The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1)

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The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1) Page 10

by V. R. Cumming

  I couldn’t wait for the coming evening, after we finished our meal and walked back home. I’d splurged on NetFlix so we could watch movies to our hearts’ content, and then after, maybe, if she was willing, I’d take her in the bedroom and make slow, sweet love to her until we were both satisfied.

  A motion at the window caught my eye, drawing my attention. Selena stood on the sidewalk dressed in a long, concealing coat and jeans, staring straight at me.

  Oh, shit. What was she doing here?

  “What’s wrong?” Gianna said and half-turned in her seat.

  “Don’t look.” I inhaled sharply through my nose. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to snap.”

  She waved a hand dismissively. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”


  Selena smiled at me through the plate glass window and wiggled her fingers in a wave. Others might think her smile charming, friendly even. Not me. I could feel the wrongness of it from twenty feet away. I don’t think she meant us any ill will, but it was creepy as hell to have her find me, whether accidentally or not, and then to have her stand there, smiling as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

  After the little run-in with Zane the night before, I put my money on her having some inside help tracking me down, and I was fairly certain that was also taboo.

  Problem was, I knew she’d potentially be as interested in Gianna as she was in me. My use to Selena was obvious. As a broken-in pet, I could be fed from, directed, and used for everything from protection to sex. Gianna, though, was a woman. The primary interest a female vampire had in a human woman wasn’t as food, but as a daughter, someone to turn who could serve as a permanent companion. That’s why Devin had told me, first thing, to never bring a woman to Elizabet’s that I didn’t want to lose to the Vampyr.

  Apparently, turning a male was something only rarely done; something about male vampires being uncontrollable when under the influence of the bloodlust. I hadn’t actually figured all that out yet. Still, I was thankful I’d taken the seat facing the door and Gianna had sat across from me, hidden from sight, or mostly so. Beacons were nearly irresistible to vampires. It’s why most pets were beacons. Their genetic make-up had a special oomph that normal humans lacked.

  Devin had told me Elizabet had people working on the whys of that, too.

  “Is it a you-know-what?” Gianna whispered.

  “Yes, it is, and I’m pretty sure she’s not supposed to be here.”

  I yanked my cell out and texted Devin. Sure as hell, I wasn’t going to confront Selena, not on my own. Even as a relatively new vampire, she’d be stronger, faster, and more vicious than I ever could be, no matter how long I’d been a pet. I searched my memory, trying to remember what I could about her. She was too new to have permanent pets of her own, so maybe less than five years turned? Which still made her too strong for me.

  I waved a waiter over and had Gianna order dessert and coffee for the both of us. Devin texted back while she was doing that and told me to stay where I was. Under no circumstances was I to confront Selena or try to leave.

  No chance of that.

  So we waited, and it didn’t take long. A few minutes after the waiter brought our dessert, Selena whirled around and disappeared into the crowd just before Devin walked into the restaurant. I waved him over and made a place for him at the table.

  “Thanks for coming,” I said. “I wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “You did fine. We need to wait a few more minutes for Marco to coordinate a hunt and then I’ll take you two home.”

  We ate our dessert and chatted with Devin while we waited. I tried to keep things light. Gianna didn’t need to worry about this, especially since there was nothing either one of us could do about it. As soon as Devin got an all-clear text, I signaled the waiter and paid for our food, and then let Devin bundle us into his car and drive us the short distance to my apartment.

  A security team met us there, looking all official in black suits and barely visible earpieces. I thought they were there to gather information from me and Gianna to help track Selena, so I was really surprised when Devin told me they would act as our bodyguards until the young vampire was captured.

  Apparently, she’d slipped away from her escort earlier that evening and made her way on foot to Atlanta to find us.

  Of course, on foot to a vampire was like in a car for humans. Vampires could cover a lot of ground in an eerily short amount of time.

  Until she was found, the bodyguards would keep an eye on us. How mere humans could protect us from a half-crazy vampire was beyond me. And then I caught a look at one’s eyes. They had the same icy feral gleam as the Alpha werewolf Darien’s, so it wasn’t a big leap to assume that they were werewolves and, therefore, tough enough to handle Selena, if it came down to that.

