Rogue Alien's Legacy

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Rogue Alien's Legacy Page 8

by Kate Rudolph

  It seemed like there were fewer than there had been at the beginning of the fete, but that could have meant that some were reassigned to prepare for the challenge. Or his crew was nearing the estate and they’d alerted security.

  “What’s this about a challenge?” a disturbingly familiar voice asked at his side.

  Xandr turned to find Nevys dressed up like all the other lords in attendance, his hair clean and styled, his beard trimmed, and his posture regal. “Does Mebion know that you didn’t leave?” Xandr asked. He would have said that his brother wasn’t that stupid, but given that Ceetr had just challenged him to combat he couldn’t believe that any more.

  “He knows what he needs to know. Seems he needs a little reminder when it comes to debts.” Nevys scowled.

  For a moment Xandr felt a strange kinship with his enemy. Chasing up payment for services rendered could be a huge part of outlaw life, and Xandr’s crew had spent their fair share of time making sure they got what they were owed. “I’m sure the prince would be happy to hear the details,” Xandr said mildly. “Just tell him what you’ve done for Mebion and what he owes you. It will all be sorted out.”

  Nevys snorted. “You always thought you were clever. Do you really think you’re getting out of this?”

  “I know I am. What about you?” He left his enemy there, uncaring of how he responded and wondering if Nevys was in communication with his ships. The man hadn’t seemed agitated, which could have meant that Xandr’s crew had failed. But if Nevys knew that, he would have certainly rubbed Xandr’s face in it. No, Nevys didn’t know. Xandr had to believe that. And when the crew arrived, his presence at the party would only help the evidence they were gathering.

  It had to work.

  The hour before the challenge flew by, and while Xandr kept his eye out for the crew they still hadn’t shown up. At the appointed time, the prince’s people cleared the center of the room and summoned Xandr and Ceetr to meet. The gathered nobles circled them, front row spectators to the kind of fight that hadn’t been seen in living memory. Xandr could feel the constriction of his clothing and wished for something more comfortable, but there was nothing to change into, and he wasn’t concerned enough to call a halt to the proceedings.

  “Lord Karday Xandran’s title has been challenged by his grace, the Duke of Mebion. An honor challenge will settle the matter. The opponents are to fight until one yields or the match is decided by the presiding judge. I have given that honor to the captain of my guard.” He nodded to a looming Oscavian woman dressed in an Imperial Guard uniform.

  Xandr glanced at his brother and saw he wasn’t looking at the prince. Following his gaze, Xandr didn’t see anything, but wariness sparked within him. Ceetr had to be planning something.

  “An honor challenge is not meant to be to the death. However, if either of you succumbs to your injuries or is struck down during the sanctioned period you will not be held legally responsible. If you continue to fight after the challenge is called and inflict additional harm, you will be arrested and charged accordingly. Deliberately stepping out of the challenge ring is an immediate forfeit. Do you understand?”

  They did.

  “Lord Karday, do you wish to refuse the challenge?”

  He just wanted out of there, but that wasn’t an option. “I do not.”

  “Lord Mebion, do you wish to retract your challenge?”

  Ceetr’s lips quirked up in a savage grin. “I do not.”

  The prince beckoned both of them to step into the ring. “Begin.”


  CEETR HADN’T GAINED any hidden fighting skills in the years since they’d parted. He lunged for Xandr and tried to take him down with a dirty hit, but Xandr had fought drunks in far flung watering holes with more grace than the duke. He evaded the move and returned one of his own, sending his brother stumbling.

  His brother turned back and there was anger in his eyes, anger and determination. “You can surrender at any time, Lord Karday.” But the mocking tone in Xandr’s title was belayed by Ceetr’s heaving breaths.

  Xandr didn’t respond, instead keeping his hands up and his body ready to move. Bar fights ended quick, either with security getting involved or someone getting hurt. Sometimes both. Fights on his jobs were just as quick. The goal wasn’t to be flashy, it was to send his opponent to the floor as quickly as he could. But Ceetr was keeping distance between them, waiting for Xandr’s attack now that his own first sally had failed.

