Seduction Games

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Seduction Games Page 3

by Serenity Player

  “Some girl named Becca said she dated you. Oh well.” She said.

  “You don’t care? I do. My character is in jeopardy.” Roger said, clutching his heart.

  “It’s okay. I don’t think anyone cares.” Shelia said.

  Roger laughed. “I see that you don’t.”

  “Nope, I don’t listen to rumors.” She said, leaning in for a kiss.

  “Good.” He said, kissing her.

  Shelia pulled Roger closer. He slid her shirt off. She pulled his shirt off in turn. I can get into this. Shelia’s hot Roger thought. He started to undo her pants.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Roger whispered.

  “You’re gorgeous.” Shelia responded.

  “I try.” He said, unsnapping her bra.

  “I can tell.” She said.

  Roger bit her neck. Shelia stood up and let her pants and panties fall. Roger pulled her back on top of her.

  “Do you want to go upstairs?” she asked.

  “Yeah if you want.” He said.

  Shelia stood up and walked upstairs. Roger followed her. He got a text. He checked it. It was from a fake number. He shook his head. I don’t feel like having sex now. Oh well, I’d never turn it down Roger thought.

  Shelia laid on the bed. Roger pulled the rest of his clothes off and joined her. She put her leg over his. He slid his fingers inside of her and started to rub her clit. Shelia squirmed, moaning. Roger pulled her closer, sliding his fingers in and out.

  “Fuck me.” She whispered.

  Roger slid his fingers out and grabbed a condom. Then he slid his penis into her pussy. Shelia laid there as he rocked against her. He thrusted in and out. She moaned. Roger thrusted more and more. Shelia moaned a little louder. Roger pumped deeper. She is seriously just laying here he thought, shaking his head. Roger went faster and harder until he came.

  “Can you finish me off too?” Shelia asked.

  “Actually, I need to be up early.” Roger said.

  “It’ll only take a second.” She said.

  “I don’t have time. You need to go.” He said.

  “I guess the rumors were right.” Shelia said, getting up.

  “You can see yourself out.” Roger said.

  “Got it.” She said, walking off.

  That was a waste of time. Better luck next time he thought.

  The next day, Roger ran into Rochelle. She didn’t even look at him. At least Rochelle was a good lay Roger thought. That evening, he went to the Trivial with Blake.

  “I took Shelia home the other night. Just to let you know she’s a bad lay.” Roger said.

  Blake shook his head. “Really?”

  “Yes. She made no move while I was fucking her. I kicked her out after I got mine. I have no patience for that.” Roger said.

  “I don’t blame you. I got with Diana last night. Maybe you should try her next.” Blake said.

  “Diana’s easy like Shelia. I want a little more of a challenge.” Roger said.

  “Can’t blame you there. I think you’d have to double dip for that though.” Blake said.

  “Maybe I should. What do you think? I could do Becca again.” Roger said.

  “I was thinking Rochelle.” Blake said.

  “Nah, she’s too bitter. I’m going to try for Becca again.” Roger decided.

  “Good luck.” Blake said.

  “Tell me about it.” Roger said.

  “Speaking of Becca, she’s over there.” Blake said, shaking his head.

  Roger looked over his shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

  He approached Becca’s table. She made a face at him. Roger smiled and slid in across from her.

  “Hi, long time no see.” He said.

  “What are you doing?” Becca asked.

  “Nothing beautiful. Just been thinking about you. Is that a crime?” he asked.

  “Get out of here.” Rochelle said.

  “Woah sugar, no one’s talking to you. Relax.” Roger said.

  “What? You’re not going to talk to me like that!” she said.

  “I can talk to you however I want. You were talking to a new guy the next day.” He said.

  Rochelle laughed.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” Roger asked Becca.

  “I don’t think so.” Becca replied.

  “I’ll buy you a drink.” He said.

  “I have one.” She said.

  “I see that.” Roger said.

  “I can always use another.” Rochelle said.

  “Okay cool.” He said, getting up.

  Roger came back with a Long Island Iced Tea.