  But the whys lingered, the biggest one being, why had she sought me out in the first place?

  Devin saw us to the door, but didn’t come in. Cassie was waiting for him. I caught a few of the images running through his mind and flinched at my inadvertent invasion of his privacy. He grinned and then my mind was flooded with an image of me on my knees sucking his cock. I grimaced at him, making him laugh, and shut the door on him, which only made him laugh harder.

  I shut the blinds and drew the curtains while Gianna changed into night clothes, and then spent the rest of the evening distracting her from the slight snag that was Selena.

  Chapter Seven

  The next two weeks passed more quickly than I would’ve liked. Selena managed to elude captivity for over a week. I don’t know what happened, only that when she was caught, Elizabet punished her severely.

  Vampires could take a lot of pain, so I figured her punishment was harsher than anything I could dredge up in my admittedly limited imagination.

  I coaxed Gianna into moving in with me until Selena could be captured, and while she was there, we made love every night, on the weekends into the wee hours of the morning. Sex between us was fairly vanilla, aside from going down on one another on a regular basis. Her on top, me on top, occasionally me taking her from behind. I didn’t want to scare her off by introducing her to the things I was learning from Elizabet and Devin.

  Maybe someday, though.

  By the time my second official night on duty as a pet came around, Gianna had gone back to her dorm and we no longer had bodyguards trailing us wherever we went. Frankly, I was glad. They’d made it difficult for us to carry on with our lives, though I understood the necessity of having them around while Selena was on the loose, and appreciated it, too.

  We hadn’t been able to figure out how she’d found me or why she’d gone after me in particular. Devin suspected Zane had had something to do with it, though the other pet had vehemently denied any involvement. I had my doubts but no proof, and I wasn’t willing to impugn the other man’s character based solely on suspicion and motive.

  I worried about it, though, about Selena finding us and the veiled threats Zane had made, and fear gripped my chest every time I considered what could happen if Selena got a wild hair in her head, if she demonstrated her internal wrongness not to Gianna, but on her.

  That second night serving the primary purpose of a pet, Devin picked me and Gianna up at my apartment, dropped her off at his house to spend the night with Cassie (Girls’ night; was there anything more frightening to a man?), before taking us men to Elizabet’s. We ate supper, as we’d done before, though with a much smaller crowd and no hand feeding, something I’d learned to avoid the hard way, and then the three of us made our way to Elizabet’s bedroom, the one with the strange, swirly walls.

  One day, I was gonna get Devin to explain how that was done and whether or not it had some sort of purpose.

  We undressed one another, all three of us getting tangled up in each other’s clothing, making Elizabet laugh with delight. We fell into the bed together, hands stroking everywhere until I lost track of which ones belonged to Elizabet and which ones belonged to Devin.

p; He let me go first. Elizabet evaded me playfully until I snagged her and pushed her onto her back on the bed, sinking into her in one, smooth stroke. I brushed her hair back and pressed butterfly kisses to her face to keep her from feeding on me long enough that I could make her come.

  Devin situated himself between my sprawled legs. He crawled his way up my heaving body, bracing himself on straightened arms above us, and licked my neck. His dick caressed my ass with every thrust of my hips, stoking my need. I deliberately arched back against him, just to see what it felt like. He bit me in retaliation, sucking lightly on my neck as he did.

  “Tease,” he whispered. “Press her knees back. She loves that.”

  Elizabet beat me to it by bending her legs up on either side of my torso and grasping her shins to hold them there, spreading herself wide for me. I plunged deeply into her slick pussy, hitting the sensitive spot on the inside of her vagina with each sharp thrust. Her eyelids fluttered closed on a low moan. I could feel her climbing the peak of need to an orgasm, but I was closer to coming and didn’t want to be. I wanted her to come first, wanted to feel her pussy pulsing hard around my cock, throbbing around me until I spilled over the edge. I did the one thing then that I was probably not supposed to do: I sank my fangs into her neck and drew deeply for a couple of swallows. She arched her back and cried out, and her pussy clamped down hard on me, sending me spinning over the peak with her.