  There were murmurs among the nobles gathered outside the challenge ring, but Xandr tried to block them out. He was only meant to fight his brother; he couldn’t worry about anyone else. But after a decade of expecting threats to come from any angle he couldn’t completely ignore them. His instincts insisted that anyone behind him could shoot him, and having been shot in the back more than once he didn’t want to repeat the experience.

  Ceetr came at him again, this time with more finesse, and managed to land a solid punch against his ribs. Xandr grunted and hit back, staying up close to Ceetr so he couldn’t shy back again. They traded blows, surface pains that were more annoying than anything else. Ceetr got a lucky shot on Xandr’s face, striking him right below the eye and splitting his cheek open. Xandr head butted him and watched in satisfaction as blood spilled from his lip.

  More commotion outside, but now that the fight was on it was getting easier to ignore. Ceetr went down and Xandr followed, trying for a hold to get Ceetr to submit, but his brother expected it and managed to wiggle out and jump to his feet. He tried to kick Xandr while he was down, but Xandr was too fast for that and rolled out of the way before springing back up.

  A feminine cry chilled his blood and made him hesitate for half a second, enough for Ceetr to get an arm around his neck and squeeze. Xandr jabbed his fingers into Ceetr’s side and reared back, but Ceetr grabbed the back of his robe before he could get clear and pulled him towards one end of the ring.

  Xandr kicked out and hit the back of his knee, weakening the grip and stepping away.

  It had only taken a minute or two, but Xandr’s heart was laboring and he was ready for the fight to be over. He took no pleasure in beating his brother. “Yield, brother,” he said, practically begging Ceetr to end this farce.

  At a glance they might have looked evenly matched, both bleeding from superficial wounds, both with bloodied knuckles, but Ceetr was covered in sweat, his clothes starting to cling, and from the way he was dragging in air he wouldn’t last much longer. Xandr could feel his own exhaustion barely held at bay, but he could go for a long time more before he had to give up. Ceetr wasn’t built for this, didn’t have battle living in his blood. He was made of cheap tricks and subterfuge.

  So why fight?

  Ceetr stepped back several steps and reached toward the crowd. Xandr followed the movement and saw the moment things turned. Ceetr dragged Andie forward, her hands bound in front of her and a smudge of dirt on her face that might have been hiding a blooming bruise.

  “We’ve caught your crew.” Ceetr smirked. “I have your woman. Yield, Xandr, you have no chance at victory now.”

  “The Duke of Mebion forfeits the match!” called the captain of the prince’s guard, her voice booming around them. “The duke deliberately stepped out of the ring.”

  “What?” Ceetr turned to the Oscavian woman and Andie took her opportunity to shove him away. She cleared the distance and stood by Xandr while half a dozen of the duke’s guards pointed blasters directly at them.

  “He’s lying,” Andie said quickly while Ceetr ranted at the captain. “They just have me. The others are coming.”

  Xandr tugged Andie close, heedless of the guards. He made quick work of the rope tied around her wrists and she was free.

  The crowd around them cleared and the prince strode through. “Your grace, you were informed of the rules.”

  Ceetr opened his mouth to keep protesting, but seemed to realize at the last moment that he didn’t outrank the prince. “I want him charged w
ith theft! And outlawry!”

  Outlawry? Really?

  The prince got close to Ceetr and spoke quietly, probably trying to salvage a bit of Mebion’s pride. But Ceetr was having none of it. He pushed by the prince and got close to Xandr. Xandr did his best to shield Andie from his wrath. “Tell him what you did or I kill them all.”

  The more stringent Ceetr’s threats got, the more Xandr felt secure. Perhaps he shouldn’t have felt that way, but the duke was holding on by a thread and he’d snap at any moment. “I think Captain Nevys can sort this out.” Xandr’s gaze cut over to the prince, who was watching their exchange curiously. “My brother has been using Nevys to smuggle slaves off this planet, your highness. The captain is in attendance tonight.”