  “Here you go.” He said, sliding it across.

  “I wasn’t serious but thanks. Can we call you PD?” Rochelle asked.

  “Why would you call me that?” Roger asked.

  “It means pump and dump.” Becca said.

  “I kind of like it.” He said.

  Becca laughed. “Cute.”

  “How am I cute?” Roger asked.

  “I didn’t mean that literally.” Becca said.

  “Break my heart.” He said.

  “I’ll try not to.” She said.

  Roger laughed. “I am sorry that I’ve earned my nickname.”

  “It’s cool. I’m not bothered.” Becca said.

  “I am.” Rochelle said.

  “I’m not talking to you.” Roger said.

  “Be nice to my best friend. That was the whole problem in the first place.” Becca said.

  “I was always nice to your best friend.” He said.

  Becca laughed. “Just not to me.”

  “I’m nice to both of you. I just don’t want a relationship.” Roger said.

  Becca raised an eyebrow. “That’s not the impression you give off.

  “It’s the one I try to.” He said, shrugging.

  “Maybe you should try harder.” Rochelle snapped.

  “Okay, can we talk elsewhere Bec?” Roger asked.

  “I’m fine right now.” Becca said.

  Roger shook his head. “Do you know my friend Blake?”

  “I think I’ve met him before. Why? Does he want a chance now?” Rochelle asked.

  Becca laughed. “Blake’s hot. Maybe I can give him a shot.”

  “No thank you.” Roger said.

  “You can’t keep him from me.” Rochelle said, standing.

  “Have fun.” Roger said.

  Rochelle walked off.

  “Okay, you got rid of her. Now what?” Becca asked.

  “I am sorry for how I treated you. Can you give me another chance?” Roger asked.

  “To do it again?” Becca asked.

  “I’m laying it on the table. I don’t want a relationship but I’m happy to chill.” Roger said.

  “I’m not really down.” Becca said.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “You were just with my friend!” she exclaimed.

  “I’d like to forget about that.” Roger said.

  “You ran the game on both of us.” Becca said.

  “I didn’t do a very good job, did I?” he asked.

  “No, we’re wise to you now.” Becca said, smiling.

  “So, you’d be going in with open eyes this time.” Roger said.

  “I would be if I bothered.” She said.

  Roger laughed. “I guess I’m just wasting my time, huh?”

  “Pretty much. We can be friends though.” Becca said.

  “We can try but you’re too pretty to be friends with.” He said, winking.

  Becca blushed. “That’s kind of flattering.”

  “I do what I can.” Roger said.

  “Can I have that drink now?” she asked.

  “Sure, what do you want?” he asked.

  “A Jack and Coke would be nice.” Becca said.

  “Coming up.” Roger said, getting up.

  He walked away and came back with a drink.

  “Here you are.” Roger said, sliding it across.

  “Thanks babe.
” Becca said.

  “Already calling me babe. I like it.” He said.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.’ She said.

  ‘I see.” Roger said.

  “Great.” Becca said.

  “Yeah.” He said, smiling.

  “So, what are you doing later buddy?” Becca asked.

  Roger shrugged.

  “Do you and Blake want to hang out tomorrow?” she asked.

  “If you want. What do you want to do?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe we could see a movie.” Becca said.

  ‘That sounds like something I’d rather do alone. What else you got?” Roger asked.

  Becca sighed. “Get dinner? That sounds like a date though. I want to do something friends do.”

  “Let’s play skee ball.” Roger said.

  “Really? I haven’t played in years. I don’t know about that.” She said.

  “If you don’t want to that’s fine. Blake and I can have fun without you.” Roger said.

  ” It’s better with pretty girls. Do you want to go bowling?” Becca asked.

  Roger pretended to think it over. “Why not?”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Becca said.

  “What time?” he asked.

  “Maybe five. What do you think?” she asked.

  “Sounds good to me.” Roger replied.

  You lost frame he chided himself.

  “Good, now I’m going to go check on my girl.” Becca said, getting up.

