Hidden Desires

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Hidden Desires Page 44

by T J Vertigo

  Brooke chuckled quietly. "Serves you right. Come up here." She attempted to pull the tall woman to her feet by her head.

  Cayden stood to her full height and cocked her head. "Hmm?"

  "Take me to the bedroom, and lose those." Brooke pointed to Cayden's underwear.

  "Bedroom first." Cayden said, swooping Brooke off of her feet and carrying her away.

  PART 33

  C AYDEN CARRIED BROOKE all the way to the bedroom, and instead of depositing her on the bed, she sat her on top of the dresser.

  "Interesting." Brooke commented of her perch.

  "Don't move." The tall woman instructed, disentangling herself and leaping onto the bed. La La, who was minding his own business lounging on the blanket, jumped a mile in the air with a scream. "Out! And take every hair with you!"

  The fat cat ran like the dickens, stopped to twitch his tail, and left behind a rather rank smell on his way out the door.

  "Why I oughta..." Cayden threatened, ready to take off after him.

  Brooke couldn't take her eyes off of Cayden's naked torso, and didn't want to lose her to the cat. "Easy tiger, I think you had other business to attend to."

  Cayden turned to see Brooke, nearly naked, leaning in a come hither fashion and smiling quite seductively. Instantly forgetting about the cat, she was in front of the blonde in one large step. "I do believe you're right." She drawled, leaning in close and nudging Brooke's cheek with her own.

  The blonde turned her head a smidge and caught Cayden with her lips. Instantly they became locked in a heated embrace, Brooke's arms and legs entrapping the tall woman, their tongues wrestling sensuously. Feeling Cayden's breasts against her was delicious and Brooke pressed her body tightly into the shop keeper.

  Cayden moaned, the contact sweet, the rest of her body anticipating Brooke's touch. She reached around, lifted the blonde from the dresser and brought her to the bed. She sat, with Brooke on her lap, and continued the oral assault. Their kiss was hot and wet, tongues and teeth, and foretelling of things to come.

  Cayden's sex was twitching, she could feel Brooke's tongue sliding between her legs, just as it did through the niches in her mouth. She opened her legs, hoping Brooke's butt would drop down between them and give her some form of contact. It didn't happen, instead, Brooke's legs opened and Cayden could sense the heat coming from her crotch.

  Brooke felt as if she was on fire, not just between her legs but everywhere. Her nipples were as hard as they'd ever been, rubbing sensuously against Cayden's breasts. They were sensitive to everything, and aching to be touched. The blonde reached around and pulled one of Cayden's hands off of her back and brought it to her breast. She groaned in pleasure as the tall woman instantly began tweaking and rolling her nipple. She arched her back, giving the shop keeper more flesh to touch, and Cayden followed the silent order.

  Brooke felt like she couldn't breathe, she pulled away from the kiss and gasped, confused, never feeling this overwhelmed before.

  Cayden searched Brooke's face, she herself finding it hard to catch her breath. "What is it?" she whispered, terrified Brooke would want to stop.

  "It's just so much." Brooke replied, tucking a lock of stray hair behind Cayden's ear. "Nothing ever felt so good before, I feel like I want to scream."

  The tall woman grinned with relief. "I know. I've done this before and believe me, no one's ever made me feel this way either."

  Brooke pulled back to study Cayden and all she could see was honesty. "Are you telling the truth?" Cayden nodded, the hair Brooke just tucked fell forward again, covering the side of her face in a sexy way. "Do you know what this means?"

  The shop keeper shrugged, her gaze fixed on the blonde's swollen lips. She was dying to kiss taste them again.

  "We were meant to be, Cayden. All the signs are there." Brooke said with excitement.

  "Good, we were meant to be, soulmates and ohm. Shut up and kiss me."

  Brooke grinned and gave Cayden her wish. The brunette leaned back onto the bed, pulling Brooke on top of her. As they settled Brooke's shirt found it's way between them and Cayden was having none of it. She tugged on the shirt and mumbled. "Off."

  Brooke giggled. "I thought you wanted it on?" she said, then nibbled on Cayden's lip.

  The shop keeper growled. "I lied. Off."

  Brooke shimmied out of the shirt and settled back on top of the tall woman. It felt so good they both hummed in pleasure. Cayden took advantage of the exposed skin, dragging her fingers all over Brooke's body.

  The blonde followed suit, only able to touch her lover's sides and legs. She began licking and tasting Cayden's neck as she raised up onto her knees. She toyed with the waistband of Cayden's underwear, slipping a finger underneath it and sliding it back and forth.

