Forbidden Instinct

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Forbidden Instinct Page 23

by Cassandra Chandler

  Darren knelt in front of her, a look of wonder on his face. She had a pretty good opinion of herself, even though she didn’t quite fit society’s expectations. But she’d never had anyone look at her the way he did. Like she was a goddess.

  His hands actually shook as he reached toward her stomach and gently traced his fingertips over the roundness of her belly, then further down.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said.

  She ran her fingers through his hair. It was pitch black in the dim light of the moon.

  “That’s nice of you to say.”

  “It’s fact. I’ll gut anyone who says otherwise.”

  She laughed. “You sure know how to sweet talk a girl.”

  “Sorry. I’m still getting those surges.”

  “I can think of better ways you can expend your energy.”

  He smirked up at her, then ran his hands up along her sides. He cupped her breasts, kneading them, running his fingertips over her nipples till they were tight buds. He let his hands drift down to her backside when he was done and pressed a kiss to her stomach.

  “You smell so good,” he said.

  “Coming from a werewolf, I guess that’s—”

  Her voice cut off as he moved his lips to the curls between her legs. Waves of pleasure flooded her senses. He kept one arm wrapped around her backside, holding her up, while the other joined his exploration.

  He spread the soft folds of her skin, sucking her clit into his mouth. She gasped as his fingers traced along her slit, finding her pussy and sliding in deep. The rough skin of his fingers pulled against her skin, stimulating her further.


  He growled, holding her close, his tongue laving her relentlessly, fingers moving in and out, stretching her, preparing her for him. Her knees were starting to weaken as the pressure between her legs built.

  He broke away from her suddenly, grabbing her waist and pulling her down to the ground. She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but was already dazed from the pleasure winding its way through her body.

  The soft grass tickled her skin, the cool earth pressed against her back. She looked up at the round moon and the stars surrounding her.

  Darren lifted her thighs, draping her legs over his shoulders as he practically dove back to her. This time, he found her core with his tongue. Arcs of pleasure flowed through her body. Her nerves were on fire, her pussy clenching with need.

  He kept her hips off the ground, arms wrapped around her legs to keep her pressed to him so he could drive his tongue in deep. He found her clit with his fingers, circling it, his other hand clutching at her stomach with a desperation that somehow heightened every touch.

  Her heart was pounding, her body aching for more, until finally the pleasure thrummed out through her body. She dug her heels into his shoulders, her back arching from the intense sensations. He kept thrusting, his fingers working her, pulling every drop of ecstasy from her climax that he could.

  The moment she started to relax, he released her, easing her down. She had barely touched the ground when he gripped her hips and flipped her over onto her stomach. He pulled her onto her hands and knees. She heard his zipper, and felt him at her core for a brief instant before he drove himself in deep.

  Her pussy stretched as he filled her, the pulsing of her orgasm intensifying as her body quickened again beneath his thrusts. He held onto her hips with an iron grip, ramming himself into her over and over again.

  He let out a frustrated grunt, releasing her for a moment but keeping their hips locked together. The respite let her body finally start to calm a bit.

  She looked over her shoulder and saw him pull his shirt over his head and toss it aside. He fell across her back, the warmth of his chest covering her. He put his hands on top of hers, their arms flush against each other’s.

  And then his hips started to move in earnest.

  He crashed into her, the hair of his chest rubbing against the skin of her back. He buried his face in her neck, as if he was intent on keeping as much of their skin touching as possible.

  She’d never known her body could take—or give—so much pleasure. Her pussy contracted around him, pulsing as the stimulus sent her over the edge into another climax. It went on and on as he pounded into her. He threw his head back and let out a guttural yell, spilling himself deep.

  He didn’t seem to want to stop. His breath tickled the hair around her ear. He pulled himself out slowly—almost all the way—then sank back into her with a sigh. He kissed her neck and shoulders, nipped her earlobe.

  He was savoring the feel of her, of their skin pressed together, so much of their bodies touching. He finally slid from her pussy, but kept holding her close.

  “Darren, that was—”

  “Not yet. Please. I need this.” He kissed the side of her neck again.

  If he needed to hold on to this sense of connection, she was happy to help. Even if she sort of wanted to melt into a puddle on the ground with a Darren blanket on top of her.

  He shifted his weight, gripping her hips to keep her where he wanted her. He sat back on his knees, holding onto her so that she was straddling him even though they were facing the same direction. She leaned against his chest, soaking in his warmth.

  “Hold onto me.” He lifted her arms so they were wrapped around his neck and she could hang from him. Then he moved his hands to her body.

  After two amazing orgasms, she thought her body would be content. She was wrong. His hands cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until the pleasure was so intense it almost hurt. He lifted their weight, massaging them, as he trailed kisses along the side of her neck.

  His lips latched onto her skin, suckling it, leaving a mark. One hand stayed at her breasts while the other drifted over her stomach, lovingly tracing it before delving between her legs.

  Instead of her nerves feeling sated or overloaded, it was like he had primed her for even more pleasure. Heat tore through her nerves and her skin erupted in gooseflesh everywhere. She felt his dick prod at her again, slowly parting her flesh as he eased it into her pussy.

