It Might Be You

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It Might Be You Page 23

by Jennifer Gracen


  “My jet. It’ll be at the Miami airport for you, whenever you’re ready to go. You just tell me when you were planning to leave. How’s seven-thirty, eight P.M. sound?”

  Nick almost sputtered. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to do that. Please let me.”

  Nick sighed. He suspected that now that the surgery was a go, Charles was probably freaking out and needed to do something. Nick knew him well enough now to know that . . . but it still felt like leeching off him. “Charles . . .”

  “So I’ll fly you in. My next question is,” Charles barreled on, “do you want to stay here at the house while you recover? After the procedure, you’re going to need to be watched for a few days. Maybe even weeks. You know that.”

  “I’ll be fine, and I’ll be in a hotel,” Nick asserted. “I appreciate your concern, really. So don’t take offense, but I’ll want my own space. I need that.” The thought of an audience around him while he recovered was not going to fucking happen. Not to mention the Amanda factor. For three weeks, he’d been texting and talking to her, growing a little closer every day. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He couldn’t wait to get her into bed again. And they couldn’t do any of that freely if he was staying under Charles’s roof. “I’m not budging on that, so don’t try, okay? I’ll stay at a hotel.”

  “Okay, but you are going to need some help those first few days,” Charles asserted. “I respect and understand that you want your own space, but I’m going to hire a nurse for you anyway. Warning you now.”

  “Jeez, Harrison,” Nick joked. “You’re a pushy bastard, aren’t you?”

  “On all this stuff? Absolutely.” Charles’s voice softened as he said, “I want to help. I want to do something. This is what I can do. Please . . . just let me help you, okay?”

  Nick understood him, and was more moved than he wanted to admit. “Okay. All right, fine. So what are we talking about, exactly?”

  Charles actually sighed with relief. “Starting with my plane, we’ll firm up the time later and get you here. I’ll book you a room at the same hotel as last time, if that’s all right? You liked it there?”

  “Yes,” Nick said, “that’ll be fine.” He leaned back in his chair, giving in.

  “Consider it done. And I’ll make sure a rental car is there for you.” Charles’s tone turned playful as he asked, “Want a Porsche again? Or something else? Name your ride, baby brother.”

  Nick laughed, but something in his chest twinged at the baby brother bit. It was the first time Charles had called him that. “Something fast and sweet. Surprise me.”

  “Oh, that’ll be fun,” Charles said, his voice infused with a new zeal. “That I’ll do myself, not leave to my assistant.”

  “Have fun with that.”

  “I will. You will too, I promise. Um . . . since you’re getting in late Friday night, would you be amenable to coming to my house on Saturday for lunch to see our other siblings? Or dinner? Up to you. I know Myles would love it.”

  Our other siblings. Nick was going back into the fold of his new, other family. The short amount of time and space hadn’t brought him much in the way of answers. He still wasn’t sure exactly how he fit in with the Harrisons, or how much he wanted to. But the thought of seeing Myles made Nick’s gut clench. He wanted to see that kid more than anything. “I’d love to see Myles too. Tell him I’ll be there. But . . . can we make it lunch? I may have plans in the evening.”

  Charles paused a second, and Nick knew he was surprised. He also sensed Charles wanted to ask what kind of plans, but his refined manners wouldn’t let him. “Of course,” Charles said. “We can even make it a brunch, if that works better for you.”

  “Hmm . . . I’ll hit the gym in the morning and be over to your place at noon, if that works.”

  “That’s fine. Listen, Nick . . .” Charles cleared his throat. “The surgery is Wednesday. You’ll have pretesting and all that on Monday and Tuesday. So . . . I’d like it to be a family get-together on Saturday. With all the siblings. Have everyone there except for my father. Between you and Pierce being there, he shouldn’t be. So that’s all right with you, right? I’m asking first. I’m not sure how much of the family you want around you, especially if you’re at all tense about the surgery.”

  “I’m not tense about the surgery,” Nick said automatically.