  Cayden squirmed, the idea of what Brooke had in mind for her already had her on the edge, knowing it was coming soon was almost too much. She lifted her butt off the bed and pulled down her underwear, groaning as Brooke's tongue slid across her throat. "Oh god, you're killing me."

  "But in a good way." Brooke commented, sucking gently on a particularly sensitive spot. She couldn't help but stop what she was doing and look down as Cayden kicked the boxer-briefs off of her feet. The very idea of having the tall woman naked beneath her was enough... actually seeing it made Brooke shudder. "Oh, look at you..." she breathed.

  Cayden's eyes narrowed at the blonde. Brooke was on her hands and knees, hovering, her breasts dangling in a very tantalizing fashion. "Look at me? Oh baby, look at you." The tall woman scooted down lower and wrapped her lips around Brooke's nipple, causing her to groan. She took the neglected breast in her hand and teased that nipple with her fingers. Brooke's eyes closed and her back arched, the sight all too sexy for the tall woman. With her free hand, she started slipping Brooke's panties down, only able to get them mid-thigh. Reluctant to abandon the nipple in her mouth, she left them there, and slowly began sliding her hand up the blonde's inner thigh. Her heart started pounding hard, the closer she got to her goal.

  Brooke's body was as tight as a bow, and she anticipated the touch with a whimper. Opening her eyes, she saw her lover's mouth at work, and it was hotter than anything she ever saw. The persistent pull at her nipple was making her wetter by the second. She was so eager for Cayden to make contact and stop teasing, that she sat down suddenly, trapping the tall woman's hand between her legs. "Oh yes!" she groaned through a deep growl.

  The sound gave Cayden a tingle that started in her throat and wended its way down to her clit. She was dying to be touched, but didn't want to stop making love to Brooke. The wet heat of Brooke's sex felt so good on her hand, her mouth watered. She attacked the blonde's breast with hunger, sucking deeply on the already sensitive nipple, making Brooke squirm and whine.

  "Cayden, oh....that's so good."

  Unable to really touch Brooke with her trapped hand, the brunette had to move. In a quick maneuver, she had Brooke on her back, and pulled the blonde's panties off as fast as she could. "Now, where was I?'

  "You were thinking about going lower" Brooke said, pushing down on Cayden's shoulders.

  She needed no further coaxing. Cayden began licking a hot trail down Brooke's torso, paying special attention to her ribs, nibbling and nipping at the skin. Brooke, in turn, squirmed and squeaked, wriggling beneath the tall woman. Cayden liked this reaction, it made her own body respond in empathy. She was hot, ready, and hungry all at the same time.

  Brooke, knowing Cayden was about to do her new most favorite thing, grabbed for the tall woman's hands and linked their fingers together. She wanted to have as much contact with Cayden as she could with her being so far away. "Oh god..." she groaned, waiting for the sensation of the shop keeper's silky tongue to slide through her lower lips. It was a feeling she replayed over and over since she first felt it.

  Cayden stopped to suck gently on Brooke's hip bones, earning her more wiggles and squeals of ticklish delight from the blonde. She grinned to herself, knowing she was the first
to tread these waters, stoked and cocky that she alone gave Brooke these feelings.

  The small blonde jumped slightly as Cayden's hot breath settled on her sex. "Please," she begged as the tall woman breathed in her scent. "I can't wait." she whined, thrusting her hips up, squeezing Cayden's hand painfully tight.

  The brunette's stomach clenched as she inhaled the delicious aroma of Brooke's arousal. The touch, the scent, the feel, and eventually, the taste of Brooke was like a feast for her senses. Never before had she paid so much attention to these things. She briefly wondered why, what was the rush with everyone else? Then Brooke's pubic bone bumped her in the nose and she realized, it wasn't about everyone else, it was all about Brooke. Brooke was the reason why it was so special. She felt a joyful rush envelop her and a small chuckle escaped her as she lowered her head. It will always be all about Brooke. she thought as she stretched her tongue out for a taste.

  "Ohhhh, Cayden...." Brooke dug her fingernails into the backs of the shop keeper's hands.

  The tall woman groaned. She wanted to hear that deep, throaty purr for a long time to come. She buried her face, not too gently and hummed in delight. Brooke tasted delicious, and she savored every bit. She probed her tongue into every crevice, and only stopped when she was satisfied she hadn't missed a single spot. Slowing down, she licked the length of Brooke slowly, pausing at her clit and pressing into it with her tongue flat.

