Hidden Desires

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Hidden Desires Page 41

by T J Vertigo

  "Wow." Cayden breathed. "My lips tingle when you kiss me."

  Brooke smiled in agreement. "Just you wait." She warned playfully. "There's plenty of you left to kiss and I intend to do just that." She saw the brunette's eyes narrow and smiled to herself. She climbed off of Cayden and stood up. "Come on, I know you want to get home and I really must get into that shower."

  Grateful, yet disappointed at the same time, Cayden got up off of the bed. "Look here Brooke, don't you think you're the only one going to do all the kissing. There's quite a bit of you left for me to explore too." Brooke swallowed hard and Cayden chuckled. "That's right, you go to bed tonight with the same ideas that you put into my head."

  Brooke groaned. "You're not fair."

  Cayden leaned over and kissed the blonde. "Good night, Brooke."

  Brooke pouted. "Good night. Get home safe okay?"

  "Yes ma'am."

  Cayden slipped out the door and stood there for a moment. Brooke sure knew how to start her engines and she needed to slow down before she faced the parents. Taking a few breaths, she calmed a little and braced herself as she turned the corner into the living room. "Well, I'll be going now, thank you for the beer Mr. Hewitt, it was nice chatting with you Mrs. Hewitt.

  "Please," Harriet stood, "Bert and Harriet, and it was a pleasure chatting with you too." As Cayden opened the front door, Harriet stepped up behind her. "Oh, by the way, so this store of yours..."


  Mrs. Hewitt frowned. "Never mind. You get home in one piece."

  Cayden let the door close behind her and breathed a sigh of relief.

  PART 31

  T HE RIDE HOME for Cayden was quick and painless. She was in a sort of haze at from the whole evening... so much had taken place. First and foremost, finally making love with Brooke. Every time this came to mind, the tall woman took on a glazed expression, a goofy smile gracing her lips. Dinner was all but forgotten, and Harriet and Bert were slowly fading into the background too. She saw visions of Brooke, laying beneath her, eyelids heavy with passion, mouth half open, soft groans filling her ears. It was a daydream she didn't want to wake up from, and one she wanted to bring to life again as soon as she could.

  Abruptly broken out of her fog by the cab driver, Cayden pouted. She paid the man and slipped out of the car. She stood on the front stoop for a moment, fingering her keys absently. She made love with Brooke. The goofy smile returned and a slow warmth spread through her belly. Anybody passing by would have thought her just another lunatic as she stood there grinning stupidly, playing with her keys. But not Wade. He flung open the door and shrieked.

  "I've been waiting all night! Get in here and start talking!"

  Cayden jumped out of her skin, dropped her keys and growled. "What is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what time it is and you're screaming like an animal in the street."

  Wade wiped Cayden's bad attitude away with his hand, and then placed it firmly on his hip. "Did you think I could wait until YOU were ready to tell me about it? Honey, I must know now... and ambush is the best policy with you."

  The tall woman pushed past him and entered the building, muttering under her breath about ruining a perfectly good evening.

  "Pish-tosh. Go sit down and get comfy, I already have a fresh bag of Doritos waiting." He ran ahead of her and opened the apartment door.

  "Pepsi too?" Cayden asked, her favorite drink and snack food.

  "Of course." Wade sat cross legged on the couch and waited patiently for Cayden to give in.

  The tall woman stood in front of the coffee table, eyeing the junk food longingly. "It's too late to eat that now, I'll get agita."

  Wade reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a roll of Tums. "Covered. Now sit and tell me all about it, but you know the rules. Please omit tastes, smells and textures and all adjectival phrases."

  "Wade, I can't talk about this with you." Cayden began blushing, swigging some soda to cover it.

  "Honey, you know I'll only get all the dirt from Jodie tomorrow so you may as well eliminate the middle man. You do know how Jodie loves to exaggerate."

  Cayden coughed nervously. He had a point, there was no way in hell she would get out of it tomorrow. Jodie would harass her until her head exploded. "So, if I tell you, then will you tell Jo?"

  "Mmmm.... maybe. We'll see how good you weave a tale."

  "Well, it was.... it was great." Cayden began haltingly. "It was romantic, and well... great."