  “Great. But you may still be tense about being a Harrison. And I understand that. So . . . if it’s too much, and it isn’t what you want, tell me. And I’ll make the family get-together for Sunday, without you, so you can just visit with Myles alone on Saturday.” Charles added, “I’m trying to be considerate. Because I don’t know what you’re thinking or feeling. So I’m not trying to shove us all down your throat. Understand?”

  Nick went quiet. The swirl of others talking around him, the varied noises of the station, seemed to overwhelm him for a few seconds. He wished he had a better handle on what he was thinking or feeling himself. When he was immersed in his work, it was easy not to think about Myles, or the Harrisons, or Amanda, or any of these new factors that played into his life. The fact still was, he had no idea where he stood, and he wasn’t sure what to do with that. So he’d just keep barreling forward until he did. “The thing with everyone on Saturday is fine with me. And the plane, the hotel, and the rest of it too. And . . . thank you for wanting to do all that. I’ll let you this time.”

  “You’re very welcome. Wait—this time?” Charles asked. “That makes it sound like you’ll be coming back to New York after the surgery. Are you planning to be?”

  “I have no real plans,” Nick said. “But it’s likely, at some point. I’ve got a few relatives there.”

  “You do indeed,” Charles said warmly.

  “But if I do, I pay my own way, make my own reservations, all of that. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “Okay then. I’ll be in touch later about the flight. I just need to check on a few things.”

  “And I just need to figure out if I should pick a Ferrari or a Lamborghini for you,” Charles said. “Decisions, decisions. . .”

  Nick laughed. “Don’t go nuts. See you on Saturday.”

  * * *

  Amanda made sure Myles was comfortable. He’d fallen asleep sitting up, and she eased him to lie down, gently pulling the video game console from his hands so as not to wake him. She felt his ears to make sure he had no temperature; to her relief, they were cool to the touch. “Thatta boy,” she whispered. If he got sick now, the surgery would be postponed, not to mention the havoc it would wreak on his weakened immune system. Every day now, that was her biggest concern. She found herself thinking, Stay healthy, stay healthy, stay healthy several times a day.

  With a sigh, she stretched her arms over her head and went to the side window to look outside. It was a lovely spring day. The mid-May flowers seemed to be everywhere; the Harrisons’ landscaping was a gorgeous cascade of color. Tulips of all shades lined the mansion and the wide backyard, bursts of bright reds, yellows, pinks, and purples against the greens of the shrubbery and lawn. Spring was blooming out there . . . and Myles was wilting in here. Life wasn’t fair sometimes. It just wasn’t.

  Sighing, she grabbed her water bottle and took a few sips. She rolled her head, trying to loosen the tight muscles in her neck, then pulled out her ponytail, ran a quick comb through her hair, and put it back up again. Reaching into her deep tote bag for her lip balm, she also grabbed her phone to check her messages. A text from her mom, one from Roni, and one from Nick. His made her brows lift.

  Hey there, beautiful. Got any plans for Saturday night?

  She sank into the chair by the bay window with a smile. Sunlight warmed the back of her head and shoulders as she texted him: No. Why, are you making sure I’ll be home for another round of texting or phone seduction?

  His text came back immediately. Ha! No, much better. I’m coming back to New York tomorrow night. But I’ll get in pretty late,
so I can’t see you til Saturday. Would love to take you out to dinner if that’s ok with you.

  She smiled with delight as a burst of excitement rushed through her veins. It’s more than okay. I’d love to see you.

  Great.Then we’re on.

  Knew you were coming back soon, she wrote, but wasn’t sure when. Heard today they scheduled the surgery for Wed. Was going to call you later.

  Can you talk? I’ll call and tell you everything.

  Can’t talk now. Still at work & Myles is sleeping nearby.

  Ah, ok. Thought maybe you were on a dinner break. How is he?

  Same. But holding steady.

  Good. And you? You holding steady too?

  Yup. She added, And now that I have a date on Saturday night, I’m a little perked up.

  Only a little?

  She sent back a winking emoji.

  Minx. So here’s the plan, he wrote. I’ll be at Charles’s house on Saturday afternoon for a family thing. Mostly to see Myles. But then I’ll come pick you up. How’s 6:00?

