Seduction Games

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by Serenity Player

  Erotica: Seduction Games


  Serenity Player



  Free New Life Books Publishing

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2015 Full Moon Climax

  The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are completely fiction and are in no way meant to represent real people or places.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to others. If you would like to share this eBook with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  more from our authors

  Chapter One

  “I’m going to game Rochelle.” Roger said.

  “What do you mean?” Roger’s best friend Blake asked.

  “I’m going to make her mine. I have to have her.” Roger said.

  “You don’t even have girlfriends. What are you talking about?” Blake asked.

  “I’m not talking about her being my girlfriend. I’m talking about sex.” Roger said.

  “How are you going to work that? She never has sex with anyone.” Blake said.

  “I’m going to change that. All she needs is to see she’s not a challenge. I am.” Roger said.

  “I don’t really think you’re a challenge.” Blake pointed out.

  Roger laughed. “Rochelle doesn’t need to know that.”

  “I’m sure she does. You’ve banged one of her friends.” Blake said.

  “Becca and Rochelle are best friends. Maybe I can use that to my advantage.” Roger said.

  “How so?” Blake asked.

  “I say that I can’t date her because I’ve dated her friend before she can say it.” Roger said.

  “Oh, that’s a good one. I hope it works. Good luck.” Blake said.

  “Thanks. I’m sure it will. I’m going to go talk to her. See you later.” Roger said.

  “Bye. Let me know how it goes.” Blake said.

  Roger approached Rochelle. “Hi.”

  “Oh hey, how are you?” she asked.

  “Pretty good. You? You look nice today.” Roger said.

  “Thanks.” Rochelle said, smiling.

  “You’re welcome. How’s Becca?” he asked.

  “You shouldn’t even be asking.” Rochelle said.

  “Why not? Becca’s a good girl.” Roger said.

  “I know she is. I didn’t think you cared.” She said.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Roger asked.

  “You fucked her and left her.” Rochelle snapped.

  “It’s not my fault it didn’t lead to more.” He said.

  “I would expect you to.” She said.

  Roger sighed and shook his head. You’re failing at this. Just go he told himself.

  “I’ll see you later babe.” Roger said, walking off.

  I need to figure out another way to get a date with this girl he thought. About an hour later, Roger approached Rochelle again.

  “Are you back for more?” Rochelle asked.

  “I shouldn’t have brought up Becca. I didn’t realize that she was a sore subject.” Roger said.

  “You’re crazy.” She said.

  “Did you two have a falling out?” Roger asked, knowing they hadn’t.

  “No of course not.” Rochelle said.

  “Oh well I was just going to say maybe she’s not a good girl.” He said.

  Rochelle smiled. “Maybe I’m the one who’s not.”

  Roger laughed too. “Hell, maybe not.”

  “I am though.” She said.

  “So, what are you doing later?” he asked.

  “Not a lot. You?” Rochelle asked.

  “Going out with you.” Roger said, smiling.

  “You wish.” She said.

  “I don’t really. I have a lot to do.” He said.

  “Oh, I thought that you said that you don’t.” Rochelle said.

  “No I didn’t. You did.” Roger said, laughing.

  Rochelle shook her head. “I guess you did. Sorry.”

  “It’s cool. You have a fun night.” He said.

  “I could meet for a drink.” Rochelle said.

  “Let’s do it.” Roger said.

  “What bar and what drinks?” she asked.

  “Any one you want.” He said.

  “I’ll do Trivial and Long Island. Are you in?” Rochelle asked.

  “If I can break out of my schedule a little bit.” Roger said.

  “You might not even make it?” she asked.

  “I’ll see what I can do. Give me your number so I don’t leave you hanging.” He said.

  “Hand me your phone.” Rochelle said.

  “Not a chance. Hand me your’s.” Roger said.

  Rochelle placed her phone in his hand. Roger put his name and number in.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tonight?” she asked.

  “If you’re lucky. Bye.” Roger said, walking off again.

  That’s better he thought triumphantly. About seven o’clock, Roger got a text from Rochelle. He texted back. Then went to the Trivial to meet Rochelle.

  “Hey sexy.” He greeted.

  “Hi, how are you?” Rochelle asked.

  “We’re clear that this isn’t a date, right?” Roger asked.

  “Um who said this was a date?” she asked.

  “I’m just saying it’s not.” He said.

  “Why would it be a bad thing if it was?” Rochelle asked.

  “I dated Becca. I don’t want to do that to her.” Roger said.

  “I know.” She said.

  “I know you wouldn’t either.” He said.

  “Right.” Rochelle said, looking at Roger.

  “Okay so let’s get a friendly drink.” Roger said.

  “What will you have?” she asked.

  “A double Scotch on the rocks.” He said.

  “I’ll get it.” Rochelle said.

  “Do we have a cute bartender?” Roger asked.

  Rochelle laughed. “I don’t think she’s your type.”

  “Is she your’s? I like to watch.” He said.

  Rochelle laughed again. “I don’t think I’m into her no.”

