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Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies)

Page 4

by Pepper North

  She reread his message a dozen times. Radio silence made it sound so dangerous. Hope’s eyes closed as she sent a silent prayer for his safety. “He has to be alright,” she whispered.

  Scanning the message again, Hope noticed the words, ‘our spot.’ It made her tummy feel warm. She liked that Sam had established proof that their relationship was solid. After all, if they had a spot, he planned to continue to see her. Hope shook her head. There was no doubting his intentions. Sam had claimed her, after all.

  “Time to get busy. I’m going to worry if I don’t have something else to think about.” Hope started her car and drove toward her family’s home. She’d get organized for her corporate visits. The first one was tomorrow.

  “Thank you, sir. It was interesting to speak to you.” Hope stood when the general stood. This interview had tweaked her attention from the beginning. A small team working for the government with military supervisors seemed to offer a lot for her.

  “Ms. Anderson, I appreciate your time. When I saw the results of your background, I knew you would fit in well with the team. Your father’s military career was pristine. The distinguished service of the man you’re currently dating is impressive as well.”

  “Thank you, General. My father is quite a force—only exceeded by my mother.”

  That drew a chuckle from the distinguished man in uniform. “That I well understand. Can we look for a decision from you next week?”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll get back to you soon.”

  Hope maintained her calm expression until she drove her rental car through the gates of the secured facility and started the long trip home. Thirty minutes later, she pulled into a fast-food restaurant to use the bathroom.

  Once finished and armed with a frozen limeade, she started her car. Hesitating for a moment, she pulled out her phone and sent Sam a voice message. “Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Your name came up in my interview today. I was thinking of you before the general mentioned you.” Hope hesitated a few seconds. “I miss you, Daddy.”

  Afraid she had jumped too far ahead, she disconnected from the message and hoped it hadn’t recorded. Cooling off with a long drink from her chilly beverage, Hope rubbed her fingers over her creased forehead before shifting into drive and pulling smoothly into traffic.

  Finally reaching her parents’ house, Hope parked her car at the curb and grabbed her portfolio containing her notes from the interviews she’d gone to over the last three weeks. Staring at the paved path to the front door, Hope felt tears prickle her eyes. The traffic had distracted her while driving home, but now, all she could think of was Sam.

  She swept the back of her hand over her eyes as she breathed deeply to control her emotions. Her parents were too perceptive of her feelings. Hope didn’t want them to know she was upset. She’d head out for another run. That would help her contain her emotions.

  “Candy girl. I hoped you’d be happy to see me,” a deep voice called to her from the front steps.


  “I’m here, little girl. Come, give me a hug?” he suggested, standing and walking down to meet her. His arms wrapped around her in a tight bear hug as she crashed into him.

  That first kiss said everything—how much they had missed each other, the depth of their feelings. Hope knew tears cascaded down her face as his mouth moved sinuously on hers. She weaved her fingers through his too-long hair as she held him as close as possible.

  When finally they both needed to breathe, Sam lifted his mouth for a gasping inhale. “Candy girl. Don’t cry,” he whispered as he wiped away her tears.

  “You’ve been gone so long. I started having bad dreams that you were hurt… or worse,” she sobbed. “Even running didn’t help, and that always makes me feel better.”

  “I’m sorry, Hope. This was a long mission. Then I decided to surprise you instead of texting immediately when we arrived back at base. I should have called.”

  “I’m so glad to see you!” Hope rose on her tiptoes to press her mouth to his again. Her hands roamed over his hard, muscled back. Just as her fingertips daringly brushed his tight butt, a loud ‘ahem’ sounded behind them. Recognizing that voice, she backed away.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Thank you, sir, for letting me surprise Hope.”

  “Come in for some lemonade and then we’ll let you two be alone,” Hope’s mother suggested with an indulgent smile. Sam had obviously impressed them when he’d spoken to her folks.