  “She might want to be around Blake.” Roger said.

  “I’m just going to find out. See you later.” Becca said, walking off.

  Maybe Rochelle would have been an easier target. Friendship would be fun though. Maybe if I got in they’d introduce me to their friends. That couldn’t be bad Roger thought.

  Blake walked over.

  “Did you get anywhere?” Roger asked.

  “You know I didn’t. She’s closed off. Then Becca had to come over to save her. I’m ready to bounce.” Blake said.

  “You’re going to think I’m crazy but I have an idea.” Roger said.

  “I might call you crazy.” Blake said.

  “We should hang out with them tomorrow as friends.” Roger said.

  “Why?” Blake asked.

  “That way we’ll have an in with their friends.” Roger said.

  “That sounds like a waste of time.” Blake said.

  “What else do you got to do?” Roger asked.

  “I guess nothing. I’ll be there.” Blake said, sighing.

  “Okay good. Are you really ready to go?” Roger asked.

  Blake nodded. They left. The next day, they met up with Becca and Rochelle at the bowling alley. Rochelle had on a tight pink shirt and a pair of jeans.

  “Doesn’t Rochelle look good?” Roger asked.

  “She always looks good. Not sure I could have hit and quit that.” Blake said.

  Roger shrugged. “Can’t break a habit now.”

  “I can break your habit for you.” Blake said.

  “Have at her.” Roger said.

  “Oh, I would if she was interested. I’d never stop though.” Blake said.

  Becca walked over. “Hey guys.”

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Roger asked.

  “Not bad. How are you?” she asked.

  “Not bad either. Are we all playing together?” he asked.

  “Yeah, we’ve already picked out our balls.” Becca said.

  “I bet you have.” Roger said.

  Becca laughed. “Just go pick your’s out.”

  “Got it.” Roger said.

  “Yupp cool.” Becca replied.

  Roger walked off. He got a bowling ball and came back. Blake followed shortly after.

  “What’s next?” Roger asked.

  “Rochelle’s setting up the game.” Becca said.

  They walked over to her.

  “Who’s up first?” Blake asked.

  “I am.” Rochelle replied, getting up.

  “I hope one of you loses.” Roger said.

  Becca laughed. “Too bad that we both know how to bowl.”

  “I don’t think that’s really too bad. I’ll buy the winner ice cream.” Blake said.

  “What if you win? I’m not buying you ice cream.” Roger said.

  Blake laughed. “I’ll buy it for myself. It doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Go for it.” Roger said.

  “You’re up next.” Rochelle told Roger.

  Roger went up. He did horribly which was what he was afraid of. You have nine more chances. Relax he thought. Blake was next. Then Becca came last. Roger noticed none of them did as bad as he had.

  “I suck.” Roger said.

  “Obviously, man.” Blake said.

  Roger laughed. “Thanks for rubbing it in.”

  “It’ll get better.” Rochelle said.

  Roger smiled. Progress he thought.

  The game went on a bit. Roger was losing. Blake was just ahead of him. Becca was way ahead of him. Rochelle was slightly ahead of Becca.

  “Do you guys do this a lot?” Roger asked.

  “Yeah, pretty much every week.” Rochelle said.

  “That explains why you guys are so good!” Blake yelled.

  Rochelle shook her head.

  “Cheaters!” he yelled.

  “Hey, it’s not cheating. You just wish it was.” She said.

  “How?” Blake asked.

  “Then you wouldn’t mind that if you have to buy my dinner.” Rochelle said.

  “I said ice cream.” Blake said.

  “Hey go hard or go home.” Rochelle said.

  Blake laughed. “I can go hard but I didn’t think that’s what I was here for.”

  “I’m not really into that.” Becca said, wrinkling her nose.

  “You don’t like stiff dicks?” Blake asked.

  “Man, you’re embarrassing yourself, stop.” Roger said.

  “What do you mean?” Blake asked.

  “Laying it on a little strong.” Roger said.

  “Oh right.” Blake said.

  “Don’t worry.” Rochelle said.

