Hakona: Dragon Warrior (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance)

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Hakona: Dragon Warrior (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance) Page 6

by Jamie Phoenix

When their lips touched, a surge of warmth and longing ran through her. He released her hand and reached up to wrap his around the back of her neck. He pulled her even closer to him, kissing her with more passion than anyone had ever kissed her before.

  The pain in her ankle and the dull throb of hunger in her stomach evaporated in that instant. The only feeling she had was that of his body, close to hers—the heat that came off of him, and the fierceness with which he moved as he slid his free hand around her back.

  She moved forward, pressing her body into his, causing him to fall back softly onto the ground behind them. The instant their bodies touched, she felt like the world became ignited. The warmth and heat that passed between them seemed to radiate out around them and fill the air.

  They continued to kiss, slow and passionate, as he ran his hands over her body. The feeling of his fingers brushing against her skin sent waves of heat running through her.

  With that, came an intense longing. A longing so deep and so strong that she had never felt anything like it before. She let her hands roam free across his body. With each stroke, a shudder ran through both of them. The air around them became immediately thick with a hot, heavy tension that wrapped them up and consumed them completely.

  She traced her fingers along the curves of his muscles, feeling the rise and fall of his toned, taut shape. He, too, was letting his hands explore her body. He caressed her sides, sending waves of tingling satisfaction and flame running wildly throughout her.

  When his hands found her breasts, she let out a long, soft sigh. He slid his fingers slowly under the layer of fabric that covered her chest, running his fingers greedily over her nipples. She moved her mouth from his to his neck as he continued to caress her. She let her teeth sink into his skin, just barely.

  When he reached his hand around and undid the strap holding her top to her body, she quickly reached up and pulled the fabric away. The feeling of his body against hers once again washed over her. She could feel where the flesh turned to scales, the rough edges rubbing against her breasts, sending fire blazing through her.

  She felt herself become wet with anticipation as he moved his hands from her back to her stomach. Her entire body began to ache for him. She wanted to feel him, and she wanted him to feel her—every part of her.

  He rolled her onto her side, positioning himself next to her, so as to be able to access her most intimate places with more ease. She continued to hold him close, however, her lips still pressed to his neck. She sucked as his skin, running her tongue back and forth across it—tasting him.

  When he began to slowly undo the strings of her shorts, she arched her back up, feeling like the rush of anticipation would drive her mad. He seemed to enjoy watching her squirm back and forth, and took his time as he slowly pulled at one string then the next. She felt like she would explode with impatience, when he finally slipped his hand between the fabric of her shorts and her skin. Just feeling his hand, and the warmth that the contact of his skin against hers, was enough to make her shudder with a brief satisfaction. But, she wanted more. She wanted to feel him touch her, to feel the blaze of heat consume her completely. She grabbed at his hair, pulling it passionately, waiting for the moment when the pleasure of his touch overwhelmed her.

  Then, he found the delicate, soft folds of her most intimate place. She wiggled back and forth, both in effort to place his touch just right, and to inch the shorts lower on her hips, giving him even more access to continue his work of pleasuring her.

  Her heart raced in her chest as he slowly traced circles around the opening of her secret entrance. Whenever his fingers brushed against her clitoris her body jolted with satisfaction. He leaned in and nibbled softly on her ear as he continued to torture her, touching her just enough to fill her with lust, then moving his hand away, playing at the folds of her lower lips, but never going as far as to penetrate her.

  She continued to pull at his hair, the frustration of longing almost too much for her to take. Her body shivered, and her toes curled. She let out a soft moan, her eyes pinched shut and her back still arched up.

  “You’re enjoying this too much,” she said between quiet gasps.

  “You seem to be enjoying it yourself,” he noted.

  She pulled him to her again, kissing him fiercely. His hand continued to brush against her, sending shivers of warmth running up and down her spine. He slid his tongue into her mouth, slowly running it over her own. The sensation, mixed with the momentary flashes of satisfaction he was giving her caused her to shake.

  Quickly, and fiercely, he slid one of his fingers inside her. She bit her lip to keep from letting out a loud sigh of satisfaction, just as he pulled it out. Again, he traced small circles around her moist lower lips, watching her writhe with longing before pushing his finger inside her again.

  She felt her stomach begin to tense and the world around them evaporated completely. The only thing she could sense was him—his touch, his skin pressed against hers, and the heat that was swirling around them.

  She tried to reach out, to take his member into her hand. She could feel it pressed against her side, and she knew that he wanted it as much as she did.

  He shifted his hips back quickly, keeping himself just out of her reach.

  “If you do that, I won’t be able to stop myself,” he warned her.

  “That’s okay,” she whispered.

  “It’s not,” he replied.

  She tried to reach for him again, but he slid his fingers out of her quickly, and before she could take hold of him, he pushed them in again, causing her breath to catch in her throat and her eyes to roll back in her head. She lifted her hands to her face, letting out a soft, subdued cry of satisfaction.

  She didn’t object as he continued to pleasure her. She let her body and the feeling of ecstasy wash over her. His fingers nimbly grazed over the most sensitive places, and her vision went blurry whenever they found one specific spot that seemed to send a rush of pleasure washing over her.