  "Oooooh, yessss." Brooke hissed, her hips rising off of the bed. She didn't realize how wound up she was until Cayden touched her clit. She let go of the tall woman's hands and buried her fingers into her hair, holding her there. "Don't stop baby." she ordered in a raspy whisper.

  Cayden knew exactly what was happening and although she was disappointed that it would be so fast, she couldn't bear to make Brooke suffer. She sucked the hard bit of flesh into her mouth and tickled her tongue across the tip. Brooke's pelvis shot up, smashing Cayden's face into the most wonderful place. She grunted her approval, wrapped her arms around Brooke's legs and held her up.

  "Cayd... I can't believe... so close..." Brooke managed to groan out between sounds of pleasure.

  Cayden pulled harder at the blonde's clit, sucking in a quick rhythmic fashion, and when Brooke's fingernails bit into her scalp, she knew it was time. Never letting go with her lips, she began to flick her tongue back and forth across the swollen nub.

  "OH GOD!" Brooke cried out, her thighs trapping Cayden's head. Her body trembled and her legs shook, as she tumbled into ecstasy.

  Cayden never wanting it to end, clamped down hard on Brooke's thighs and continued to feast. Brooke, jumped, gyrated and convulsed, all to Cayden's utter delight.

  Finally, unable to breathe, or take any more stimulation, Brooke screamed for Cayden to stop. She was surprise to see Cayden's face sporting a cocky little grin as it peeked out from between her legs.

  "Oh... my... god!" Brooke shivered and shuddered, trying to regain her composure. "Are you actually smirking?' She gasped, finding it quite disturbing that her body wasn't paying any attention to her.

  Cayden chuckled. "Just take deep breaths and relax, it'll stop." she assured, stroking Brooke's legs.

  "Ooo," the blonde shivered. "Don’t do that. Just come up here and hold me."

  Cayden as more than eager to comply and climbed up the delicious body beneath her. She pulled Brooke to the side and totally enveloped her in a hug, kissing her gently.

  "Wow. That never happened before." She said with some fascination.

  The brunette smiled. "Yeah, I got a bit carried away." She stuck out her lower lip and pouted. "Do you forgive me?"

  "God, Cayd, it wasn't like it was a bad thing. You're forgiven." Brooke kissed the tip of the tall woman's nose. "You do realize, that I can do that to you too."

  "I have no doubts that you can." Cayden replied with a wink.

  Brooke's eyes narrowed playfully. "And I intend to get started now."

  Brooke pushed gently at Cayden's shoulder in an attempt to get the tall woman on her back. Cayden complied readily and settled comfortably for the blonde. Brooke sat back on her heels and drank in the delightful image of her lover, naked and waiting for her touch. She reached out and began caressing Cayden's shoulders, dragging her slight touch down towards the shop keepers breasts. Cayden shivered from the sensation, goose flesh appearing all over her body. Brooke grinned, sparing a sexy glance up at those beautiful blue eyes. "Sorry." she whispered, not really apologetic at all, more pleased that Cayden's nipples puckered taut from the chill.

  "S'alright." The brunette whispered back, her back arching slightly as Brooke's nails skimmed across her nipples. Catching the slightly devious expression flitting around Brooke's face, Cayden sighed to herself. This was going to be torture, a sweet, wonderful torture. She grinned and laced her fingers behind her head. Could be a hell of a lot worse if you ask me. she thought to herself.

  Brooke raised an eyebrow at Cayden's new position. She got the idea that the tall woman was enjoying the teasing as much as she was and decided to take it a step further. Climbing over to straddle Cayden's body, she bent forward slowly, and made sure the brunette saw her stretch out her tongue.

  Cayden's eyes widened at what was to come, and she groaned deeply as Brooke began licking a slow, heated trail from her ear down. Her sex tingling with excitement, her belly clenching each time Brooke's nipples tickled her skin, then pressed firmly against her as the blonde descended further.

  Brooke emitted little happy grunts and sighs as she tasted her way across the long expanse of flesh laid out for her. She noticed that every time she made a sound, Cayden made one too. Hearing the tall woman express her pleasure aroused her all over again. It excited her to know how much she fed off of Cayden's feelings, especially in this sort of fashion. She made a conscious effort not to hold back her delight as she explored new territory with her tongue.

