The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1)

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The Vampire's Pet (The Vampyr Book 1) Page 12

by V. R. Cumming

  I loved it. It made me want to pull free of the bindings and kneel in front of him with my ass wide open to his gaze so he could probe me with anything he wanted. It made me want his dick there, the hard length lubed generously so he could fill me, stretch me to the breaking point as he fucked me and made me come.

  An odd floaty haze came over me as the need built, egged on by Devin’s mouth on my anus, the images of him in my head. I gradually became aware of everything. Marco’s hands kneading Elizabet’s breasts. The unsteady beat of Devin’s heart. A conversation two floors down. More, I was aware of the tiniest part of my body, from the air stirring against my pubic hairs to the blood pumping through my veins. I could feel the cum building in my balls, felt a single drop of pre-cum sliding through the channel in my dick until it glistened at the slit of my erection, hanging there in anticipation of the building release.

  “Enough,” Elizabet said softly.

  Devin withdrew immediately and I groaned at the loss.

  “Later,” he said. “Now, open your eyes.”

  I obeyed, more out of reflexive deference than anything. Marco sat with his back to the headboard, cushioned by a single pillow. Elizabet rested between his outspread legs, her knees up, her glistening pussy displayed for my pleasure. Marco’s heart beat calmly, though I knew he had a stiff hard-on. I couldn’t see it so much as I could feel it, feel desire pushing at him and his easy control as he subdued it. Elizabet’s blood pumped sluggishly through her veins. Somehow, I could sense its exact content, which part was her, which part was me, and the quantities taken recently from other donors.

  My body screamed at me, equal parts a desire to come and the need for blood. 8.47%. The figure came out of nowhere and, bizarrely enough, I recognized it immediately as the quantum of blood they’d taken from my veins. Much less than I’d originally thought, but still. I needed to get that back, needed to restore the loss. My canines slid down in a hard rush and I hissed at them, straining against the bindings that lashed me to the bed.

  Elizabet’s eyes widened and she tipped her head back to meet Marco’s eyes. So soon? her mind whispered to his. It appears he is closer than we thought, he answered.

  Devin’s arms came around me. “Easy there, big guy,” he said, and I nearly laughed. I was the smallest man there, slightly shorter than Devin and easily outsized by the humongous Marco. The amusement broke through the haze, bringing me back from the edge of whatever it was I’d been straining for. I could still feel everything (the wall’s spells whispering to me, a bird landing on the window outside, its feathers brushing against the windowpane), but I no longer tried to break free.

  “Marco, dearling, I would have you now,” Elizabet said.

  Marco lifted Elizabet by her hips and impaled her with his huge erection. She shifted to straddle him, her legs pushed wide by the breadth of his. His hands went to her breasts, kneading gently. She leaned back and exposed her neck to him. His mouth opened wide, his canines glittering whitely in the dimly lit room. He sank them into her neck making her jerk with a pain that echoed in the bite marks on my neck. One hand slid down her flat stomach until his fingers found her clitoris and lingered there in slow, steady caresses as he fucked Elizabet and pulled her blood into his mouth.

  Devin’s fingers found my anus again, probing me gently just before something large, hard, and cold pressed against the tender skin there.

  “It’s a butt plug,” he explained. “To get you ready for me, if you want to do that later. Take a deep breath. Good. Now let it out slowly and relax for me.”

  I did as he asked, relaxing as he pushed the device steadily into me, stretching my hole painfully in the process. When it was fully in, his hand came to my dick and stroked. The muscles of my ass gripped the plug reflexively and gradually, they adjusted until it felt less intrusive.

  “Hold it there,” Devin said. “I promise I’ll help you come later as much as you need to.”

  I nodded carefully. The haze of need had already descended. With his words, I let it take control, let it draw me back into its grasp of pleasure that turned to pain rapidly enough. Devin entered my vision as he crawled onto the bed. Marco released his grip on Elizabet’s neck and she pushed herself off of him, resting at his side while he wiggled his way down the bed on his back until he lay flat. She straddled him again, impaling herself, and then Devin was behind her, pushing himself into her ass, his muscles flexing and bunching as he did.

