The Unwilling Actress

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The Unwilling Actress Page 7

by Bella Dietrich

  "No-o-o-ooooooo!" she screamed as she felt the fingers of his huge hand stab her, deep into her unprepared and unready hole. She was impaled on those brutal fingers like a fish on a gig, and she squirmed and tried to disengage that terrible hook from her flesh. But he held her fast by the hips with his other hand, and she could feel those beefy fingers curling inside her and she jerked with the pain. It was even worse than that damn metal cylinder that the doctor used to dilate her for examinations.

  "You want to play games, and I'm rather good at games," he grunted, kneeling so that his mouth came even with one full breast, its brown eye pointing at him. He caught it in his mouth and sank his teeth into the soft pale brown flesh, flicking his tongue across the nipple like a lick of flame. His fingers jammed even harder into her tight pussy, and he began to suck the full tit like a great bear cub at its mother's dug.

  "Ah-hhh-hhhhhhhh!" She could feel the pain of his teeth and the hook still in her, and she began to feel all her confidence evaporate. This was not like any man she'd known. Before she'd always felt she had the upper hand, but not now. His powerful mouth began to suck hard on her breast, and she felt the soft marrow, the central essence begin to flow out through her hard nipple.

  His hand began a slow fucking into her constricted passage, the big fingers arching against her clitoris as they descended and rammed into the cringing hollow. Justin could feel that muscular-walled receptacle begin to seep its protective liquid as he sucked and tongued and bit her breast.

  Hilda gritted her teeth, sucking in her breath as she did. She tried to focus her mind on an imaginary scene... herself being washed by waves of applause from a huge audience as she stood in an amber spotlight. She had to get through the pain and degradation, for she had no doubt now that it would be a debasing experience. He'd made it clear that he was the rider, the master, and she would have to obey... and bear the spur.

  Garrett felt his cock twitching and swelling in great pulses inside his pants as though it were being pumped by some inner pulmotor. To his amazement, she was beginning to heat up. It didn't take much with this one, as he'd hoped. Yes, sometimes, these long stringbeans turned out to be the really passionate ones. His fingers were slippery with her lubrications. As he drew his fingers out, he let his index finger linger at her clit and massaged it briefly in a rotary motion before plunging into her again. He dug into her small round buttock with his other hand, pressing her whole pelvis into his ravishing fingers, as though he was going to ram them all the way through her slender body.

  The assaulting fingers held her like an impaled effigy, and she swayed, her hands reaching out to steady herself on his great bull shoulders. Hilda could feel the hard muscles under his thin cotton shirt, muscles working as he finger-fucked her and chewed now at her other breast. She could hear his rasping breath and feel the heat from his nostrils flaming out like dragon's breath against her flesh.

  "Ohh-hhh-hhh-hhh." The breath hissed out of her as she felt his burning tongue swirl around her erect nipple and his full mouth with the sneering sensual lips sucked greedily on her shaken breast. His finger lingered at her clitoris, massaging and branding a spreading scorched place in her flesh like a hot coal. It heated her loins with a building warmth. She threw her hips forward and spread her legs a little wider to receive the stabbing poker of his fingers. Hilda shuddered in spite of herself at the thought of what his cock might do to her. It would be bigger, far bigger than even his fingers ramming into her tenderness.

  Garrett felt his knee stiffening. He reluctantly took his fingers from her hot, arching cunt and his mouth from her breast and stood up. His thickness contrasted with her slender-ness, but he was only a few inches taller despite the large head and heavy body. He looked at her tauntingly for a minute, his black eyes sweeping her as though he were considering purchasing her... which, indeed, he was.

  "Undress me," he ordered.

  "But... I..."

  "Remove my clothes," he commanded again, as though she were his servant. His voice had the tone of her father when he ordered the cringing workers around, the small managers and field supervisors for his far-flung oil interests. Yes, Garrett would use just that tone to demand that an actress do as he directed.

  Timidly she put out one hand to unbutton his shirt, trying to avoid his eyes and smarting from his insulting voice.