  Wade raised both eyebrows. "That's it? It was great? Was she nervous, were you nervous... was it awkward, how did you make the first move? Who went first or did you do it at the same time?"

  "I can't talk about that!" The tall woman blushed again and stuffed her mouth with chips.


  "Yes, I was nervous... she was nervous. It was awkward in the beginning, but I let her know that we could stop any time. She liked that, and it went pretty smoothly from there. Can I go into my room now?"

  Wade sighed in defeat. "Yeah. I'll just have to hear the second hand news... as always. " he pouted. "Will you at least tell me about the parents?"

  "Oh, that. It was weird. Her dad is cool, I like him... quiet and unassuming, but he's no slouch. Brooke is his little girl, there's no mistaking that. The mother, well, she's a piece of work. Turns out, for all her nuttiness, she's just worried about Brooke. Can't really blame her, I just seemed to pop up out of nowhere under the craziest circumstances. Anyway, I think I did good. The father, Bert, was polite enough." Cayden stopped to eat some more chips, wiping the orange residue on her jeans. "We spent some uncomfortable moments in the kitchen while Brooke and her mom ironed things out, but after all, he's pretty nice. I didn't pit-sweat or anything. I wonder what they did after I left."

  "Probably talked endlessly about your fashion sense. What the hell are you wearing?"

  Cayden looked at herself and furrowed her brows. The T-shirt was all wrinkled and the jeans had a hole in the knee. "It was the first thing I grabbed. If you didn't approve, you shouldn't have let me leave in the first place." she countered.

  "Honey, I was still all tingly from Brooke. Girl, she is totally besotted with you. I hope you're ready for this."

  The brunette took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Wade, I sure hope I am too. Can't say that I'm not besotted with her."

  Wade beamed. "I knew it!" he jumped up and ran over to hug Cayden. "How did you know?"

  The tall woman grimaced and ate chips in silence, while she tried to put it into words. "Tonight... it was different. Everything felt different.. touching, holding her hand... kissing ... the feeling of it all. I can't explain it, don't make me try. All I know is that I just left her and I wish I was there."

  Wade smiled knowingly. "God, Cayden. You have it! Everyone wants it! I want that too. I'm so happy for you. Of all the people I know, you deserve this the most."

  "Aww, you big sissy, don't get all weepy now." Cayden teased the teary-eyed man.

  "No, I mean it. I'm so happy that Brooke came into your life. Okay, so it was in a highly unusual fashion, but still, she's here now. That's all that matters."

  "Yeah, but.... I don't know what to do now. What happens next?" Cayden asked, her eyes wide.

  "Oh sweetie, don't worry. It comes naturally now. Only the two of you can know what comes next. Go with it."

  "Pretty scary thought." The tall woman stood up and stretched.

  "No one said it would be easy."

  "No, no one did." Cayden walked slowly away.

  Wade watched as Cayden disappeared into her bedroom. He smiled to himself, knowing that from here on in, life would never be the same.

  * * *

  Surprisingly enough, Brooke was left on her own after Cayden went home, and she quietly made her way into bed. She lay there, smiling, and every so often giggling uncontrollably. She wasn't just happy, she was giddy. Cayden was wonderful, not only in bed, but she said some very important things tonight that made the blonde beam. And speaking o
f bed... Brooke was awed. Cayden was super, understanding, gentle and sweet. Not to mention she knew all the right spots. Sex with Cayden was a complete 360 from sex with Grant. Sure Brooke was ultimately satisfied with Grant, she made sure of that, but with Cayden, she didn't have to give instructions, and she never wanted it to end. Cayden was soft, and silky, smooth and sexy. She smelled so good Brooke wanted to bury her nose in Cayden neck and just breathe. Her fingers were gentle when they should be, and not so gentle when they shouldn't be. There was no clumsy pawing and god, what she did with her tongue. Brooke rolled over and sighed contentedly. She began replaying the night over and a smile so big appeared, the only thing you could see in the dark room was teeth.

  She tried to sleep, but it was hard. She was pretty wired and her mind kept going back to Cayden. The tall woman was so sweet at dinner, and even though Brooke was trying her damndest to seduce her, Cayden kept a semi-cool head. The blonde grinned to herself. She was very bad at dinner, driving Cayden crazy at times, and in the meantime, herself, but that's what led them to bed after all. She wasn't so sure Cayden would have made that move so soon, and Brooke was more than ready.

