Did I tell you how my babies LOVE them? OH! A better toy I'll never find!"

  Ida began weeping again, but with a few dance steps and a large inhale, composed herself. She fished around dramatically in her wicker pocketbook.

  Cayden gave Brooke a pained look, but Brooke couldn't hide her amusement at the woman wearing one yellow rain boot and a bright green hat with a giant flower on it.

  "Yes darling, it's in here, I just have to find it. OH!" she pulled out a toothbrush. "I got this at the drug store, two for a dollar! Can you believe it? It's the good kind too... with the raised bristle. Do you change your toothbrush often sweetie, you should you know..."

  Cayden fought the urge to scream. She looked over at Brooke and her eyes narrowed. Brooke looked way too good to waste on Ida.

  "HERE!" Ida screamed, carefully counting the three dollars repeatedly, pulling them often to make sure they were indeed real, and then placed them neatly next to each other on the counter. "Three dollars exactly!" She turned to Brooke again and grabbed her by the cheeks. "Oh! What a sheina punim on this one!"

  Now it was Cayden's turn to grin as Brooke's eyes widened.

  "Such a beautiful face! Are you a model dear? I used to be a model you know, I was a famous singer with the opera too!"

  Cayden began shaking her head wildly. "No, Ida,
don't you have to get home to..."

  Too late, Ida Friedman burst into song.

  Brooke was impressed. "That's wonderful." she told the woman.

  "Thank you sweetheart. Are you a friend of Cayden, my angel?"

  "Yes, and we're planning on having dinner with a few friends in a little bit."

  "OH! I'm keeping you lovely women from eating! Goodness! I better leave you now so you can eat! I don't want to overstay my welcome! Cayden, honey sweetie, love, you think about coming to my house for some tea!" Ida pinched Cayden's cheeks and with a large pirouette, turned to leave.

  "Oh, don't want to forget this." Brooke pointed to the forgotten boot.

  "Where would my head be if it weren't attached to my body?" Ida cackled hysterically as she replaced her boot. She then began singing at the top of her lungs as she left the store.

  Cayden groaned and covered her face.

  "So, hello there angel." Brooke teased. You ready to blow this taco stand?"

  "Oh yeah, in a heartbeat." Cayden agreed. "Thanks for disposing of Ida, how did you do that anyway?"

  Brooke snickered. "It's a gift."

  Cayden looked the blonde up and down and decided she had quite a few gifts.

  PART 23

  W ADE GOT HOME early, meeting Jodie at the apartment. They cleaned everything spotless, including the litter box, putting trendy new "pearls" in it to look chic. La La wasn't impressed and as soon as the two stopped admiring the shiny pearls, he christened them.

  The two friends set the table, argued about music and cooked dinner with a minimum of disasters. There was a slight altercation during the peeling of some tiny potatoes, and a dish towel caught on fire, but other than that it was smooth sailing.

  "Jo, put the flowers on the table."

  "Ooo, flowers, how gay!" Jo declared, smelling them.

  "Gerber Daisies are not gay. Now Tulips... I'd question Tulips." Wade argued.

  Jodie did as she was told, then rearranged the candles for the hundredth time. "Wade, I don't like this candle," she said, holding up a big yellow one. "Vanilla doesn't go with Salmon and roasted potatoes."

  "We're not going to light that one. It's pretty and we're candle deprived. If someone didn't feel the need to hole up in her room and brood by candle light we'd have a bigger selection."

  "Well, lets hope Brooke adds some light to her otherwise dark existence." Jodie said with a dramatic air.

  "Oh, please, she's not a Fellini movie. She's a brooder, not irreversibly maudlin."

  "It sounded deep." Jodie joked. "Okay, Salmon?"

  Wade peeked into the broiler. "Check!"


  Wade took the tray out of the oven. "Check, and they're all crispy brown too."

  "Salad?" Jodie questioned.

  "Coming along smoothly." He held up half a cucumber and a knife and Jodie hung her head in sadness. "What just happened?"

  "He looks like Pete."

  Wade looked at the cucumber in puzzlement. "Pete?"

  Jodie sported an evil smile. "Yeah, Pete was my best friend that weekend I ran out of batteries."

  Wade gasped. "Jodie! That is so cruel! You know how I feel about vaginas and food!" He stomped his foot and pouted.

  Jodie snickered. "You have nothing to worry about. Pete was a loyal friend but his time on this earth was brief."

  "You're disgusting. I'm ignoring you."

  "Fine, ignore me, so I won't tell you that Cayden and Brooke should be here any minute."

  "What?" Wade dropped the cucumber and ran into his room. "I'm not dressed yet!"

  Jodie laughed and finished making the salad.

  * * *

  "You look... great." Cayden said with a shy grin, unable to tear her eyes away from Brooke's chest.

  "Thank you, I thought you'd appreciate them." Brooke said with a giggle.

  Cayden turned pink and cleared her throat nervously. "I'm sorry, it's just that they're.. you know..."

  Brooke patted the tall woman on the arm. "It's okay, feel free." SCORE!

  So, I have to close the shop, so you want to help?" Cayden asked, changing the subject. Fishing for the keys would give her something else to concentrate on.

  "I don't think I can reach the gate, you'll have to pull that down." Brooke said innocently, yet her heart sped up in anticipation of Cayden squatting.

  "Well then, I'm going to turn off the lights and when I do, run outside unless you want a repeat of the last time."