  As if she weren’t enjoying it enough, his thumb found the sensitive spot of her clitoris. When he began to hurriedly flick it back and forth, simultaneously pleasuring by sliding his fingers in and out of her quickly, she swore she saw stars. She squeezed her eyes shut, the world spinning wildly around her.

  Her body tensed, and her legs twitched. She felt like she was about to lose it, to completely let herself become lost in orgasm. She wanted to hold it in. She wanted that feeling to last as long as possible. It was as if her entire body had been caught up in a sweet flame of passion, fury, and lust.

  But, the sound of a twig snapping in the distance caused them to pull apart quickly. The sudden separation startled her, bringing her quickly back to reality. Her body still ached with longing, and her hands were still shaking from being on the verge of release. Her head continued to spin as an all-consuming coldness worked its way through her.

  The absence that she felt at being separated from him alarmed her. The harsh transition back to the real world almost knocked the wind out of her. She couldn’t believe that she had let herself become so lost in the moment. What she couldn’t believe even more, was who she became lost in the moment with. Still, as she watched him try to collect himself, she felt a longing to feel his touch again.

  He pushed himself up quickly, inhaling deeply as he did so. “Someone’s coming,” he said. She quickly fumbled with the straps of her shorts and reached for her top. He waited until she caught her breath and was completely clothed to help her to her feet. “Can you walk?”

  “I can try,” she said, her words coming out in short, quick gasps.

  “Good,” he said. He began to walk away, stopping when he was only a few feet in front of her. “No one can know about this,” he said sternly.

  “I know,” she said.

  Chapter 7: Never and Forever

  It was Queane who pushed her way through the brush in front of them. Allison was hobbling alongside Hakona, her ankle throbbing slightly. It was clear that he w
as hesitant to reach out and help her. He did occasionally give her his arm for support when the pain seemed too much for her to handle.

  When they saw his companion coming towards them, Allison noticed him tense up even more. As Queane grew closer, he seemed to pull further away.

  She looked from Allison back to Hakona, then back again. She said something in their native tongue. Allison couldn’t understand, but she could sense that it was an accusation. More so than Queane’s tone, it was the defensive mannerisms that Hakona was doing very poorly at hiding.

  “She escaped,” Hakona replied in English.

  Queane replied in a fury of clicks and chatters that Allison didn’t understand.

  “We were attacked.” Hakona continued to speak in English

  Again, another heated rush of sounds poured forth from Queane.

  Hakona threw his hands out to the side and answered her in their language. He was definitely being defensive. Their exchange was quick, and only lasted a few minutes, but Allison had the feeling that it was aggressive and judgmental.

  “Everyone is waiting,” Queane finally spoke to her in words she could understand. “We need to return.”

  “Fine,” Allison said stepping forward.

  “I’ll be along shortly,” Hakona informed them as he turned to walk the opposite direction.

  Allison turned to stop him, but Queane reached out and rested a firm hand on her shoulder. “Let him go,” she said firmly.

  “Where is he going?” Allison asked as she watched him leave.

  “How would I know?”

  “Didn’t he tell you?”

  “He didn’t tell me anything.”

  They walked back in the direction she had run. Allison could sense the tension in the air; it was heavy and she felt a feeling of guilt wash over her. She wasn’t sure why.

  “He saved me,” she said quietly.

  “I know,” Queane replied.

  “Then why are you mad at him?” she asked. She hadn’t understood their exchange, but there was no hiding that Queane had been angry with him. Her voice was low and harsh, and her words seemed to spill out of her mouth and hit him aggressively as she spoke them.

  “We don’t keep secrets in our tribe,” Queane said slowly.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Allison's ankle was still aching, and with each step, the pain seemed to increase slightly. She wasn't paying attention to it, though. Her heart was racing at the memory of being tangled up with Hakona, just minutes before.

  “Wipe yourself up,” Queane said over her shoulder, “you have blood on your chest.”

  Allison looked down to see that she was right. There were thick, dark clumps of red on her chest and stomach. It was clear that she was not cut or injured there. The blood could only be from one place—Hakona. When their bodies came together, his injuries brushed against her, leaving behind signs of what they had done.

  She quickly began to grope at her chest in effort to remove any trace of their indiscretion. “It’s not what you think,” she said quickly.

  “I didn’t say I thought anything,” Queane replied.

  They continued to walk through the forest, the brush underfoot digging into the cuts on her ankle. She gritted her teeth and continued forward through the pain.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into?” Queane asked, still walking but slowing down slightly to make it easier for Allison to keep up.

  “I rarely have any idea of what’s going on around here,” Allison replied, still trying to wipe the blood off her chest.

  “Exactly,” Queane said harshly. She stopped suddenly, reaching out so that Allison could support her weight on her arm. “You don’t know; you don’t understand. You don’t understand us, so don’t fool yourself into thinking you do.”

  Allison noticed that Queane’s skin didn’t produce the same warmth that Hakona’s had. It was clear that her body temperature was higher than her own, but the radiating heat that poured out of Hakona whenever they touched wasn’t there. It was stupid to be distracted by such a thing in that moment, but she couldn’t help but wonder about it.

