Syrett, Nicholas, 10–11
Tailgate parties, 26–27, 45
Texas A & M University, 157
Text messages, 74, 143–144
“Texts from the Last Night” (website), 74
THC (The Hangover Cure), 129
Thoits, Peggy, 83
Thomas, W. I., 165
Time magazine, 129
Transformations, 54–56
Treatment and prevention programs. See Prevention and treatment programs
Two-year instututions, 16
UCLA, 157
UCLA Cooperative Institutional Research Program, 183
The Ultimate Tailgater’s Handbook (Linn), 26–27
Underage drinking, 3, 37–38, 71, 81, 157, 170
ease of obtaining alcohol, 39
getting caught, 95–96.
See also Drinking age
Universities and colleges: attempts to reduce problem drinking, 3–4, 157, 173–175
brief history of drinking at, 8–13
diversity of student population, 16–17
drinking behavior penalized by, 95, 170
hands off approach, 12
policy on sexual consent, 58–59
as synonymous with drinking, 23–24
University of California-Santa Barbara, 13
University of Central Florida, 159
University of Florida, 13
University of Georgia, 13
University of Houston, 33
University of Idaho, ix
University of Iowa, 9
University of Maryland, 27
University of Mississippi, 13
University of New Hampshire, 178
University of Rhode Island, 13
University of Texas, 13
University of Washington, 175
University of Wisconsin, 13
Valdez, Avelardo, 33
Vassar College, 9, 10
Violence, 54
Vomiting, 88–94, 169–170
holding of hair during, 93, 169
puke and rally, 89
War stories, 6, 103, 134, 168
Water intake, hangover reduction and, 130, 166
Wechsler, Henry, 4–5, 13–15, 18, 26, 93, 95–96, 104, 106, 154
Weigert, Andrew, 53
Weight/body image, 139–141
Weinberg, Martin, 89, 142
Wellesley College, 9, 85
Wesleyan College, 9
West, Kanye, 194n8
West Virginia University, 13
White students, 14, 59
Williams, Colin, 89, 142
Women: alcohol as currency approach to, 36
binge drinking definition for, 4
CAS findings on drinking in, 14
drunksickness rules for, 90
drunk support and, 92, 171
historical perspective on college drinking, 9–10;
increase of in student population, 16
pregaming and, 40–41
prevention/treatment effectiveness in, 174
restrictions on drinking in, 38–39
shame in, 145–146
weight/body image concerns in, 140–141.
See also Rape
Sexual victimization Wuethrich, Bernice, 4–5, 14, 26, 93, 95–96, 104, 106, 154
Yale University, 9
THOMAS VANDER VEN is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ohio University and author of Working Mothers and Juvenile Delinquency.
Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party So Hard Page 28