  Brooke chuckled. "No thanks. I'll go now to avoid that scene. My ears are still ringing from the last time."

  Cayden watched Brooke's ass intently as she walked away. Her mouth watered and she took a deep breath. Calm down or you'll never make it through dinner.

  With the alarm set, Cayden ran outside and Brooke's eyes stayed riveted to the tall woman as she pulled down the gate and squatted to put on the locks. The blonde smiled wolfishly as she stared. Oh, yeah... those thighs are irresistible. I could die to feel that skin on my cheeks.

  "Man, it's hot out today." Cayden commented as she stood up. She turned to face Brooke and her pulse quickened at the way the blonde was looking at her. "Um, cab?" she asked, putting her sunglasses on.

  Brooke blinked a few times before nodding. "Yeah a cab, it's hot alright." Stupid shades, her eyes are the best part.

  Cayden chuckled to herself. It looked like Brooke was thinking with the same body part as she was. It was going to be a very interesting evening.

  Cayden held the cab door open for Brooke and the blonde got in, leaving a very tiny space for the tall woman to squeeze into. Cayden stood outside until the people stuck behind the cab started honking and yelling. She gave them the finger and sat down, her body pressed firmly into Brooke's. "Wanna sit on my lap?" she mumbled.

  "Don't tempt me stretch. That's an awful lot of lap." Brooke teased, nodding to Cayden's uncomfortably bent legs. "Why is it so cramped in the back of a cab anyway?"

  "To annoy me." Cayden replied with a sigh, she could feel herself getting damp where their bodies met and it wasn't from the heat. She was nervous.

  "God, I'm already stuck to the seat." Brooke complained.

  "That’s cuz you hardly have any clothes on to protect you." The shop keeper said with a raised eyebrow.

  Brooke just smiled, pleased with herself.

  Cayden sneakily spied on Brooke behind her glasses, she was so close the tall woman could smell her hair. It looked so soft, Cayden wanted to touch it right then and there and had to ball her hands in her lap to control herself.

  Brooke didn't have on shades and wasn't as subtle, she openly drank in the tall beauty. Such close proximity to the object of her every desire was stirring her libido, and images of her nightly dreams cascaded before her eyes. She swallowed hard and sighed heavily. "You smell good." she said, her voice husky.

  Cayden's gaze fell on Brooke's lips as she spoke, the urge to smother those full, pink lips with her own startled her. She closed her eyes to break the connection. "I smelled better this morning." she said absently. "You smell good too."

  "Thanks, Irish Springs, the yellow one. It has vitamins in it."

  "Hmm, mine's something green, I'm not sure what though. Wade bought it." Cayden said, trying to squish herself into the door.

  Brooke smiled at the tall woman's attempts. She was testing Cayden to see if she would say something and thought it was sweet how she didn't. "You could always ask me to move over you know." she said, scootching over a bit.

  Cayden flashed an embarrassed grin. "Well... it wasn't killing me or anything. Just that... it's hot and all."

  "That's perfectly alright, it was killing me." Brooke said, fanning herself.

  Cayden felt a twinge of excitement knowing Brooke was having the same trouble as she was. I make her horny. she thought with an excited internal chuckle. Not that I didn't know that already, but still...it gets me tingly.

  "How's Wade and Jodie"

  Cayden turned to Brooke and addressed her chest. "I haven't
heard from them all day. I have no idea what to expect when I get home, I'm a little nervous."

  "I'm sure it will be alright. I don't know about Wade as much as Jodie, but Jo, she's harmless. She just tries too hard, she cares about you a lot. Wants to see you happy."

  "Yeah, I suppose. " Cayden pondered that. "Hey," an evil grin formed on her face. "You want harmless? Just you wait until I put on the outfit she has planned for me, then tell me harmless."

  Brooke's heart rate doubled. "I can hardly wait."

  * * *

  "They're coming!" Wade yelled as he ran to Jodie. "I just saw them get out of a cab, and wait until you see Brooke!"

  Jodie clapped her hands excitedly. When Cayden put her key in the door, Wade yanked it open, pulling Cayden inside and almost to her knees.

  "Wade! You almost took my arm off." She complained.

  He dismissed her with a wave. "Don't be so dramatic sweetie. Brooke, come in and let me look at you."

  Brooke stepped passed Cayden and into Wade's open arms. They hugged and Wade laughed. "Ooo, look at these tits girl! Baboom!"

  Cayden averted her eyes, she'd been trying not to look at them.

  Jodie hugged Brooke too and made yummy noises. "Hey Cayden, have you taken a good look at them yet? They're wonderful."

  "Yeah, I saw them. It's kinda hard not to."

  Brooke, Jodie and Wade giggled to each other and Cayden rolled her eyes. "I need a shower, I'll be quick. You guys go ahead and eat that leafy green substance without me."

  "Oh no, it wouldn't kill you to eat a salad, we'll wait." Wade said, pulling Brooke into the living room. "Have a beer, Jodie, go get her a beer."

  "Aye, captain."

  Brooke drank gratefully from the cold bottle. "So the bra was a good choice?"

  "Wade snorted. "Good It was a smashing idea. You're going to get some for sure. Cayden can't resist those tits and that ass."

  Jodie walked behind Brooke and hummed her approval. "Oh definitely. Cayden would have to be dead not to indulge in some of that."

  "Hey now, I'm not looking for her to throw me down or anything.... on second thought..." Brooke's ears turned red from her sudden thoughts.


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