  “Oh well have fun.” Roger said.

  Rochelle got up and went to the bed. Then she came back.

  “Here.” Rochelle said, sliding his drink across.

  “Thanks. Did she check out?” Roger asked.

  “No maybe she’s straight. Wouldn’t that be something? A girl into guys.” Rochelle teased.

  Roger laughed. “Not saying that it can’t happen.”

  “You’re acting like it’s unheard of.” She said.

  “I wasn’t trying to.” He said, smiling.

  “You’re cute.” Rochelle said.

  “Don’t patronize me. It might hurt my feels.” Roger teased.

  Rochelle laughed. “I don’t think that anything hurts your feelings.”

  “Sadly, a lot of things do. I’m a sensitive soul.” He said.

  “I don’t think so.” Rochelle said.

  “You don’t know me very well.” Roger said.

  “I guess that I never bothered trying to get to know you. Did I?” she asked.

  “Nope. I understand. I just might be too sensitive.” He said.

  Rochelle laughed again. “Will you stop? I don’t believe that.”

  “Suit yourself.” Roger said.

  “I’m going to see if there’s anything on the jukebox worth listening to.” She said.

  “Nothing will be better than hearing your voice in my dreams.” He teased.

  “What does t
hat even mean?” Rochelle asked.

  “You’ll find out.” Roger said.

  Rochelle walked off. Going pretty good. I just need to step up the challenge part a bit Roger thought. Rochelle walked back over.

  “I couldn’t find anything.” She said.

  “Bummer.” Roger said.

  “No big deal.” Rochelle replied.

  “I was hoping it wouldn’t be.” He said.

  “I never let the man bring me down.” She said.

  “Oh really? I’ve let the man bring me down a couple of times. He was my boss. There was nothing I could do about it.” Roger said, smiling.

  Rochelle laughed. “I feel your pain.”

  “I thought that you didn’t let anyone bring you down.” He said.

  “Well my paycheck has killed my vibe before.” Rochelle said.

  “Oh, I can’t relate there. I try to always keep my vibe.” Roger replied.

  “How does that work out for you?” she asked.

  “Very well. You should try it.” He said.

  “I might.” Rochelle said, smiling.

  “Are you ready for another drink? I am.” Roger said.

  “No not yet.” She said.

  “Oh well I can’t get too drunk then. Don’t want you taking advantage of me.” He teased.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Rochelle said, smiling.

  “I won’t try to change your mind.” Roger said.

  “You couldn’t if you tried.” She said.

  “Good. I’m going to get another drink.” He said, getting up.

  I’m losing her a little bit. If I can’t reel her in within the next ten minutes I need to call it a loss for tonight Roger thought. He got his drink and walked back over.

  “Do you want me to try the jukebox? Maybe I can find something romantic.” Roger said.

  “Knock yourself out.” Rochelle said.

  “I’ll try not to go that far.” He said, walking off again.

  Roger found a few of his favorite songs easily and pressed to play them. Then went and sat back down.

  “I found a few. I don’t know what you were complaining about.” He said.

  “I wasn’t complaining.” Rochelle said.

  “Well you said they had no good music.” Roger teased.

  “I did not.” Rochelle snapped.

  “Basically.” He said, grinning.

  “Nowhere near but if you have good taste I’ll take it.” She said.

  “I’m here with you. Isn’t that proof enough?” Roger asked.

  “I guess it should be huh?” Rochelle asked.

  “I think so.” He replied.

  Rochelle laughed.

  “Do you want to dance?” Roger asked.

  Rochelle nodded. “Why not?”

  They got up and moved a few feet from the tables. Rochelle slid her arms around him. He rested his hands on her hips. They swayed through a few songs.

  ‘You do have a decent playlist.” Rochelle observed.

  “Well thank you. I’ll keep in my mind that you like them.” Roger said.

  “Try to. My favorite song is Country though.” She said.

  “I can do Country too. I just prefer not to.” He said, smiling.

  “You are a trip.” Rochelle said.

  “I really like trips.” Roger said.

  She laughed. “Nothing like I thought you’d be. The way that Becca talked you were a jerk.”

  “I can be. I regret it every time though.” He said, seriously.

  “Really?” Rochelle asked.

  “If they don’t deserve it.” Roger said.

  “What makes someone deserve it?” she asked.

  “Becca didn’t. I’m not saying that.” He explained.

  “I know. I never thought you were.” Rochelle said.

  “Good. I know that I said I wouldn’t talk about her so let’s not.” Roger said.

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t.” Rochelle said.

  They swayed some more.

  “I think I’m ready to stop. Do you want to go? I need some coffee to sober up.” Roger said.

  “No, I’m not feeling coffee. I’ll see you later.” Rochelle said.

  “Okay have fun.” He said.

  “You too.” She responded.

  Roger walked away. The next day, he caught up with her again.

  “Hey.” Roger said.

  “Hi, how’s it going? I had a good time last night. Wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime. Would you?” Rochelle asked.

  “No I wouldn’t at all. When?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure honestly. I’ll get back to you.” She said.

