The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1)

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The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1) Page 7

by V. R. Cumming

  I picked up the cheesecake laden spoon and held it next to her lower lip, waiting until she opened to take the bite before sliding it inside her mouth. Her lips pressed down on the spoon and I pulled it slowly out. She closed her eyes to savor the rich sweetness as she chewed and swallowed. Her fingers tightened on my thighs and when she looked at me again, understanding filled her expression.


  I intended to make it last.

  I fed her slowly, dipping the spoon into the cheesecake for small bite-sized chunks. Her tongue darted out occasionally, licking a stray crumb off her lips, and her pheromones went wild, teasing me into carelessness. When the cheesecake was nearly gone, I accidentally pulled the spoon away too quickly. Her hand shot up to grab my wrist in a firm grip and her eyes met mine while she licked the last morsel from the spoon. She might as well have licked my dick for the way it reacted. It sprang fully to life before I could hold the need back, and pressed against the fly of my jeans so hard it was painful.

  I put the spoon down and scooted back in the chair.

  She tilted her head to the side, considering me. “Did I do something wrong?”

  I gave a half laugh. “No, you did something very, very right.”

  The gaze she flicked to my groin was so quick I might’ve missed it if I could’ve pulled my eyes away from her face and that luscious mouth. God, I wanted her lips wrapped around my dick. I shifted in the chair and dropped my head back to stare at the blank, white ceiling. Needed to get that picture out of my head quick.

  She rubbed her hands up and down my thighs and I reached out to stop her, afraid that any touch now would send me flying over the edge.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a husky voice that didn’t sound very sorry.

  “Don’t be. Should’ve known better than to try that on a first date.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  I sat up straight so I could look at her. “Yeah?”

  She nodded and a sly grin lifted the corners of her mouth. “We’ll do it again, won’t we?”

  I groaned and pushed the chair back so I could stand and pulled her up with me. “You know, when you were running toward me that day, I had no idea you were so wicked.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.”

  I wanted to draw her close, wrap my arms around her, and take her mouth with mine until we both forgot what we were doing. Given the state of my dick, I figured that would be a bad move. One kiss would break me, and I didn’t want our first date to end up in bed, not like that. I kissed the tip of her nose, the most I felt safe doing. “Why don’t you pick out a movie while I clean up?”

  “I can do that,” she protested, but I scooted her off to the coffee table to give myself time to cool off.

  Wouldn’t do any good, not with vampire hormones raging through me. I hadn’t been this bad since the day I discovered my dick was good for something other than pissing.

  By the time I’d cleaned the kitchen up enough to call it even, some of the need had dissipated, but it was still there, lurking in the background.

  One movie, I told it. Just one movie with her and then I’ll take care of you.

  I thought I heard it snicker as I went into the living area to see which movie Gianna had picked.

  Chapter Three

  While I’d been in the kitchen, Gianna had taken off her boots and placed them on the floor beside the couch. She wore thin, cheerfully-striped wool socks on her narrow feet with the cuffs pulled out over her leggings. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her, hit by a wave of longing so hard it left me speechless.

  And just when I’d gotten my dick under control, too.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” she said when she saw where my gaze fell.

  “Ah.” I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans and winced when the fabric tightened painfully across my erection. “That’s fine.” Great, even. If she stayed here long enough, would I be able to entice her into doing a slow strip for me, one item at a time? First her boots and then, say, her shirt?

  And if it went, I could bury my face in her neck, lick her pulse, sink my teeth in there and taste her. My breath shallowed and I took a step forward, the carpet plush against my bare feet. One taste couldn’t hurt, could it? A small sample of her blood, then a dab of mine on her tongue to bind us, and after, I could sink into her, let her pussy wrap itself around my cock, and fuck her hard to seal the deal.

  Her breath caught on a sigh, breaking need’s hold over me.

  “Wow,” she said in a husky voice that sent a shiver of heat along my skin. “Your eyes are, like, glowing. How are you doing that?”

  I shook my head hard to help my mind find its balance. When I was sure I wouldn’t attack her, I finished the short walk to the couch and sat down beside her facing the TV, leaving enough space between us that her scent couldn’t ensnare me. “Trick of the light?”

  She straddled my legs so suddenly I jerked and hit the back of the couch. Her hands cradled my face, holding me still, and I closed my eyes to stave her off. Couldn’t have her figuring out my secret, not yet.

  “Stop trying to avoid me,” she said firmly. “I want to see.”

  “I’m telling you it’s just the light.” It sounded weak even to my own ears, but it was the best protest I could muster. “Which movie did you pick?”

  Her hands tightened on my face and then her lips pressed against mine, moving so sweetly that I opened my mouth to kiss her back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I clutched her hips, digging my fingers into her skin when her tongue flicked out and met mine in a teasing touch. My heart went into overdrive, pounding so hard it took my breath. I yanked her forward until she straddled my erection, struggling not to grind against her but needing her weight there. She pulled back from the kiss enough to lick my lower lip then nipped it with sharp teeth.