  "Hurry," he demanded calmly. Suddenly she felt her anger rise like a spurt from a turned-on fountain. She wasn't his damned servant. She wasn't his to order around like a common whore. He hadn't paid for her yet. She jerked the last button free, ripping the cloth.

  Damned tyrannical prima donna! She turned to walk away.

  "You little bitch," he snarled, grabbing her arm and whirling her to face him. "That was a Sulka shirt."

  "Yes... I know," she answered coolly. Did he think because she lived in Dallas and went to Peabody that she was a hick who didn't know a handmade Sulka shirt when she saw one? Her father had never worn anything else.

  "I'll buy you another one."

  His eyes were blazing and she thought for a moment he was going to hit her and spin her across the room.

  "No one buys me, baby!" He picked her up by her thin arms and lifted her off the floor and threw her back on the bed among the mountainous pillows. She watched as he tore off the torn shirt and flung off his expensive gray slacks and monogrammed silk shorts. Her heart was beating wildly. She heard the heavy shoes hit the floor as he toed them off and bent to rip off his socks. Her eyes were nailed to his enormous rock-hard jutting penis that looked as thick and deadly as an ax handle. It was as huge and outsize as the rest of his bear's body with the thick mat of black hair covering his chest and growing in a "V" down his belly to spread in the pubic triangle. He looked more than ever like a great black bear, for his arms, bulging with swelling muscles, were covered with black hair too, and his hard thighs as well.

  He snatched the wad of shirt off the coffee table where it had fallen. "No one buys this!" He shook the cloth at her, "Or this." He dropped the shirt to grab the pole of his thick upstanding cock and wave it at her as she lay with heaving breasts in the hollowed pillows.

  She could see the veins standing out on the great blunt-ended instrument he held like a bludgeon in his hand. Even in his big hand it looked massive and threatening. One tear of liquid drooled from the glans and hung like thick syrup. A shiver of anticipation and chilling fear rippled through her as she imagined that pickaxing into her soft body. His testicles hung in the scrotum like great balls heavy with molten fire, and she could imagine the boiling vats spewing out of that huge muzzle into her belly.

  He dropped to his knees on the bed and straddled her body, coming in for a close-up. He never took his blazing black eyes from her terrified face as he casually reached down to grab his huge prick again and just as casually wiped the drooling head on her soft breasts as though she were a rag. He eased back on his doubled knees and caught both her heavy breasts in his huge paws and slid that great ax handle between them until the head rested right against her wind pipe. He trust it hard against her constricted throat, still holding her breasts pushed against the thick base to form a fleshy tunnel.

  "You were the one who wanted to play games, baby. Suppose you tell me just what game you had in mind... and I'll decide if it's acceptable," he said grimly.

  Hilda had never felt so humiliated. He treated her like dirt. His hands were bruising her tender breasts, and the head of that enormous cock, rammed so hard against her throat, felt as though it were cutting off her breath. She could feel it beating a pulse on her naked skin and, in spite of her terror, she felt a thrill race through her loins with his hands crushing her breasts. His bare buttocks were mashing her ribs, and she felt completely trapped. She reached up one hand and closed it over the head of his pulsating shaft and moved it slightly so she could talk.

  She felt the tears tighten her throat, as pressing as his penis. "I... guess... I didn't... I... don't know... I'm sorry," she wa
vered in little gasps as the tears came out and ran unheeded down her cheeks.

  Garrett slid down her frightened body and gathered her in his huge arms, digging one under her thin shoulders and one under her little round butt, letting his hard legs enclose hers.

  "Just don't ever start something with me you're not prepared to finish. Understand?" She nodded dumbly, feeling the tears sliding down her cheeks. "I'm not one of your panting, pimpled boy friends. But you'll never be an actress until a man's fucked you." His head dropped, and she felt his sensual mouth on hers, and he kissed her long and ferociously. She was trembling and shaking in his arms, but she closed her tired eyes and gave herself up to feeling this great bear of a man, opening her mouth under his and taking his thrusting tongue into her throat, sucking it in sobs and gasps.