  Brooke groaned and flipped over onto her other side. She could still feel Cayden's hands, caressing her, her lips tasting. A thought occurred to her and she sat up in bed. They were lovers now, it was official. She could call Cayden her lover, her partner, her girlfriend. Was that what Cayden wanted? Of course it is, she said so much to mom... I wonder which she would prefer. While thinking about that, another thought occurred to her. She made love to me with her mouth! I'm going to be able to do that too! Oh god...tasting Cayden.... She flopped down face first into her pillow and groaned loudly. She didn't think she'd survive the first lick. She'd never done anything like that.... never even dreamed of it before Cayden came along, and now, she was supposed to do it. Not that she didn't want to, oh she wanted to, but she didn't know the first thing about it... Damn, but to taste Cayden, do to her what she did to me. GOD! She wanted to make Cayden feel as good as she did, and she wasn't sure she would be able to. Cayden slept with women before, she knew what it felt like, Brooke couldn't just wing it. The blonde began to panic, she suddenly felt inadequate. All sorts of sexual disasters began circling around in her head until she had enough. Brooke was not afraid of anything. Taking a deep breath and relaxing she felt a bit better. Okay Brooke, calm down, there's plenty of ways to find out about this. I could read a book, watch a movie... ask Jodie. I just have to do it right!

  * * *

  Cayden tossed and turned for a while, flipped the channels on the television endlessly, then finally turned on her light. Brooke was a total distraction, not in a bad way, but in a lack of sleep way. Cayden didn't mind all the wonderful images bouncing around behind her closed lids, not at all, but it sure wasn't conducive to sleep. What it was conducive to was running back over to Brooke's house and jumping into her bed. Not even to make love either, but to feel her naked skin against her own, a thought that surprised Cayden, who's not particularly fond of snuggling. Knowing that snuggling or otherwise would not go over well at all with Harriet and Bert, she decided to retrieve the bag of chips and munch. It would give her something to do, and maybe the crunching would drown out the thoughts she had now about suddenly not wanting to be alone. Turning on the living room light, she was faced with La La's ass sticking out of the open bag of Doritos.


  Wade came running out of his room in his boxers in a panic. "What!?!"

  Cayden pointed to the scene, and as she did, La La backed out of the bag, his face covered in orange cheese dust. "That cat just fouled up my Doritos! I'm sure there's tumbleweeds of fur rolling around in there now!"

  "Oh please, he doesn't eat them, he just licks the flavor off. Find the wet ones and toss them."

  "WADE! Remove him!"

  "Yes dear." Wade hefted the cat off of the table, sifted through the bag and threw out three chips. He glanced at Cayden who was still glaring at him, so he blew into the bag for good measure. "There, no hair."

  Cayden growled. Her plans shot. "Now what am I supposed to do? I can't sleep and my munchies not only have La La fur, and drool, but you just breathed sleep breath all over them."

  "There's pretzels in the cupboard."

  "I wanted the Doritos!"

  Wade turned up his nose. "Ew, when did you start whining? It's so unbecoming."

  Cayden pouted. Just when did she start whining? "Never mind." She went and got the pretzels and plopped onto the couch. "You can go to bed now." she said with a sigh.

  "You gonna be alright? Can I trust you with La La?"

  "I'll be fine. And La La lives as long as he keeps his nose out of my pretzels."

  * * *

  It was early Saturday morning, and Jodie was fast asleep, when her cell phone began to ring. Opening one eye slightly, she reached for the phone and brought it into bed with her. "Mmm."

  "Jo? Are you sleeping? It's Brooke."

  Jodie's other eye opened and she yawned loudly. "Yeah, I was sleeping, but I'm awake now. Congratulations!" She said with a smile, sitting up and stretching.

  "You heard?" Brooke asked, surprised.

  Jodie giggled. "Nothing escapes me. So, how was it?" She asked, shuffling into the kitchen for coffee.

  "It was spectacular! Cayden is such a wonderful lover." the blonde said dreamily.