  “Why not?” Blake asked.

  “I like a little bit strong sometimes.” She said, shrugging.

  “Really? I can arrange that.” Roger said.

  “You already did. Men aren’t the only ones who can run game.” Rochelle said, shrugging.

  Roger smiled. “I never doubted it.”

  “I did.” Blake said.

  “You guys are fun. Let’s finish this game.” Becca said.

  At the end of the game, Blake lost. Roger ended up only slightly ahead of him. Becca a lot ahead of him. Rochelle was in the lead.

  “Okay I promised you ice cream.” Blake said.

  “I’ll get you some too Bec.” Rochelle said.

  “That wasn’t part of the plan.” Blake said.

  “I’ll buy it relax.” Rochelle said.

  “I guess that I’ll get your’s then. Come on.” Becca said, slinging her arm around Roger’s shoulders.

  They walked into the restaurant part and ordered. Then they ate.

  “Does anyone want to do anything next?” Roger asked.

  “Me.” Rochelle responded.

  “I’m going home.” Blake said.

  “Me too. I don’t want to be a third wheel. I’ll call you later.” Becca said, walking off.

  Blake followed her.

  “So, I’ve thought about it and we need to talk.” Rochelle said.

  “Talk.” Roger said.

  “I’ll try to.” Rochelle said, smiling.

  “Really, what’s up?” he asked.

  “I really like you. I know that I shouldn’t but I do.” She said.

  Roger smiled. “I admire that. It’s not that I don’t like you too. I just don’t want anything serious.”

  “Neither do I. I just didn’t expect to be pumped and dumped.” Rochelle said.

  “I am known for that.”
He said.

  Rochelle sighed. “Okay.”

  “Who was that guy anyway?” Roger asked.

  “Just a friend. I hooked him up with someone else already.” Rochelle said.

  “Oh okay. Can you do that for me?” he joked.

  “Nope, you’re my prize.’ She said.

  “I am sorry that I just ran. I shouldn’t have.” Roger said.

  “It’s cool. I don’t want to be your girlfriend. Just friends with benefits is fine with me.” Rochelle said.

  “I never considered that.” Roger said.

  “Well you should.” She said.

  “I will.” He said.

  “I’m going to go. See you.” Rochelle said, walking off.

  Friends with benefits couldn’t be bad. I like her. She likes me. I could still see other girls. Oh well. I’ll have to tell Rochelle how things can be. I’ll set the terms though Roger thought.

  The next day, he asked Rochelle to meet him at the Trivial.

  “Hey, did you think about my offer?” she asked.

  “I will see other girls.” Roger said.

  “I’ll see other guys.” Rochelle said, shrugging.

  “Suit yourself.” He said.

  “I will. Do you want to get out of here? Time to have some fun.” She said.

  “Like what?” Roger asked.

  “Sex.” She purred.

  “Sounds good.” He said.

  “Let’s go to your place.” Rochelle said.

  They went to Roger’s. Rochelle sat on the couch.

  “Do you want some wine?” he asked.

  “No, I just want you.” She said.

  Roger sat beside of her. They started kissing. Roger’s hands moved up her shirt.

  “What made you fall for me?” he asked.

  “I haven’t fallen for you. You just do it for me sexually.” Rochelle said.

  Roger laughed. “I guess that two can play at this game.”

  “I told you.” She said, pulling him closer.

  They kissed more. Roger pulled her shirt off. Rochelle pulled his off in turn. They kissed some more. Roger slid his hands inside of her bra and started to squeeze her tits. Rochelle sucked on his bottom lip. Roger squeezed harder. Rochelle moaned. He unsnapped her bra.

  Rochelle started to undo Roger’s pants. Roger kissed her. She stood up.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” Rochelle said.

  “Why can’t we do it down here?” Roger asked.

  “We can I guess.” She said, pulling her pants off.

  “Good.” Roger said, pulling her back against him.

  They kissed. Rochelle wiggled out of her underwear. Roger admired the shape of her body.

  “You are a beautiful woman.” He whispered.


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