  He could feel her long narrow bones under him like a colt that needed breaking. Her big incongruous breasts were mashed into the curling matted hairs of his chest. He pushed his thighs between hers and lay in the cradle, cupping her buttocks and pulling her up to him even harder. His tongue explored her receptive mouth, every ridge and hollow. His rigid cock was pulsing fretfully in the bowl of her little flat belly.

  Gradually her sobs were easing, and she found she liked being in this bear hug, sucking his hard tongue that fucked into the warm cavern of her mouth as fiercely as his fingers had into her cunt. Inside she could feel the muscles drawing in as though his great rod were already there, and the thought of his putting it there was not so horrifying. She was beginning to want it there... right up inside her, filling her void. She could taste the heavy cognac in his mouth as she darted her own tongue into his. They tongue-fucked back and forth, their breaths panting laboriously through their nostrils.

  Garrett tore his mouth away at last and sank his teeth just hard enough into her earlobe for her to cry out, "O-o-o-o-o-ooooooo!" She'd do better than that when he sank his bull cock in that hot little cunt of hers.

  He arched up just enough to look down the length of their naked bodies, hers hairless except for the muff of tan tangles and lean and fragile, the hip bones showing in sharp little wings, his heavy and thick and hairy with black curling hairs. "Put it in for me," he panted, his head still burrowed downward where he could see. He wanted to see it going in. Her hand came up obediently and clasped his huge shaft like a sheath. It jerked in her hand responsively.

  Hilda held the enormous rod and felt it jerk. Oh God. It was so big. She arched her hips, spread her legs even wider, and quakingly began to guide the seeping head till it touched the first guard hairs of her own in-sucking pussy. She had him now... hot, panting, and wanting... that's the way she wanted him. She'd get the part all right. He was heaving the breath through his lungs like a snorting bull ready to charge. Carefully she guided it slightly down till she felt the pushing head touch her other mouth, her vulva lips that were as wet as if they'd been licked by a tongue, but it was her own inner secretions that had slicked them.

  He was moaning now through gritted teeth as he watched his cock being guided by her little thin hand into her opening, moistly warm pussy lips. Justin could see her hips rotate slowly as she gently insinuated his giant pole into the very outer lips. He saw the head disappear and felt the vulva lips close hungrily over it.

  "GODDDDDD!" he groaned, and threw himself into her, letting the full weight of his body thrust his aching, burning prick all the way into her waiting hot hole in one lunge.

  "NO-O-O-O-0-00000000000000!" she screamed, trying to press her buttocks through the bed to get away from the tearing pain that ripped through her with the terrible stab of that enormous, great, raging cock, but she was sliced through the vitals. Her head twisted from side to side as she writhed with the terror and pain, trapped by the full weight of his massive body.

  "Please... please... stop... oh... stop..." she sobbed, her hands clawing at his shoulders and then pushing on his powerful biceps in an effort to dislodge him. She'd never felt anything like that terrible incredible pain of his mammoth cock plunged into her so far that she could feel the head pulsing hard into her soft womb. How could it be so excruciating when she'd had any number of men in her short life? It wasn't as if she were a virgin. But, oh God... this was killing her. It felt as though she were pierced completely through the core of her body and that the head was going to come out the back of her neck. She'd thought she was ready... that fucking him would be so easy... such an easy way to get the part... but sweet Jesus she'd never expected anything like this!

  Christ! She was tighter than even the assholes he'd had in his time. The lascivious pressure of her skinning cunt walls was clenching him to a premature climax. He didn't know how in hell he was going to hold on. Just entering had almost triggered his whole aching, lusting load right then, and he had never had any problem with premature ejaculation. Those narrow sinuous hips of her... she must be built like a greyhound inside, small and lean. He eased back and took a little of the weight on his knees and elbows. God, she was crying like a madwoman!

  He caught her mouth and tried to still her as he fucked very slowly in and out experimentally. Unbelievable stabs of rapture radiated through his hungry loins as his great aching cock was alternately squeezed and released from the vise of her hot wet pussy. He could feel his belly churn and his balls swell to tight balloons that threatened to burst the seams of his scrotum.