  A gasp went up through the gathered nobles, and Xandr was sure some were acting much more surprised than they actually were. Ceetr’s crimes couldn’t have gone unnoticed, and they were so lucrative that he’d certainly tempted people to his cause.

  “I don’t know who you’re—” Ceetr’s protest was cut off by a distant grunt and the sound of shuffling feet.

  “Looks like he was trying to flee,” Taryn said, clearing the crowd and shoving Nevys towards them.

  “Guards!” Ceetr called out. “Stop them!” But the prince held up a hand and the guards were confused by whose orders they should be following. It would take a truly stupid soldier to fire on an imperial prince.

  “I don’t know what they’re talking about,” Nevys sniveled on the ground.

  “I think our friends here can answer some questions.” Behind him Andie let out a tiny whoop of joy as Keana’s voice boomed through the room. “Your highness, I am Lady Keana, daughter of the duke’s steward, and I personally witnessed Captain Nevys escorting slaves off the planet. My crew and I have brought additional witnesses so that you may hear their testimony.”

  The crowd cleared further as Keana and the others stepped forward. He didn’t recognize the two Oscavians and the human with them, so they must have been the witnesses.

  “No!” Mebion cried out. He lunged for the guard and grabbed his blaster out of his hand before rounding on Xandr. “You’re lying. This is all a trick.” He swung his gaze to the prince and the blaster followed with him. “Your highness, he’s the criminal here.”

  Before Xandr could track what was going on he saw his brother crumple to the ground and heard the shot of a blaster. The captain of the prince’s guard surveyed the room coolly. “If you are not under my command, place your weapons on the ground and step away.”

  She and the prince shared a nod before the prince stood up taller, taking on the full mantle of his authority. “We’re going to be sorting this mess out for awhile. See to the guests.”

  THE SUN WAS BEGINNING to peek over the far horizon by the time Andie, Xandr, and the rest of the crew were able to leave the banquet room. At some point Keana had managed to contact Sayevi and Malax and confirm that they still had custody of Nevys’s ship. A fleet of attorneys had descended on the duke, who was still recovering from being shot, but given that he’d threatened the prince and Nevys was talking Andie didn’t think he’d remain the duke much longer.

  The crew had plenty to settle, but they were all exhausted and in various states of injury. Zeesa assigned them all rooms and they agreed to reconvene in the morning. The smarter move would have been to flee, but they were under direct orders from the prince not to leave, and for some reason Xandr was obeying that order.

  They fell into bed, and Andie was asleep before she could even think of starting something up with Xandr. In the blink of an eye she woke and was shocked to see light pouring in through the windows. She’d slept for hours. She reached for Xandr, but his side of the bed was cold and when she strained she could hear the water running in the adjoined bathroom. She grinned as she imagined the water pouring over him, gliding over defined muscles.

  But she didn’t have to imagine it. Andie threw the covers off and stepped into the steamy bathroom, casting her clothes off as she went. The shower was built into a stone alcove that made it look like a natural waterfall, but unlike anything outside, the water here was steamy and comfortable.

  Xandr’s electric blue eyes heated as he watched her step up to him and he reached out, pulling her close and sealing his mouth over hers. Andie melted into the kiss, grabbing onto Xandr’s slick skin and pressing herself up against him like they hadn’t seen each other in months rather than hours. Desire flared to life within her, but she banked the heat of it and took her time enjoying the feel of Xandr’s lips and tongue. For the first time in weeks it felt like they could breathe together. They didn’t know what the final outcome of last night’s disaster would be, but they were together and the crew was safe. Anything else could wait.

  Between the heat of the water and the onslaught of Xandr’s kisses, Andie’s skin heated to burning and she couldn’t get enough of it. She’d stay in the shower for the rest of her life if it meant that she got to keep this man by her side. They’d made it through the crucible that was the planet Mebion, for now they’d bested the duke, and soon enough they’d be flying away to where they could continue their life together, this time with no lies festering between them, nothing waiting to tear them apart.