  I wanted to be there, wanted to be the one doing that. An animalistic roar bellowed hoarsely from my throat and I pulled against the bedposts. The wood creaked and popped under my weight, but held firm. Devin’s feet brushed my thighs as he pumped into Elizabet, and then I was gone, lost in the swirling need that engulfed me as the three of them fucked and shared blood for an endless eternity while I watched, held painfully on the brink of release.

  Chapter Three

  I lost track of time, but not of the need. It glittered with painful awareness over my skin and through my muscles until it seeped into every millimeter of my being, ratcheted ever higher by the low moans coming from the room’s three other occupants, by their soft cries of pleasure and release.

  Curiously, I stayed on the edge of pain instead of going numb from it. I kept expecting to pass out again from all the blood rushing to my engorged penis, but it didn’t happen, and I didn’t put much thought behind it. My mind was too preoccupied by two warring needs: Getting blood and finding release. Not necessarily in that order.

  The night ran by in a blur. At one point, I think Devin paddled my ass, but I couldn’t be sure. The skin there stung, but if there was pain, it was lost among all the other hurts. His hands and mouth lingered on me as often as Elizabet would allow, which was plenty, though I couldn’t say exactly how he touched me except that I wanted more, always more.

  Near the end, something snapped and a part of me ripped free, separating itself from the crushing haze of painful need that held me in its grip. That part was cold, calculating, logical. See them fuck, it hissed. That should be you. I tugged at the bonds holding me, dimly heard the creak of wood as the bed’s posters bent under my strength.

  “Jesus,” Devin said in a muted voice, as if he were standing at the end of a long tunnel. “Stop, Eric. You’re hurting yourself.”

  “Give him your blood,” came a female voice. Lovely, soft. Delicious blood. I’d tasted it before. My canines ached to sink into her soft neck.

  “He’s too close.” A hard male wrist brushed against my lips. I sniffed, gave the skin a long lick, recognized the feel of the person, but couldn’t place him. Not Devin. It was all I needed to know. “Drink,” a low voice commanded, so I did, latching on to the proffered flesh with a greed that pleased the tiny part of me observing from a distance.

  Far too soon, a finger inserted itself into the seal between my mouth and the wrist, popping it loose, and a menacing growl echoed around the room.

  That’s you, came the sibilant explanation from the part of me that observed. Take back the flesh.

  I strained forward, pulling with all my might against the restraints binding my wrists. The leather straps bit into the skin, another pain easily lost among all the others.

  “Eric.” Gentle hands cupped my face. Devin. I nuzzled them, inhaled his scent. “Eric, baby, listen. I’m going to let you go now, ok?”

  Satisfaction ebbed through me. Yes, he would release me. Devin never lied. I would be free, and then I would claim him, for blood and for release.

  He unfastened my ankles first, and my wrists, one at a time. I held still for him until I was fully free, and then I sprang, lifting him up and dropping him heavily onto the bed. I covered him quickly, our skin slipping and sliding in a collage of sound and sensation, pinning him down instinctively, though he didn’t resist. His mind whispered to mine in a steady litany of godyesgodyesgodyes, drowning out the crazy voice telling me to drain him. I licked up his neck, found bite marks made by others, and ran my tongue over them. He jerked with pleasu
re at every pass, his erection hard against my stomach, his breath hitching in irregular pants.

  I took his neck, stabbing my teeth into the tender skin with a harshness that forced a cry from his throat. I felt it vibrate against my mouth and latched on to the wounds I’d made, sucking gleefully as his blood poured into my mouth. His hands came to my head, clutching me to him, and I rotated my hips, sliding my dick through the tight space between our stomachs. His mind urged me to fuckmegodyesericplease, so I finished sealing the holes in his neck and flipped him over onto his stomach.