  “You’re right,” she said softly. “I don’t know anything about you or your kind.”

  “Then I will warn you to stop whatever you’re doing.”

  “I’m not doing anything!”

  “Don’t think I’m dumb, Allison. I’m not a child. But, you are. At least, you’re acting like one—you and Hakona both.”

  It was clear that she knew, to some extent, what had happened between her and Hakona. Allison knew that saying otherwise would only make her angry. She didn’t want to talk about it, though. She didn’t want her warnings or her insults. Her ankle was throbbing and her head was pounding.

  “We need to get back, right? Everyone’s waiting for us?”

  "Yes," Queane said. She began walking again, holding tightly to Allison's arm as she did so, helping her as they made their way back to the camp.

  Allison hadn't realized how far she had actually run. It took them thirty minutes to reach the orchards, and it was still another twenty-minute walk back to the cliffs. They walked in silence until they were just about to emerge through the brush leading to the entrance to the caves.

  “It’s best if you don’t say anything,” Queane said in a hushed whisper. “They’re going to ask you about tonight. Just don’t speak.”

  When they pushed their way through the last of the bushes that surrounded the heart of the Samou camp, Allison saw that Queane was right—they were all waiting for them. The fire was lit, even though it was clear that there was no meal being prepared. It was too late for them to eat, anyways.

  As they walked through the crowd together, Allison could feel all eyes on her. She tried to keep her focus on moving forward, but the pain in her ankle had become too intense. Her feet caught under her, and she felt herself go falling forward.

  Queane pulled her back quickly, but not in a caring or concerned way. She then proceeded to push at her back forcefully, obliging her to continue walking.

  “So, you decided to go out for a run?” Kasma said walking towards her. He had an amused tone on his voice, but his expression was stern and angry.

  The firelight danced across his face, accentuating the look of disgust he gave her. Following Queane’s advice, she didn’t say anything.

  “That was very foolish, Allison,” he continued. “We thought we could trust you—to a certain extent. Unfortunately, we’re quickly learning that that is not the case.”

  She wanted to state her case. To explain that any of them would have done the same if they thought it would help their people. But, she held her tongue and shifted her gaze down to her feet.

  The Bodaway didn’t seem to notice or care that she wasn’t speaking. He continued his discourse, raising his voice for everyone to hear as he spoke.

  “For any of you that thought that perhaps there was still a chance that we could work with them, this is proof that we cannot! She was going to warn her people of our attack! To help them prepare! She knows where we live; she knows how our community functions. The information she has about us cannot and will not reach her camp!”

  The crowd around them shifted nervously. They all seemed to move as one as they leaned in closer to listen to what their leader was saying to them.

  “We have been foolish to keep her alive as long as we have! We have been foolish to think that we were ever safe while we had one of them in our midst!”

  Allison’s heart began to race. What was he going to say next? What was he going to do with her?

  “We only have one choice,” he said. He looked down at her, taking a step in her direction. “We kill her.”

  “No!” Allison exclaimed, unable to remain silent any longer.

  Kasma let out a hearty laugh. He threw his head back and his entire body seemed to shake as the haunting sound poured out of his mouth. “No?” he asked.

  “Please,” she begged. “I wasn�
��t going to help them! I just wanted to go home. I wanted to tell them that we have to go home!”

  Kasma lowered his face to where it was on an even level with her own. “You are more foolish than we are,” he said.

  “Why?” she asked, her voice shaking.

  “We were never going to let you go home,” he said slowly. His words filled the air around her and hung there. She couldn’t digest them; she couldn’t understand what he meant.

  “Never?” she asked.


  “Leave her alone,” Hakona’s voice suddenly called out.

  Everyone turned to look at him as he walked towards the group. There was a heavy silence that descended on them as he made his way closer to where she was standing, still supported by Queane, with Kasma standing directly in front of her.

  Hakona didn’t look at her as he moved. He kept his gaze focused on Kasma.

  “You’re going to give me orders now?” Kasma asked him between gritted teeth.

  "I'm simply going to advise you, Bodaway," Hakona replied respectfully.

  "And what do you advise?" Kasma asked a hint of amusement on his tone.

  “Don’t kill her,” Hakona replied firmly.

  “Why would I not?”

  “She can still help us.”

  “She doesn’t know anything. She cannot help us in any way,” Kasma replied dryly.

  “She is my prisoner,” Hakona said quickly. “I will decide what we do with her.”

  “She’s a danger to us!”

  “She’s nothing to us!” Hakona yelled back forcefully. “She’s nothing! She won’t escape again—I will make sure of that.”

  Kasma lowered his voice, to almost a whisper. Still, as he spoke his words were direct and harsh. Allison couldn’t understand them, though. He switched to their native tongue, leaving her unable to follow anything he said.

  Hakona replied, again in their own language.

  As they spoke, Queane increased her grasp on Allison’s arm. She could sense that whatever they were saying wasn’t good. Not so much from any signs that they gave off, but by the way that Queane reacted to them. She seemed nervous.


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