  When I came down, I heard Devin jerking off behind me. While I’d been shooting Elizabet into a good, hard orgasm, he’d moved back to sit between our legs, probably so he could watch my ass bobbing up and down as we fucked. I rolled off of her to watch. No shame in observing, was there?

  I had to admit he was beautiful, with his tight muscles gleaming in the room’s dim light and the bright glow shining from his amber eyes. His hand moved steadily on his cock, leisurely almost, as if he were in no real hurry to come.

  Elizabet curled up beside me and rested her head on my chest so she could watch, too. I spread my legs wider to give him more room. He took it as an invitation to scoot forward, kneel with my legs draped over his thighs, and balance himself above me on one arm Elizabet ran a hand languidly up and down the other arm, skimming her fingernails over his skin.

  His burning gaze met mine, drawing me into his need. “I want to come in your mouth.”

  The words came out in a near growl that raked over me like metal on coals, igniting the secret need I kept buried. My dick sprang to life as I toyed with that image and my tongue flicked out unconsciously to rub across my lower lip.

  “Let him,” Elizabet murmured. “I want to see.”

  I wasn’t ready for that, not by a long shot, but I was pretty sure I couldn’t turn Elizabet down unless she requested something really unreasonable.

  “No, it’s fine,” Devin said. “It’s just a fantasy.”

  Saved by a lie that Elizabet could surely detect. He’d gone out on a real limb for me there. If Elizabet called him on it, she would punish him, though probably not severely, not for such a minor infraction. I’d spent a good deal of time reading over the section of my contract dealing with punishments. It would’ve been stupid to sign it without considering all the ramifications, including what I recognized as power plays, ways for Elizabet to keep her pets under her thumb so they’d be a dependable supply of blood.

  I racked my brain trying to find a way to make the lie up to Devin and finally hit on a solution. I licked the tips of my fingers and rubbed them against the slick end of his dick, smearing pre-cum along the sensitive slit. He moaned and jerked his hips forward, seeking more, and I obliged, bringing my fingers to my mouth to lick the salty taste of him off before sliding them over him again.

  Elizabet pushed herself away from us and Devin took advantage by climbing higher up my body and straddling my waist. A moment later, she was back with a tube of lube. Devin accepted it from her and smeared a couple of dots over his penis, and then he took my hand and placed it there.

  I’d never touched another man’s dick before. His was longer than mine and slightly smaller in circumference at the base, hard and silky through the thin layer of lube. I slid my fingers along his length experimentally, eliciting a deep groan that had my hand jerking away.

  “You ok?” I said, making Elizabet laugh softly.

  “Feels so good,” he gritted out, and I put my hand out and stroked him, treating his dick like I would my own, rubbing under the head, over the tip, along the bottom, anywhere I thought would please him. Elizabet crawled along the bed, placing herself behind Devin, and bent him backward so that his head rested on her shoulder. He turned to give her access to his neck, and then she struck, sinking her teeth into his jugular hard enough to make him jerk. I stroked harder while she sucked, letting the waves of pleasure rolling off of Devin guide the tempo of my hand until he was panting, his body taut with passion and his skin slick with sweat.

  Elizabet pulled back and struck again, and that was all it took. His hips shot forward and cum spurted from his dick, hitting me on the chest as he moaned from the pleasure. His hand caught mine before I could pull away, and squeezed. Elizabet released him and moved away, and then he bent over me and caught my mouth in a lingering kiss. His chest pressed into mine, smearing cum all over us both as he mmmd into me, a deep sigh of fulfillment. His weight was different from a woman’s, harder and heavier, but no less satisfying.

  He nipped my lower lip and licked his way along my jaw until his mouth rested at my ear. “God, that was good,” he murmured. “Almost as good as having your mouth there.”

  His breath was hot on my skin and I shivered from the teasing touch.