  Sam scooped her portfolio from the ground where Hope had abandoned it. Unwilling to lose track of him, Hope clung to Sam’s hand as they followed her parents into the house. At the tinkle of ice in the glasses, she suddenly needed to go to the restroom now! She hesitated, not wishing to leave Sam. He noticed her restless motions quickly.

  “Go. I won’t disappear,” he whispered, reading her quandary.


  “Cross my heart,” he promised.

  She raced down the hall and set the world’s record for peeing fast. Stopping to wash her hands when she really didn’t want to, Hope caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her lips were red and swollen. Tilting up at the corners, her mouth revealed her happiness. Sam’s home! He’s safe!

  Skidding to a halt as she arrived back at the table, Hope slid into the empty chair next to Sam. She scooted closer. To her delight, Sam hooked a powerful hand under her seat and pulled her over next to him. When he wrapped a muscular arm around her waist, Hope shifted to sit as close as she could without being on his lap completely. For once, she didn’t care what her parents would say.

  “We’ve had a chance to get to chat with Sam. It’s nice to know who’s responsible for that blue dolphin we’ve rescued from Bingo twenty times since you’ve been at your interview,” her mother shared.

  “Oh, no! Did he tear it apart?” Hope asked, leaning forward in concern.

  “The toy is fine, Hope. I put it on top of the refrigerator so he couldn’t destroy it,” her father reassured her before asking, “How did the interview go?”

  “The job is mine if I want it. I really liked the setup. I’d work with a team over a secure network regularly or work on base—wherever I would be most productive. I’m not sure exactly what we’d be working on, but it sounds like the background check was extensive.”

  “Really, why?” Hope’s mother asked.

  “The general knew of Dad and about,” she looked toward the man she rested against, “you, Sam.”

  “That was deep.” Sam drained the last of his lemonade and set the glass down on the table with a click. She could tell he knew all about security checks and she wouldn’t get any information about what his had revealed. His eyes met hers, and he changed the subject.

  “Can I steal you away?”

  Hope studied Sam’s face. He looked so tired. “Let me go change and I’ll be right back.”

  Without waiting for his answer, she left the room. Once in her room she took off the interview suit she’d worn and pulled on comfortable casual clothes. Grabbing her laptop case, Hope stuffed it with a variety of necessities. When it bulged with panties, an extra pair of shorts, and a T-shirt, she fought to zip it up.

  “Here, let me help you.” Her mother’s voice came from the doorway.

  Instantly, she felt her cheeks heat as her mom came forward to drag the two sides together. “Um, Mom…”

  “You’re a grown woman, Hope. If I’ve done my job right as a mom, I’ve taught you to take care of yourself physically and mentally. I was young once, too. Go make sure your guy is okay and celebrate his safe return. Just remember, I’m too young for grand-babies. Soon, but not now.”

  “Mom!” Hope was scandalized, but accepted her help and succeeded in zipping the opening shut. She stood and slung the bag over one shoulder.

  “We’ll see you soon.”

  “Thanks, Mom!’ She dashed down the hall to find Sam on the front porch. Linking her fingers with his, she tugged him down the sidewalk.

ter 6

  “Let me carry that.” Sam didn’t say anything about the bulging bag that obviously held more than just her computer as he took it from her. He helped her into his big truck with a supportive hand on her hip.

  “Sam…” Hope put out a hand to stop him from closing the door.

  “I promise you, candy girl, nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. Now, all I know is that I haven’t slept for three days. I’ve worried since the moment I got the call to go that you would decide you couldn’t be with a military guy because I disappear from your life without warning or explanation. I need to hold you and have you close.”

  Hope scanned his lined face and nodded. “I’m ready to go now.”

  Sam leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly to hers. As if one brief kiss wasn’t enough, he captured her mouth for a deeper taste. Hope curled her fingers into his taut shoulder muscles and clung to the powerful man before her. She only realized she’d lost all track of where she was when he pulled away with a groan.

  “Let’s get going before we scandalize your parents’ neighbors,” Sam growled. He closed the passenger door with a firm, controlled snick.