  I surged up against her as need swamped me. Control. I needed to find my control before I stripped off her clothes and took her right there on the couch, maybe hurting her in my desperation to sink into her wet heat. The memory of the raw, bloody wounds I’d put on Elizabet’s neck flashed through my mind, killing enough of the heat that I could assemble a few working brain cells.

  I eased my hands up to cup her face and pressed back gently, breaking the kiss. “Gianna, baby, we need to stop.”

  Her lips were red and slick from the kiss and her skin was flushed with passion. I dropped my hands to her shoulders and stroked her neck with my thumbs. Her pulse fluttered beneath my touch as she sighed. She rested her forehead against mine and tangled her fingers in my hair, arching until her stomach was flush with mine. “A little more?”

  “Any more and I won’t be able to stop.”

  I rocked upward against her again, let her feel what she’d done to me. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip, then rotated her hips, grinding against me. I caught her hips to stop her before I lost what little control I’d managed to scrape together.

  “You’re eyes are still glowing.”

  I dropped my head back against the couch with a groan. So much for that plan.

  “It’s kinda hot.” She leaned down and sucked my earlobe into her mouth, darted her tongue into my ear, then whispered, “If this weren’t our first date, I wouldn’t let you stop.”

  I gave a half laugh. “I don’t want to,” I admitted. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

  She drew back with a coy smile and wiggled her hips, teasing me. “Oh, I think I’ve got a good idea. Want me to take care of that for you?”

  “Jesus,” I breathed, making her laugh.

  “Seriously, maybe you should, you know, do something.”

  My eyes about bulged out of my head. “What?” I wheezed out.

  “Go in the bathroom and take care of that,” she said, enunciating carefully. She tilted her head, her gaze direct, and dropped her fingers to my chest to rub lightly. “Otherwise, we’ll both be distracted all night.”

  “I am not gonna jerk off while you’re here

  She shrugged. “I know you did before I came over.”

  Heat climbed up my cheeks until my face felt like it was on fire. I didn’t even want to know how she’d guessed that.

  “Look, Eric. You’re sexy as hell.” She scooted back and stepped off the couch. “I know it’s our first date and all, and it’s not like I’m in a rush.”

  “Good to know.”

  She ignored me. “In fact, I’m not in a rush at all, but I know how men are with the whole hormone thing. Do you think women don’t masturbate, too?”

  I covered my eyes and groaned. “You’re trying to stir me up, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “And no. We should be honest, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Only not about everything. Pretty sure she wasn’t ready for the Honey, I’m thinking about becoming a vampire’s pet speech yet.

  “Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?”

  I risked opening my eyes and found her hands on the buttons of her shirt, slowly undoing them from the bottom up. She let the fabric hang as her fingers released each one, but I could still see flashes of her flat stomach hidden by the top of her leggings, then a glimpse of smooth, café au lait skin above the waistband, and finally a flash of her bra.

  Front clasp, lace, in the same shade as her shirt.

  How did women find underwear to match their clothing anyway?

  She waved a hand in front of my face. “Earth to Eric.”

  “Yeah, sorry. T-shirt.” I stood and eased away from the pull of bare flesh and heated scent and the arousal I could still smell on her. “Long sleeved or short?”


  She followed me into my bedroom and waited while I rummaged through a drawer for something that wouldn’t fall off her shoulders. She wasn’t that much smaller than me in height, but her frame was more narrow, slender even. I finally hit on the perfect shirt with a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt that I’d had in high school, back before I’d had my growth spurt. Didn’t know why I even had it in my drawer, but it would do.

  “Thanks.” She tossed the t-shirt on my bed and fiddled with the bottom of her own shirt. “You can watch.”

  I stuffed my hands in my pockets, rocked back on my heels. “That’s probably a bad idea.”


  She turned her back on me and lifted her hands to pull her shirt off.

  I stood rooted to the floor as it slid off her shoulders, revealing the toned flesh of her back, the hollow of her spine. My dick surged forward and my mouth watered and it was all I could do not to beg her to let me lick there, put my tongue on her and taste her and pull her into me.

  She dropped her shirt onto the bed and her hands rose to the clasp of her bra.

  “Wait,” I blurted.

  She peered at me over her shoulder, peeking out from under her lashes. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to do that.”

  Jesus. I was crazy for even thinking it, but I needed her, needed to feel her, needed something to hold me over until I could release the ache in my cock.

  She dropped her hands and I moved to stand behind her, encircling her with my arms. I stroked her stomach lightly above the waistband of her leggings, dipped a finger in to feel a little more. She moaned and tilted her head to the side and dropped it back against my shoulder, exposing her neck. I placed a chaste kiss there, and when she sighed and rolled her head, I touched the tip of my tongue to her neck, taking a brief taste of her sweet, spicy skin.

  She sighed and brought a hand to the back of my head. Her back arched, pressing her breasts forward, and I ran my hands up the front of her body to knead them gently through her bra. I nibbled along her shoulder before returning to her neck. My canines tingled as I mouthed her skin. A sharp pain there had me yanking back, and then the taste of my own blood hit the back of my tongue.

  Gianna’s hand dropped and she shifted to look at me. “You ok?”