  He rose up on his knees, pushing her body with him, crossing one arm over her chest to help her keep her balance as he started to thrust into her again. He never let up with his fingers on her clit.

  She gyrated her hips on his dick, taking in more, wanting to him to feel as much pleasure as he’d given her. Her arms were still around his neck and she used that as leverage to pull her body up along his shaft and slide back onto him.

  She turned her head to try to kiss him and saw him staring up at the moon. The silver light splashed over his features, emphasizing his strong cheekbones and straight nose. His eyes were glowing.

  She tried to imagine what this must feel like for him. The pull of the moon, his heightened senses making everything more intense, the friction of their skin touching, the bond of their love strengthening as they experienced all of this together.

  He looked back to her, his lips parting as he saw her staring at him. Then he claimed her mouth with his.

  His tongue thrust deep, mirroring the movement of his dick buried inside her body. She let herself soak in the sensations, drinking in all of him, as much as she could with her human senses.

  It wouldn’t be much longer until they had both turned. She made a promise to herself that afterwards they’d return to this spot again when the moon was almost full.

  She broke off the kiss, tilting her head so that her neck was exposed for him. She hadn’t missed what a turn-on it was for him. Werewolves were predators. It made sense that the gesture would reach him on a deep level.

  He sucked in a breath, then lowered his lips to her. He ran his lips, then his tongue along her skin before nipping and suckling it. His hands picked up momentum, his thrusts coming faster.

  She let herself relax further against him, just taking everything he was offering. The pleasure of his hands, his mouth, his shaft. The knowledge of his love and ho
w much he trusted her.

  This was their ‘forever’.

  The heat that had been slowly pulsing through her body coalesced, building to a flashpoint that radiated out from where they were joined. Her entire body vibrated with it, thrummed with pleasure as her pussy pulsed around him.

  He groaned against her neck, increasing his pace again, moving his hands to her hips to keep her steady as he pounded into her. She held his neck tight, focusing all her attention on his dick spilling into her, filling her with his seed. He pressed himself in as deep as he could and held himself there.

  This time, when he started to soften, they both fell forward onto the grass. He let himself slide from her, but kept his arms around her, pulling her next to him. They lay on their backs, catching their breath, as they stared up at the growing moon.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The moon did not control him. Being a werewolf did not define him. He was in control. After making love to Miranda all night in the moon garden, Darren was sure of it.

  He could still feel the change in him, sense the pull of the moon. But now when the urge toward violence rose in him, he had one purpose only—to protect Miranda. And part of that meant protecting the world she lived in.

  She let out a little sigh in her sleep. Darren had carried her to the car just before dawn, after they’d both dressed. She’d passed out before they even reached the end of Shade’s driveway.

  They hadn’t slept much.

  The memory of the wind on his skin—the moonlight bathing every inch of him as he buried himself in Miranda’s body over and over again—was strong. But if he thought about that, things could get a little awkward.

  They were sitting in the parking lot of Ford Security. He was just waiting for her to wake up.

  She let out a sort of purring sound and stretched, her head flopping toward him. Her eyes opened, rich brown like the earth. She smiled.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  “Good morning.”

  She sat up and looked around. “Where are we?”

  “Ford Security. You said you wanted to talk to Morrison. I’m pretty sure he’s inside.”

  “Do you think he’ll agree to see us?”

  Yesterday, Darren would have growled and felt his hackles rise. Today, he smiled. He was pretty sure it wasn’t a nice smile.

  “He will.”

  She gave him a skeptical look. “What do you have in mind?”

  He felt his smile widen and let his gaze slowly caress her body, lingering on her breasts and the apex of her legs. Her scent shifted. She had definitely received his message. He looked back at her face and noticed her throat work as she swallowed.

  “I meant for Mr. Morrison.” She opened her door, letting in a gentle breeze. “Geeze, it just rose like ten degrees in here.”

  Darren laughed. “I guess we should take care of him first. But don’t worry, I won’t kill him.”

  Unless he threatened Miranda. Then Darren would tear the building apart and burn it.

  In a very controlled manner.

  She started to unbuckle her seatbelt. By the time she was finished and had her feet on the ground, Darren was already at her door offering his hand.

  Werewolf speed and agility was really useful. He helped her to her feet, which was good, because she swayed a little.

  “I guess my knees are still a little weak.” She smiled up at him almost shyly.

  After everything they’d done last night, he was a little surprised and absolutely charmed. He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him with a finger on his lips.

  “If we start that again, I don’t know when we’ll stop,” she said. “And you’re right, we really need to take care of this.”

  He sighed, but nodded. “Okay. But afterwards, we’re going back to my place. I have a huge bed and a bathtub that can easily fit two. And it has jets.”

  She groaned and rested her forehead against his chest. He stepped back, pulling her along with him, and shut the door to the car. With her arm wrapped around his waist, he tucked her against his side and they headed for the building.

  Darren wasn’t sure what sort of reception they would get. If he still worked for the company, he could probably talk Miranda past the guard. As it was, whoever was on duty might call the cops the moment they saw Darren approaching. His skin prickled as he opened the door.