  She watched him round the hood. Hope memorized this moment, wanting to be able to replay the feeling of him being safe and home in the future. Hope’s breath caught in her throat. Sam was the first man with whom she’d ever imagined having a future. That has to mean something, doesn’t it? Tears sprang to her eyes.

  Instantly concerned at seeing her blinking back tears, Sam reached over to take her hand. “You don’t have to come with me, candy girl, if you don’t want to.”

  “I only want to be with you, Daddy.” She hesitated a bit on that last title but loved the smile of pure happiness that replaced the exhaustion for a split second.

  “Little girl, I need to hold you tight. Let’s go home.”

  Sam pulled into the driveway of a modest home in off-base housing. Someone had freshly mowed the grass, attesting to his emergency plans in case he was away. This time she wasn’t worried about her imminent spanking and could look around a bit. Hope noticed small details, and that there were no decorations or flowers adorning the plain house. It looked like it needed a family to care for it.

  “You should plant some peonies. My grandmother had them in her garden. I’ve always wanted a house with those beautiful round blossoms,” Hope shared.

  “I’d like that. The house needs to be made into a home.” Sam looked at her meaningfully before sliding out of the driver’s seat.

  When she opened her door as he rounded the hood, one pointed look made her close it quickly. Hope bit her bottom lip as she waited for him to help her out of the truck. When she stood on the sidewalk, she whispered, “Sorry.”

  “I have no doubt you’ll learn what I expect quickly. Come on, candy girl. My tank is way past empty.” Sam ushered her inside.

  He paused briefly for her to look around. “I’ll give you the grand tour later. Are you hungry?”

  When she hesitated, Sam clarified, “Always tell me the truth, little girl.”

  “Starving. I should have had Mom make us some sandwiches.”

  “I can take care of you, Hope. I’m hungry as well. Let’s put your computer case on the desk in the kitchen and rummage around for something to eat.”

  A few minutes later, Hope sat in front of a steaming bowl of cheesy potato soup that had come from his stocked freezer. She dipped her spoon into the thick mixture and tasted it. “Mm… yum.” She hastily switched from one sound of enjoyment to another when he looked at her with eyes hooded from exhaustion.

  “Good, huh? I like to cook. Not so much for myself alone as for others. The team and their families get together frequently. I try things out on them and make more to store in my freezer.”

  “It’s delicious. I only have a few things I make well. I’m great if there’s something that has to cook for a long time. I tend to forget about things if I’m concentrating on a problem. My family thinks my gumbo is better than what you get in a restaurant.”

  “Littles shouldn’t play with knives, candy girl.” Sam voiced the concern written over his face.

  “Oh, I’m fine,” she assured him, but could tell he wasn’t sure. She’d make him gumbo sometime. That would change his mind.

  By the time she couldn’t eat another bite, Sam had consumed three heaping bowls. Shaking her head when he offered her more, Hope wondered how long it had been since he’d eaten. “Your tank really was empty.”

  “Come on, candy girl. You can guard me while I crash. Wake me when you’re getting bored,” Sam invited as he rinsed out their bowls.

  “Oh, I won’t do that.”

  “If you need me, call my name. I’m fast at shaking off sleep.”

  Hope wasn’t planning on waking him up. She allowed him to tow her back to the bedroom. As Sam threw off his T-shirt and unbuttoned the fly of his fatigues, Hope blindly groped for the edge of the bed and sat down on the bed to watch the show.

  Sam’s body was chiseled. She hadn’t ever seen someone built like him—not in real life. Airbrushed pictures from magazines didn’t count. Hope didn’t know how many carved lines from abdominal muscles were possible to develop, but he definitely didn’t have a six-pack. A twelve-pack or more?

  “Take your shoes off and anything else you need to be comfortable. I’m going to rinse more of this grit off me. Sometimes it takes days to get really clean after being out in the field.”

