steam, pans on a gas range example, 183–184
stone, gravitational action of earth on, 177–178
straight line, 130
not subject to external forces, 77–78
relative to two different points, 138
properties of, 268
subtraction of tensors, 274
radiation emitted by, 312
rays traveling to (See gravitation)
viewing light through spectroscope, 313
supernova explosions, 127
antisymmetrical extension of a six-vector, 73
antisymmetrical tensors, 59–60
tensors, 59, 275, 371–372, 380
synchronizing clocks, 7, 9
heat phenomena, 393, 394
radiation and, 358, 359–360, 443
rods on marble slab example, 193–194
wires between charged plates, 304
tensors, 272
addition and subtraction, 274
antisymmetrical, 59–60
contraction, 275
covariant fundamental, 62–63
of curvature, 118
defining by co-ordinates, 56, 274
formation by differentiation, 68–71
fundamental (uv) (insert correct symbols, please), 62–66, 275
motion, equations of, 278–279
multiplication, 60–62, 274
new, formation of, 65–66
non-symmetrical, 380
proof, 275–277
Riemann-Christoffel, 75-77
of second and higher ranks, 58–60
symmetrical, 59, 275, 371–372, 380
theorem, 275
transformation, 273–274
vectors, 274
virial theorem, 278
test body, 285–286
theorem of addition of velocities in classical mechanics, 141
theory of the stationary luminiferous ether, 238
thermal energy, conservation of, 393
thermodynamics, 356, 360, 362–363
mechanical interpretation, 414
perpetuum mobile, 364–365
as principle-theory, 397
thinking, meaning of, 341–342
Thomson, J.J., 440
time. See also simultaneity; space-time continuum
absolute, 335, 430
of an event, 363–364
clocks, 204
constant flow of, 263–264
force between two bodies, 287
four-dimensional space, 171–172
Galilei transformation, 172
gravitational fields and, 42–43
idea of in physics, 6, 145–147
length and, relativity of, 7–9
of light in gravitational field, 40–43
motion of a material body, 202
objective, introduction of, 409–410
railroad embankment examples, 145–147
simultaneity of events, 5–7, 386–387
space in pre-relativity physics, 265–282
speed of light, 5, 366–367, 386
stationary system, converting from, 9–14, 363
subjective feeling of, 334
time and space
absent gravitational fields, 187–188
accelerated frames, bending lightbeams, 2
in classical mechanics, 135–136
geometrical behavior, 400
in geometry, 386
Newtonian basis, 437–438
rigid bodies and, 409
defined, 253
light paths, 254
train travel, change and, 300
trajectory, space and time in classical mechanics, 135–136
general theory of relativity, 421, 443
tensors, 273–274
translation, uniform motion, 138–139
transparent bodies, refraction-indices of, 349–350
transverse mass, 29
tube, oscillation of, 318
u-function (insert symbol please) statistical quantum theory, 376–377
ultraviolet photon, 315
unbounded universe, possibility of, 212–215
uniform acceleration, 420
uniform rectilinear and nonrotary motion, 175
uniform rectilinear motion, 185
universal law of physical space, 371–372
universal principle, impossibility of, 362–363
“finite” and “unbounded” possibilities of, 212–215, 255–262
finite nature of, 106
flatness theory, 125, 247–248
Newton’s theory, cosmological difficulties of, 210–211
structure of space, 216–217
variation, Hamilton’s Principle of, 99–100
vectors, 272
Cartesian co-ordinate system, 274
parallel displacement, 381
absolute of a system, 36
addition of, 159–161
β-rays, 168
clocks, 15–16, 158
composition of, 16–18
direction of travel, 140
electrical current, 287
electrons and photons through pinholes, 323–324
kinetic energy
of the body, 166
of a material point of mass, 163–164
law of constancy of, 142
law of constancy of light, 419
of light in gravitational field, 40–43
limiting, 157–158
Lorentz transformation, 153–154
propagation of light, 142–143
ray of light, moving, 8, 11–13
simultaneity and time, 149–150
in tensor equation, 277
theorem of the addition of, 141
violin string, oscillation of, 318–319
virial theorem of tensors, 278
volume scalar, 64
of matter, 316–323
particle versus, 322–323
wave theory, 310
length listed by color, 314–315
of light, 347, 438
standing wave, 318–319
sunlight viewed through spectroscope, 313
weight of a system, 368
conservation of energy, 393
constant controlling, 399
Weyl, Hermann, 117
Wheeler, John Archibald, 2, 247
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, 126, 248
broken, 298
heated between charged plates, 304
surface bound by, induction and, 297
wondering nature, 341–342
X rays
diffraction through crystal, 316, 317
photons comprising, 315
wave lengths, 322
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