  Terry was sitting behind the desk inside. He jumped to his feet and headed for them as soon as they stepped into the lobby.

  Darren tensed. He didn’t want to hurt anyone—least of all Terry. But the guard was approaching fast. He was armed.

  Darren clamped down on the violent thoughts that rose in his mind. He willed his muscles to relax, his skin to stop itching. If he needed to change, it would happen fast enough. If he needed to protect Miranda, he could.

  Luckily, it wasn’t an issue. Terry stopped an arm’s length away and smiled broadly.

  “Mr. Calverton! I am so glad you’re back.”

  He reached out to shake Darren’s hand. Darren flexed his fingers a few times to make sure there were no claws sprouting from them, then shook it.

  “That’s nice to hear,” he said.

  “I have your badge for you.” Terry gave Darren the small plastic rectangle. “Mr. Morrison gave it to me as soon as I came on duty. Looks like it’s been upgraded.”

  Darren turned the badge over in his hand. His old badge had been a deep green. This one was silver. He would have laughed at the coincidence if he wasn’t floored by what it meant.


  Silver was the highest clearance anyone at Ford Security could get. As far as he knew, only Mrs. Ford and Morrison had silver badges.

  “It’s a shame about the Fords,” Terry said. “I suppose it goes with the territory, though, working security. I still can’t believe they were blackmailed into aiding with that theft. Morrison said you helped with the case on the down-low and that’s why they had to make it look like you were fired.”

  Darren played along. “Yeah. But I think we’re trying to keep that information in the company.”

  “Right. I’ll keep it to myself. Don’t worry.” Terry looked at Miranda for the first time. He was probably wondering if he’d stepped in it by saying that in front of someone else.

  “I’m Miranda.”

  Miranda offered her hand and Terry took it. She held on, shaking it for long enough to make the moment awkward. Terry cast a look at Darren, and Darren shrugged. She finally let Terry go and smiled.

  “Miranda Lennox,” she said. “I helped Darren with his investigation.”

  Darren didn’t know what she’d seen, but he played along. He didn’t even have to lie. “Ms. Lennox was invaluable in figuring out what happened.”

  “Are you with law enforcement?” Terry asked.

  “I’m an independent consultant,” she said. “You’ll be seeing me around quite a bit.”

  Terry smiled at her. “Well, then, let me get you a badge.”

  He trotted back to the front desk. After scribbling something down, he opened a drawer and returned with a beige piece of plastic on a clip.

  “It’s just a guest badge,” he said, “but I’m sure Mr. Morrison will hook you up with something a little more permanent soon.”

  She grinned at Darren. “I’m sure he will.”

  “Well, I won’t keep you,” Terry said. “Mr. Morrison is in Mrs. Ford’s office.”

  “Thanks, Terry.” Darren nodded to the taller man as they stepped past him.

  Darren led Miranda deeper into the building. He held his breath when he passed his badge over the scanner and didn’t relax until the door beeped and he heard the latch retract.

  Miranda leaned in close and said, “That went better than expected.”

  “No kidding.”

  The door to Mrs. Ford’s office was open when they arrived. Morrison was inside, standing at the desk and sifting through piles of paperwork.

  Darren’s chest suddenly constricted. Rage
flooded him. It came on so fast, he couldn’t think himself out of it.

  Seeing Morrison here, it brought back everything that had happened at the park—and before. Losing his job, Miranda’s accident, watching Scott die. Darren wanted to leap into the room and snap Morrison’s head off of his body.

  Until Darren felt Miranda’s hand on his chest.

  She was staring up at him, her eyes were so warm, so full of concern. He let it soak into him, used it to bolster his strength as he fought back the rage. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

  “Whatever you’re going to do to me, you need to come in and close the door first.” Morrison’s voice was rough and lower than usual. “Honestly, if you’re here to kill me, you’d be doing me a fucking favor.”

  The last traces of Darren’s rage evaporated when he finally really looked at Morrison.

  His eyes were red. He smelled of saltwater and there were stains around the collar of his shirt from where he’d cried. A lot. His scalp and face were covered in stubble and his tie was loose, the top button of his shirt undone. He was a wreck.

  Miranda pulled Darren into the room, then closed the door behind them.

  Morrison stared at them expectantly. After a few moments, he dropped the papers he was holding back onto the desk. He actually looked disappointed.

  “I don’t suppose you owe me any favors,” Morrison said.

  “He doesn’t.” Miranda’s voice was stronger than Darren had ever heard it. “But you owe us.”

  Morrison turned around to face them. He didn’t say anything.

  “Mrs. Ford left everything to you,” Miranda said. “Because Scott—”

  She stopped herself, casting a quick glance at Darren. He worked harder at holding it together. He could always kill Morrison later. Darren chanted that in his mind to keep from jumping over the desk and sinking his teeth into Morrison’s neck.

  “You run the company now.” Darren could hardly believe it.

  “Yeah,” Morrison said. “So, what do you want? Money? Access to information?”


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