  Xandr’s hands trailed down and cupped under one of her thighs, picking it up and hooking it around his waist until she could feel the hard press of him against her sex. With his strong hands on her she didn’t worry about slipping, didn’t worry about anything. Xandr wouldn’t let her fall, wouldn’t let her hurt. And with his urging she hooked her other leg around his hip and clung on tight as he pressed her against the wall behind them, never once breaking the kiss.

  His cock nudged at her entrance and she moaned against his lips as he eased himself inside, filling her up until there was no memory of her without him. He took her slowly, their bodies joined together and communicating with no need for words. Andie clung to him, never wanting this moment to end even as she could feel the pleasure growing until it was almost too much to handle.

  Almost. She still needed more.

  They moved together, his cock plundering her as he plunged in and out of her tight heat. She clung to him, tighter and tighter as the pleasure mounted. With a cry she crested, her body rippling around him as waves of pleasure tore through her, and Xandr followed close behind, emptying himself into her with a heavy breath.

  Slowly she lowered her shaky legs to the ground and they slumped against each other, the wall doing most of the work to keep them standing.

  “That’s a good way to wake up,” Andie murmured when she was capable of speech once more.

  “As long as we’re together,” Xandr respond.

  They took their time cleaning up, exchanging slow kisses and soft caresses. They were hidden away from the rest of the galaxy under the warm spray of the water and didn’t mention anything that had happened the night before or what might be coming their way. But after several more minutes Xandr turned the water off and they got out.

  After Andie got dressed she noticed that the communicator on the wall was lit up with a message. She read it and turned to Xandr, the rest of the world suddenly snapping back into place. “Zeesa would like to speak to you. She’s actually standing right outside the door.”

  Xandr took a deep breath and gave a reluctant nod. “Let’s get this over with.”


  XANDR OPENED THE DOOR and his sister in law stepped through. He glanced at Andie and then quickly away. “We have business to attend to. Alone.”

  Xandr wanted to scowl, but he kept his expression neutral. “You can speak in front of her.”

  Andie laid a hand on his shoulder and rose on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “It’s okay. I’m going to find the crew and make sure everything is ready.” She was gone before he could think to stop her.

  Zeesa took a chair without waiting for an invitation and looked at him with a calculating expression. “I don’t think you ever looked at me that way. I’m
not sure anyone has.”

  He waited for her to talk about something relevant. With Ceetr in custody, Xandr guessed that most authority was falling to Zeesa until things could be sorted out. She could make life very difficult for him if she wished.

  “I don’t suppose there is anything I can say to make you stay. Anything I can... offer?”

  The quality of the shower and the softness of the bed were tempting, but Mebion had long since ceased being his home. “We both know that it’s better if I go.”

  She sighed. “I was almost certain you’d say that.” She pulled a small tablet out of the pocket of her robe and offered it to him. “But if you ever return, I don’t want it to be in chains. And to that end, I thought this might tempt you.”

  Xandr looked at the document and then back to her, brows furrowed. “Why? How?”

  Zeesa rolled her eyes. “Because we were friends and you helped me. I will file it no matter what, and you can’t stop me. Adhere to it or not, your choice. As for the how, with your dear brother gone, I’m running things for now. It will take months or more for the courts to sort out what is going on, but Ceetr has no power here anymore. If he is exonerated, well, I’ll have time to prepare.”

  The Oscavian justice system was thorough, but not fast. Xandr didn’t know if his brother would ever know freedom again, but given what he’d been doing for the better part of a decade he couldn’t feel bad about that. But what Zeesa was offering was almost too much to comprehend. “You want to authorize me and my crew to hunt for slavers? Something like this is usually given to a much bigger company.” Xandr couldn’t stop looking at the tablet, reading the thin lines of text that would legitimize his entire life. He wouldn’t need to run from security, wouldn’t need to struggle from job to job finding ones that wouldn’t obliterate what few qualms he had. “What’s the catch?” He handed the tablet back before he could obsess over it any longer.


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