  I wasn’t sure. I prodded my canines with my tongue, trying to figure out what had happened, and discovered that they’d grown slightly and somehow sharpened. What the hell? Panic washed over me. I’d read about this, about a pet getting his fangs, but it wasn’t supposed to happen for a long time, and somehow, I’d gotten the impression that I’d get new teeth, not an upgrade on the old ones.

  Think, Eric.

  I’d taken a lot of Elizabet’s blood the week before.

  A lot of other things had happened between then and now, like seeing the beacons and smelling Gianna’s pheromones.

  God, she was beautiful. I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted a woman, even Elizabet.

  Bingo! Blood and desire were triggers. I’d read that somewhere in the ton of materials Elizabet had sent home with me.

  Gianna shifted and I tightened my hold on her.

  “I’m fine,” I said. “Just remembered something I have to deal with later.”

  I undid the clasp on her bra and pushed it out of the way to cup her firm breasts. She gasped and arched into my hands, rubbing against them as I flicked my thumbs over her nipples until they were hard little nubs.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered, and then I scraped a canine against her pulse and licked the drop of blood that pearled up, savoring the rich taste as it dissolved in my mouth. Heat shot through me and a familiar haze dropped over my mind. I bit my own thumb hard enough to draw blood and pressed it between her lips, letting her suckle me. My dick jerked with every sweep of her tongue, as if she were sucking it instead of my thumb. I firmed the image in my mind, her on her knees with her hot mouth wrapped around my hard cock, and pushed it forward into her, teasing her with image after image of all the things I wanted to do with her until I felt her passion peak and explode. She cried out as she came, releasing my thumb, and I let the connection go, darkly pleased on a level so primitive I barely recognized it as my own.

  I caught her to me when she swayed, and crooned, “Shh. I’ve got you.”

  “Oh, my God,” she panted. “That was so intense. What did you do?”

  I chuckled, a low sound that made her shudder. “I gave you a part of me.”

  She yanked around to face me and wrapped her arms around me, holding me with a desperation that surprised me. “We’re gonna have sex. Soon. Lots of it.” When I laughed, she pinched my waist and said, “I mean it. Whatever it was you did to me, I want to do that again.”

  “We will,” I promised. “Not tonight, though. I’m sorry I took things so far.”

  “Don’t be. I loved it.” She heaved a happy sigh and drew away to strip off her bra, baring her breasts without a hint of shyness. “Go put in the movie so we can cuddle.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Funny how giving her release had eased enough of my own need that it was bearable. Still there in the hard press of my dick against the fly of my jeans, sure, but manageable. It gave me a whole new perspective on Elizabet’s use of sex to dull the bloodlust. I guess it worked in the other direction, too.

  I put the movie in, thankful that Gianna had chosen the least sappy of the romantic comedies I’d rented, and pulled the lap quilt off the back of the couch. She came out of my bedroom carrying a pillow. She’d pulled her hair into that loose bun I’d admired on the first day I met her and her breasts swayed gently under the thin fabric of the Rolling Stones t-shirt.

  I’d never seen a more beautiful woman in my life, not even Elizabet, who was in my top five all-time list of beauties.

  Gianna in her socked feet with her hair piled messily on her head beat them all, hands down.

  Her lips tilted into a gentle smile. “Your eyes are glowing again and your fangs are showing.”

  “What?” I said, and winced when my voice cracked. Jesus. She’d seen my fangs. I hadn’t even seen them yet, and had no idea how to explain that to her without scaring the ever living hell out of her.

  She doubled over with laughter and stumbled from the force of it.

  I gave her a sour look.

>   “I’m kidding. About the fangs, anyway, but you should’ve seen the look on your face when I said that.” She formed her hands into claws and hissed playfully. “Your eyes really are glowing, though. What were you thinking about?”

  “You,” I said, and pulled her down onto my lap, where she snuggled while I started the movie and drank in her luscious scent, satisfied that we were right where we were supposed to be.

  Chapter Four

  I mailed the contract back to Elizabet the next day and deposited the checks before giving notice at both my jobs.

  Maybe it was wrong of me to trade blood and sex for enough money that I could finish school and have time for Gianna, too. After our date, I didn’t really care. Devin had Cassie to help him slake the crazy sexual need intensified by taking a vampire’s blood. I needed Gianna to do the same. More, I wanted her in my life and the only way I could have that anytime soon was to become a blood slave.

  I had no clue how to explain that to her, or if I even should. I’d gotten the impression that Cassie knew what Devin did at Elizabet’s. Maybe she’d taken it well and maybe she hadn’t, but she’d stuck by him. The sex alone was enough to draw a woman in. It had gotten Gianna from the get-go. I had a feeling she’d insist on a closer relationship as soon as propriety allowed.

  Which couldn’t be soon enough for me. My dick was getting sore from jerking off in a futile attempt to control the need. Seemed like every night I woke from another dream where Gianna had gone down on me, sucking my hard cock into the hot, moist cavern of her mouth until I exploded and shot cum into her throat.

  Having to wash my sheets every day was a pain sometimes, but I didn’t mind. For the first time in my life, my head and body worked together, achieving a sharp clarity I’d never known before. If that meant throwing my linens into the washer every morning before I went to school, well, it was a small price to pay.


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