  He walked forward wearing a pair of tight boxer briefs that disguised nothing. Sam lifted her lower jaw back into place. “I’ll put clothes on if you’re shy. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

  “No! I mean, don’t worry about me. Be comfortable.” Hope struggled to keep her gaze on his face. She could feel his heat.

  “I’ll be right back,” Sam said as he released her chin. “Lay back, candy girl. I’ll be quick.”

  As Hope stretched out on the large bed, Sam turned away and walked to the master bath. She watched him hesitate for a few seconds to hook his fingers into that last piece of clothing and strip his briefs off. Plastering a hand over her mouth to cover her gasp, Hope appreciated his tight butt as he strode out of the room.

  Damn! That mental picture lingered in her mind. I bet he looks as good coming as going.

  Hope shook her head to force herself to think of something else. Hearing the shower turn on, she closed her eyes. The tension of this latest interview seeped out of her body as she lay still. Blinking her heavy eyelids when she heard his footsteps on the flooring, she saw a blue towel fly toward the laundry hamper as he settled on the bed.

  Yielding to Sam, she allowed him to pull her gently onto her side, cuddled against his chest. It should have felt weird, but she fit exactly into the curve of his hard body. Hope’s mind wanted to panic about their intimate positions, but her body relaxed against his. She felt cherished and protected.

  “Sleep, candy girl.”

  Nodding, she nestled against him. Hope loved the thump, thump, thump of his strong heartbeat and the sound of his steady breath. Even in the dark, Hope didn’t worry. Sam was with her. He could handle anything.

  Hope knew immediately when he dropped into sleep. Not wishing to disturb him, Hope stilled against his hard body. Within minutes, she also crashed into unconsciousness.

  Warm lips and a stubble of whiskers brushed against the sensitive skin of her neck. She drifted between sleep and wakefulness as she rolled her head back to allow this delightful exploration. “Sam,” she sighed.

  “Daddy,” he corrected softly as he kissed his way to her lips.

  Darkness wrapped around them, seeming to envelop them in a private bubble protected from the outside world. Hope stroked his warm skin, enjoying the heat of Sam’s body. When he cupped her head and drew her lips to his, she willingly ceded him control. A flavor that was all Sam burst over her taste buds as his tongue slid into hers.

  He didn’t rush. Kissing her as if they had all the time in the world, Sam e
xplored her mouth. His sensuous lips alternated between nibbling at hers and pressing them apart to delve inside. Unable to anticipate what was coming next, Hope abandoned any thought of control and just received. Sam was in charge.

  “Daddy is in charge,” she mentally corrected herself, unaware she spoke out loud.

  “Yes, he is. Always!” Sam’s deep voice reinforced as his hand slid under her shirt at the waist. He caressed her slightly rounded tummy, making her shiver from the rasp of his rough fingertips.

  She had no idea exactly what Sam did other than shoulder the responsibility of steering the group’s movements, but knew it was physical. The calluses on his fingers reminded her of the risk he faced. “I was so scared,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, little girl. I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “I know. I’m silly.”

  “Not silly. Being part of a military life is hard. It’s doubly hard for a Little. I plan to treasure every second that we have together and plan for the future.”

  “You think we have a future together?” The darkness made her courageous. Hope felt like she could ask things that she would never have dared in the daylight.

  “Yes. You’re my little girl.”

  His simple answer floored her. Commitment echoed in his tone. She had no doubt that his decision had been made, and he wouldn’t change his mind.

  “I’m going to mess up. I always do,” she whispered. She’d had a few boyfriends who hadn’t lasted long. Math was more interesting than they were after several weeks or months.

  “Then I’ll spank your bottom or punish you in another way so we can wipe the slate clean.”

  Her breath caught in her lungs. The memory of her punishment flooded into her head, bringing instant sexual heat. His consequence for her behavior had done just that—cleared anything that could have festered between them. She stared at him as all the pieces clicked into place. This man would take all of her, the good and the bad, the submissive and the independent.


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