  “Oh, just let me know.” Roger said, walking off.

  A little while later, he had a text asking if he wanted to meet for coffee that night. Roger agreed. At nine, Roger slid into the booth across from Rochelle.

  “Thanks for inviting me.” He said.

  “You’re welcome.” Rochelle said.

  “Did you order me a cup?” Roger asked.

  “I didn’t know what you like to drink.” She said.

  “You certainly knew at the bar last night.” He said.

  “Only because you told me.” Rochelle said.

  “That’s true. I’ll let you slide this time.” Roger teased.

  This is getting easier he thought.

  “What will you have?” she asked.

  “I’ll get it.” Roger said.

  “Are you sure?” Rochelle asked.

  “Yeah, be right back.” He said, getting up.

  Roger ordered and then came back and sat down.

  “Good coffee here.” He commented.

  “It’s not bad I guess. Not a chance to dance though.” Rochelle said.

  “You made a rhyme. What a crime.” Roger said, smiling.

  “Ha, we’re poets and we don’t even know it.” Rochelle said.

  “Too bad knows it doesn’t go there.” He said.

  “Yeah I couldn’t fit it in.” she said.

  “No criticizing here.” Roger said.

  “I’d never imply otherwise.” Rochelle said.

  “Good. Do you come here often?” he asked.

  “I don’t. I was just in the mood for coffee.” She said.

  “You turned it down last night.” Roger reminded her.

  “A lot can change in twenty-four hours.” Rochelle said.

  “Touché.” He replied.

  “How are your classes? Are you failing anything?” she asked.

  “Everything.” Roger replied.

  “Really? You can’t be.” Rochelle said.

  “I’m really not. I can get to where I do though for you.” He said.

  “That doesn’t even make sense.” She said.

  “It probably wouldn’t.” Roger said.

  Rochelle laughed. “You are a character.”

  “Which one? Am I like Dean from Supernatural?” he asked.

  “Not quite that great now. Don’t push your luck.” She said.

  “I’ll try not to like always.” Roger said.

  “I’m not sure you’ll ever succeed.” Rochelle said.

  “Me either.” He said.

  “I’m going to get a refill. Do you need anything?” she asked.

  “No, I’m good. Have fun.” Roger said.

  Rochelle was away and back within three minutes.

  “You move quick.” He noted.

  “I do what I can.” Rochelle replied.

  “I see that.” Roger said, approvingly.

  “So, I’m doing pretty good in my classes.” Rochelle said, abruptly.

  She’s trying to fall for me. Which is fine because I don’t need her to Roger thought.

  “That’s good. I like brains.” Roger said.

  “Isn’t that kind of gory?” she asked, making a face.

  He laughed. “I don’t think so. I might be a zombie though.”

  “I’m going to make that your nickname then.” Rochelle said.

  “Do so. I m
ight eat you though.” Roger said.

  “Not on your life.” She said.

  “Brains!” he exclaimed, leaning forward.

  Rochelle pulled away, laughing. “No way.”

  “Oh, yes way.” Roger said.

  “Try again next time.” She said.

  “Bet on it. Does that mean you’re ready to go?” he asked.

  Rochelle shrugged. “Not necessarily.”

  “Oh cool.” Roger said.

  “Yeah.” She said.

  “So, what else is up?” he asked.

  “Not a lot. You?” Rochelle asked.

  “I’m enjoying my coffee.” Roger said, shrugging.

  “It is good.” She said.

  “I have to agree.” He said.

  “You make that sound like a bad thing.” Rochelle said.

  “I don’t mean it to be. You’re basically a stranger to me though.” Roger said.

  “Oh shit.” She said.

  He laughed. “We’re just getting to know each other.”

  “I’ve known who you are forever.” Rochelle said.

  “That’s not the same thing. Maybe I got the wrong impression.” Roger said.

  “Maybe you did. It happens.” She said.

  “I can see it. I’ve had that happen a time or two. Any way you want to get a stronger drink?” he asked.

  “Um not really.” Rochelle said.

  “How about food?” Roger asked.

  “Why not? You can order here.” She said.

  “I was thinking of somewhere with meals.” He said.

  “I don’t feel like going anywhere else.” Rochelle said.

  “I’m going to get a refill then.” Roger said, getting up.

  He walked off and came back in five minutes.

  “I’ve decided that I’m going to go.” He said.

  “I’ll go with you.” Rochelle said, sighing.

  “Really?” Roger asked, surprised.

  “Why not?” she asked.

  “Cool, I know a good place we can go. Follow me.” Roger said, getting up.

  They went to a nearby bistro and sat down. The waiter approached. Roger ordered a bottle of wine. Rochelle got a glass of iced tea.

  “Do you have some kind of thing about tea?” he wondered.

  Rochelle laughed. “It has always been my favorite.”

  “Sounds interesting. I was never a big fan.” Roger said.

  “You have no taste.” She said.

  “I know.” He said.

  Rochelle laughed again. “You’re cute. I’ll give you that.”


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