  The shop keeper was trying very hard not to jump off of the bed with every swipe of Brooke's wet tongue. Currently fixated on the soft, sensitive place between her breasts, it seemed like Brooke was going to leave no iota of skin untouched. Cayden squirmed and growled deep in her throat when the blonde gently squeezed her breasts together and ran her tongue between them. Cayden's nipples were excruciatingly hard, and begging for attention. Just a little tweak, just a tiny little touch was all they were asking for. She peeked down at her new lover and saw her green eyes shut, the lids fluttering as she enjoyed her pleasurable task. It didn't look like she was going to get her wish any time soon.

  Brooke thought nothing of it when Cayden shifted, but the groan made her open her eyes. They widened when she saw the brunette fondling her own nipples. "No!" she reprimanded, swatting away the offending hands. "Mine." she muttered, instantly replacing Cayden's hands with her own.

  "Mmmm, that's all I wanted." Cayden breathed, her face the picture of bliss.

  Brooke continued her tongue torture, now licking slowly at the underside of the brunette's left breast. It was so soft and silky and she loved the way Cayden was twitching and squirming. She was pleased beyond belief at how responsive the tall woman was to her touch, and her heart sped up, pounding hard in her chest when she thought of what was to come. She began tasting her way down the firm, sexy belly beneath her, her fingers pulling and squeezing at Cayden's nipples more intently. The muscles under her tongue began rippling and flexing, the tall woman's legs opened wider. "You like?" She mumbled into Cayden's skin.

  "Ooooh, yeeeeah." Cayden drawled. "Very much." The shop keeper was truly as aroused as she could be, and thoroughly soaked. She clenched her fists at her sides in an effort not to push Brooke between her legs. She was well aware of the rapidness of their last love making, and knew Brooke was exploring everything she missed. This wasn't easy, but she knew what it was all leading up to and focused on that.

  Brooke was in hog heaven. Her hands left Cayden's breasts and began wandering over all the skin she could touch. Here was Cayden, all of Cayden, waiting to be touched, and ta
sted, squirming and moaning underneath her. Brooke almost laughed out loud with pleasure, this was every dream come true. She ventured lower, tasting everything she could, touching whatever she could reach, until her chin rested on Cayden's pubic bone. The tall woman jerked her hips, and rested her warm hands on Brooke's shoulders. Brooke knew what Cayden was expecting, it wasn't a moment ago she was in the same position. Her breath came in short spurts, her excitement at high pitch. This was what she was anticipating, this is what they were both waiting for. Cayden pushed slightly, and her grip became a little firmer on Brooke's shoulders. The blonde took a deep breath, settled her hands on Cayden's hips and slid down.

  The tall woman's heart beat rapidly, she knew she was soaked, more ready than she ought to be for Brooke to make love to her. She didn't want it to be quick, so she took a few deep calming breathes and tried to think about everything but her sex. She opened her eyes and saw Brooke, eyes wide, looking back at her. Her stomach flopped with fear. "You don't have to...."

  "No," Brooke cut in, "I really want to. I just don't know how to get started, where to go first."

  "Do anything, baby. Anything you want." Cayden assured.

  Brooke scooted down further, dropped her hands from Cayden's hips to her thighs, causing the tall woman's legs to flex. She knew Cayden was more than ready, and she felt so loved knowing how the tall woman was behaving for her. She looked down nervously, and took another deep breath. That would be her undoing. The scent of Cayden's arousal made her mouth water and her sex clench. She wanted to taste the brunette now more than ever, but was still unsure of what to do first. She took a second to think about what she liked when Cayden made love to her and it dawned on her that it really didn't matter at all, as long as it was Cayden. With that new confidence, she dropped her head and took a long lick.

  "Yes!" Cayden groaned loudly, her grasp on Brooke's shoulders tightening.

  Brooke hummed loud and long in delight. She took another long swipe up the length of Cayden's sex and felt a rush at how hard the brunette's clit was. The tall woman let out a sort of yelp when she brushed the hard flesh and Brooke backed off quickly. There's no way I'm going to let this end. She wanted to taste more at once so she flattened her tongue and licked again, stopping short of the most sensitive spot. Cayden was really wet, and getting wetter. Brooke could hardly keep up with it. She could feel herself becoming more and more turned on as she licked and it egged her on. She explored the entrance to Cayden's vagina with the tip of her tongue, poking at it and licking it, circling it and sucking at it. The tall woman's fingers dug into her shoulders painfully hard, and Brooke knew she had something. She poked tentatively, lightly until her lover growled in frustration, then thrust her tongue inside.


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