  Hilda turned her head because she couldn't even kiss him with the huge knife cutting into her very being. The sobs were blubbering out of her mouth, and a red sheet of agonizing pain was engulfing her body. She could feel him fucking in and out, and her legs were so spread-eagled now that she was getting a cramp where her left thigh joined her hip socket, and that only added to the pain through her box.

  "Oh... please... please..." she sobbed, digging her heels in to try and dislodge him by pushing up with her hips. She felt their cleaving bodies rise a few inches off the bed with her supreme lifting effort, but he only clung harder and... and fucked that terrible cock deeper and deeper into her pain-wracked body.

  Garrett ground his pelvis into the squirming pliant flesh beneath him, feeling her elastic sheath slip tightly, wetly around his thick fleshy rod. Her seeping vaginal walls consumed him as he raced its full length into her belly. His balls slapped with a resounding staccato sound against the round cheeks of her pale ass.

  "Aghghghghghghhhhhhhhhh!" he grunted as he worked harder, uncaring now that her cries hadn't stopped but only increased and her face and hair were wet with tears. He could no more stop that driving force of his maddened cock and bursting balls than he could have given up booze or the theatre. She wanted it. She started it, and by God she was getting it! It was too goddamned bad that it was more than she bargained for. How was he supposed to know she had such an abnormally small cunt... though he realized it might be the other way around. He knew his was bigger than the average prick. Every man thought he was, but Justin knew from locker room parades that he really did have a huge penis. He knew one thing for sure... this one could never have a baby normally if she couldn't handle his prick, big as it was.

  Hilda bit her lips now, praying it would soon be over... that he would shoot that load of boiling sperm into her belly and let her go. She held on to his great shoulders as her whole body was rocked with his onslaught, trying to somehow get through the pain. Her legs felt as though they were being sheared off at the points where they joined her hips, and she had to move them. She wrapped them around his waist and hoped they would stop hurting, that the cramp would leave, and miraculously it did. This brought her pelvis and clitoris higher and her slightly upturned hole into closer contract with his driving pole. Another miracle happened! The pain was eased even though he was lunging even farther into her belly. It was easier! She could even feel her battered vagina begin to respond, and the fucking into her was raising the familiar tingling sensation and radial warmth to flow. Maybe it was going to be all right.

  He felt her legs wrap around his body. Her whole pu
ssy was open to him, and her sobs begin to ease and turn to mewls and moans. Garrett grabbed her ass in his hands and pounded into her waiting hole even harder and faster, unable to stop the bubbling, grunting sounds erupting from his throat and chest as he drove into her like a maniacal piledriver. Jesus! This was the best fuck he'd had in years because she was tighter than a goddamned virgin.

  "Yess-ss-ss-s-ssss!" she moaned as she rode even higher on his pole. She felt him lift her legs and drape them over his bear shoulder. She was coming to life! It was going to be all right. She rode higher and higher up the huge throbbing pole that dug at her interior like a ramming war machine. Hilda could feel the fires that had been banked come to life and begin to spark and flame.

  Suddenly he slammed into her and arched his back like a great sea lion that had come up for air, harpooned through the gut, hanging in mid-air, too pained to move, hanging there immobile and mortally wounded.

  "GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD," he bellowed, as he felt the mechanism begin, the inordinate intricacy of his manhood fulfill its function and start to peak and trigger a great tidal wave of hot life-giving sperm into her belly. The pumping of the dam began. His semen shot in scalding streams into her pooled womb as the great bleated balls sent gushes of hot liquid under pressure out of the tight constricted narrows of his huge nozzle of cock. "Je-e-e-e-e-e-e-ssssssssss!" he screamed. The hot sticky load rushed in frenzy from his swollen scrotum along the tube, the tiny close tunnel of his great throbbing, pulsing bull-like prick to the nirvana pool of her churning belly... and she took all he had into her channeled vitals. He spewed the thin hot streams into her clasping, sucking cunt that was still so tight it milked him furiously in a seemingly never-ending burst of tidal-wave orgasm that went on and on.


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