  “Clean up time,” Elizabet said in a sing-song voice. “And then something special, don’t you think, Devin?”

  He turned his head toward her and grinned, and I got the sinking feeling they were going to push me a little past my comfort zone.

  ‘Course, I probably needed a kick in the pants to punt me out of it. What had Gianna said about me being safe? It was probably past time I took a few risks.

  On the other hand, in the past month, I’d taken a job as a blood slave to a vampire and acquired two and a half lovers, so maybe my comfort zone needed to be reinforced instead of expanded.

  Elizabet mopped Devin’s ejaculate off of us and before I could agree or not to whatever they were planning, she impaled herself on my cock and laid down, flush against my body. Devin appeared behind her. I couldn’t see what he was doing. It looked like he was rubbing his already-hard penis across Elizabet’s ass, and then he let go of it and pressed forward. Elizabet moaned and wiggled, jangling my dick in her pussy until my eyes crossed from the sweetness of her skin clinging intimately to mine.

  Devin braced himself above us, resting part of his weight on us.

  We’d made an Elizabet sandwich. She must’ve caught the image from my mind because she laughed sweetly.

  “We have to coordinate our thrusts,” Devin said.

  “Er, what thrusts?”

  He grinned. “You in her pussy, me in her ass.”

  Right. That’s what he’d been doing back there. I’d never even heard of taking a woman that way before, but it was strangely erotic knowing we were sharing her at the same time.

  Devin caught my gaze over Elizabet’s shoulder. “I’ll go first, slowly, and then you until we hit a good rhythm.”

  I followed his lead and caught on surprisingly quickly, in spite of my newness to this particular game. He set a fairly steady pace, stroking into her ass while I stroked out, and out while I was in. Elizabet opened her mind to us, drawing us into her pleasure, and then her mouth was on my neck, the pain of her bite jarring me enough that I lost the rhythm. I picked it up when her draws on my neck became regular, each one echoing in my dick, ratcheting my need higher. I tangled a hand in her hair and ran the other one down her side, catching Devin as I did, then slid my fingers along the crease between their bodies so I could touch them both at once.

  Our pace
quickened and my muscles tightened. “I’m gonna come,” I warned Elizabet on a low groan, and then I did, riding over the edge as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, sending Elizabet into her own orgasm. Her pussy tightened around me in hard throbs and she made tiny mews in the back of her throat, then Devin groaned and thrust sharply into Elizabet’s ass as he came, lifting me and Elizabet along the crest of another orgasm.

  We floated down together. Elizabet eventually released my neck, though I didn’t mind her holding on as long as she needed. Devin slipped off of her, taking her with him as he dropped to the bed so that she was snug between us.

  “Mmm.” Her hand rested on my chest, toying with the hair scattered across it. “Thank you, both of you.”

  I kissed her forehead tenderly. Devin’s gaze met mine over her head and he winked. I shook my head at his grin. Incorrigible, that was Devin. Some day, he’d coax me into having sex with him. Every day that passed, I slipped deeper and deeper into his world, entangling myself in his life and into Elizabet’s.

  I didn’t mind so much, as long as I could cling to the belief that it was our friendship growing, and it mostly was. Who had I turned to when Selena had shown up at that restaurant? I could’ve texted Marco, probably should have, but Devin was the one I’d trusted to help. Whether I could give him what he wanted in the bedroom was still an unknown. Maybe someday, but not right now.

  When we’d cooled off, Elizabet left to be with Marco. Devin and I snagged our clothes and padded naked to his room where we showered (separately) and drank orange juice (together) and fell into his bed without touching again.

  I loved the time Devin and I spent with Elizabet, true, but our relationship was more of a friends with benefits gig. I needed more than that, a woman who could love only me, someone who would welcome my love as much as I welcomed hers. With Gianna, those things were possible in a way they never had been before. We were still learning each other, feeling our way along, and we were both far, far too young to make a permanent commitment. Still, I knew the possibility was there. It warmed me, pondering the good things that could come from having her in my life.


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