  Jodie knew this information already from Wade, but she just needed to know from Brooke exactly what Cayden did to be so fabulous. She couldn't imagine her Cayden being so perfect. "Hey, why don't you tell me exactly what happened?"

  "Okay, well, dinner was great. I was a bad girl though, and seduced Cayden throughout dinner." she admitted with a grin.

  Jodie laughed. "You did? Oh my god, Cayden must have died!"

  "Just about, she choked a couple of times." Brooke snickered. "Yeah, I really did a number on her, especially with whipped cream. She was primed and ready for the rest of the night."

  "I can only imagine." Jodie tried to picture Cayden under a sensual assault involving whipped cream. She laughed again, it must have been something to witness.

  "Well, anyway, it was really sweet. Cayden was nervous, probably as nervous as me, but she covered it really well. It was slow at first, but things got going rather quickly. She was so amazing, letting me call the shots and making me as comfortable as I could be." Brooke remembered the experience well and her heart began to beat quicker.

  Jodie was floored. "Wow. You mean to tell me she let you take control of the situation? Even though you never did it before?"

  "Yep, and let me tell you honey, that was all the incentive I needed. Cayden naked under me.... a whole lot skin to discover. Mmm, mm Heaven."

  "I just can't believe it." Jodie shook her head, awed at how understanding Cayden was. Knowing how the tall woman went into this with so much trepidation, something must have changed without her knowledge. Cayden was turning out to be a real charmer. "So, what did you do?"

  "Well, here's the thing, it's what I didn't do." Brooke said with embarrassment.


  "See, I touched Cayden, and that was amazing... wow..." Brooke became distracted for a moment. "Okay, but Cayden, well, she um, she didn't only touch me...she..."

  "Oooooh." Jodie smiled knowingly. "And... how was it? Was it what you dreamed of?"

  "Oh my god... better that that! But the thing is, I didn't do that to her, and I'm not quite sure I can."

  Jodie pondered that. "Do you want to, or does it turn you off?" she asked fearfully.

  "Oh no! I definitely want to do that, but I don't know what to do!" Brooke whined.

  "Oh" Jodie snickered. "That's perfectly alright. Nothing to worry about at all."

  "Jodie, I don't want to look like I haven't got a clue! Help!"

  "Brooke, just calm down. Here's the thing, everyone is different, and everyone likes different stuff. You just have to ask her what she likes."

  "She knew exactly what I liked!"
r />   "Honey, judging from the hours of foreplay I'm sure anything would have been sufficient." she joked. "But honestly, nothing really to worry about. Do what you want, and believe me, you'll know if she likes it." While before Brooke, Jodie couldn't ever picture Cayden in bed with someone giving instructions, now she had a feeling things had changed.

  "What if she doesn't?" Brooke worried.

  "Brooke, stop worrying. I'm sure it will be fine. Trust me."

  "If you say so, but I'm not convinced. Maybe I should watch lesbian porn."

  Jodie snickered. "The only thing you'll learn from that is what not to do. Just relax, why don't you start out doing to her what you like done to you?"

  "I suppose I could, but I only ever had it done that once, I don't know if there's anything else I like besides what she did that time." Brooke obsessed.

  "Brooke! Stop worrying! I swear it will be fine! Now, go get some coffee and sit in your room daydreaming about what you did last night."

  "Oooh that is a great idea. Thanks Jo."


  "Are you going to visit Cayden today?"

  "Yes I am." Jodie was near to bursting, dying to know Cayden's side of the whole thing.

  "Tell her I think she's amazing." Brooke said with a sexy drawl.

  Jodie laughed. "Honey, I do that and girlfriend would melt out of the chair and die."

  * * *

  Cayden was a bit sleepy when she arrived at work, but not as cranky as she should have been. Usually, when she didn't get enough sleep, everyone around her on the subway suffered her narrow eyed looks, and menacing glares, but not today. Although yawning uncontrollably, and nearly toppling over a few times when the train stopped short, the tall woman was in a rather pleasant mood. She stopped to get her usual coffee at the corner vendor, and even sprung for a bagel too. Typically, not a morning eater, Cayden was surprised at her hunger, but didn't question it. If she began to question all the new and weird things that had been happening to her she'd wind up going crazy. Settled comfortably in her chair behind the counter, she turned on the television and got ready for the day ahead.


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