  His tanned skin made a stark contrast against the deep red sheets. I admired his broad, muscled shoulders, the hollow of his spine, the firm globes of his ass, before I settled myself between his widespread legs. I tested his anus, found it loose and relaxed. Curled my lip at the scent of another man’s seed mingled with the artificial smell of lube. Anger roar through me. Devin was mine, mine and…

  The name of a woman flitted through my mind so briefly I couldn’t catch it. No matter. I bit his ass hard enough to draw blood, a small punishment for straying, and covered him, letting the tip of my dick probe his moist hole. He wiggled under me, urging me to fill him. I pushed forward slowly, pushed through the natural resistance, steady, steady, until I sank all the way to my balls into the tight hole. His muscles squeezed around my dick. Tight, so tight. Tighter than Gianna’s sweet little pussy.

  Her face floated to the front of my mind and I shrugged it away. Whoever this Gianna woman was, it didn’t matter right at that moment. I was there to claim Devin, to fuck him into oblivion, to find release in his body. I’d wanted it for so long.


  I shook my head. Devin had wanted me for so long. I could feel it in his mind, all the times he’d been near me and had…some woman jerk him off while he thought of burying himself in my ass, the dreams he had of submitting to my touch. It spurred me on, broke through a barrier I hadn’t even been aware of.

  The other part of me chuckled when that wall came down. Yes, yes, take him. Take your pet, it whispered.

  I set a steady pace, fucking him hard, enthralled by his flesh clinging to mine. He writhed beneath me, alternately lifting his ass to meet my thrusts and pulling away to tease me. His hands clutched the sheets in tight bunches, his knuckles white as he climbed steadily toward another release.

  Four already that night, two with a woman, two with another man. I sat up long enough to slap his ass. Naughty pet.

  He came in a low cry, spilling onto the sheets while the muscles of his anus rippled around my dick. Not enough. It wasn’t enough to ease my pain and bring me release. I pulled out of him and flipped him over.

  “Dear God, Eric,” he said. “Let me fuck you.”

  “No,” I growled. I wanted him there, wanted him to take me, but there was a lesson he needed to learn first. I was the master, he was my servant. When he learned that, he could take my ass.

  I found a tube of lube squirreled carelessly within the folds of the sheet. Devin lifted his legs, exposing himself to me. Already, his dick hardened with need. I squirted dabs of lube along my penis, smeared a generous amount in his hole, and then I was in him again, fucking him with an abandon that edged me higher and higher. His fingers dug into the muscles of my back and his mouth found my neck, playing over the marks there and shooting me higher, higher. I fucked him so hard, so good, godyesdevinpleaseletmecomeneedyou, and then finally, I crested the peak and released my seed into him, riding wave after throbbing wave of pleasure that went on and on until I collapsed on top of him, spent.

  “Shh, baby,” he murmured against my ear. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you now.”

  Reality filtered in slowly, bringing a measure of sanity back with it. My hips were moving, stroking my still-hard dick in and out of Devin’s ass. His breath hissed in with pain, so I forced myself to pull out. Already, the need had begun to steadily climb within me, much more swiftly than it should have. I couldn’t take him again no matter how much I wanted to, not that night. It would hurt him too badly, and a good master never abused his pet in that way.

  I braced myself up on my forearms, smoothed his unruly hair back from his forehead. His neck was a raw wound, though it was already healing. I could see his body repairing itself on the cellular level, feel his supply of blood being replenished. He would be well enough with a few days of rest.

  I rolled off of him onto my back. A cold amusement filled me when he propped up beside me on an elbow. His mouth found mine in a lingering kiss, the tender kiss of a lover, and a part of me laughed at the gesture even as a part of me relished the beauty of his mouth on mine.

  He pulled back reluctantly and cupped my face in his calloused palm. His tawny eyes glowed softly as he met my gaze. “We need to clean up, and then I’m going to call others in to help relieve you.”

  He kissed me again and his mind brushed against mine. Loveyouloveyouloveyou, it chanted, and I agreed. A pet should always love his master.

  Devin slid off the bed and padded into the bathroom. I waited until he closed the door before scooting off of it myself. My legs were a little shaky when I put weight on them, but held well enough for me to find clothes and dress. Water ran in the bathroom, the toilet flushed. I grabbed my bag and coat, and slipped through the bedroom’s door. The woman’s face had returned to my mind, this Gianna. A beautiful woman with a lovely pussy and rich blood. I had tasted her before and knew she would satisfy me.