  Perfect. She wiggled a bit in her seat, another wave of happiness washing over her. Where are we going?

  Wherever you want. So the thing is . . . I’d like to take you out to dinner. But then I want to bring you back to my hotel. I want you. Stay the night with me. Would you please?

  Her heart skipped a beat as her skin heated, adrenaline shooting through her. I’d like that. All of that. Yes.

  Oh, good. Plus, if you stay with me, we don’t have to worry about being quiet for your roommate. Heh heh

  LOL! A little shiver rolled over her as she thought of the ways he’d make her unquiet. Which hotel? Same as last time?

  Yes. And I have all day Sunday to focus on nothing but you, he wrote. I might not let you out of bed. Pack accordingly.

  A bolt of electricity zipped through her, stopping with a zing between her legs. Smiling, she texted back, Sounds good, but . . . won’t you feed me at some point on Sunday? I get hungry when I’m screwed senseless.

  Fiiiiiine. So demanding. I’ll make sure you’re fed.And definitely screwed senseless. Deal?

  Deal, she typed, smiling broadly. Um . . . protection? You or me?

  I’ve got that, no worries, he wrote back. But you’ll stay all day Sunday? I want that time with you before . . . you know. Everything.

  She swallowed a sigh. After the surgery, he wouldn’t be up to much for a while, whether he wanted to admit it or not. But he was telling her flat out he wanted her, and wanted her to stay with him. All night, and all the next day. That was . . . a rush. Happy-making. Thrilling. Her cheeks bloomed pink, and she bit down on her lip. Yes. I’ll stay. Sounds fantastic. Looking forward to it.

  Can’t wait to see you, Favorite Nurse.

  Back atcha, Miami Vice. She turned to look out the window, squinting into the sunshine. Her day had just improved by a gazillion. She smiled with excited anticipation as she gazed out at the trees and flowers, her mind filled with visions of Nick. She couldn’t wait to see him again, touch him again, let herself sink into oblivion with him . . . for a short time. All she had to do was not focus on why he was there in the first place, and everything that would follow immediately after their secret rendezvous. She’d just live in the moment. Nothing was guaranteed beyond that anyway. She glanced over her shoulder to check on Myles, who slept soundly. No . . . nothing was guaranteed.

  * * *

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Amanda approached Nick with wide eyes. At the curb in front of her apartment building, he looked hotter than hot standing alongside a sleek black Ferrari. Dark sunglasses on, saucy grin on his handsome face, his long, muscled frame in a tight navy T-shirt and jeans slung low on his narrow hips as he perched on the hood . . . she swallowed hard. It was like a cover shoot for a magazine or something. Ridiculously sexy. The whole picture made her weak with lust.

  Was she that shallow, to be swayed and affected so much by a hot guy in front of a hot car? Apparently so, and who cared, power to her, the man was smoking. Off the charts.

  And hers for the night.

  “Hey.” His grin widened into a smile and he stood, straightening to his full six feet as she reached him.

  God, he was gorgeous. She had a fleeting moment of awkward hesitation, an unexpected jab of sudden shyness. Did she kiss him hello? Offer a friendly hug? Not touch him yet at all? But he didn’t even pause. His hands went to her waist, pulling her in as he smiled down at her. “I remember you.” His voice was warm as he pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, revealing happiness in those deep brown eyes.

  “You look vaguely familiar,” she murmured, captivated, sucked in to his presence and his embrace like she’d been put under a spell.

  “You look so pretty,” he said softly. “I like this dress.” His eyes traveled over her body in heated appreciation as his hands clasped her waist a little tighter. “It’s flattering as hell on you. And brings out your eyes.”

  “Thank you.” She gave herself a mental gold star for choosing the pale blue shift dress rather than jeans and a top. She wanted to look and feel feminine, attractive, and a little bit sexy, and this dress did the trick. A low V-neck, fluttery short sleeves, hem that stopped just above her knees . . . it was a very different look from her scrubs, which Nick had seen her in one too many times. She’d wanted to set a certain tone for the night; clearly the dress and her nude peep-toe heels had done their job.