  I wound my way through a tangle of hallways, letting my feet guide me through the confusing passages. A servant in the main foyer gladly called a cab for me, relaying my promise of a hefty bonus if the driver could be at the end of the driveway, wherever it was, within five minutes. I thanked the servant, slipped a tip into his hand, much to his bemusement, and stepped outside. A few minutes later, I arrived at the end of the driveway and was pleased to find a cab waiting for me.

  “Where to?” he said.

  Ah, that was the rub. I couldn’t quite remember how to get to this Gianna. A cell phone. The memory of holding one pinged through my mind and I searched until I found it, tucked into the pocket of my coat. I pulled it out, scrolled through the contacts until I found the name Gianna, and called her. She answered immediately, her voice breathless, and at my insistence, gave me her address. I ignored the puzzlement in her voice and relayed the address to the driver before informing Gianna that I would be there soon, for her not to leave until I arrived.

  I put the phone away and smiled. The night’s pleasures had just begun.

  Chapter Four

  The cab driver dropped me off at a shabby apartment building in Atlanta. I used most of the money in my wallet to pay him and left a hefty bonus for his trouble. I had more money… somewhere. The location floated just out of my reach, eluding my grasping curiosity.

  No matter. It would come to me.

  I found the door Gianna had directed me to and tapped out a rapid knock.

  She opened the door almost immediately, as if she’d been waiting for me, and stood on tiptoe to welcome me with a kiss. “Hey, lover,” she said in a voice as rich and sweet as honey. “You’re back early.”

  “Am I?” I sniffed the air and followed the delicious scent of rain and earth to the tiny living room. A young man wearing a nervous expression rose from the sofa. He dwarfed me by at least a head and had the strong, muscled body of an athlete. More importantly, he glowed with the inner light of a beacon, the rare breed of human that was best suited to the life of the Vampyr. “Gianna, darling, you’ve brought me a treat.”

  “This is Jason Bellmont.” Her voice was soft as she threaded her arm through my elbow. “You said we could use your apartment to study tonight, remember?”

  Of course I didn’t, but it was of no consequence. The lovely Jason would make a fitting addition to the night’s entertainment. I probed his mind gently and found not-quite-latent bisexual tendencies and a burning desire to mate with Gianna.


  I strode forward and took
his outstretched hand between both of mine, stroking the smooth skin gently. “Sit, please. I didn’t mean to disturb your studies.”

  “Gianna’s helping me through English.”

  His voice was a low rumble in his chest and held the flat drawl of a Midwesterner. Minnesota, unless I was sadly mistaken. I sniffed again. Sugar beets. God bless farmers everywhere, especially when they grew handsome giants of men.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said.

  “Not at all.” I sat beside him, a little closer than comfort deemed necessary. “I’m sure it’s been a beneficial arrangement for the both of you.”

  “Ah.” His eyes slid sideways before meeting mine again. “She’s been great.”

  “She’s wonderful,” I agreed.

  I turned and beckoned Gianna forward, and pulled her down onto my lap. She sat obediently, arranging herself across me as if she’d had much practice doing so. My mouth found her neck as my hands slid around to cup her stomach. My eyes, though, stayed on Jason, whose expression tipped into one of stark longing as I caressed the beautiful woman in my lap. His mind opened up to me, its natural barriers weakened by his vulnerability, and I caught glimpses of the things he’d like to do to her.

  And, surprisingly, to me.

  “Gianna, sweetling, I need to speak with Jason alone for a moment.” I gave her neck a final kiss and encouraged her to stand with gentle pats to her mouth-watering ass. “Beacon stuff. You don’t mind?”

  “I understand.” She leaned forward and kissed me, her lips gentle on mine. “I need to make some phone calls anyway.”

  I waited until she’d shut herself in what looked like a bedroom before turning to Jason. “You want to fuck her.”

  He blanched. “She’s the sexiest woman I know, but I’d never act on it. I know she’s taken.”

  I scooted closer and ran the tip of one finger down his sternum until it rested on top of the bulge beneath his fly. “I won’t ask what you’d do to her if you had the chance. I can see it in your mind.”


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