  “It’s really good to see you,” he whispered. One hand stayed at her waist, curling around her lower back to pull her closer as the other hand lifted to cup her face. He lowered his head, brushing his lips against hers gently at first, then with a little more pressure and heat. His tongue ran along her bottom lip, asking for entry. She parted her lips to invite him in and her arms snaked around his neck and locked there. With a soft groan, he deepened the kiss and she pressed against him, arching into him.

  His warm mouth against hers and his strong arms around her felt so good. It was both a re-acquaintance of touch, getting to know each other again, and fresh new sparks igniting. Her fingers ran through his short hair, clutched at his shoulders as the kisses smoldered, burning hotter, until she remembered they were out on the street and broke the kiss.

  “Whoa.” Nick leaned his forehead against hers and smiled, his eyes dark with desire. It pleased her to see she wasn’t the only one breathing a little heavy. He moved his hand to brush a stray lock of her hair back from her eyes. He tucked it behind her ear as he said, his voice pitched low, “Better stop now, or I’m just gonna sweep you upstairs and into bed.”

  “Would that be so bad?” she said with a grin.

  “No.” His grin matched hers. “No, it wouldn’t. But dinner first. I need fuel for what I plan to do to you all night.” A soft breeze made her hair dance again, and his eyes lit as he stared at her face. “It’s good to see you, Amanda.”

  “Good to see you too.” She smiled, touched his cheek, then pulled back a little. Her whole body burned for him, but if he could hold back, so could she. “So. This car? Seriously?”

  “I know.” He laughed as he released her, then grabbed his sunglasses from where they were perched on top of his head and put them back on. “Charles did this. It’s kind of a running joke now, I think. I never would’ve picked this out.”

  “Too flashy?” Amanda guessed.

  “Too expensive to justify the rental. But he . . .” Nick laughed again and shrugged. “He thinks I’m a young alpha male who likes like fast, shiny cars.”

  “Are you?”

  “Hell yeah. But still, this . . . it’s a fucking Ferrari. I mean, Jesus, you know?”

  “I know. It’s hot. And I’ve never even been this close to one, much less in one.” She slid him a playfully sexy look. “You gonna take me for a spin in it or what?”

  He immediately opened the passenger door for her. “Absolutely, gorgeous.”

  She slid into the leather seat, admiring as she looked around. She was sitting in a Ferrari. This was b
izarre. She grinned to herself as Nick started the car and the engine purred to life. “Damn, this car is sexy,” she said.

  “It really is,” he admitted.

  Amanda felt invigorated. She opened the window halfway to let in the warm spring air. “We need to take a drive before dinner. Would that be okay?”

  “Sure, that’d be fine.” He grinned as he pulled away from the curb and eased onto the street. “Just tell me where you want to go.”

  She thought about it for a few seconds. “I know where I’d love to go, because I think you might like it, but it’d take some extra time to get there. I think it’d be worth it, but you said you’re hungry. . . .”

  “I can wait.” He glanced at her over the rims of his sunglasses. “Look, the night is ours. Let’s make the most of it. I want to be out with you. It’s a gorgeous night. We’ll take a drive, then we’ll get some dinner, and then . . .” His grin turned wicked. “You’re mine, all mine. Every luscious inch of you.” He winked. “So, go ahead, tell me where we’re going.”

  * * *

  Nick loved everything about the drive. The feel of the wind, the wheel in his hands, the way the sun dropped slowly in the sky, turning it into shades of dark pink, orange, blue-tinged purple . . . but best of all was the gorgeous woman sitting beside him. Beautiful, alluring, and with a smile she hadn’t been able to take off her face from the moment she’d first seen him.

  He’d missed her. Almost a month of texting and phone conversations had helped them get to know each other better, helped them grow a little closer, but it wasn’t the same as actually being together. Getting to look at each other when they talked, being able to reach out and touch her skin or her hair, to hold her hand as he steered the car down the open road . . .


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